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Catalog Number MTK2-KM-001
Release Date Dec 30, 2001 C61
Publish Format Doujin/Indie
Release Price 500 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Arrangement
PublisherMTK2 / /


Original Composer / Koji Kondo / *, Takahito Abe / *, Yasuhiro Kawasaki / *, Yoko Kanno / *, Keiichi Suzuki / *, Hiromi / *
All Songs Arranged by / Makinosuke Kubota / (MTK2)
Piano Performed by / Makinosuke Kubota / (MTK2)
Recording Engineer / Y-K
Recording Studio / S-UNIV. Studio
Mastering Engineer / mobius (MTK2/WaterMoon)
Mastering Studio / Powers NISHIDA std.
All Sound Produced by / MTK2
Executive Producer / mobius (MTK2/WaterMoon)
Producer / Makinosuke Kubota / (MTK2)
Director / mobius (MTK2/WaterMoon)
Design / 御堂智 (WaterMoon)
Art Coordinator / WaterMoon
Liner Notes / mobius (MTK2/WaterMoon)

Disc 1

01 ディスクシステムのテーマ (ディスクシステム (FCD) 1:33
02 オープニング (ソーサリアン (All PC) 2:43
03 トラベラーズ・イン (ソーサリアン (All PC) 4:47
04 第3章のテーマ (新・鬼が島 (FCD) 5:19
05 メインテーマ (新・鬼が島 (FCD) 3:09
06 ステージ曲 (レインボーアイランド (AC) 2:45
07 冒険への序曲 (Ys3 (All PC) 3:49
08 エバーグリーン (悪魔城伝説 (FC) 1:40
09 Templo del sol (太陽の神殿 (All PC) 2:53
10 Cerote (太陽の神殿 (All PC) 2:29
11 マップ移動曲 (ガイア幻想紀 (SFC) 3:32
12 プレ・ストーリー (大航海時代 (All PC,FC) 3:28
13 I Believe in You (MOTHER (FC) 4:53
14 記憶~メインテーマ (ファミコン探偵倶楽部~消えた後継者 (FCD) 9:09
Disc length 52:09


The first sale was at Comic Market 61.

Track origins:

  M-02,03 - from "Sorcerian" (Composed by Yuzo Koshiro / Mieko Ishikawa / Reiko Takebayasi / Hideaki Nagata)
  M-04,05 - from "Shin Onigashima" (Composed by Koji Kondo)
       M-06 - from "Rainbow Islands: THE STORY OF BUBBLE BOBBLE 2" (Composed by Shizuo Aizawa / Hisayoshi Ogura)
       M-07 - from "Ys 3" (Composed by Mieko Ishikawa)
       M-08 - from "Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse" (Composed by Hidenori Maezawa / Jun Funahashi / Yukie Morimoto)
  M-09,10 - from "Asteka II" (Composed by Takahito Abe)
       M-11 - from "Illusion of Gaia" (Composed by Yasuhiro Kawasaki)
       M-12 - from "Uncharted Waters" (Composed by Yoko Kanno)
       M-13 - from "Mother" (Composed by Keiichi Suzuki)
       M-14 - from "Konami Tantei Club: Kieta Koukeisha" (Composed by Hiromi)


Executive Producer: mobius (MTK2/WaterMoon)
Producer: Makinosuke Kubota (MTK2)
Directer: mobius (MTK2/WaterMoon)

Recording Engineer: Y-K
Mastering Engineer: mobius (MTK2/WaterMoon)

All Songs Arranged by Makinosuke Kubota (MTK2)
Piano Performed by Makinosuke Kubota (MTK2)

Recording Studio: S-UNIV. Studio
Mastering Studio: Powers NISHIDA std.

Recorded on 14. July. 2001 and 23. September. 2001

Design: 御堂智 (WaterMoon)
Art Coordinator: WaterMoon

All Sound Produced By MTK2

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