In this paper, we propose a finite difference scheme combined with the Crank–Nicolson-type discretization of the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation defined on an expanding circle, and show the existence, uniqueness, and second-order error estimate of the scheme. The equation is obtained as a perturbed graph equation from the circle solution to an interfacial curvature-dependent equation. The graph representation can provide guidelines for understanding the wavenumber selection of solutions to the interfacial equation. Indeed, the linearized stability analysis shows a relation between the parameters and the wavenumbers. Our proposed scheme can realize the relation with second-order accuracy.
Funding source: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Award Identifier / Grant number: 20K22307
Award Identifier / Grant number: 19H01807
Funding statement: This study is partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI, Grant Numbers 20K22307 (S. Kobayashi) and 19H01807 (S. Yazaki).
A Neutral Stability Curves
In this section, we describe a linearized stability analysis of (1.1) around the trivial solution
Note that
The authors are grateful to Professors Hiroshi Kokubu (Kyoto University) and Tomoyuki Miyaji (Kyoto University) for continuous discussions and their valuable advice in the development of this paper. We sincerely appreciate anonymous referees for their comments.
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