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Kou Nakamura
中村 航 (なかむら こう)
 Submitted by Illidan on Aug 5, 2016 11:06 PM Image provided by wikipedia.org
BirthdateNov 23, 1969
BirthplaceOgaki, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Credited works
150 albums in database
16 products in database
167 lyricist 3 composer 2 artist producer 2 arranger 2 song producer 2 music producer 1 scenario draft 1 producer
No notes available for this artist.
2015 |
04.18 |
Yes! BanG_Dream! / Yes! BanG_Dream! / Yes! BanG_Dream! BRMM-10014 Lyricist |
10.11 |
Yes! BanG_Dream! / Poppin'Party / Yes! BanG_Dream! / Poppin'Party / Yes! BanG_Dream! / Poppin'Party BRMM-10030 Lyricist |
2016 |
02.24 |
Yes! BanG_Dream! / Poppin'Party / Yes! BanG_Dream! / Poppin'Party / Yes! BanG_Dream! / Poppin'Party BRMM-10031 Lyricist |
02.24 |
Yes! BanG_Dream! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / Yes! BanG_Dream! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / Yes! BanG_Dream! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10032 Lyricist |
08.03 |
STAR BEAT! ~Hoshi no Kodou~ / Poppin'Party / STAR BEAT!〜ホシノコドウ〜 / Poppin'Party / STAR BEAT! ~Hoshi no Kodou~ / Poppin'Party BRMM-10044 Lyricist |
08.03 |
STAR BEAT! ~Hoshi no Kodou~ / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / STAR BEAT!〜ホシノコドウ〜 / Poppin'Party / STAR BEAT! ~Hoshi no Kodou~ / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10045 Lyricist |
12.07 |
Hashirihajimeta bakari no Kimi ni/Teardrops / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / 走り始めたばかりのキミに/ティアドロップス / Poppin'Party / Hashirihajimeta bakari no Kimi ni/Teardrops / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10055 Lyricist |
12.07 |
Hashirihajimeta bakari no Kimi ni/Teardrops / Poppin'Party / 走り始めたばかりのキミに/ティアドロップス / Poppin'Party / Hashirihajimeta bakari no Kimi ni/Teardrops / Poppin'Party BRMM-10056 Lyricist |
2017 |
02.01 |
Tokimeki Experience! / Poppin'Party / ときめきエクスペリエンス! / Poppin'Party / Tokimeki Experience! / Poppin'Party BRMM-10065 Lyricist |
02.15 |
Kirakira dato ka Yume dato ka ~Sing Girls~ / Poppin'Party / キラキラだとか夢だとか ~Sing Girls~ / Poppin'Party / Kirakira dato ka Yume dato ka ~Sing Girls~ / Poppin'Party BRMM-10066 Lyricist |
04.05 |
Dokidoki SING OUT! / Kasumi Toyama (CAST: Aimi) / どきどきSING OUT! / 戸山香澄(CAST:愛美) / Dokidoki SING OUT! / Kasumi Toyama (CAST: Aimi) BRMM-10077 Lyricist |
04.26 |
BanG Dream! Original Soundtrack [Limited Edition] / TVアニメ「BanG Dream!」オリジナル・サウンドトラック / BanG Dream! Original Soundtrack [Limited Edition] BRMM-10078 Lyricist |
04.26 |
BanG Dream! Original Soundtrack / TVアニメ「BanG Dream!」オリジナル・サウンドトラック / BanG Dream! Original Soundtrack BRMM-10079 Lyricist |
05.10 |
Mae e Susume!/Yumemiru Sunflower / Poppin'Party / 前へススメ!/夢みるSunflower / Poppin'Party / Mae e Susume!/Yumemiru Sunflower / Poppin'Party BRMM-10084 Lyricist |
06.21 |
Hanazono Denki Guitar!!! / Tae Hanazono (CAST: Sae Otsuka) / 花園電気ギター!!! / 花園たえ(CAST:大塚紗英) / Hanazono Denki Guitar!!! / Tae Hanazono (CAST: Sae Otsuka) BRMM-10080 Lyricist |
06.21 |
Chocolate no Teion Recipe / Rimi Ushigome (CAST: Rimi Nishimoto) / チョコレイトの低音レシピ / 牛込りみ(CAST:西本りみ) / Chocolate no Teion Recipe / Rimi Ushigome (CAST: Rimi Nishimoto) BRMM-10081 Lyricist |
07.26 |
Tooi Ongaku ~HEART BEAT~ / Sāya Yamabuki (CAST: Ayaka Ohashi) / 遠い音楽 〜ハートビート〜 / 山吹沙綾(CAST:大橋彩香) / Tooi Ongaku ~HEART BEAT~ / Sāya Yamabuki (CAST: Ayaka Ohashi) BRMM-10082 Lyricist |
07.26 |
Su-Suki Nanka ja Nai! / Arisa Ichigaya (CAST: Ayasa Ito) / す、好きなんかじゃない! / 市ヶ谷有咲(CAST:伊藤彩沙) / Su-Suki Nanka ja Nai! / Arisa Ichigaya (CAST: Ayasa Ito) BRMM-10083 Lyricist |
09.20 |
Time Lapse / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / Time Lapse / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / Time Lapse / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10095 Lyricist |
09.20 |
Time Lapse / Poppin'Party / Time Lapse / Poppin'Party / Time Lapse / Poppin'Party BRMM-10096 Lyricist |
11.22 |
Mae e Susume! Original CD ~Kasumi Toyama Solo Ver.~ / 前へススメ! オリジナルCD 〜戸山香澄ソロVer.〜 / Mae e Susume! Original CD ~Kasumi Toyama Solo Ver.~ TGCS-10387 Lyricist |
11.22 |
Mae e Susume! Original CD ~Tae Hanazono Solo Ver.~ / 前へススメ! オリジナルCD 〜花園たえソロVer.〜 / Mae e Susume! Original CD ~Tae Hanazono Solo Ver.~ TGCS-10388 Lyricist |
11.22 |
Mae e Susume! Original CD ~Rimi Ushigome Solo Ver.~ / 前へススメ! オリジナルCD 〜牛込りみソロVer.〜 / Mae e Susume! Original CD ~Rimi Ushigome Solo Ver.~ TGCS-10389 Lyricist |
11.22 |
Mae e Susume! Original CD ~Sāya Yamabuki Solo Ver.~ / 前へススメ! オリジナルCD 〜山吹沙綾ソロVer.〜 / Mae e Susume! Original CD ~Sāya Yamabuki Solo Ver.~ TGCS-10390 Lyricist |
11.22 |
Mae e Susume! Original CD ~Arisa Ichigaya Solo Ver.~ / 前へススメ! オリジナルCD 〜市ヶ谷有咲ソロVer.〜 / Mae e Susume! Original CD ~Arisa Ichigaya Solo Ver.~ TGCS-10391 Lyricist |
12.13 |
Christmas no Uta / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / クリスマスのうた / Poppin'Party / Christmas no Uta / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10100 Lyricist |
12.13 |
Christmas no Uta / Poppin'Party / クリスマスのうた / Poppin'Party / Christmas no Uta / Poppin'Party BRMM-10101 Lyricist |
2018 |
03.21 |
CiRCLING / Poppin'Party / CiRCLING / Poppin'Party / CiRCLING / Poppin'Party BRMM-10110 Lyricist |
07.11 |
Double Rainbow/Saa Ikou! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / 二重の虹/最高! / Poppin'Party / Double Rainbow/Saa Ikou! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10125 Scenario Draft, Lyricist |
07.11 |
Double Rainbow/Saa Ikou! / Poppin'Party / 二重の虹/最高! / Poppin'Party / Double Rainbow/Saa Ikou! / Poppin'Party BRMM-10126 Lyricist |
07.29 |
Steady Goes! / Argonavis / Steady Goes! / Argonavis / Steady Goes! / Argonavis N/A Lyricist |
09.02 |
KIZUNA MUSIC♪ (short ver.)/BRAVE JEWEL (short ver.)/R·I·O·T (short ver.) / キズナミュージック♪ (short ver.)/BRAVE JEWEL (short ver.)/R・I・O・T (short ver.) / KIZUNA MUSIC♪ (short ver.)/BRAVE JEWEL (short ver.)/R·I·O·T (short ver.) BRMM-10146 Lyricist |
09.15 |
Steady Goes! / Argonavis / Steady Goes! / Argonavis / Steady Goes! / Argonavis N/A Lyricist |
10.03 |
Girls Code / Poppin'Party / ガールズコード / Poppin'Party / Girls Code / Poppin'Party BRMM-10135 Lyricist |
12.12 |
KIZUNA MUSIC♪ / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / キズナミュージック♪ / Poppin'Party / KIZUNA MUSIC♪ / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10140 Lyricist |
12.12 |
KIZUNA MUSIC♪ / Poppin'Party / キズナミュージック♪ / Poppin'Party / KIZUNA MUSIC♪ / Poppin'Party BRMM-10141 Lyricist |
2019 |
01.30 |
Poppin'on! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / Poppin'on! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / Poppin'on! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10170 Lyricist |
01.30 |
Poppin'on! / Poppin'Party / Poppin'on! / Poppin'Party / Poppin'on! / Poppin'Party BRMM-10171 Lyricist |
02.20 |
Jumpin' / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / Jumpin' / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / Jumpin' / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10158 Lyricist |
02.20 |
Jumpin' / Poppin'Party / Jumpin' / Poppin'Party / Jumpin' / Poppin'Party BRMM-10159 Lyricist |
02.20 |
Goal Line / Argonavis [Limited Edition] / ゴールライン / Argonavis [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / Goal Line / Argonavis [Limited Edition] BRMM-10178 Lyricist |
02.20 |
Goal Line / Argonavis / ゴールライン / Argonavis / Goal Line / Argonavis BRMM-10179 Lyricist |
02.20 |
Ryuuseiu Acoustic ver. / Argonavis / 流星雨 Acoustic ver. / Argonavis / Ryuuseiu Acoustic ver. / Argonavis BRMM-10185 Lyricist |
04.19 |
NO GIRL NO CRY / Poppin'Party / NO GIRL NO CRY / Poppin'Party / NO GIRL NO CRY / Poppin'Party N/A Lyricist |
04.19 |
05.15 |
Dreamers Go!/Returns / Poppin'Party / Dreamers Go!/Returns / Poppin'Party / Dreamers Go!/Returns / Poppin'Party BRMM-10191 Lyricist |
07.31 |
NO GIRL NO CRY / Poppin'Party×SILENT SIREN / NO GIRL NO CRY / Poppin'Party×SILENT SIREN / NO GIRL NO CRY / Poppin'Party×SILENT SIREN BRMM-10205 Lyricist |
08.21 |
STARTING OVER/Gift / Argonavis [Limited Edition] / STARTING OVER/ギフト / Argonavis [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / STARTING OVER/Gift / Argonavis [Limited Edition] BRMM-10206 Lyricist |
08.21 |
STARTING OVER/Gift / Argonavis / STARTING OVER/ギフト / Argonavis / STARTING OVER/Gift / Argonavis BRMM-10207 Lyricist |
09.25 |
BanG Dream! FILM LIVE Insert Song Collection / 「BanG Dream! FILM LIVE」劇中歌コレクション / BanG Dream! FILM LIVE Insert Song Collection BRMM-10210 Lyricist |
11.01 |
Initial ~short ver.~ / Poppin'Party / イニシャル 〜short ver.〜 / Poppin'Party / Initial ~short ver.~ / Poppin'Party BRMM-10248 Lyricist |
11.09 |
ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream! AGF 2019 Limited CD / ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream! AGF 2019 限定 CD / ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream! AGF 2019 Limited CD BRMM-10249 Lyricist |
12.09 |
White Afternoon / Poppin'Party / White Afternoon / Poppin'Party / White Afternoon / Poppin'Party N/A Lyricist |
2020 |
01.08 |
Initial/Yume wo Uchinuku Shunkan ni! / Poppin'Party [Special Edition] / イニシャル/夢を撃ち抜く瞬間に! / Poppin'Party [Special Edition] / Initial/Yume wo Uchinuku Shunkan ni! / Poppin'Party [Special Edition] N/A Lyricist |
01.08 |
'>Initial/Yume wo Uchinuku Shunkan ni! / Poppin'Party <Kirakira Ver.> / イニシャル/夢を撃ち抜く瞬間に! / Poppin'Party <キラキラVer.> / Initial/Yume wo Uchinuku Shunkan ni! / Poppin'Party <Kirakira Ver.> BRMM-10223 Lyricist |
01.08 |
'>Initial/Yume wo Uchinuku Shunkan ni! / Poppin'Party <Dokidoki Ver.> / イニシャル/夢を撃ち抜く瞬間に! / Poppin'Party <ドキドキVer.> / Initial/Yume wo Uchinuku Shunkan ni! / Poppin'Party <Dokidoki Ver.> BRMM-10225 Lyricist |
01.15 |
VOICE/MANIFESTO / Argonavis×GYROAXIA [Limited Edition] / VOICE/MANIFESTO / Argonavis×GYROAXIA [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / VOICE/MANIFESTO / Argonavis×GYROAXIA [Limited Edition] BRMM-10250 Lyricist |
01.15 |
01.29 |
D4DJ Departure Disc: Dig Delight! [VERSION A] / D4DJ Departure Disc: Dig Delight! [VERSION A] / D4DJ Departure Disc: Dig Delight! [VERSION A] BRMM-10220 Lyricist |
01.29 |
D4DJ Departure Disc: Dig Delight! [VERSION B] / D4DJ Departure Disc: Dig Delight! [VERSION B] / D4DJ Departure Disc: Dig Delight! [VERSION B] BRMM-10221 Lyricist |
01.29 |
D4DJ 2nd LIVE -Day Party- / Happy Around! / D4DJ 2nd LIVE -Day Party- / Happy Around! / D4DJ 2nd LIVE -Day Party- / Happy Around! BRMM-10234 Lyricist |
02.28 |
Nakana iNa kanai / Tae Hanazono × LAYER / ナカナ イナ カナイ / 花園たえ×レイヤ / Nakana iNa kanai / Tae Hanazono × LAYER BRMM-10256 Lyricist |
03.28 |
Dig Delight!/Direct Drive! SPECIAL EDITION / Dig Delight!/Direct Drive! SPECIAL EDITION / Dig Delight!/Direct Drive! SPECIAL EDITION BRDM-10126 Lyricist |
04.08 |
BanG Dream! 2nd & 3rd Season Original Soundtrack / アニメ「BanG Dream! 2nd&3rd Season」オリジナル・サウンドトラック / BanG Dream! 2nd & 3rd Season Original Soundtrack BRMM-10245 Lyricist |
04.22 |
Direct Drive! / Direct Drive! / Direct Drive! BRMM-10261 Lyricist |
04.29 |
Hoshi ga Hajimaru / Argonavis [Limited Edition] / 星がはじまる / Argonavis [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / Hoshi ga Hajimaru / Argonavis [Limited Edition] BRMM-10259 Lyricist |
04.29 |
Hoshi ga Hajimaru / Argonavis / 星がはじまる / Argonavis / Hoshi ga Hajimaru / Argonavis BRMM-10260 Lyricist |
05.13 |
Steady Goes! Primitive Ver. / Argonavis / Steady Goes! Primitive Ver. / Argonavis / Steady Goes! Primitive Ver. / Argonavis N/A Lyricist |
06.15 |
STARTING OVER feat. Nayuta Asahi from GYROAXIA / Argonavis feat. Nayuta Asahi from GYROAXIA / STARTING OVER feat. 旭 那由多 from GYROAXIA / Argonavis feat. 旭 那由多 from GYROAXIA / STARTING OVER feat. Nayuta Asahi from GYROAXIA / Argonavis feat. Nayuta Asahi from GYROAXIA BRMM-10288 Lyricist |
06.24 |
Breakthrough! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / Breakthrough! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / Breakthrough! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10253 Lyricist |
06.24 |
Breakthrough! / Poppin'Party / Breakthrough! / Poppin'Party / Breakthrough! / Poppin'Party BRMM-10254 Lyricist |
06.24 |
Cosmic CoaSTAR / Cosmic CoaSTAR / Cosmic CoaSTAR BRMM-10262 Artist Producer, Lyricist |
08.12 |
Starry Line / Argonavis [Limited Edition] / Starry Line / Argonavis [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / Starry Line / Argonavis [Limited Edition] BRMM-10286 Lyricist |
08.12 |
Starry Line / Argonavis / Starry Line / Argonavis / Starry Line / Argonavis BRMM-10287 Lyricist |
08.12 |
