The document discusses C++ and its history and features. It describes C++ as an extension of C with object-oriented features like classes. It provides information on the creator of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup, and the evolution of C++ since its introduction as a way to add object-oriented programming to C. It also includes sample C++ code demonstrating the use of arrays and includes from the Boost library.
- Shinichi Nakagawa is a 36-year-old Pythonista who works at visasQ inc. and uses Python for his work, especially with Agile frameworks like Lean Startup.
- As a Pythonista for 5 years, he has spoken at conferences like PyCon JP in 2014 and 2015 on topics related to Python and Agile practices.
- He advocates getting out of the building to learn Python, providing output and feedback through blogs and social media, and networking with other Python developers.
English version is here: