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SGML/XML Discussion Groups and Mailing Lists

Discussion Groups and Mailing Lists for SGML/XML/DSSSL/XSL

Not all mailing lists and discussion groups described in this document are currently active. References to some older lists are retained for historical purposes. The groups added most recently are situated at the end of this listing.



TEI-L is the primary discussion forum for the Text Encoding Initiative. For current information, see: the TEI WWW server (http://www-tei.uic.edu/orgs/tei/info/tei-l.html). The list had some 704 members (November 1994). The associated files on the LISTSERVer are quite extensive. To subscribe to TEI-L, send the command subscribe tei-l YOURNAME in the body of an email message to listserv.brown.edu. See also : TEI-L and TEI-TECH shadow archive (2244 messages about 1328 subjects). Created by Arjan Loeffen.


"TEI-TECH is a forum for advanced discussion of the TEI guidelines, involving more technical issues than those discussed on TEI-L. To subscribe, send an electronic mail message to listserv.brown.edu with the message: SUBSCRIBE TEI-TECH." See also the current information on the TEI WWW server.

Usenet Newsgroup: comp.text.sgml.

More information on CTS is available in the News page.


SGML-L is a general SGML mailing list with about 65 subscribers (January 1998). It is managed by Joachim Lammarsch (Joachim.Lammarsch@urz.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE). As of April 1997, the list has relatively low activity but is dependable. To subscribe, send the command subscribe sgml-l <YOURNAME> in an email message to listserv@urz.uni-heidelberg.de.


[Inactive] The SGML Newswire is a mailing list sponsored by Avalanche Corporation. It distributes general news and announcements relevant to the SGML industry. To subscribe, send email to sgmlinfo@avalanche.com with a message requesting subscription. See the Newswire description for further details.


The 'DSSSL Lite' (DL) discussion group hosts a discussion on the creation of a subset of DSSSL (Document Style Semantics and Specification Language) as the basis for a common style sheet language for WWW and other applications. To subscribe, send the command subscribe dsssl-lite YOUR-USERID@YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS in the body of an email message to the mailserver at majordomo@falch.no. Send postings to DSSSL Lite to the address dsssl-lite@falch.no. See the general announcement. For official instructions, see the DSSSL-Lite WWW page maintained by Steve Pepper.


[Note: this list is now obsolete, though the archive may still be accessible.] The mailing/discussion list comp-std-sgml is a list for obscure, technical points on SGML. It is run by Erik Naggum. To subscribe, send an email message to comp-std-sgml-request@naggum.no with the word "subscribe" somewhere in the message to subscribe (or "unsubscribe" to unsubscribe). The envelope return address will be used for subscription processing. All messages are archived in ftp.naggum.no:/pub/comp.std.sgml/yyyy/yyyymmdd/HHMMSS for messages dated yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS UT. An index service is to be provided. See the original brief announcement.


The sgml-internet mailing list is managed through a Majordomo mail server at EBT. The list sgml-internet is an electronic mailing list for discussions and work of SGML Open Technical Subcommittee on SGML and the Internet. Mailing list info: "SGML Open is a nonprofit consortium that among many other activites, has several technical committees that work on issues of interest to SGML Open members. The technical committees are chaired by Paul Grosso, pbg@arbortext.com. The particular technical subcommittee for which this list is intended is chaired by Steve DeRose, sjd@ebt.com." To subscribe to the list, send an email message to majordomo@ebt.com with the following instruction in the message body: subscribe sgml-internet [yourID@site.domain]. Note: the element "[yourID@site.domain]" is optional, and should be an email address, NOT your personal name. Mail sent to "sgml-internet@ebt.com" will then be forwarded to all members of the list. Questions about the list should be sent to "sgml-internet-owner@ebt.com", or to Chris Maden: majordomo-owner@ebt.com. Archives of the sgml-internet mailing list are maintained by Erik Naggum: FTP to the directory naggum.no/pub/sgml-internet.


The Rainbow mailing list distributes announcements and other information relevant to the development of Rainbow makers (SGML interchange format for word-processor files). To subscribe, send email to rainbow@ebt.com. See the Rainbow discussion for further information.

American Physical Society's SGML Group

"This list is an informal discussion platform/work group for the airing of views on the creation and implementation of an SGML standard for use in the publishing/dissemination of physics information. It is believed that, if we as publishers can agree on some degree of SGML standardization, the authors and readers will benefit. A common SGML approach will facilitate ease of integration of papers from multiple publishers at the library or reader level. A common SGML approach will facilitate the development of many authoring tools and reading choices." To subscribe to the discussion group, send email to "listserv@publish.aps.org" with the command "subscribe sgml" in the body of the message. Send contributions to the email address "sgml@publish.aps.org".

SGML list (SGML Project)

The Exeter SGML Project sponsors a mailing list named SGML. It is an open list for discussion, news and reviews of SGML and all related standards, products, and services -- including the work of the ISC-funded SGML Project. The list has some 325 subscribers (November 1994), and averages .2 messages per day. Some files archived by the Exeter SGML Project are available by email using the associated Mailbase server. To subscribe to the SGML mailing list, send email to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk with the line join sgml YOURNAME in the body of the message (where YOURNAME is your personal name). To receive a list of archived files available by email, send the command index sgml. Send the command help to the mail server for instructions on requesting files from the archive. For further description: Introduction to SGML Discussion List; Gopher Menu: SGML List.


The Davenport discussion forum hosts public discussion on a range of topics relating to the DocBook DTD, which governs software documentation. The list had some 298 subscribers as November 1994. As of December 1997, the Davenport Group mailing list was moderated by Norman Walsh and supported by ArborText (http://www.arbortext.com/). Recent postings are digested for email retrieval. To subscribe to the mailing list, send an email message to davenport-request@berkshire.net with the command subscribe davenport. To post messages to the group, send mail to davenport@berkshire.net. See the Davenport section for further details.


The SGML-Tables discussion forum is related to the formative ISO 12083 DTDs (DTD fragments that support markup of complex tables). The server has no associated archives. The list has not been very active in 1994. To subscribe, send email to listserv@e-math.ams.org with the command subscribe sgml-tables YOURNAME in the body of the message.


The SGML-Math discussion forum is related to the formative ISO 12083 DTDs (DTD fragments that support markup of complex mathematics). The server has no associated archives. The list has not been very active in 1994. To subscribe, send email to listserv@e-math.ams.org with the command subscribe sgml-math YOURNAME in the body of the message.

ICA mailing list

The ICA mailing list ica@cis.ohio-state.edu is an email support forum for the Integrated Chameleon Architecture toolkit. If you would like your name added to the ICA mailing list, please send email to ica-request@cis.ohio-state.edu, with subject line `ICA mailing list'. Then, in the body of the message, please indicate the (Internet) email address that you would like added to the list. The list is maintained manually, with updates every few days. See further details on Chameleon in the announcement.


The OmniMark Public Forum is a peer support network that promotes the development and exchange of tips, techniques, ideas, and applications relevant to OmiMark. To subscribe, send an email message to listproc@omnimark.com with the command subscribe omug-l YOURNAME in the message body. For further information: see the list description on the OmniMark WWW server.


The CADELIST mailing list is an electronic news forum for users of Microstar SGML products, especially Near & Far. To subscribe, send email to cadelist-request@microstar.com with the command subscribe EMAIL.ADDRESS in the message body. Email contact: cade@microstar.com.

ESE (Electronic Scholarly Editions)

The Electronic Schlarly Editions forum occasionally has discussion relevant to SGML markup of literary text. To subscribe, send an email message to listproc@ra.msstate.edu with the command subscribe ese [YOURNAME] in the message body. Send the command index ese to receive a list of the archived files.


The ETEXTCTR-L list provides a forum for librarians and others actively developing electronic text centers. ETEXTCTR is international in scope with over 700 subscribers and an average of 1 message per day (June 1995). Discussion occasionally focuses on the use of SGML to encode analystic and other bibliographic material as header data for electronic texts and text corpora. The mailing list is associated with CETH, the Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities. To subscribe to the list, send standard email to listproc@cornell.edu with the line "Subscribe ETEXTCTR-L Firstname Lastname" in the message body. The owner of the list may be reached by sending email to ETEXTCTR-L-request@cornell.edu. For questions relating to the CIT Mailing List Server, contact the list manager at listmgr@cornell.edu


The discussion list ebt_wire "is an unmoderated mailing list for EBT customers to exchange questions and technical information about EBT products. EBT employees monitor this mailing list but, as a general rule, do not actively participate in the discussion. If you have a technical support question for EBT, please direct your question to support@ebt.com or, for European customers, eurotech@ebt.com." See the information file for further details. To subscribe to the list, send an email message to majordomo@ebt.com with the following instruction in the message body: subscribe ebt_wire [yourID@site.domain]. *Note: the element "[yourID@site.domain]" is optional, and should be a valid email address, NOT your personal name. Mail sent to "ebt_wire@ebt.com" will then be forwarded to all members of the list. Questions about the list should be sent to Chris Maden: majordomo-owner@ebt.com.


"The OTCUST mailing list is for discussion among customers of Open Text Corporation and users of its text search and retrieval software (Pat, Lector, TextQuery, TextSearch, and related products). OTCUST is not sponsored by Open Text Corporation and opinions expressed here are those of the individual authors." To subscribe to the OTCUST list, send e-mail to "listserv@rice.edu" containing the following in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE OTCUST Yourfirstname Yourlastname, substituting your own first and last names. See the discussion list announcement for further details.


The "bnc-discuss" mailing list is used for circulation of information relating to use of the BNC, including encoding issues (corpus-linguistics use of SGML). To join the list, send an e-mail message to the address bnc-discuss-request@vax.ox.ac.uk, including the words subscribe bnc-discuss at the start of the message. To send a message to all other subscribers, address it to bnc-discuss@vax.ox.ac.uk. Further details: see BNC electronic forum.


"The purpose of this list is to facilitate discussion on the interoperability of EXPRESS and SGML and STEP." Sponsored by NIST. To subscribe, send standard email to majordomo@cme.nist.gov with the line subscribe sgml-step-docs. For further information, contact Lisa Phillips (email: phillips@cme.nist.gov). For further on STEP-SGML, see the relevant database entry.


