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Disc 1 [SQEX-00627]
01 from SQUARE ENIX JAZZ -FINAL FANTASY- - due November 2017
Composed by Masashi Hamauzu / Arranged by Eijiro Nakagawa 02 from FINAL FANTASY XV Original Soundtrack Plus (temporary title) - due 2018 Composed by Nobuo Uematsu / Arranged by Yoko Shimomura 03 from Romancing SaGa Battle Arrange Album (temporary title) - due 2018 Composed & arranged by Kenji Ito 04 from Seiken Densetsu 25th Anniversary Concert Album (temporary title) - due 2018 Composed by Yoko Shimomura / Arranged by Natsumi Kameoka 05 from SINoALICE Composed & arranged by Keiichi Okabe (MONACA) 06 from VenusRumble Composed by Hidenori Iwasaki 07 from Mobius Final Fantasy Composed by Mitsuto Suzuki / Arranged by Mitsuto Suzuki & Naoyuki Honzawa 08 from Final Fantasy Explorers Force Composed & arranged by Tsuyoshi Sekito 09 from Lost Sphear Composed by Tomoki Miyoshi 10 from THE FAR EDGE OF FATE: FINAL FANTASY XIV Original Soundtrack Composed & arranged by Masayoshi Soken / Lyrics by Michael-Christopher Koji Fox 11 from DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY -Arcade-Original Soundtrack vol.2 Composed & arranged by Takeharu Ishimoto 12 from Schoolgirl Strikers 3rd Anniversary Album Composed & arranged by Mitsuto Suzuki 13 from FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper Original Soundtrack vol.2 Composed by the Nanaa Mihgo's |
Album StatsGame FINAL FANTASY XIII FINAL FANTASY XV Romancing SaGa 3 Legend of Mana SINoALICE VenusRumble MOBIUS FINAL FANTASY Final Fantasy Explorers Force LOST SPHEAR FINAL FANTASY XIV DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY -Arcade- FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper Schoolgirl Strikers Apple iOS, Arcade, Google Android, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, SNES (Super Famicom), Sony PlayStation, Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation 4 WebsitesRelated Albums
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