ARGONAVIS Special Disc Ren Nanahoshi (Argonavis) ver. / ARGONAVIS Special Disc 七星 蓮(Argonavis) ver. / ARGONAVIS Special Disc Ren Nanahoshi (Argonavis) ver. BRMM-10289 Lyricist |
08.19 |
Yume wo Uchinuku Shunkan ni! (3rd Season #13 Full Ver.) / Poppin'Party×Roselia×RAISE A SUILEN / 夢を撃ち抜く瞬間に! (3rd Season #13 Full Ver.) / Poppin'Party×Roselia×RAISE A SUILEN / Yume wo Uchinuku Shunkan ni! (3rd Season #13 Full Ver.) / Poppin'Party×Roselia×RAISE A SUILEN BRMM-10279 Lyricist |
11.04 |
Happy Music♪ / Happy Around! [Limited Edition] / Happy Music♪ / Happy Around! [Limited Edition] / Happy Music♪ / Happy Around! [Limited Edition] BRMM-10298 Lyricist |
11.04 |
Happy Music♪ / Happy Around! / Happy Music♪ / Happy Around! / Happy Music♪ / Happy Around! BRMM-10299 Lyricist |
12.08 |
Hey! Argonavis / Argonavis / Hey! Argonavis / Argonavis / Hey! Argonavis / Argonavis BRMM-10340 Composer, Lyricist |
12.09 |
ARGONAVIS Sound Only Live "Destiny Rock festival" Argonavis ver. / ARGONAVIS Sound Only Live「Destiny Rock festival」 Argonavis ver. / ARGONAVIS Sound Only Live "Destiny Rock festival" Argonavis ver. BRMM-10318 Lyricist |
12.16 |
Wagahai yo Neko de Are / Lyrical Lily [Limited Edition] / 吾輩よ猫であれ / Lyrical Lily / Wagahai yo Neko de Are / Lyrical Lily [Limited Edition] BRMM-10304 Lyricist |
12.16 |
Wagahai yo Neko de Are / Lyrical Lily / 吾輩よ猫であれ / Lyrical Lily / Wagahai yo Neko de Are / Lyrical Lily BRMM-10305 Lyricist |
2021 |
01.05 |
Star Five yori Ai wo Komete / Argonavis / 超夢宙閃隊〈スターファイブ〉より愛を込めて / Argonavis / Star Five yori Ai wo Komete / Argonavis BRMM-10382 Lyricist |
01.06 |
Photograph / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / Photograph / Poppin'Party [生産限定盤] / Photograph / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10324 Lyricist |
01.06 |
Photograph / Poppin'Party / Photograph / Poppin'Party / Photograph / Poppin'Party BRMM-10325 Lyricist |
02.03 |
AAside [Limited Edition] / AAside [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / AAside [Limited Edition] BRMM-10370 Lyricist |
02.03 |
AAside / AAside / AAside BRMM-10371 Lyricist |
02.24 |
Guruguru DJ TURN!! / Happy Around! / ぐるぐるDJ TURN!! / Happy Around! / Guruguru DJ TURN!! / Happy Around! BRMM-10354 Lyricist |
03.14 |
Dachi Friend / Fujin RIZING! / ダチフレンド / 風神RIZING! / Dachi Friend / Fujin RIZING! BRMM-10400 Lyricist |
05.26 |
JUNCTION/Y / Argonavis [Limited Edition] / JUNCTION/Y / Argonavis [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / JUNCTION/Y / Argonavis [Limited Edition] BRMM-10411 Lyricist |
05.26 |
JUNCTION/Y / Argonavis [Regular Edition Atype -Character Jacket-] / JUNCTION/Y / Argonavis [通常盤Atype-Character Jacket-] / JUNCTION/Y / Argonavis [Regular Edition Atype -Character Jacket-] BRMM-10412 Lyricist |
05.26 |
Ai no Uta Acoustic ver. / Argonavis / 逢のうた Acoustic ver. / Argonavis / Ai no Uta Acoustic ver. / Argonavis BRMM-10421 Lyricist |
05.26 |
Goal Line Acoustic ver. / Argonavis / ゴールライン Acoustic ver. / Argonavis / Goal Line Acoustic ver. / Argonavis BRMM-10423 Lyricist |
07.14 |
Kanousei/Stand by me!! / Argonavis / 可能性/Stand by me!! / Argonavis / Kanousei/Stand by me!! / Argonavis BRMM-10427 Lyricist |
07.14 |
