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M.J. Minakowska: Minakowska's Great Genealogy polski
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Maria Jadwiga Minakowska PhD is building two genealogical databases: "the little" and "the great". The "little" is known as "The Genealogy of Descendants of the Great Sejm" (Sejm-Wielki.pl), available for free, for everybody, but limited to the families of Members of the 1788-1791 Parliament (the Great Sejm). It is over 130,000 people.

Here (Wielcy.pl) you have The Great Genealogy - over 1.200,000 people from elites of Central-Eastern Europe (former Rzeczpospolita, now Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus and Latvia) since about 850 until now. One, big family: N. Copernicus, M. Curie, F. Chopin, T. Kosciuszko, John Paul II, J. Conrad, H. Sienkiewicz, C. Miłosz, J. Pilsudski, A. Smetona, B. Komorowski, J. Buzek... Famous: writers, painters, musicians, actors, journalist, discoverers, historians, generals, philosophers, churchmen, lawyers, politicians: before 19th c., 19th c., pre-war, post-war, contemporary... And almost half a million people who are one family with us.

Subscription covers also full-text editions of two great almanachs: A. Boniecki's and K. Niesiecki's Herbarz polski.

Minakowska's Great Genealogy

Top Million of Poles


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please email at mj@minakowski.pl

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Some reading, mostly in Polish:
Wielka Genealogia Minakowskiej na Facebooku

Cytuj: Maria Jadwiga Minakowska, Wielka genealogia Minakowskiej (Wielcy.pl), wydanie z 22.03.2025.
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