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BEST OF The Legend of Heroes GOLD & SILVERベストオブ英雄伝説 ゴールド / ベストオブ英雄伝説 シルバー
Disc 1 [ED-GOLD]
Disc 2 [ED-SILVER]
After winning an Award for Excellence and a Future Division Award at the Japan Game Awards 2011 with The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki and The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki, Falcom went on to win an User's Choice Prize at the 2011 PlayStation Awards, with The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki.
To commemorate the event, the prestigious developer will publish the Kiseki Series Double Awards Gold Set, released in Japan on December 15, 2011 and including both games for the PSP, two soundtrack CDs and a lovely artbook. All music by Falcom Sound Team jdk [GOLD] "Silver Will, Golden Wings" (from The Legend of Heroes VI: Sora no Kiseki SC Original Soundtrack) Lyrics: Kyo Hifumi Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo Vocals: Hiroko Yamawaki Chorus: Ayako Shibazaki Violin: Yoko Kumazawa "Overdosing Heavenly Bliss" [The Legend of Heroes VI: Sora no Kiseki the 3rd] (from Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki Alternative Saga Original Soundtrack) Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo Performance: jdk Band "Roudo Castle" [The Legend of Heroes III: White Witch] (from Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki Alternative Saga Original Soundtrack) Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo Performance: jdk Band "Durzel's Letter" [The Legend of Heroes III: White Witch] (from The Legend of Heroes Piano Collection) Arrangement: Tomohiko Kishimoto Performance: Leone Fredrik Richter "Cry for me, cry for you" (from The Legend of Heroes VI: Sora no Kiseki the 3rd) Lyrics: Kyo Hifumi Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo Vocals: Kanako Kotera Chorus: Miki Sumiya Guitar: Masaru Teramae "Stopper" [Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II] (from Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki Alternative Saga Original Soundtrack) Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo Performance: jdk Band "Inevitable Struggle" (from The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki SUPER ARRANGE VERSION) Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo Violin: Akiko Nagano Guitar: Masaru Teramae Bass: Shuhei Hamasaki "Where the Stars Are" [The Legend of Heroes VI: Sora no Kiseki FC] (from Looking Up at the Sky ~ Legend of Heroes "Sora no Kiseki" Vocal Version) Lyrics: Hideaki Hamada Arrangement: Kohei Wada Vocals: u-mi Chorus: Kazuko Ito Guitar: Kohei Wada "Silver Will" [The Legend of Heroes VI: Sora no Kiseki FC] (from The Legend of Heroes Sora no Kiseki FC & SC Super Arrange Version) Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo [SILVER] "Faint Glittering Light" [The Legend of Heroes VI: Sora no Kiseki the 3rd] (from Falcom Unpublished Music 2007 Autumn) Lyrics: Hideaki Hamada Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo Vocals: Miki Sumiya Violin: Akiko Nagano "Prince of the Wind" [Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes] (from Falcom Vocal Collection I) Lyrics: Anju Mana Arrangement: Etsuko Yamakawa Vocals: Shoko Minami "SPEEDY'S COMING" [Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes <Battle>] (from Falcom J.D.K. BAND 2) Arrangement: Tomohiko Kishimoto Performance: J.D.K. Band "Monologue of the Wind" [Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes] (from Falcom Vocal Collection II) Lyrics: Yoshihiko Ando Arrangement: Naoki Watanabe Vocals: Akino Arai "Encore Piece "Farlayne Triumphal March"" [Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes <Ending II / The March of Heroes>] (from Symphonic Poem Dragon Slayer ~The Legend of Heroes~) Arrangement: Tamiya Terashima Performance: J.D.K. Electric Orchestra "Rushing" (from Perfect Collection Dragon Slayer The Legend of Heroes II) Arrangement: Tomohiko Kishimoto Performance: J.D.K. Band "Grostos Castle" [Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II] (from The Legend of Heroes Piano Collection) Arrangement: Tomohiko Kishimoto Performance: Leone Fredrik Richter "In the Sparkle of Love" [The Legend of Heroes III: White Witch] (from Falcom Vocal Collection IV) Arrangement: Tomohiko Kishimoto Lyrics: Fumie Nakazawa Vocals: Midori Kawana "[Theme 2] The Great Battle of Bolt" [The Legend of Heroes III: White Witch] (from Symphonic Fantasy "White Witch") Performance: J.D.K. Electric Orchestra "Mysterious Forest" (from Music From The Legend of Heroes III: A Tale of Another Heroes ~White Witch~) Arrangement: Tomohiko Kishimoto Performance: J.D.K. Band "Sorrowful Melody" (from The Legend of Heroes III Electric Orchestra) Arrangement: Tamiya Terashima Performance: J.D.K. Electric Orchestra "Appearance of the Demon Beast" [The Legend of Heroes III: White Witch] (from FALCOM vs. jdk BAND 2010 SUMMER) Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo Guitar: Masaru Teramae Bass : Atsushi Enomoto Drums: Hidekazu Nishi "Your Courage, Your Eyes, Your Tenderness" [The Legend of Heroes III: White Witch] (from Falcom Vocal Collection IV) Lyrics: Fumie Nakazawa Arrangement: Tomohiko Kishimoto Vocals: Junko Hirotani "Octum's Desire" [The Legend of Heroes IV: A Tear of Vermilion] (from Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki Alternative Saga Original Soundtrack) Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo Performance: jdk Band "Dragon Dive ~The "A" in Agate is for Akage~" [The Legend of Heroes VI: Sora no Kiseki] (from Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki Alternative Saga Original Soundtrack) Arrangement: Yukihiro Jindo Performance: jdk Band "Introduce (2004 Debut Movie Music)" [XANADU NEXT] (from Xanadu Next Original Soundtrack) "Wo shi ai shen" [Genso Sangokushi II] (from Genso Sangokushi II Super Arrange Version) Lyrics: Ayako Shibazaki Arrangement: Kohei Wada Vocals: Kanako Kotera "Love Relic" [Tsukikage no Destiny] (from Tsukikage no Destiny Original Soundtrack) Composition: Luoxiaoyin Lyrics: Zhaitingya Vocals: Yujing |
Album StatsGame The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki Alternative Saga The Legend of Heroes III: White Witch The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II Xanadu Next Genso Sangokushi II Tsukikage no Destiny NEC PC-88, NEC PC-98, PC, Sony PlayStation Portable Websites
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