Run Gun Run/Yumemiru Boy Mamoru Tame / Fujin RIZING! / ランガンラン/夢見るBoy守るため / 風神RIZING! / Run Gun Run/Yumemiru Boy Mamoru Tame / Fujin RIZING! BRMM-10433 Lyricist |
08.18 |
Petit Prince / Lyrical Lily [Limited Edition] / プティプランス / Lyrical Lily [生産限定盤] / Petit Prince / Lyrical Lily [Limited Edition] BRMM-10367 Lyricist |
08.18 |
Petit Prince / Lyrical Lily / プティプランス / Lyrical Lily / Petit Prince / Lyrical Lily BRMM-10368 Lyricist |
08.18 |
Live Beyond!! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / Live Beyond!! / Poppin'Party [生産限定盤] / Live Beyond!! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10424 Lyricist |
08.18 |
Live Beyond!! / Poppin'Party / Live Beyond!! / Poppin'Party / Live Beyond!! / Poppin'Party BRMM-10425 Lyricist |
08.25 |
BanG Dream! FILM LIVE 2nd Stage Special Songs / 劇場版「BanG Dream! FILM LIVE 2nd Stage」Special Songs / BanG Dream! FILM LIVE 2nd Stage Special Songs BRMM-10410 Lyricist |
11.17 |
Kitto Bokura wa/Hibana Chiru / Argonavis/GYROAXIA [Limited Edition Atype (GYROAXIA ver.)] / きっと僕らは/火花散ル / Argonavis/GYROAXIA [Blu-ray付生産限定盤Atype(GYROAXIA ver.)] / Kitto Bokura wa/Hibana Chiru / Argonavis/GYROAXIA [Limited Edition Atype (GYROAXIA ver.)] BRMM-10465 Lyricist |
11.17 |
Kitto Bokura wa/Hibana Chiru / Argonavis/GYROAXIA [Limited Edition Btype (Argonavis ver.)] / きっと僕らは/火花散ル / Argonavis/GYROAXIA [Blu-ray付生産限定盤Btype(Argonavis ver.)] / Kitto Bokura wa/Hibana Chiru / Argonavis/GYROAXIA [Limited Edition Btype (Argonavis ver.)] BRMM-10466 Lyricist |
11.17 |
Kitto Bokura wa/Hibana Chiru / Argonavis/GYROAXIA / きっと僕らは/火花散ル / Argonavis/GYROAXIA / Kitto Bokura wa/Hibana Chiru / Argonavis/GYROAXIA BRMM-10467 Lyricist |
11.24 |
Bouken'ou! / Lyrical Lily [Limited Edition] / 冒険王! / Lyrical Lily [生産限定盤] / Bouken'ou! / Lyrical Lily [Limited Edition] BRMM-10450 Lyricist |
11.24 |
Bouken'ou! / Lyrical Lily / 冒険王! / Lyrical Lily / Bouken'ou! / Lyrical Lily BRMM-10451 Lyricist |
11.24 |
Petit Mix Party Night! / D4DJ ALL STARS [A Ver.] / ぷっちみくパーチナィ! / D4DJ ALL STARS [A Ver.] / Petit Mix Party Night! / D4DJ ALL STARS [A Ver.] BRMM-10484 Lyricist |
11.24 |
Petit Mix Party Night! / D4DJ ALL STARS [B Ver.] / ぷっちみくパーチナィ! / D4DJ ALL STARS [B Ver.] / Petit Mix Party Night! / D4DJ ALL STARS [B Ver.] BRMM-10485 Lyricist |
11.24 |
Petit Mix Party Night! / D4DJ ALL STARS [C Ver.] / ぷっちみくパーチナィ! / D4DJ ALL STARS [C Ver.] / Petit Mix Party Night! / D4DJ ALL STARS [C Ver.] BRMM-10486 Lyricist |
2022 |
01.05 |
Poppin'Dream! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / ぽっぴん'どりーむ! / Poppin'Party [生産限定盤] / Poppin'Dream! / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10489 Lyricist |
01.05 |
Poppin'Dream! / Poppin'Party / ぽっぴん'どりーむ! / Poppin'Party / Poppin'Dream! / Poppin'Party BRMM-10490 Lyricist |
01.05 |
D4DJ D4 FES. -Be Happy- REMIX Live Video -Michiru Kaibara & Happy Around! + ALL CAST- / D4DJ D4 FES. -Be Happy- REMIX ライブ映像 -海原ミチル&Happy Around!・ALL CAST- / D4DJ D4 FES. -Be Happy- REMIX Live Video -Michiru Kaibara & Happy Around! + ALL CAST- BRMM-10509 Lyricist |
03.02 |
Fuurai Shutsujinka! / Fujin RIZING! / フウライ出陣歌! / 風神RIZING! / Fuurai Shutsujinka! / Fujin RIZING! ARDM-10002 Lyricist |
