Director of Research Software Applications
XSEDE Campus Champion
Phone: (614) 292-1091
1224 Kinnear Rd.
Columbus, OH
Current Research Projects:
In collaboration with DK Panda and the Network-Based Computing Lab, Ohio State University
- Next Generation Communication Mechanisms exploiting Heterogeneity, Hierarchy and Concurrency for Emerging HPC Systems, NSF Abstract
In collaboration with M. Sokoloff, University of Cincinnati
Enabling High Energy Physics at the Information Frontier Using GPUs and Other Many/Multi-Core Architectures, NSF Abstract
In collaboration with I. Howat, Ohio State University
- Automated , High Resolution Terrain Generation for XSEDE, NSF Abstract
Prior Research Projects:
In collaboration with M. Sokoloff, R. Andreassen, B. Meadows, University of Cincinnati
- Enabling Physics Research at the Information Frontier Using GPUs, NSF Abstract
In collaboration with DK Panda and the Network-Based Computing Lab, Ohio State University
- Unified Runtime for Supporting Hybrid Programming Models on Heterogeneous Architecture, NSF Abstract
- A Comprehensive Performance Tuning Framework for the MPI Stack, NSF Abstract
Topology-Aware MPI Communication and Scheduling for Petascale Systems, NSF Abstract
- Graduate Education and Research in Petascale Many Body Methods for Complex Correlated Systems: A Collaboration with Partners in Germany and Switzerland, NSF Abstract
In collaboration S. Gordon, Ohio Supercomputer Center
- XSEDE Curriculum and Educator Programs, XSEDE site