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2024/12 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Kenta Ikeuchi, Seokbeom Kwon,Impact of National University Patenting on Innovation: Researcher Analysis in Japan", Technology in Society, 102806
2024/11 元橋一之, 金 榮愨, "日本企業のAIとデータ活用の実態:「AI・データの経営活用に関するアンケート調査」を用いた記述統計分析", RIETI Policy Discussion Paper, 2024-P-10
2024/10 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Chen Zhu, Quantifying the Differences in Innovation Processes in China, Japan and the United States by Document Level Concordance between Patents and Web Contents, RIETI Discssion Paper, 2024-E-075
2024/09 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Kenta Ikeuchi, Akira Yamaguchi,, "Absorptive capacity for science-based innovation propensity: an empirical analysis using Japanese National Innovation Survey", Journal of Techology Transfer, published online
2024/05 Amir Hazem, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Chen Zhu, "From Technology to Market. Bilingual Corpus on the Evaluation of Technology Opportunity Discovery", Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference of LREC-COLING 2024, 7510–7520
2024/03 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Alireza Emami Javid "Dynamics of Ecosystem Governance on a Technology Plaform: Network Analysis of Siemens MindSphere partners", RIETI Discussion Paper 24-E-027
2024/03 Chen Zhu, Kazuyuki Motohashi "The Fundraising of AI Startups: Evidence from web data", RIETI Discussion Paper 24-E-021
2024/02 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Hitoshi Koshiba, Kenta Ikeuchi "Measuring science and innovation linkage using text mining of research papers and patent information", Scientometrics, published online, February 29, 2024
2024/01 Chen Zhu, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Technological competitiveness of China's internet platformers: comparison of Google and Baidu by using patent text information", Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, published online
2023/12 Chen Zhu, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Identifying technology opportunity using dual-attention model and technology-market concordance matrix", Technology Forecasting and Social Change, 197, December 2023,122916
2023/04 Chen Zhu, Kazuyuki Motohashi, " Government R&D spending as a driving force of technology convergence", Scientometrics, 128, 3035-3065
2023/04 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Quihan Zhao "University as a Knowledge Source of Innovation: A spatial analysis of the impact on local high-tech startup creation", RIETI DIscussion Paper 23-E-027
2023/03 元橋 一之, 池内 健太, 山口晃, "サイエンスベースのイノベーション実現のための 吸収能力: 全国イノベーション調査を用いた実証分析", NISTEP Discussion Paper No. 221, 文部科学省科学技術・学術政策研究所
2023/03 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Hitoshi Koshiba, Kenta Ikeuchi "Measuring Science and Innovation Linkage Using Text Mining of Research Papers and Patent Information", RIETI Discussion Paper 23-E-015
2023/03 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Chen Zhu, "Identifying Technology Opportunity Using a Dual-attention Model and a Technology-market Concordance Matrix", RIETI DIscussion Paper 23-E-024
2023/03 元橋一之 "デジタル化による製造業の競争戦略:プラットフォーム理論による検証" , RIETI Policy Discussion Paper, 23-P-003
2022/11 Hong Jiang, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Wentao Liu, Xu Zhang , "Knowledge-oriented leadership and technology standard innovation: a temporary-team perspective",Journal of Knowledge Management,26(9), 2061-2083
2022/09 Kenta Ikeuchi, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Linkage of patent and design right data: Analysis of industrial design activities in companies at the creator level", World Patent Information, 70, 102114
2022/08 Seokboem Kwon, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Kenta Ikeuchi "Chasing Two Hares at Once? Effect of Joint Institutional Change for Promoting Commercial Use of University Knowledge and Scientific Research", Journal of Technology Transfer, (2022)47, 1242-1272
2022/05 Jianwei Dang, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Dong Huo, "Get Pennies from many or get a Dollar from one? Multiple licensing in markets for technology", Technovation, 113, May 2022 102423
2022/04 池内健太、元橋一之、Seokbeom Kwon "国立大学法人化による大学特許に対する影響:研究者レベルの実証分析" , RIETI Discussion Paper 22-J-017
2022/04 Chen Zhu, Kazuyuki Motohashi, " Government R&D spending as a driving force of technology convergence", RIETI DIscussion Paper 22-E-030
2022/04 元橋一之 "日米中の科学技術力比較と経済安全保障問題に対するインプリケーション" , RIETI Policy Discussion Paper, 22-P-007
2022/03 Chen Zhu, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Identifying the technology convergence using patent text information: A graph convolutional networks (GCN)-based approach", Technology Forecasting and Social Change, Vol 176, March 2022, 121477
2021/10 Seokboem Kwon, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Incentive or disincentive for research data disclosure? A large-scale empirical analysis and implications for open science policy",International Journal of Information Management 60, 102371