03.09 |
As Is Aru ga Mama de / Argonavis / As Is あるがままで / Argonavis / As Is Aru ga Mama de / Argonavis ARDM-10004 Lyricist |
03.09 |
03.16 |
BanG Dream! Dreamer's Best [Limited Edition] / BanG Dream! Dreamer's Best [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / BanG Dream! Dreamer's Best [Limited Edition] BRMM-10512 Lyricist |
03.16 |
BanG Dream! Dreamer's Best / BanG Dream! Dreamer's Best / BanG Dream! Dreamer's Best BRMM-10513 Lyricist |
03.23 |
/ Argonavis feat. Haruka Nijo from εpsilonΦ'>Gin no Shinsei <SILVER NOVA> / Argonavis feat. Haruka Nijo from εpsilonΦ / 銀の新星<SILVER NOVA> / Argonavis feat. 二条遥 from εpsilonΦ / Gin no Shinsei <SILVER NOVA> / Argonavis feat. Haruka Nijo from εpsilonΦ ARDM-10008 Lyricist |
03.23 |
Furareta Otoko no Love Letter / Fujin RIZING! / フラれた男のラブレター / 風神RIZING! / Furareta Otoko no Love Letter / Fujin RIZING! ARDM-10009 Lyricist |
03.30 |
Natsu no BURRRRN!!! / Argonavis / 夏のBURRRRN!!! / Argonavis / Natsu no BURRRRN!!! / Argonavis ARDM-10010 Lyricist |
03.30 |
G-senjou ni Y!? / Fujin RIZING! / G線上にY!? / 風神RIZING! / G-senjou ni Y!? / Fujin RIZING! ARDM-10011 Lyricist |
05.25 |
CYAN / Argonavis [Limited Edition] / CYAN / Argonavis [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / CYAN / Argonavis [Limited Edition] ARCA-10001 Lyricist |
05.25 |
CYAN / Argonavis [Regular Edition Atype -Character Jacket-] / CYAN / Argonavis [通常盤Atype -Character Jacket-] / CYAN / Argonavis [Regular Edition Atype -Character Jacket-] ARCA-10002 Lyricist |
06.29 |
Lyrical Anthology / Lyrical Lily [A ver.] / Lyrical Anthology / Lyrical Lily [A ver.] / Lyrical Anthology / Lyrical Lily [A ver.] BRMM-10525 Composer, Lyricist, Arranger, Song Producer |
06.29 |
Lyrical Anthology / Lyrical Lily [B ver.] / Lyrical Anthology / Lyrical Lily [B ver.] / Lyrical Anthology / Lyrical Lily [B ver.] BRMM-10526 Composer, Lyricist, Arranger, Song Producer |
07.20 |
HAPIARA★HAPIARE★HAPIARARE / Happy Around! [A ver.] / はぴあら★はぴあれ★はぴあられ / Happy Around! [A ver.] / HAPIARA★HAPIARE★HAPIARARE / Happy Around! [A ver.] BRMM-10527 Lyricist |
07.20 |
HAPIARA★HAPIARE★HAPIARARE / Happy Around! [B ver.] / はぴあら★はぴあれ★はぴあられ / Happy Around! [B ver.] / HAPIARA★HAPIARE★HAPIARARE / Happy Around! [B ver.] BRMM-10528 Lyricist |
08.31 |
Natsu ni Tojikomete / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / 夏に閉じこめて / Poppin'Party [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / Natsu ni Tojikomete / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10563 Lyricist |
08.31 |
Natsu ni Tojikomete / Poppin'Party / 夏に閉じこめて / Poppin'Party / Natsu ni Tojikomete / Poppin'Party BRMM-10564 Lyricist |
09.14 |
Peace! / Fujin RIZING! [Limited Edition] / ピース! / 風神RIZING! [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / Peace! / Fujin RIZING! [Limited Edition] ARCA-10006 Lyricist |
09.14 |
Peace! / Fujin RIZING! / ピース! / 風神RIZING! / Peace! / Fujin RIZING! ARCA-10007 Lyricist |
2023 |
02.15 |
Maihime / Lyrical Lily / Maihime / Lyrical Lily / Maihime / Lyrical Lily BRMM-10602 Artist Producer, Lyricist |
02.28 |
