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SAXDOM Updated. May 05, 1998.

From owner-xml-dev@ic.ac.uk Mon May  4 16:21:02 1998
Date: Mon, 04 May 1998 14:03:47 -0700
From: Don Park <donpark@quake.net>
Subject: ANN: SAXDOM Updated


A preliminary version of SAXDOM supporting the latest DOM spec (04/16/98) is
released.  There are still some clean ups (i.e. syncronization blocks for
concurrent access to DOM objects) and plenty of tests to go.

This version of SAXDOM includes NodeIterator.release method which is
currently not in the spec.  I am hoping it is included in the spec.  You
will find SaxContainerIterator class particularly interesting because it is
implemented as a Node to allow 'between' iterator position and 'live' model

Enough said.  Here is the URL:



Don Park

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