Welcome to SPLASH 2016!
The ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery to make it the premier conference at the intersection of programming, languages, and software engineering. SPLASH 2016 will take place from Sunday, October 30 to Friday, November 4, 2016 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Planning your attendance
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- Speakers: All projectors at the conference will have 16:9 aspect ratio
SPLASH 2016 Keynote: The Science of Deep Specification
Benjamin C. Pierce
SPLASH 2016 Keynote: From DOT to Dotty -- Foundations and Types for Objects As Modules
Martin Odersky
SPLASH 2016 Keynote: A Human View of Programming Languages
Amy Ko
SPLASH-I/E Keynote: The dream of a lifetime: Shaping how our children learn computing
Simon Peyton Jones
SPLASH-I Keynote: How to Tell a Compiler What We Think We Know?
Guy L. Steele Jr.
SLE 2016 Keynote: Redex: Lightweight Semantics Engineering
Robert Bruce Findler
GPCE 2016 Keynote: Lightweight Modular Staging (LMS): Generate all the things!
Tiark Rompf
DLS 2016 Keynote: Ignition: Jump-starting an Interpreter for V8
Ross McIlroy
Invited Talks
The elements of decision alignment: Large programs as complex organizations
Mark Miller, Bill Tulloh
Stencils: Graphical User Interfaces in Ensō
William Cook
Exploratory Analysis in Virtual Reality: The New Frontier
Derek Jacoby, Yvonne Coady
Keynote: Lessons learned about language engineering from the development of mbeddr
Markus Völter
Metamorphic Testing for Compilers and Program Analysers
Alastair F. Donaldson
Best-Effort Failure Reconstruction Using CSI: Crash Scene Investigation
Ben Liblit
Simulating Cities: The Spacetime Framework
Crista Lopes
Making Mendix Meta Model Driven
Jos Warmer
Bootstrap: Build Bridges, not Walls
Emmanuel Schanzer
Designing and Debugging Surveys with SurveyMan
Emma Tosch
The basic skill set of software language engineering
Ralf Laemmel
Adventures in Software Evolution
Robert Grimm
Truffle and Graal: Fast Programming Languages With Modest Effort
Chris Seaton, Adam Welc
Software Environmentalism
Tudor Gîrba
From Soundiness to Soundness
Yannis Smaragdakis
Fact or fiction? What software analytics can do for us (developers and researchers)
Andy Zaidman
Feedback-Directed Instrumentation for Deployed JavaScript Applications
Frank Tip
Snap!: Scheme Disguised as Scratch
Brian Harvey
Pony: Co-designing a Type System and a Runtime
Sylvan Clebsch
The high-interest credit card of runtime enforcement
Ben Livshits
Using Docker Containers to Improve Reproducibility in PL/SE Research
Jürgen Cito
From Tricorder to Tricium: Useful Static Analysis and the Importance of Workflow Integration
Emma Söderberg
Rapid Development of Web Applications with Typed Metaprogramming in Ur/Web
Adam Chlipala
PLATEAU Keynote: How to Design a Programming Language
Alan Blackwell
What’s going on in the heap?
Sam Guyer
Responsive Language Tooling For Cloud-based IDEs
Lennart Kats
How Domain Requirements Shape Languages
Markus Völter
Type-driven Development in Idris
Edwin Brady
Small, simple and smelly: What we can learn from examining end-user artifacts?
Felienne Hermans
Language Support for Distributed Systems
Heather Miller
Events & Chairs
General Chair: Eelco Visser
OOPSLA Program Chair: Yannis Smaragdakis
OOPSLA Artifact Evaluation Chairs: Michael Bond, Michael Hind
Onward! Papers Chair: Emerson Murphy-Hill
Onward! Essays Chair: Crista Lopes
SPLASH-E Program Chairs: Matthias Hauswirth, Steve Blackburn
SPLASH-I Track Chairs: Tijs van der Storm, Eelco Visser
DLS Papers Program Chair: Roberto Ierusalimschy
Scala Chairs: Aggelos Biboudis, Manohar Jonnalagedda, Sandro Stucki, Vlad Ureche
SLE General Chair: Tijs van der Storm
SLE Program Chairs: Emilie Balland, Daniel Varro
GPCE General Chair: Bernd Fischer
GPCE Program Chair: Ina Schaefer
Workshops Chairs: Craig Anslow, Jan Rellermeyer
SRC Chairs: Sam Guyer, Patrick Lam
Posters Chairs: Jeff Huang, Sebastian Erdweg
Sponsorship Chair: Jurgen Vinju
Publications Chair: Alex Potanin
Publicity Chair: Tijs van der Storm, Ronald Garcia