"The purpose of this exploder is to facilitate discussion on the documentation of STEP parts in SGML." Sponsored by NIST. To subscribe, send standard email to majordomo@cme.nist.gov with the line subscribe express-sgml. For further information, contact Lisa Phillips (email: phillips@cme.nist.gov). For further on STEP-SGML, see the relevant database entry.

The Encoded Archival Description Forum

The EAD list "[The EAD (Encoded Archival Description) Forum] is an unmoderated electronic mail posting service created to facilitate the exchange of information about the SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) DTD (Document Type Definition) being developed for archival finding aids. Developers and implementers of the EAD DTD are welcome to join the forum and share their ideas and experiences with using SGML for finding aids. To subscribe to EAD: From the email account you intend to use, send the following message to LISTSERV@LOC.GOV: SUBSCRIBE EAD Firstname Initial Lastname. For more information, see the description and instructions on the LOC Web server, or the complete subscription notice. See also the Library of Congress EAD entry, or the main EAD entry. See also a later description (August 21, 1996).

The QUILL Electronic Mailing List

The Quill "mailing list is intended to provide a forum for users of Chadwyck-Healey's literary full-text databases to exchange ideas and experiences on their use in libraries and academic institutions, and to enable Chadwyck-Healey to respond to questions about their contents, editorial prinicples and software functionality and about future publishing plans. Eight databases are so far available and are accessible in hundreds of institutions in more than thirty countries. They are already being used extensively for reference and research and it is hoped that this mailing list will also stimulate their use as teaching resources." To subscribe, send an email message to majordomo@chadwyck.co.uk with the content: SUBSCRIBE QUILL-LIST. For further information, see http://www.chadwyck.co.uk/mlists/quill.html.

SP [SP SGML Parser] Programmer's Mailing List

For subscription instructions, see the announcement for "a mailing list for programmer-level discussions of SP," James Clark's SGML Parser. "The purpose of the list is to provide those who are incorporating SP into their own programs with a forum to exchange information." See also the main database entry for James Clark's SP SGML Parser, including the link to a brief introduction to Programming with SP. Update October 10, 1996: try sending email to majordomo@cygnus.uwa.edu.au with "[un]subscribe sp-prog" in the message body; or write to 'owner-sp-prog@cygnus.uwa.edu.au' for help.


SGML-FAQ-L is a list for the discussion of writing FAQs, and locating SGML DTDs appropriate for particular FAQs. To subscribe to SGML-FAQ-L, send email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM with the following message in text: SUB SGML-FAQ-L firstname secondname. See the list announcement for further details.


"The STEP standard task group, Product Documentation (ISO 184/SC4/WG3/T14), is aimed at the integration of two of the most prominent and important information technologies encompassed by standards efforts [. . . STEP and SGML]. A mailing list has been establishing for the T14 Working Group. To subscribe to the mailing list, send e-mail to step-request@eccnet.com with the word SUBSCRIBE in the Subject Line. Any questions you may have about the work of the T14 Working Group can be sent to Hugh Tucker, Chairperson, ISO/TC184/SC4/WG3/T14." See also: the source for this information, or the STEP main entry.


[November 04, 2000] XML-DEV@XML.ORG and the XML-DEV Archives, "where serious XML developers share ideas and stay up-to-date on issues in the XML development community. Please remember, the list is for productive discussion of XML topics, and should remain a place for and by individuals concerned with XML and its future as an open-source development resource." To subscribe, (1) send email to xml-dev-request@lists.xml.org with the word "subscribe" in the body of the message, or (2) click here to launch your email client. Postings from the list are archived. To unsubscribe, send an email message to xml-dev-request@lists.xml.org with the word "unsubscribe" as the body of the message. Other URLs: (1) List-Owner; (2) List-Post; (3) List-Help [WWW]; (4) List-Help [email]. See the XML.org description.

[February 16, 2000] Historical information only: In February 2000, the XML-DEV list was transferred to OASIS at: xml-dev@xml.org. Send administrative communications to the server: majordomo@xml.org (e.g., 'subscribe xml-dev' in the body of the message); post XML-DEV list messages to xml-dev@xml.org. Archives: http://xml.org/archives/xml-dev/threads.html. See details in: (1) the press release "OASIS to Host XML-DEV List", (2) a posting from Laura Walker ["XML-DEV List Now Operational"], and (3) a historical survey by Peter Murray-Rust. [...] XML-DEV is a mailing list for XML developers. The notion 'develop' is intended to be taken in a wide sense, and the list owners encourage anyone who is actively interested in implementing XML to participate in the list. The list is unmoderated, and digested; archives are kept on a server at Imperial College, London. To subscribe, send the message 'subscribe xml-dev yourname@yoursite' (substituting appropriate substring values for "yourname@yoursite"!) to: majordomo@ic.ac.uk. The list traffic is publicly archived (via hypermail) and WAIS-searchable at: http://www.lists.ic.ac.uk/hypermail/xml-dev/. List archives are also available on CDROM disc: ISBN 981-02-3594-1. For further information, see the full text of the announcement for the mailing list, posted by Peter Murray-Rust. Send general queries to the list coordinator, Dr. Henry Rzepa: rzepa@ic.ac.uk. On the Extensible Markup Language, see the main XML entry. [Note 1999-12-15: See the message from Henry Rzepa and the OASIS announcement concerning the transfer of the mailing list to OASIS in (late 1999, early 2000).]


