This study analyzed folic acid intake before and since mandatory fortification. Dietary data were collected by 24-hour recall in a health survey in São Paulo (ISA-Capital) in 2003 and 2007-2008, stratifying the population according to life stage and gender. Estimated average requirement (EAR) and tolerable upper intake level (UL) were used to assess intake. Prevalence of inadequate folic acid intake decreased in all groups, especially adolescents and adult males (72% to < 1% and 76% to 6%, respectively) but remained high in adult women (38%). Beans were the main source of folic acid before fortification. With fortification, bread became the main source, but beans remained important. Fortification was successful (increased intake within safe levels), but it raised concerns about the high proportion in the target group (adult women) who still fail to meet the recommended intake.