Vaadin 8 reached its end of life (EOL) and quit receiving free updates, including security and browser compatibility updates, on February 21, 2022. The last free version released under Apache 2 is 8.14.3.
With Vaadin 8 Extended Maintenance (EM) you can safely continue using your Vaadin 8-based applications for up to 10 more years.
Continuous updates give you peace of mind and ensure your V8 application can continue its success. Worry less about browser compatibility, bugs and most importantly, the security of your user data.
V8 Extended Maintenance is available for purchase for Prime and Enterprise subscribers only.
For information about Vaadin 7, please see the dedicated page for Extended Maintenance.
Stay secure
Stay compatible
Remove bugs
Get more time
Developing with Vaadin 8 EM is easy
You will get a license key and GitHub access to the maintained Vaadin 8 Extended Maintenance version for your development team. Start building and deploying with Vaadin 8 EM version immediately.
How to access Vaadin 8 EM:
Purchase a Prime or an Enterprise subscription with Extended Maintenance by contacting or your dedicated Account Executive.
Please note that Extended Maintenance is an additional feature on top of the subscription.
License check
License check is done through user login. Another option is to place a license file in the home directory or supply the license information using a system property. Please find the instructions here.
Start building
Extended Maintenance releases are distributed through Maven central. Please find all the latest Vaadin versions at with links to release notes and download pages.