DSSSList: The DSSSL Users' Mailing List. Hosted by Mulberry Technologies. Administered by Tony Graham 1998-2000. Archives at http://www.biglist.com/lists/dssslist/archives/. "DSSSList is provided as a forum where users of DSSSL -- Document Style Semantics and Specification Language -- can exchange ideas and solutions. The DSSSL standard is comparatively new, DSSSL implementations are even newer, DSSSL embodies many concepts that are new to many people, and as yet there is no great body of reference implementations or reference books for people using DSSSL. The DSSSList is provided as a means to bootstrap DSSSL usage -- people using DSSSL helping other people using DSSSL so new users can avoid common pitfalls and we can increase the spread of DSSSL knowledge rather than have every user having to learn everything in isolation. [Historic 2001-01-19:] The announcement from Tony Graham of Mulberry Technologies, Inc. describes a newly inaugurated mailing list for DSSSL users: DSSSList (DSSSList@mulberrytech.com). "DSSSList is provided as a forum where users of DSSSL -- Document Style Semantics and Specification Language -- can exchange ideas and solutions." See the administrative guidelines document [June 24, 1998] for other information.


The XML-L mailing list was set up on September 30, 1997 as a "general discussion of the Extensible Markup Language." The list owner is Peter Flynn, University College Cork. To subscribe to the list, send email to listserv@listserv.hea.ie with the command 'subscribe xml-l [your name]' in the body of the message. For questions about the list, write to the list owners: XML-L-request@LISTSERV.HEA.IE. The archives of the XML-L List are available online, together with a search facility. On the Extensible Markup Language, see the main XML entry.

JXML: Java<-->XML

JXML: Java<-->XML, the Java and XML mailing list. "This list is intended for discussions relating to Java and XML, particularly with reguard to the following: 1) Java Class and Bean metadata expressed as XML documents; 2) Conversion of Java Class metadata to bytecodes defining simple, data-only classes; 3) Reversable conversion of Java Object Streams to XML documents while maintaining type safety (JSXML); 4) Description of Jar Resources as an XML document; XML document-driven construction of Jar files (etc.)." See the more complete description: http://www.camb.opengroup.org/~laforge/jxml.html. To subscribe, send email to: java-xml-interest@opengroup.org.


XSL-List is an Open Forum on XSL, hosted by Mulberry Technologies. The complete and searchable XSL-List archive is available at http://www.biglist.com/lists/xsl-list/archives/. "XSL-List hosts discussion of XSL itself, XSL applications and implementation, and XSL user questions. XSL-List is open to everyone, users and developers, experts and novices alike. There is no restriction to what may be posted on the XSL-List provided it is related to XSL. XSL-List is not a W3C mailing list nor is it affiliated with W3C or any other organization. XSL-List has no official standing with any organization and XSL-List subscribers do not constitute a Special Interest Group. However, XSL-List was established with the encouragement of members of the W3C XSL Working Group, and members of the Working Group are among the subscribers to the list. XSL-List is provided by Mulberry Technologies as a service to the XSL user community and the XSL standardization effort." Historical note [2001-01-19]: XSL-List was established in February 1998 by Mulberry Technologies as a service to the XSL user community and the XSL standardization effort. It was administered by Tony Graham through the end of 2000, after which time Tommie Usdin took over as list administrator. The list was set up to host discussion of XSL (Extensible Style Language) itself, XSL applications and implementation, and XSL user questions; it was open to everyone, users and developers, experts and novices alike. Usage guidelines for XSL-List 1998-2000 are provided in a separate document. The mailing list was archived at http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list/archive/index.html. For other information on the Extensible Style Language, see (1) the main XSL/XSLT database entry and (2) "XSL/XSLT Software Support." See also the One-year anniversary note, 1999-02-17.


The sgml-tools mailing list is for updates and general discussion of the sgml-tools package. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@via.ecp.fr with 'subscribe sgml-tools' in the message body. The actual list address is sgml-tools@via.ecp.fr. "SGML-Tools is a text-formatting package based on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), which allows you to produce LaTeX, HTML, GNU info, LyX, RTF, and plain ASCII (via groff) from a single source; due to the flexible nature of SGML many other target formats are possible." See also the database entry for SGML-Tools.

Python XML SIG

As of March 17, 1998, a mailing list "has been created for discussing XML and Python, with the goal of developing a set of Python tools for processing XML documents." See the announcement posted to CTS and the main SIG page for details. The XML-SIG Status page describes deliverables, and the resources page describes some Python Software for XML. See the database section Python for XML/SGML Processing, and also XML and Python.

