Pediatric spinal cord morphometry has been relatively understudied because of non-optimal image quality due to the difficulty of spine imaging, rarity of post-mortem analysis, motion artifacts, and pediatric MR imaging research focus on understanding spinal injury or pathology. The pediatric brain has been comparatively well-studied with white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) differences observed with age and gender. Therefore, a greater understanding of pediatric cervical and thoracic spinal cord morphometry would be beneficial for developing clinically relevant cord growth models. We focused on retrospectively characterizing cervical and thoracic spinal cord growth and morphometry changes in a healthy pediatric population. High resolution multi-echo gradient echo (mFFE) images were acquired from pediatric spinal cord scans from 63 patients (mean: 9.24 years, range: 0.83–17.67 years). The mFFE scans were then registered to the template space for uniform viewing and analysis by using a customized semi-automatic processing pipeline involving Spinal Cord Toolbox (SCT). Jacobian control determinants were calculated, and subsequent WM, GM, dorsal column, lateral funiculi, and ventral funiculi scalar averaging was conducted. Random effects models were used to model age-related Jacobian scalar differences. Observing the growth of cord matter by patient age and vertebral level suggests that the upper cervical spinal cord, specifically C2-C3, and mid-thoracic spinal cord, T3-T8, grow faster than other cervical levels and thoracic levels, respectively. This knowledge will facilitate clinical decision making when considering spine interventions and conducting radiological analysis in children with cervical and thoracic spine abnormalities.
Keywords: Pediatrics, spinal cord development, cord maturation, volume change, random effects, morphometry
Study of pediatric spine maturation has focused on cadaver pedicle examination1,2 and spine CT analysis for disc and pedicle growth3,4. Pediatric spinal cord development and analysis studies have been limited to pathological-focused features of the cord5, longitudinal analysis of specific cord region(s)5, and alignment of cervical spine6. Unlike the pediatric spinal cord, the adult cord has been well documented across individual segments and cord regions in healthy patients7. Similarly, adult and pediatric brains have been well-characterized, including white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) differences observed with age and gender7,8. These studies include longitudinal and cross-sectional studies ranging from neonatal to adolescents through Jacobian analysis7–10. Jacobian analysis can detect morphological changes and measure tissue growth or loss by calculating the rate of Jacobian change, which is measured by computing the amount of deformation required to map the anatomical to template space10. For instance, pediatric brain age and gender Jacobian analysis has shown extensive WM growth and potential GM shrinkage over time combined with regional growth differences in the lateral ventricles and caudate nuclei between boys and girls7. Furthermore, surgeons are often requested to evaluate children in collaboration with radiologists for spine instrumentation and fusion for various indications11. Treatment decision in many cases may be influenced by expected normal spine growth and size based on age12. Therefore, due to the pediatric spinal cord’s relatively understudied nature, a greater understanding of pediatric cervical and thoracic cord morphometry would be beneficial for developing clinically relevant cord growth models. Our aim was to retrospectively define cervical and thoracic spinal cord morphometry changes in a healthy pediatric population by Jacobian analysis. We studied the growth rates of such cord anatomy as cord matter, GM, WM, lateral funiculi, dorsal columns, and ventral funiculi.
2.1. Data Criteria
High resolution multi-echo gradient echo (mFFE) scans were retrospectively acquired from pediatric spinal cord scans from 63 patients (mean: 9.24 years, range: 0.83–17.67 years) at the Monroe Carrel Jr. Children’s Hospital. All studies were performed under local institutional review board approval (AAA_171784). Imaging was conducted using a 3T whole-body MR imaging scanner (Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands). mFFE volumes consisted of 25–70 mm variable lengths and were imaged in the cervical and thoracic levels. Spinal cord mFFE location distribution varied with many scans located in the cervical or upper thoracic cord regions as shown in Figure 1. Only patients with normal spinal cords (absence of pathology reviewed by a licensed pediatric neuroradiologist [A.B.]) were included in the study.
2.2. Image Processing and Registration
mFFE scans were pre-processed and registered to the PAM50 template space for uniform viewing and analysis using a customized semi-automatic processing pipeline involving the Spinal Cord Toolbox13, Version 5.3 (SCT; https://github.com/spinalcordtoolbox/spinalcordtoolbox). Each axial slice was initially inspected to ensure scans were reflective of cord matter and excluded if low signal or artifacts were present. The pre-processing sequence (Figure 2) for the mFFE scans involved manual centerline identification, automatic cropping, semiautomatic cord segmentation, automatic GM and WM segmentation, manual vertebral labeling, and automatic cord normalization. The spinal cord centerline was manually processed by selecting the center point on axial and coronal slices. Cropping of original mFFE scans to 70 mm radially from centerline increased slicewise processing speed and homogenized planar dimensions. Automatic segmentation algorithms erroneously identified cord matter boundary on 57 subjects (90.47%). Therefore, manual segmentation editing was necessary and required <10 minutes per dataset. GM was automatically segmented15 and WM segmentation was computed from cord matter and GM segmentation. Automatic vertebral labeling algorithms incorrectly labeled the vertebral discs on all patients given varied availability of vertebral C2-C3 disc. Consequently, a manual slicewise vertebral labeling process was constructed by modifying SCT’s labeling software and inspecting saggital cord slices. Cord matter mean intensity was then linearly normalized to 1000 (arbritarily chosen) for each patient scan to ensure cord matter was visible when comparing patients.
