One of the major trends in optical fiber science is to be able to obtain fibers with large-mode-area (LMA), optimized for various applications such as high power delivery, fiber amplifiers, and fiber lasers. In order to ensure the high beam quality and the ultimate controllability of the damage threshold in the fiber's material, it is required to have a LMA property and of course to operate in a single mode fashion. While the conventional fibers have some difficulties in providing simultaneously LMA, single mode operation, as well as low macro-bending loss characteristics, all-silica holey fibers are highly attractive candidates for realizing LMA single-mode fibers with low bending losses. In this paper, we present a novel type of effectively single-mode holey fibers with effective mode area of about 1400 mum(2), small allowable bending radius as small as 5 cm, good beam quality factor of 1.15, and high confinement losses exceeding 1 dB/m for the higher-order mode at 1.064-mum wavelength.