Safe, Secure,
and Accessible
Code Hosting

Code repositories, collaboration and  deployment tools for everyone from small teams to enterprises.


$19 / month
5 Users
5GB Storage
5 Projects


$49 / month
20 Users
10GB Storage
Unlimited Projects
Time Track Integration
Restrict Access By IP


$99 / month
50 Users
25GB Storage
Unlimited Projects
Time Tracking Integration
Restrict Access By IP


Contact Us
Advanced Auditing
25-100+ GB Storage
Unlimited Projects
All IPO Features
Custom SLA
Virtual Private Network
1 Black


We protect you from tornadoes, fires, and unruly team members

2 Gold


We keep your code away from prying eyes

3 Black


We let your team access from anywhere, anytime

Your ProjectLocker account gives you
tons of powerful features.

Here are a few highlights of what's included.

4 Gold


Subversion & Git

The heart of ProjectLocker is our enterprise-grade repository hosting. Each ProjectLocker project comes with its own private source code repository (Subversion hosting or Git hosting). Git & SVN repositories are compatible with standard clients. ProjectLocker repository hosting includes:

5 Gold

Automatic Deployment

Simplify your workflow with automation

ProjectLocker makes it easy to automatically deploy your code to your cloud-based server. Just push your code to ProjectLocker, and ProjectLocker will automatically deploy your latest code. Setup multiple targets for development, staging, and production & manage complex workflows.

ProjectLocker makes it easy to get started with DevOps, no coding required.

9 Gold

Project Management

Bug Tracking, wiki, collaboration

All ProjectLocker projects include the open-source Trac project management application. Trac offers all the tools you need to manage your project, but it’s easy enough for your team to learn without training. Trac is a fantastic way to track your project, and it’s fully integrated into your ProjectLocker account.

6 Gold


Meetings != Communication

Great communication is the secret of high-performance teams. ProjectLocker is chock full of ways to make sure everyone on your team stays up to date. If you’re the hyperconnected type, you can even get project alerts sent direct to your mobile phone.

2 Gold


Safety & Security

ProjectLocker is designed for businesses and others that need to keep their source code private, so we take security very seriously. For your side, this means that all access to ProjectLocker happens over encrypted channels by default. On our side, the precautions we take are more involved. Here are just a few highlights:

You need more?

Teams like yours

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