Models are purposeful abstractions of any artifact at an arbitrary abstraction level. They can serve several purposes and bear several advantages. For instance, they allow humans to understand complex systems, to validate requirements expressed as a formal model, or to generate big parts of system implementations or tests. Obviously, this can results in reduced system engineering effort. As a consequence, the usage of models, model transformations, and code generation is becoming more and more important for industrial applications. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a development methodology that is based on models, meta-models, and model transformations - it is one of the most important representatives for the application of models. Currently there is growing tool support for models, (domain-specific) graphical or textual modeling languages, model transformations, and code generation. The constant pace at which scientific and industrial development of MDE-related techniques moves forward shows that MDE is still quickly changing and that new approaches and corresponding issues arise frequently. Most important, there is crucial need for validation and verification (V&V) techniques in the context of MDE. The other way round, MDE is used to support many V&V activities like, e.g., model-based testing.
Proceeding Downloads
Partial models: a position paper
Model-based software development inevitably involves dealing with incomplete information. Yet, MDE methodologies rarely, if ever, address uncertainty in a systematic way. Drawing inspiration from the field of behavioural modeling [6, 4], we propose to ...
Towards automatic determination of problem bounds for object instantiation in static model verification
The application of formal methods in the detection of inconsistencies and design flaws within models has been intensely studied in recent years. Since consistency checking is in principle undecidable due to the infinite number of possible system states, ...
On the interaction of inter-relationship constraints
MDE and software evolution call for model-level design support, that includes reasoning capabilities such as query answering, verification and validation, static analysis and model transformation. Automation of all activities requires well-defined ...
Improving formal verification practicability through user oriented models and context-awareness
Formal methods are effective techniques for automating software verifications to satisfy quality and reliability. However, the application of these techniques within industrial settings remains limited due to the (i) complexity of the models that have ...
Specifying a testing oracle for train stations
This paper presents an approach for automatically generating a testing oracle for train stations. Based on a model of a train station and a formal definition of the behavior of the station, Alloy is used to generate all positive traces from a given ...
Analyzing realizability of choreographies using initiating and responding flows
Choreographies are used to define and analyze the global collaborative behavior of reactive systems while orchestration are used to define local behavior of components for realization. A number of realizability problems need to be addressed when going ...
Runtime model validation with parallel object constraint language
In software engineering, model-based development is gaining ground as reliability must be provided while the development time needs to be decreased. As systems modeled become larger, validation methods need to perform better to offer reasonable response ...
Natural language generation from class diagrams
A Platform-Independent Model (PIM) is supposed to capture the requirements specified in the Computational Independent Model (CIM). It can be hard to validate that this is the case since the stakeholders might lack the necessary training to access the ...
On validation of ATL transformation rules by transformation models
Model-to-model transformations constitute an important ingredient in model-driven engineering. As real world transformations are complex, systematic approaches are required to ensure their correctness. The ATLAS Transformation Language (ATL) is a mature ...
- Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation
4th International Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification, and Validation: Integrating Verification and Validation in MDE
Models in Software EngineeringModel Driven Engineering (MDE) approaches extensively use models and automatic model transformations to handle complex software development. A plethora of software artifacts, tools, environments and modeling languages need to be developed to make MDE a ...
Model-driven engineering
During the last decade a new trend of approaches has emerged, which considers models not just documentation artefacts, but also central artefacts in the software engineering field, allowing the creation or automatic execution of software systems ...