2006 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 275-284
An algorithm for reconstructing photorealistic 3D model from multiple-view images is proposed. The idea is based on the surface light field approach. In the algorithm, a geometric model is reconstructed as a visual hull using an image-based multi-pass algorithm we have developed, then the hull is represented as a quadrilateral-meshed surface. Next, colors of input images are assigned onto each vertex according to viewing directions using a new data structure we have developed. The structure is a hexagonal tessellation based on expansion and replacement of a buckyball. Finally, the hexagonal tessellation is represented as a hexagonal image whose pixels represent colors of corresponding input images. Experimental results for real objects show that 3D data can be successfully generated automatically in a short time and that photorealistic data can be viewed from arbitrary viewpoints even for objects with reflective or translucent surfaces.