Perl-XML list

The Perl-XML list is "a mailing list is dedicated to the discussion of enhancing Perl's ability to work with XML and for using Perl with XML documents." Send the message 'SUBSCRIBE Perl-XML' to listmanager@activestate.com. Send list contributions to: Perl-XML@ActiveState.com. See also the database section XML and Perl.

xml-litprog-l - "Literate Programming with XML" List.

xml-litprog-l is a mailing list for "discussions about how best to use XML/XSL/XLink/XPtr for constructing literate programming frameworks and tools. . . dedicated to the development of literate programming tools that leverage XML, XSL, and XLink/XPtr libraries, so that the jobs of parsing and weaving (producing documentation), perhaps tangling (producing source code) too, are not part of the literate programming core, and do not need to be redone by each author of a literate programming tool." Organized initially by Anthony B. Coates (Educational Multimedia Services, TEDI, The University of Queensland) at [now obsolete] http://www.ems.uq.edu.au/Public/Lists/xml-litprog-l/. As of September 25, 1998, the list moved to an Allette server. See: http://www.allette.com.au/xml-litprog/. To subscribe, send email to xml-litprog-l-subscribe@egroups.com. See also the document "SGML/XML and Literate Programming.


SGML-ESP is a discussion group in Spanish for SGML/XML (XSL, XLL, DSSSL, CSS) and related topics. It has been formed by the Grupo de Trabajo de SGML/XML. To subscribe, send an email message to sgml-esp-request@slug.ctv.es with the word 'subscribe' in the "Subject: " line. To post to the list, send email to sgml-esp@slug.ctv.es. See the June 1998 announcement from Jaime Sagarduy (Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao), and the provisional Web site, http://www.promeko.com/informatica/gtsx/.


The RDF-DEV forum is devoted to discussion of the Resource Description Framework (metadata), a specification for which has been published by the W3C; however, the list has no formal links with the W3C or the RDF working groups. "RDF-DEV is devoted to the practical application of RDF. Although primarily a list for developers, RDF-DEV focusses in particular on the application of RDF to Internet resource discovery issues." Messages posted to the group are archived, and are accessible through a search facility as well. To subscribe, send the email message 'join rdf-dev firstname(s) lastname' in the message body to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk. Questions about the list may be directed to the list owner at rdf-dev-request@mailbase.ac.uk. See the announcement from Dan Brickley (Research and Development Unit, Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol).


In July 1998, a German language discussion group for XML was set up: XML-DE (Deutschsprachige XML Liste). The list is hosted by GMD and DFN, two German national research institutes; this host arrangement is meant to help ensure "neutrality in commercial questions and professional maintainance." The goals of this group are to "provide a native German language forum for general XML discussion, to promote XML in the German industry, and to build a pool of experts for know-how transfer." Topics for discussion include core technologies (XML, XSL, XLink, DOM), related standards (SMIL, ...) and software (browsers, parsers, ...). To subscribe to the group, send a mail to listserv.gmd.de with the message "subscribe xml-de [firstName lastName]" in the body of the message. For information on the listserv service see http://www.listserv.gmd.de. A web archive is maintained at http://www.listserv.gmd.de/archives/xml-de.html. Send questions to: XML-DE-REQUEST@LISTSERV.GMD.DE


On October 12, 1998, Gianni Rubagotti posted a note to XML-L announcing an Italian mailing list for XML. Gianni Rubagotti (Università degli Studi of Milan) is the XML-IT list owner. To subscribe, send 'subscribe XML-IT' in a message body to majordomo@ananas.usr.dsi.unimi.it. Messages for the XML-IT list should be sent to: xml-it@ananas.usr.dsi.unimi.it. See also the Web site at http://www.xml.it/.

xlxp-dev - XLink/XPointer

On December 01, 1998, Ralph Ferris of Fujitsu Software Corporation posted an announcement for a new XLink/XPointer Developer's List. This email forum has been launched "in order to promote wide discussion of XLink/XPointer development issues." To subscribe to the new xlxp-dev list, send an email message to majordomo@fsc.fujitsu.com with the following in the body of the message: subscribe xlxp-dev. The archives for the xlxp-dev list are available online in HTML format. Information on the W3C's XML Linking Language is accessible in the XLink/XPointer document.

French XML List

On December 10, 1998, Jean-Philippe Théberge reported that a French mailing list for XML has been created. To subscribe to the discussion forum, send "subscribe" in the body of an email message to xml-request@trisome.com. Postings should then be sent to xml@trisome.com.

Chinese XML List

[March 18, 1999] An XML Mailing List in Chinese Language (XML_ZH) has been set up by Jian Luquin (Polo di Didattico di Crema, Universita degli Studi di Milano). To subscribe, send the message 'subscribe xml_zh' in email to majordomo@ml.crema.unimi.it. Postings may be sent to xml_zh@ml.crema.unimi.it. See also the mail archive. In this connection, note also the rapidly-growing collection of resources on Chinese XML Web site Chinese XML Now!; see also is description.

XQL Mailing List

[March 26, 1999] Jonathan Robie (Software AG) announced on XML-DEV that he has "set up a mailing list for XQL (XML Query Language)." This new list "is intended to answer questions about the definition of the language, how to implement it, who has implemented it in what products, and whatever else seems to be of interest. [Also, Robie] will use this list to try to reach consensus in the XQL community if decisions need to be made, e.g., to add new extensions." XQL was presented at the W3C QL'98 - The Query Languages Workshop (December 3-4, 1998), along with some 65 other position papers.

