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Robert H. Beach RTI Expert Headshot

Robert H. Beach

RTI Fellow, Agricultural, Resource & Energy Economics and Policy Program


PhD, Economics, North Carolina State University
BSE, Biomedical Engineering, Duke University.


Robert H. Beach, PhD, specializes in the development and application of economic models designed to analyze agricultural, environmental, energy, transportation, and natural resource regulations, programs, and policies. He is currently involved in the development of multiple forest and agricultural sector—as well as macroeconomic— models for use in assessment of both domestic and international policies and programs.

The applications of his research include studies evaluating the economic impacts of climate change and adaptation, the potential for and economic impacts of mitigating greenhouse gases from agriculture for regions around the world, and low emissions development strategies (LEDS). In addition, his research applications include the economic and environmental impacts of large-scale bioenergy production, land use change and associated greenhouse gas and other emissions including reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), potential mitigation and costs of black carbon and organic carbon emissions, risk management, and factors influencing forest investment and management.

Dr. Beach holds an adjunct faculty position in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at North Carolina State University.

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