Initial multi-parameter template registration failed due to non-customized parameter variation. Registration to the PAM50 T2*-weighted template14 was selected from two registration parameters by visual inspection, vertebral straightening (39 patients) and no vertebral straightening (24 patients). This was followed by two affine transformations and a non-rigid transformation. Each registration was visually inspected, and non-vertebrally labeled slices that resulted in extrapolated vertebral registration were removed.
2.3. Jacobian Analysis
In spinal cord registration, the displacement difference is minimized by matching homologous points between the source and target image usually using a cost function or solving a differential equation10. The obtained displacement function is stored in the deformation field. Valuable information, specifically the Jacobian, can be extracted from the deformation field, which has been shown to identify growth rates in brain white matter7. Using the Jacobian as a scalar to analyze spinal cord growth should facilitate extraction of temporal and anatomical differences.
Each patient was processed by using a customized processing pipeline involving Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs). Specifically, ANTs’s createJacobianDeterminantImage function was given the non-zero slices from the displacement field, consisting of displacement differences from the source to target image transformation. For a given source and target image pair and transformation , the Jacobian operator (equation 1), , and volume change given by the registration transformation can be calculated slice-wise on the displacement field and by the determinant of the Jacobian operator9. The Jacobians were slice-wise calculated to reduce extrapolation errors followed by computing partial derivatives to columnwise voxels not part of the transformation. Not computing these images slice-wise would reduce Jacobian clarity as such partial derivatives can either approach infinity or zero, depending on its position in relation to the source image, and thus produce striations in between Jacobian slices. In fact, even after the Jacobians were slice-wise calculated, a partial boundary zone existed outside the CSF outline in nearly every patient. Thus, to homogenize Jacobian map anatomy, a flood-fill algorithm, operating on a recursive stack, was implemented in a custom python script to remove the partial boundary zone.
(1) |
2.4. Statistical Analysis
Since most patients had scans that spanned multiple vertebral levels, it was necessary to account for dependence due to repeated measurements on a subject. A random effects regression analysis was therefore conducted on the Jacobian data to model the effects on age and vertebral location, including a random intercept for subject. We therefore tested the following models:
In the first model (Hfull), the effect of age on cord size for subject i is a function of vertebral location, v. In the second model (Hv), there is no slowly varying effect of age across the spinal cord and the effect is the same across all cord locations. γi is a random effect for subject and εi is the error term. The functions α and β are fit with unpenalized natural cubic splines on 4 degrees of freedom to account for smoothness across adjacent vertebra. We further tested the effects across varied cord anatomy, specifically cord matter, GM, WM, lateral funiculi (LF), dorsal columns (DC), and ventral funiculi (VF). Random effects and residuals, εi, were evaluated for fit using QQ-plots. Random effect variance and intra-subject error was additionally evaluated. All models were fit using R 4.0.416–17.
The cervical cord was analyzed by each vertebral level (C1-C8) due to its large subject count. However, the thoracic cord has a smaller subject count, thereby making individual vertebral level analysis difficult for comparison (Figure 1). Therefore, the thoracic cord was binned for analysis with the upper-thoracic, mid-thoracic, and lower-thoracic cord consisting of T1-T2, T3-T8, and T9-T12 vertebral levels, respectively.
Observing the growth of cord matter by patient age and vertebral level suggested that the upper cervical spinal cord, specifically C2-C3, and mid-thoracic spinal cord, T3-T8, have the largest age-related changes (Figure 3 and 4). For each cord feature, we compared model (i) to model (ii). There was evidence for vetrabral differences in age-related changes in total cord volume. Other such cord features as white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), dorsal column (DC), lateral funiculi (LF), and ventral funiculi (VF) showed similar changes (Table 1).
Table 1.