DSTC XMI Mailing List

[March 30, 1999] Simon McBride (Distributed Systems Technology Centre DSTC, University of Queensland) announced a new public forum for discussion of the OMG's XML-based Metadata Interchange specification (XMI). Postings to the XMI mailing list will be archived. The forum at xmi@dstc.edu.au is one of two Meta-Object Facility (MOF) Related Mailing Lists hosted by DSTC. The second mailing list, at mof@dstc.edu.au, "provides a forum for discussion on the MOF specification, products and prototype implementations, meta-modeling and any other topic relevant to the Meta-Object Facility. For more information on XMI, see "Object Management Group (OMG) and XML Metadata Interchange Format (XMI)."

Legal XML Email Lists

[April 02, 1999] "The XML discussion list at Legalminds (xml@legalminds.org) is run by Gabe Wachob (gwachob@findlaw.com) of Findlaw. The list is intended for discussing the political and practical issues in getting the legal community and industry to adopt XML-based open and non-proprietary standards. [Alternately], if you are interested in technical development, please contact Todd Vincent (winchel@mindspring.com) about becoming a member of the leg-xml-l development list. The xml@legalminds.org list has open subscription and is unmoderated at the current time. An archive of the list is at http://www.legalminds.org/list/xml. The xml@legalminds.org list has open subscription and is unmoderated at the current time [1999-04]." See also the LegalXML 'Where Law meets XML' Web site.


[April 06, 1999] VBXML is "an email discussion group for Visual Basic and Visual Interdev developers who want to learn more about XML, XSL, DOM and related topics. Eventually we will set up our own website and create shareware programs and components for the industry. To subscribe, send a blank email message to vbxml-subscribe@onelist.com. You will then receive a welcome email, and FAQ and a starter zip [file] with some XML examples." Send email messages to vbxml@onelist.com. Contact: Mark Wilson.


[April 12, 1999] Murata Makoto (Fuji Xerox Information Systems) announced a new 'ietf-xml-mime' mailing list for discussing MIME types for XML. The principal reference document for the discussion group is XML Media Types (IETF Network Working Group RFC 2376), authored by E. James Whitehead and Murata Makoto. To subscribe to the list, send the message 'subscribe' in the body of an email message to ietf-xml-mime-request@imc.org. Messages posted to the forum are archived. Other subscription information is available via the Internet Mail Consortium Web server. See related information and references in "XML Media/MIME Types."


[October 06, 1999] James Tauber set up a mailing FOP-DEV for anyone interested in helping develop FOP, the open-source XSL formatter/renderer.


[November 19, 1999] XMLNews-L Mailing List Launched. "XMLNews-L is a moderated list that's open to people who are involved in some way with news and information exchange. "The xmlnews-l mailing list is devoted to discussing the exchange of news and information using open standards such as XML, RDF, and NITF, with a focus on practical implementation. Membership is free and is open to all parties actively involved with any type of online news and information exchange including (but not limited to) information providers and distributors, software developers and vendors, researchers, and print or electronic publishers. To help prevent spam, all subscription requests must be approved by the list moderator. For more information on XMLNews, please visit our Web site at http://www.xmlnews.org. The address for subscribing or unsubscribing is majordomo@list.xmlnews.org." XMLNews is "a suite of specifications for exchanging news and information using open Web standards [which makes it] easier to produce, receive, and archive any kind of information across different hardware, software and programming languages..." Contact: David Megginson


[November 30, 1999] In support of the IPTC's NewsML standard, there is a public discussion forum for NewsML, and representation of news in XML. This list is open both to IPTC members and non-members. To join it, send mail to newsml-subscribe@egroups.com. You can post messages to its members via e-mail at newsml@egroups.com. The list archive (at http://www.egroups.com/group/newsml/) is open to the public. Those who have joined the list may contribute and can view list membership. For other references, see "NewsML and IPTC2000."

W3C: xml-dist-app

The 'xml-dist-app' list is one of several public W3C mailing lists. The forum is "a spin-off of a lunch discussion at XML '99 about the use of XML in distributed applications, network protocols, and messaging systems [e.g., Transaction Internet Protocol Version 3.0, Information & Content Exchange (ICE), WAP Binary XML Content Format, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML-RPC, WDDX.org: Web Distributed Data Exchange.] See the posting from Dan Connolly for details. To subscribe, send an email message to the mail list server with subscribe in the subject line. The postings are archived for Web access in a public area.


RELDEVE [reldeve@egroups.com] is an unmoderated mailing list for those who are intereseted in RELAX schema language. The list 'reldevj@xml.gr.jp' is also available for Japanese. RELAX is a language for describing tag sets of XML; it is based on hedge automata. The list announcement from MURATA Makoto (Chair of the INSTAC XML SWG) supplies additional information. See: (1) the RELAX Web site and (2) "REgular LAnguage description for XML (RELAX)."

