Packer is a tool that allows users to create machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. It supports cloud providers like AWS, Azure, GCP and OpenStack. The document discusses using Packer to create optimized OS images with tools like cloud-init for fast provisioning and deployment of applications during scale-out operations. It also describes integrating Packer with other tools for testing and deployment automation.
4. Our service issue
Do scale-out
Do scale-out with automation!
Do scale-out with rapid automation!!!
Do scale-out with extremely rapid automation!!!!!1
5. Concerns of bootstrap time
Typical scenario of server set-up for scale out.
• OS boot
• OS Configuration
• Provisioning with puppet/chef
• Setting up to capistrano
• Deploy rails application
• Added load balancer (= Service in)
6. Concerns of bootstrap time
Slow operation
• OS boot
• Provisioning with puppet/chef
• Deploy rails application
Fast operation
• OS Configuration
• Setting up to capistrano
• Added load balancer (=
Service in)
7. Check point of Image creation
Slow operation
• OS boot
• Provisioning with puppet/chef
• Deploy rails application
Fast operation
• OS Configuration
• Setting up to capistrano
• Added load balancer (=
Service in)
8. 2 phase strategy
• Official OS image
• Provided from platform like AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack…
• Minimal image(phase 1)
• Network, User, Package configuration
• Installed puppet/chef and platform cli-tools.
• Role specified(phase 2)
• Only boot OS and Rails application
9. Tuning tools(cloud-init)
We only use OS configuration. Do not use “run_cmd”
repo_update: true
repo_upgrade: none
- git
- curl
- unzip
- default
locale: ja_JP.UTF-8
timezone: Asia/Tokyo
10. Before packer age
We use IaaS API for image creation with cloud-init userdata.
We can create OS Image using cloud-init and provisioned puppet
when boot time of instance.
puppet agent -t
rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/sem /var/lib/cloud/instances/*
aws ec2 create-image --instance-id `cat /var/lib/cloud/data/instance-id` --name
www_base_`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`
11. After packer age
I couldn’t understand use-case of packer. Is it Provision tool?
Deployment tool?
12. We created cli tool with thor
We can run packer over thor code with advanced options.
$ some_cli_tool ami build-minimal
$ some_cli_tool ami build-www
$ some_cli_tool ami build-www —init
$ some_cli_tool ami build-www -a ami-id
module SomeCliTool
class Ami < Thor
method_option :ami_id, type: :string, aliases: "-a"
method_option :init, type: :boolean
desc 'build-www', 'wwwの最新イメージをビルドします'
def build_www
13. inside image creation with Packer
• Packer configuration
• JSON format
• select instance size, block volume,
• cloud-init
• Basic configuration of OS
• only default module of cloud-init
• provisioner
• shell script :)
16. We can scale out with one command via our cli tool
One more thing…
scale out with cli command
$ some_cli_tool mackerel fixrole
$ some_cli_tool scale up
$ some_cli_tool deploy blue-green
$ some_cli_tool instances launch -c 10 …
17. Integration tests with Packer
We can tests results of Packer running. (Impl by @udzura)
"provisioners": [
"type": "shell",
"script": "{{user `project_root`}}packer/minimal/provisioners/",
"execute_command": "{{ .Vars }} sudo -E sh '{{ .Path }}'"
yum -y -q install rubygem-bundler
cd /tmp/serverspec
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
bundle exec rake spec
packer configuration
18. Next step of image creation with packer
• Automated all of test with image creation and launching
• Fail over with fragile API status
• Sync deployment with image creation