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- Vashik is a Quintesson from the Universe portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
This character has no official visual representation in any Transformers product or media... yet, at least.
Overseer Vashik is a Quintesson Prosecutor who was given a Sharkticon/Allicon army during the Quintessons' siege of Cybertron following the Great Transformation. In the Quintesson hierarchy, Vashik believes he gets the short end of the stick. He's certain that his army was put in charge of this particular sparsely-vegetated location as punishment. For what, he wasn't certain. He's also certain that In-Saba Nur, whose army got to take the abandoned canyon, didn't like him either.
He's probably being used as a decoy.
He's also probably going to die.
3H comics
Vashik's forces were increasingly overwhelmed by the ferocious Transformers natives whom his superiors had assured were now docile and frightened. Though he managed to find some relief behind a sizeable boulder, he was ultimately found by Predacon Galvatron and his waspy subordinate. He was dashed against the rocky ground, but not with enough force to kill him.
Instead, Galvatron dragged him to the top of the canyon, where In-Saba Nur's forces had been extinguished by the magma that had rushed through it. After being shown the fate of his arrogant peers, Vashik was casually tossed into the magma before Galvatron ascended the canyon wall, determined to rebuild the summit fortress into his new Predacon capital of Darkmount. Wreckers: Finale Part II