XHTML-L on eGroups

Simon St.Laurent has announced a new mailing list "dedicated to discussing XHTML, the next generation of HTML. The list is based at eGroups http://www.egroups.com/group/XHTML-L. Discussion of all versions of XHTML (1.0, 1.1, the upcoming 2.0) and their integration with other technologies (HTTP, CSS, MIME, XSLT, CC/PP, and more) is appropriate, as is discussion of XHTML's potential advantages and disadvantages relative to competing formats. W3C's XHTML recasts the HTML vocabulary into a stricter XML syntax, opening up new possibilities for both HTML and XML. While it's a minor change in some ways, the implications and new potentials are enormous and largely uncharted. I'm hoping that this list can bring together people from both the HTML and XML communities and shed some light on what XHTML has to offer to both communities. Webmasters, software developers, and anyone who might be interested in XHTML is welcome to join..."


XML Schema Developers List: The xmlschema-dev@w3.org discussion list is publicly archived on the W3C server. Henry Thompson announced this public list on April 07, 2000 with a message "'XML Schema Developers List Launched': To accompany the XML Schema Last Call drafts, the W3C is pleased to announce the opening of a public mailing list for XML Schema implementation developers, xmlschema-dev@w3.org. To subscribe, send mail to xmlschema-dev-request@w3.org with 'subscribe' as the subject." For references to W3C XML Schema, see "XML Schema Definition Language - W3C XML Schema Working Group."

xml-uri - Namespaces and URIs

'xml-uri' is an open W3C mailing list for discussion of Namespaces and URIs, especially as used in XPath, XSLT, and DOM, most especially on "relative URI references in namespace declarations." Problem: ". . .all the working groups in the XML Activity, as well as many individuals in the Web community at large, are currently bedeviled by the problem of how to interpret namespace declarations whose values take the form of relative URI references. . . In the long term, we believe most people would agree, the consortium needs a clear and coherent approach to the complex of problems of which the 'relative-URI-reference-in-NS-declaration' problem is a visible example. In the short term, we need an approach that everyone can live with, that avoids foreclosing later long-term solutions as far as is possible, and that will allow the various specs now in limbo to move forward." The list had some 1840 postings through July 03, 2000. See in particular the post of C. M. Sperberg-McQueen on 2000-07-03: "Moving toward a decision", [Proposed by the Plenary:] "Proposed: to deprecate the use of relative URI references in namespace declarations; that is: to say that while they conform to the Namespace Recommendation of January 1999, later specifications such as DOM, XPath, etc. will define no interpretation for them." See also the public archives.

W3C XML Encryption Mailing List

W3C XML Encryption Mailing List - 'xml-encryption@w3.org'. "This list is for discussion about XML encryption and related (potential) IETF or W3C activity. The purpose of this list is to foster the development of a community of interest and a set of design issues and requirements that might prompt a BOF or workshop on the topic. This discussion list is public, it is not moderated, and it is not part of an chartered activity of the IETF or W3C. Appropriate content for this list includes discussion of requirements, dependencies, and technical proposals; and drafts of specifications, code, charters and calls for participation. Inappropriate materials include commercial advertisements and announcements that are not immediately relevant to XML encryption. (e.g., general announcements about XML or cryptographic conferences or books.) Please feel free to introduce yourself to the list expressing your own interest or any issues that you think are relevant." The list maintainer is Joseph Reagle (IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair). To subscribe, send a request to xml-encryption-request@w3.org. See also: "XML and Encryption."

Egroups 'xmlpc-corba' mailing list

The xmlpc-corba mailing list "is intended to host open, informal and unmoderated discussions regarding XML messaging and SOAP - OMG Corba integrations issues. This list is for those people actively involved in developing resources for OMG Corba, XML-messaging and SOAP. It is not restricted to members of OMG and W3C but subscribers to 'xmlpc-corba' may be actively working on implementing some parts of current and future specifications. Examples of what might be discussed: (1) the detailed implementation of specifications; (2) resources such as documentation, test data, test results; (3) APIs for software developers; (4) problems in implementation, and queries for OMG Corba, XML-messaging and SOAP related resources; (5) the use of existing tools in creating OMG Corba, XML-messaging and SOAP resources." For other references to XML-Corba and the Object Management Group (OMG), see (1) "XML and CORBA" and (2) "Object Management Group (OMG) and XML Metadata Interchange Format (XMI)."

Egroups XML-DOC

The Egroups XML-DOC mailing list is for "technical writers, markup authors, XML developers, XML product vendors and systems integrators, and all others interested in applying XML to documentation, particularly documentation for computer software and hardware and for e-business infrastructure. Topics for which list members have a specific interest include: (1) "Single-sourcing" with XML -- write once, reuse anywhere; (2) Profiling/customizing for multiple audiences/formats; (3) Evaluating XML-based content management systems; (4) Using DocBook and other standard DTDs; (5) Converting legacy documents to XML; (6) Developing writing habits for structured authoring; (7) Performing document analysis and creating/refining DTDs; (8) Contributing to open-source documentation projects; (9) Transitioning to XML from FrameMaker, Interleaf, etc.; (10) Publishing -- transforming and delivering XML content."