F-value | df1 | df2 | P-value | |
Cord Matter | 3.390 | 4.000 | 397.590 | 0.010 |
Gray Matter | 4.848 | 4.000 | 397.832 | 0.001 |
White Matter | 3.240 | 4.000 | 397.176 | 0.012 |
Dorsal Columns | 2.513 | 4.000 | 397.274 | 0.041 |
Lateral Funiculi | 3.303 | 4.000 | 397.858 | 0.011 |
Ventral Funiculi | 2.707 | 4.000 | 396.680 | 0.030 |
By linearly modeling the Jacobian determinant by patient age, we observed relatively consistent growth rates across cord anatomy (GM, WM, DC, LF, VF) though whole cord variability existed from the upper cervical to lower thoracic cord as follows: VF (slope=8.41; R2=0.56) grew faster in upper cervical cord regions (C1-C3), DC (slope=7.46; R2=0.47) grew slower in mid-cervical cord regions (C4-C5), LF (slope=7.46; R2=0.22) grew slower in lower cervical cord regions (C6-C8), WM (slope=5.26; R2=0.21) and LF (slope=4.85; R2=0.16) grew slower in upper-thoracic cord regions (T1-T2), and GM (slope=5.09; R2=0.35) grew slower in mid-thoracic cord regions (T3-T8) relatively compared to other cord regions. Differences between cord anatomy across each vertebral level are presented as follows: VF (slope=8.41; R2=0.56) and GM (slope=7.23; R2=0.50) grew the fastest and slowest in upper cervical regions (C1-C3), VF (slope=8.45; R2=0.58) and LF (slope=8.53; R2=0.48) grew the fastest and DC (slope=7.46; R2=0.47) grew the slowest in mid-cervical regions (C4-C5), VF (slope=7.11; R2=0.45) and DC (slope=6.43; R2=0.40) grew the fastest and slowest in C6 cervical region, VF (slope=5.54; R2=0.25) and LF (slope=4.89; R2=0.20) grew the fastest and slowest in C7 cervical region, GM (slope=5.20; R2=0.22) and DC (slope=4.04; R2=0.16) grew the fastest and slowest in C8 cervical region, GM (slope=5.84; R2=0.28) and VF (slope=5.82; R2=0.24) grew the fastest and LF (slope=4.85; R2=0.16) grew the slowest in upper-thoracic cord regions (T1-T2), LF (slope=6.19; R2=0.39) and GM (slope=5.09; R2=0.35) grew the fastest and slowest in mid-thoracic cord regions (T3-T8), DC (slope=0.89; R2=0.01) and GM (slope=0.70; R2=0.01) grew the fastest and slowest in lower-thoracic cord regions (T9-T12).
Random effects testing for cord matter, GM, WM, DC, LF, and VF all resulted in p < 0.001 or significant p-values and variance proportion values 0.68, 0.70, 0.65, 0.65, 0.61, and 0.63 respectively. This indicated significant correlation between vertebral measurements (cord matter intraclass correlation coefficient ICC= 0.68).
Correlation analysis was further conducted to better understand Jacobian variability. Correlation differences between cord anatomy across each vertebral level and patient age are presented as follows: WM and VF had the largest and LF had the smallest correlation for upper-cervical regions (C1-C2), WM and VF had the largest and DC had the smallest correlation for upper- and mid-cervical regions (C3-C4), VF had the largest and DC had the smallest correlation for mid-cervical regions (C5-C6), GM, WM, and VF had the largest and DC had the smallest correlation for C7 cervical region, GM had the largest and LF had the smallest correlation for lower-cervical and upper-thoracic regions (C8-T2), DC had the largest and LF had the smallest correlation for mid-thoracic regions (T3-T8), and there was consistently poor correlation in the lower-thoracic cord (T9-T12).
The lower-thoracic cord in general had reduced growth rates compared to the upper- and mid-thoracic cord. In fact, the lower cervical spinal cord (C7-C8) had similar growth rates to the upper- and mid-thoracic cord.
Through Jacobian and random effects analysis, we observed overall growth of the pediatric cervical and thoracic cord with age across cord anatomy. Our data showed variability in whole cord growth, specifically increased growth in the cervical cord compared to the thoracic cord. Such cord regions as the upper cervical (C2-C3) and lower-thoracic cord (T9-T12) grow faster and slower respectively compared to other vertebral cord regions. Moreover, lower-thoracic cord regions (T9-T12) tend to grow slower compared to upper- and mid-thoracic cord regions (T1-T8) and upper- and mid-thoracic cord regions (T1-T8) grow slower compared to the upper– and mid-cervical cord (C2-C6).
Pediatric cervical spine morphometric analysis has indicated the C2 body as the largest segment for vertical growth3, which corresponds to our analysis suggesting that C2-C3 growth is greater relative to other vertebral regions. Furthermore, the majority of pediatric spinal canal grows by 4 years7, our analysis similarly showed cord matter to have significant growth until 4 years of age followed by consistent increasing growth till adulthood. In fact, spinal cord and brain maturation have some similarities, wherein larger age-related WM changes were observed compared to GM7. WM changes in the pediatric spinal cord have been shown to correspond with age-related DTI changes, specifically FA increase with age18.
Some caution is necessary when interpreting our results. Though the data was binned to better compare thoracic and cervical cord regions greater variability may exist. Compared to longitudinal studies, cross-sectional studies do have more limited conclusions as each subject represents a single time point. Furthermore, the relative Jacobian correlation in the thoracic cord was reduced compared to the cervical cord. Our results can be further supported by analyzing gender related differences and comparing age and gender changes with cord maturation.
This research was supported, in part, by the Surgical Outcomes Center for Kids at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt; the Section for Surgical Sciences at Vanderbilt University Medical Center; National MS Society RG-1501–02480; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke awards 5R01 NS104149, 1R01 NS117816–01A1 and 1R01 NS109114; Vanderbilt Undergraduate Summer Engineering research stipend; and the Vanderbilt Chancellor’s Scholarship.
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