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Syoko Suzuki
鈴木 祥子 (すずき しょうこ)
 Submitted by whatkind on Nov 12, 2020 09:27 PM
VariationsShoko Suzuki
BirthdateAug 21, 1965
BirthplaceOta, Tokyo, Japan
Credited works
39 albums in database
5 products in database
41 composer 22 lyricist 16 arranger 10 backing vocals 9 vocals 5 acoustic piano 5 chorus arranger 4 piano 4 performer 4 drums 2 programmer 2 keyboard 2 percussion 2 castanets 2 wurlitzer electric piano 2 hand clapping 2 hammond organ 2 harpsichord 2 snare drum 2 woodwinds arranger 1 producer
No notes available for this artist.
1989 |
04.21 |
Swallow / Shoko Suzuki / Swallow / 鈴木祥子 / Swallow / Shoko Suzuki 10·8H-3098 Vocals |
07.01 |
Shin Captain Tsubasa ORIGINAL ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK / 新キャプテン翼 オリジナル・アニメーション・サウンドトラック / Shin Captain Tsubasa ORIGINAL ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK 22·8H-5103 Composer, Performer |
1991 |
10.25 |
OTOHIME CONNECTION IMAGE SOUNDTRACK-with Love- / 乙姫コネクション・イメージ・サウンドトラック―with Love― / OTOHIME CONNECTION IMAGE SOUNDTRACK-with Love- SRCL-2188 Vocals, Composer |
1993 |
06.25 |
Αφροδιτη / Wink / Αφροδιτη / Wink / Αφροδιτη / Wink PSCR-5016 Composer |
08.01 |
The Heroic Legend of Arslān III • IV Original Soundtrack / アルスラーン戦記III・IV オリジナル・サウンドトラック / The Heroic Legend of Arslān III • IV Original Soundtrack SRCL-2681 Vocals, Composer, Arranger, Producer |
2004 |
03.17 |
Sakuramioka / Local Bus / 桜見丘 / Local Bus / Sakuramioka / Local Bus BVCR-19618 Lyricist |
04.21 |
PopoloCrois ~Tsuki no Okite no Bouken~ Original Soundtrack / ポポロクロイス~月の掟の冒険~ オリジナル・サウンドトラック / PopoloCrois ~Tsuki no Okite no Bouken~ Original Soundtrack BVCR-17031 Lyricist |
06.23 |
PopoloCrois BGM Collection Vol.2 ~Adventure of the Law of the Moon~ / ポポロクロイス BGM集Vol.2 ~月の掟の冒険~ / PopoloCrois BGM Collection Vol.2 ~Adventure of the Law of the Moon~ TOCT-25403 Lyricist |
2005 |
10.26 |
Yuunagi LOOP / Maaya Sakamoto / 夕凪LOOP / 坂本真綾 / Yuunagi LOOP / Maaya Sakamoto VICL-61755 Backing Vocals, Composer, Programmer, Arranger, Keyboard, Piano |
10.26 |
Yuunagi LOOP / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] / 夕凪LOOP / 坂本真綾 [初回限定] / Yuunagi LOOP / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] VIZL-155 Backing Vocals, Composer, Programmer, Arranger, Keyboard, Piano |
12.07 |
Captain Tsubasa Complete Collection / キャプテン翼 コンプリート・コレクション / Captain Tsubasa Complete Collection MHCL-681~4 Composer, Performer |
2006 |
06.14 |
Kazemachi Jet/Spica / Maaya Sakamoto / 風待ちジェット/スピカ / 坂本真綾 / Kazemachi Jet/Spica / Maaya Sakamoto VICL-36059 Chorus Arranger, Composer, Piano |
07.05 |
Tsubasa Chronicle Original Soundtrack - Future Soundscape III / NHKアニメーション「ツバサ・クロニクル」オリジナルサウンドトラック Future Soundscape III / Tsubasa Chronicle Original Soundtrack - Future Soundscape III VICL-61966 Chorus Arranger, Composer, Piano |
12.20 |
Tsubasa Chronicle Best Vocal Collection / NHKアニメーション「ツバサ・クロニクル」ベスト・ボーカル・コレクション / Tsubasa Chronicle Best Vocal Collection VICL-62166 Chorus Arranger, Acoustic Piano, Composer |
2007 |
03.21 |
30minutes night flight / Maaya Sakamoto / 30minutes night flight / 坂本真綾 / 30minutes night flight / Maaya Sakamoto VICL-62300 Composer, Lyricist |
03.21 |
30minutes night flight / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] / 30minutes night flight / 坂本真綾 / 30minutes night flight / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] VIZL-222 Composer, Lyricist |
11.21 |
Saigo no Kajitsu / Maaya Sakamoto / さいごの果実 / 坂本真綾 / Saigo no Kajitsu / Maaya Sakamoto VTCL-35008 Composer |
2009 |
01.14 |
Kazeyomi / Maaya Sakamoto / かぜよみ / 坂本真綾 / Kazeyomi / Maaya Sakamoto VTCL-60085 Composer, Arranger |
2010 |
03.31 |
everywhere / Maaya Sakamoto / everywhere / 坂本真綾 / everywhere / Maaya Sakamoto VTCL-70001~2 Backing Vocals, Acoustic Piano, Composer, Lyricist, Arranger |
