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Disc 1
Comes with the European and Australian Collector's Edition of the game, for PS3 & Xbox 360 only.
Contains music from the series that's been selected by Sonic Team. M01 Composition: SEGA M02 -- Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Composition: SEGA M03 -- Sonic & Knuckles Composition: SEGA M04 -- Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I Composition: Jun Senoue M05 -- Sonic CD Composition: Naofumi Hataya M06 -- Sonic Spinball Composition: Howard Drossin M07 -- Sonic 3D Blast Composition: Jun Senoue M08 -- Knuckles' Chaotix Composition: Junko Shiratsu M09 -- Sonic Championship Composition: Maki Morou M10 -- Sonic R Composition: Richard Jacques Vocals: TJ Davis Lyrics: Richard Jacques M11 -- Sonic Rush Composition: Hideaki Naganuma M12 -- Sonic Rush Adventure Composition: Tomoya Ohtani Vocals: Tahirih Walker M13 -- Sonic Adventure Composition: Jun Senoue M14 -- Sonic Adventure 2 Composition: Jun Senoue Vocals: Ted Poley & Tony Harnell M15 -- Sonic Heroes Composition: Jun Senoue M16 -- Sonic Riders Composition: Tomonori Sawada M17 -- Sonic Rivals Composition: Jun Senoue & Lee Brothehrton M18 -- Shadow the Hedgehog Composition: Jun Senoue M19 -- Sonic and the Secret Rings Composition: Kenichi Tokoi Vocals: Runblebee Lyrics: Runblebee M20 -- Sonic and the Black Knight Composition: Jun Senoue M21 -- Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Composition: Mariko Namba & Tomoya Ohtani M22 -- Sonic Unleashed Composition: Tomoya Ohtani M23 -- Sonic Colors Composition: Tomoya Ohtani |
Album StatsGame Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Sonic & Knuckles Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I Sonic CD Sonic The Hedgehog Spinball Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island Knuckles' Chaotix Sonic the Fighters Sonic R Sonic Rush Sonic Rush Adventure Sonic Adventure Sonic Adventure 2 Sonic Heroes Sonic Riders Sonic Rivals Shadow the Hedgehog Sonic and the Secret Rings Sonic and the Black Knight Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Sonic Unleashed Sonic Colors Apple iOS, Arcade, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Wii, Sega 32X, Sega CD, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Mega Drive (Genesis), Sega Saturn, Sony PlayStation 2, Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation Portable Related Albums
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