BanG Dream! AI Singing Synthesizer: Yume no Kessho No.01 POPY Bonus CD / BanG Dream! AI Singing Synthesizer 夢ノ結唱 No.01 POPY 特典CD / BanG Dream! AI Singing Synthesizer: Yume no Kessho No.01 POPY Bonus CD N/A Lyricist |
02.28 |
BanG Dream! AI Singing Synthesizer: Yume no Kessho No.02 ROSE Bonus CD / BanG Dream! AI Singing Synthesizer 夢ノ結唱 No.02 ROSE 特典CD / BanG Dream! AI Singing Synthesizer: Yume no Kessho No.02 ROSE Bonus CD N/A Lyricist |
05.31 |
Seishun To Be Continued / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / 青春 To Be Continued / Poppin'Party [生産限定盤] / Seishun To Be Continued / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10639 Lyricist |
05.31 |
Seishun To Be Continued / Poppin'Party / 青春 To Be Continued / Poppin'Party / Seishun To Be Continued / Poppin'Party BRMM-10640 Lyricist |
06.14 |
Circus e Youkoso / Lyrical Lily / サーカスへようこそ / Lyrical Lily / Circus e Youkoso / Lyrical Lily BRMM-10609 Lyricist |
10.04 |
Big de Bang na Around! / Happy Around! [Limited Edition] / ビッグでバンなアラウンド!/ Happy Around! [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / Big de Bang na Around! / Happy Around! [Limited Edition] BRMM-10712 Lyricist |
10.04 |
Big de Bang na Around! / Happy Around! / ビッグでバンなアラウンド!/ Happy Around! / Big de Bang na Around! / Happy Around! BRMM-10713 Lyricist |
10.04 |
Hello World / Lyrical Lily [Limited Edition] / Hello World / Lyrical Lily [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / Hello World / Lyrical Lily [Limited Edition] BRMM-10714 Lyricist |
10.04 |
Hello World / Lyrical Lily / Hello World / Lyrical Lily / Hello World / Lyrical Lily BRMM-10715 Lyricist |
12.20 |
D4DJ EXCLUSIVE TRACKS [Limited Edition] / D4DJ EXCLUSIVE TRACKS [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / D4DJ EXCLUSIVE TRACKS [Limited Edition] BRMM-10747 Lyricist |
12.20 |
2024 |
01.10 |
Manatsu no Asa no Yume / Lyrical Lily [Limited Edition] / 真夏の朝の夢 / Lyrical Lily [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / Manatsu no Asa no Yume / Lyrical Lily [Limited Edition] BRMM-10761 Lyricist |
01.10 |
Manatsu no Asa no Yume / Lyrical Lily / 真夏の朝の夢 / Lyrical Lily / Manatsu no Asa no Yume / Lyrical Lily BRMM-10762 Lyricist |
01.24 |
Atarashii Kisetsu ni / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / 新しい季節に / Poppin'Party [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / Atarashii Kisetsu ni / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10759 Lyricist |
01.24 |
Atarashii Kisetsu ni / Poppin'Party / 新しい季節に / Poppin'Party / Atarashii Kisetsu ni / Poppin'Party BRMM-10760 Lyricist |
02.25 |
Metamorphose / Merm4idxLyrical Lily / メタモルフォーゼ / Merm4id×Lyrical Lily / Metamorphose / Merm4idxLyrical Lily BRDM-10374 Lyricist, Producer |
05.22 |
07.17 |
TARINAI/Tremolo Eyes / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] / TARINAI/トレモロアイズ / Poppin'Party [Blu-ray付生産限定盤] / TARINAI/Tremolo Eyes / Poppin'Party [Limited Edition] BRMM-10801 Lyricist |
07.17 |
TARINAI/Tremolo Eyes / Poppin'Party / TARINAI/トレモロアイズ / Poppin'Party / TARINAI/Tremolo Eyes / Poppin'Party BRMM-10802 Lyricist |
Referenced on 2 albums
Aug 5, 2016 11:05 PM
Aug 5, 2016 11:05 PM
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