03.31 |
everywhere / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] / everywhere / 坂本真綾 [初回限定盤] / everywhere / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] VTZL-15 Backing Vocals, Acoustic Piano, Composer, Lyricist, Arranger |
2011 |
01.12 |
You can't catch me / Maaya Sakamoto / You can't catch me / 坂本真綾 / You can't catch me / Maaya Sakamoto VTCL-60209 Percussion, Backing Vocals, Castanets, Wurlitzer Electric Piano, Hand Clapping, Composer, Hammond Organ, Arranger, Drums |
01.12 |
You can't catch me / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] / You can't catch me / 坂本真綾 / You can't catch me / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] VTZL-22 Percussion, Backing Vocals, Castanets, Wurlitzer Electric Piano, Hand Clapping, Composer, Hammond Organ, Arranger, Drums |
08.03 |
usagi drop Original Soundtrack / うさぎドロップ オリジナルサウンドトラック / usagi drop Original Soundtrack ESCL-3747 Composer |
08.17 |
SWEET DROPS / PUFFY [Limited Edition] / SWEET DROPS / PUFFY [Limited Edition] / SWEET DROPS / PUFFY [Limited Edition] KSCL-1830~1 Composer, Lyricist |
08.17 |
2012 |
11.14 |
Single Collection+ Mitsubachi / Maaya Sakamoto / シングルコレクション+ ミツバチ / 坂本真綾 / Single Collection+ Mitsubachi / Maaya Sakamoto VTCL-70006 Composer |
2014 |
02.05 |
SAVED./Be mine! / Maaya Sakamoto / SAVED./Be mine! / 坂本真綾 / SAVED./Be mine! / Maaya Sakamoto VTCL-35171 Composer, Lyricist |
02.05 |
Be mine!/SAVED. / Maaya Sakamoto / Be mine!/SAVED. / 坂本真綾 / Be mine!/SAVED. / Maaya Sakamoto VTCL-35172 Composer, Lyricist |
02.05 |
SAVED./Be mine! / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] / SAVED./Be mine! / 坂本真綾 / SAVED./Be mine! / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] VTZL-71 Composer, Lyricist |
02.05 |
Be mine!/SAVED. / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] / Be mine!/SAVED. / 坂本真綾 / Be mine!/SAVED. / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] VTZL-72 Composer, Lyricist |
2015 |
04.22 |
MAAYA SAKAMOTO The 20th ANNIVERSARY TRIBUTE ALBUM REQUEST / 坂本真綾 20周年記念トリビュートアルバム REQUEST / Maaya Sakamoto 20-shuunen Kinen Tribute Album REQUEST VTCL-60396 Backing Vocals, Harpsichord, Vocals, Composer*, Arranger, Snare Drum |
04.22 |
MAAYA SAKAMOTO The 20th ANNIVERSARY TRIBUTE ALBUM REQUEST [Limited Edition] / 坂本真綾 20周年記念トリビュートアルバム REQUEST [初回限定盤] / Maaya Sakamoto 20-shuunen Kinen Tribute Album REQUEST [Limited Edition] VTZL-99 Backing Vocals, Harpsichord, Vocals, Composer, Arranger, Snare Drum |
09.30 |
FOLLOW ME UP / Maaya Sakamoto / FOLLOW ME UP / 坂本真綾 / FOLLOW ME UP / Maaya Sakamoto VTCL-60420 Backing Vocals, Chorus Arranger, Woodwinds Arranger, Acoustic Piano, Composer, Lyricist, Drums |
09.30 |
FOLLOW ME UP / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] / FOLLOW ME UP / 坂本真綾 / FOLLOW ME UP / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] VTZL-120 Backing Vocals, Chorus Arranger, Woodwinds Arranger, Acoustic Piano, Composer, Lyricist, Drums |
2018 |
09.12 |
Αφροδιτη / Wink / Αφροδιτη / Wink / Αφροδιτη / Wink PSCR-6267 Composer |
11.07 |
Egao. / Kiyono Yasuno / 笑顔。 / 安野希世乃 / Egao. / Kiyono Yasuno VTCL-60476 Composer, Arranger, Performer, Lyricist |
11.07 |
Egao. / Kiyono Yasuno [Limited Edition] / 笑顔。 / 安野希世乃 / Egao. / Kiyono Yasuno [Limited Edition] VTZL-148 Composer, Arranger, Performer, Lyricist |
2020 |
07.15 |
Single Collection + Achikochi / Maaya Sakamoto / シングルコレクション + アチコチ / 坂本真綾 / Single Collection + Achikochi / Maaya Sakamoto VTCL-60532~3 Composer, Lyricist |
07.15 |
Single Collection + Achikochi / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] / シングルコレクション + アチコチ / 坂本真綾 / Single Collection + Achikochi / Maaya Sakamoto [Limited Edition] VTZL-176 Composer, Lyricist |
Referenced on 3 albums
Jun 10, 2011 01:48 PM
Nov 12, 2020 09:24 PM
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