In this paper, a direct/cooperative relay switched single carrier-frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) using amplify-and-forward (AF) protocol and spectrum division/adaptive subcarrier allocation (SDASA) is proposed. Using SDASA, the transmit SC signal spectrum is divided into sub-blocks, to each of which a different set of subcarriers (resource block) is adaptively allocated according to the channel conditions of mobile terminal (MT)-relay station (RS) link, RS-base station (BS) link, and MT-BS link. Cooperative relay does not always provide higher capacity than the direct communication. Switching between direct communication and cooperative relay is done depending on the channel conditions of MT-RS, RS-BS, and MT-BS links. We evaluate the achievable channel capacity by the Monte-Carlo numerical computation method. It is shown that the proposed scheme can reduce the transmit power by about 6.0 (2.0)dB compared to the direct communication (the cooperative AF relay) for a 1%-outage capacity of 3.0bps/Hz.