Cited By
View all- Bastos LMariano DLemos RBialves TOliveira Cde Melo-Minardi R(2024)The Role of Structural Bioinformatics in Understanding Tumor Necrosis Factor α-Interacting Protein Mechanisms in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases: A ReviewImmuno10.3390/immuno40100024:1(14-42)Online publication date: 15-Jan-2024
- Israr JAlam SSiddiqui SMisra SSingh IKumar A(2024)Advances in Structural BioinformaticsAdvances in Bioinformatics10.1007/978-981-99-8401-5_2(35-70)Online publication date: 6-Feb-2024
- Queiroz FVargas AOliveira MComarela GSilveira S(2020)ppiGReMLIN: a graph mining based detection of conserved structural arrangements in protein-protein interfacesBMC Bioinformatics10.1186/s12859-020-3474-121:1Online publication date: 15-Apr-2020