ModFest Presents - BlanketCon '25: Volcano Island National Park!
Signups are now open for our annual in-game convention celebrating the art of Minecraft modding!
Show off ANY recent/active modding project you've made - mod, modpack, respack, website… - with a build in our curious convention world! Just don't forget sunscreen.
Signups close on March 14 (2 weeks), and in-pack mods need to be feature complete and on Fabric 1.21.1 by then. Don't dally!
You can also sign up to share your expertise and experiences by hosting a live talk/panel during our convention weekend! Plus, we're inviting artists, musicians, and video creators in the modded community to reach out- we want to highlight great work!
Everyone else? we'll catch you on April 11th for the grand opening - more details on the website!