Egroups XTM-WG

'xtm-wg' is the eGroups web site and discussion forum for the XTM ("XML Topic Maps") Working Group, hosted by IDEAlliance. Send mail to xtm-wg@egroups.com. This is an active mailing list as of Summer/Fall 2000. The archive includes a collection of draft/proposal XML DTDs, as well as the WG charter. On Topic Maps, see "(XML) Topic Maps." [cache data 2000-09-22]

OASIS Taxonomy Discussion List

From Karl Best: "I've set up an email list where we can discuss the use of taxonomies in the XML e-business space. I'd like to discuss whether it's possible to select an existing taxonomy that would meet the needs of ebXML, UDDI, XML.org, etc., what the pros and cons of various taxonomies are, and what criteria we should use to select them. The ultimate goal of this list would be the creation of an OASIS technical committee, which would select taxonomies for use at OASIS and XML.org as well as make recommendations to other standards groups...to participate, you must subscribe to the discussion list by sending a message to taxonomy-discuss-request@lists.oasis-open.org with the word 'subscribe' as the body of the message. After you are subscribed, you may send messages for the list to taxonomy-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org." See the announcement.

W3C RDF-Logic List

The www-rdf-logic list ('www-rdf-logic@w3.org') provides a forum for technical discussion concerning the design of logic-based languages for use on the Web. While W3C's existing work in this area has focussed on the XML, RDF and URI specifications, the www-rdf-logic forum is intended to facilitate discussion drawing upon a wide variety of research in the Web/logic/ontologies area. W3C provides the www-rdf-logic forum as a home for detailed technical discussion of all approaches to the use of classical logic on the Web for the representation of data such as inference rules, ontologies, and complex schemata. The logic list, through association with the RDF Interest Group, also serves as a mechanism to provide input into W3C's Semantic Web activities, in particular relating to future directions for the Resource Description Framework."

OASIS Entity Resolution TC Mailing List

OASIS Technical Committee on Entity Resolution. An announcement released by Karl Best (OASIS - Director, Technical Operations) describes a proposed 'Entity Resolution' technical committee, to be formed under the rules of the Technical Committee Process as announced in early October. The new committee would continue work begun under the SGML Open Technical Resolution on Entity Management (entity catalog formats, formal system identifiers, etc.), updating this work to cover XML. "A new OASIS technical committee is being formed. The Entity Resolution TC has been proposed by Lauren Wood, SoftQuad Software Inc.; Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems; Paul Grosso, Arbortext, Inc.; and John Cowan, Reuters Health. The request for a new TC meets the requirements of the OASIS TC process. . . The objective of the Entity Resolution TC is to provide facilities to address issue A of the OASIS catalog specification (TR 9401). These facilities will take into account new XML features and delete those features of TR 9401 that are only applicable to SGML, as well as those features applicable only to issue B in TR 9401. Deliverables: The Entity Resolution TC will produce a Committee Specification that uses XML syntax and provides a DTD (potentially also an XML Schema) for that syntax. This specification will be ready by August 2001. The Entity Resolution TC intends to submit the Committee Specification as an OASIS Standard after sufficient implementation experience has been gathered." See the TC mailing list archives. Subscribe by sending 'subscribe' as the body of a message to entity-resolution-request@lists.oasis-open.org.

XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO)

A communiqué from Andrew Watt announces the formation of a new mailing list for XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO). "Basic information on the eGroups.com 'XSL-FO' mailing list may be accessed at http://www.egroups.com/group/XSL-FO/. Interested individuals may subscribe by sending an email message to XSL-FO-subscribe@egroups.com; unsubscribe by sending mail to XSL-FO-unsubscribe@egroups.com. Mailing list description: "XSL Formatting Objects are an emerging standard from the W3C. At present there are few tools which do anything with XSL-FO and, until recently, none which will display XSL-FO natively on screen. Some early releases of useful XSL-FO tools are now beginning to emerge. So exciting (and challenging) times lie ahead for those of us interested in XSL Formatting Objects. All questions are welcome. As the group grows hopefully we can share our experience and growing knowledge..."

W3C XSL-FO List (XSL Formatting Objects)

'www-xsl-fo@w3.org' is a public W3C discussion forum on [XSL] Formatting Objects and properties. XSL Formatting Objects is an XML vocabulary for specifying formatting semantics. The list was formed in January, 2001. Maintained by Max Froumentin. Archives at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-xsl-fo/.

Microsoft Reader Mailing List

Microsoft Reader Mailing List is an independent and unmoderated list for the discussion of all technical matters pertaining to the Microsoft Reader for ebooks. Administered by Jon E. Noring. A partial list of allowable discussion topics include: (1) Technical publishing matters associated with the creation of works in LIT format. This includes, as a partial list, OEBPS, HTML, CSS, XML, conversion, compilers, etc. (2) End-user issues, such as the installation of Microsoft Reader (both Desktop and PocketPC versions), reading, and accessibility. (3) Software development using Microsoft's Reader Content SDK; this includes the development of new LIT compilers. 4) Security and server issues." See "Open eBook Initiative."


Roy Tennant announced the launch of the XML4Lib Electronic Discussion Forum for the discussion of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and its use in libraries. The purpose of the XML4Lib electronic discussion is to assist library staff in learning about XML and how to apply it to library problems and opportunities. XML4Lib is hosted on the Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE, a digital library and a support service for digital library, museum and archive developers. To subscribe, send the message subscribe XML4Lib YOUR NAME to listserv@sunsite.berkeley.edu.

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