Purpose: The purpose of this pilot study was to conduct an impact evaluation of a 10-week Web-based physical activity intervention.
Design: Quasi-experimental, three-group pretest, posttest design.
Setting: Large Midwestern university.
Subjects: Participants (N = 233) included college students registered for three courses. The study employed a convenience sample consisting of a Web-based group (n = 108), a physical activity group (n = 64), and a general health group (n = 61).
Intervention: The Web-based group received a Social Cognitive Theory behavioral skill-building intervention and exercised 3 days per week in their leisure time. The physical activity group received exercise instruction and was required to attend three physical activity labs per week. The comparison group received health instruction.
Measures: Outcome variables included moderate and vigorous physical activity, self-regulation, social support, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations and expectancies.
Analysis: Differences between groups were assessed at pretest and posttest using multiple analyses of variance.
Results: Vigorous physical activity, self-regulation, and outcome expectancy value changed significantly in the Web-based and physical activity course groups (p < .01).
Conclusions: Even with consideration of limitations such as small sample size and lack of randomization, the Web-based and traditional physical activity lecture and activity lab interventions were superior in eliciting changes in vigorous physical activity, self-regulation, and outcome expectancy value than a traditional health course.