2021/04 Xinyue Hu, Yongli Tang, Kazuyuki Motohashi ",Varied university-industry knowledge transfer channels and product innovation performance in Guangdong manufacturing firms, Knowledge Management Research and Practice,19 (2), 197-207
2021/03 Jiangwei Dang, Dong Huo, Kazuyuki Motohashi "Leveraging Standard Essential Patents for Capturing Innovation Rents: The Strategic Disclosure of License Rules", RIETI Discussion Paper 21-E-028
2021/03 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Hitoshi Koshiba, Kenta Ikeuchi "New Indicator of Science and Technology Inter-Relationship by Using Text Information of Research Articles and Patents in Japan", RIETI Discussion Paper 21-E-025
2021/01 元橋 一之 小柴 等 池内 健太 "論文・特許のテキストデータを使った科学と技術の連関分析", NISTEP Discussion Paper No. 192, 文部科学省科学技術・学術政策研究所
2021/01 Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Progress of Digital Platforms and their Impact on Japan's Industrial Competitiveness", RIETI Policy Discussion Paper 21-P-001
2020/11 元橋一之、デジタルプラットフォームの進展と産業競争力への影響, RIETI Policy Discussion Paper 20-P-029
2020/11 Byeongwoo Kang, Kazuyuki Motohashi ",Local Industry Influence on Commercialization of University Research by University Startups, RIETI Discussion Paper 20-E-086
2020/10 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Development of patent database in Thailand for assessing local firms’ technological capabilities, World Patent Information, (63), December 2020, 101998
2020/06 Seokbeom Kwon, Kazuyuki Motohashi ",Incentive or Disincentive for Disclosure of Research Data? A Large-Scale Empirical Analysis and Implications for Open Science Policy, RIETI Discussion Paper 20-E-058
2020/05 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Chen Zhu ",Technological Competitiveness of China's Internet Platforms: Comparison of Google and Baidu Using Patent Text Information, RIETI Discussion Paper 20-E-045
2020/03 Byeongwoo Kang, Kazuyuki Motohashi "Academic contribution to industrial innovation by funding type ", Scientometrics,124:169–193
2020/03 Kazuyuki Motohashi, Christian Rammer " Digitalization and New Product Development in Manufacturing SMEs: A Comparative Study of Germany and Japan;, RIETI Policy Discussion Paper 20-P-007
2020/02 Kazuyuki Motohashi " Science and Technology Co-evolution in AI: Empirical Understanding through a Linked Dataset of Scientific Articles and Patents;, RIETI Discussion Paper 20-E010
2020/01 Deyun Yin, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Jiangwei Dang "Large-scale name disambiguation of Chinese patent inventors (1985-2016) ", Scientometrics, 122, pp. 765–790 (2020)
2019/12 元橋 一之 小柴 等 池内 健太 "特許文書情報を用いた発明内容の抽出と 出願人タイプ別特性比較 ", NISTEP Discussion Paper No. 175, 文部科学省科学技術・学術政策研究所
2019/06 Lei Wang, Dong Huo, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Coordination Mechanisms and Overseas Knowledge Acquisition for Chinese Suppliers: The Contingent Impact of Production Mode and Contractual Governance", Journal of International Management, 25(2), Aeticle 100653, 2019/06
2019/04 Dong Huo, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Han Gong " Team diversity as dissimilarity and variety in organizational innovation", Research Policy, 48(6), 1564-1572
2019/03 Dong Huo, Jiangwei Dang, Kazuyuki Motohashi " Empirical Analysis of License Policy for Declared Standard-essential Patents in Setting Technology Standards;, RIETI Discussion Paper 19-E023
2019/03 Kazuyuki Motohashi " Digitalization of manufacturing process and open innovation: Survey results of small and medium sized firms in Japan", RIETI Policy Discussion Paper 19-P005
2019/03 YoungGak Kim, Kazuyuki Motohashi " Use and sharing of big data, firm networks and their performance", RIETI Discussion Paper 19-E016
2019/03 池内健太、元橋一之, "特許データと意匠データのリンケージ:創作者レベルで見る企業における工業デザイン活動に関する分析", RIETI Discussion Paper, 19-J-017, RIETI, 2019/03
2019/03 Lei Wang, Fuming Jiang, Jun Li, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Xiaosong Zheng, "The contingent effects of asset specificity, contract specificity, and trust on offshore relationship performance", Journal of Business Research, Volume 99, 338-349, 2019/03
2019/02 Yongli Tang, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Xinyue Hu, Angeles Montoro-Sanchez, "University-industry interaction and product innovation performance of Guangdong manufacturing firms: the roles of regional proximity and research quality of universities", The Journal of Technology Transfer, 2019, 1-41, 2019/02
2019/01 Haiyan Yu, Jianwei Dang, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Post-M&A technological capability-building of emerging market firms in China: the case of Lenovo", Asia Pacific Business Review, 25:1, 40-60, 2019/01
2018/10 塚田尚稔、元橋一之, "Microsoft Academic Graph の書誌情報データとしての評価", NISTEP Discussion Paper, No.162, NISTEP, 2018/10
2018/11 Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Understanding AI Driven Innovation by Linked Database of Scientific Articles and Patents", RIETI Policy Discussion Paper,18-P-017, RIETI, 2018/11
2018/10 Byeongwoo Kang, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Funding Sources and the Academic Contribution to Technological Knowledge Development:Evidence from Japan", NISTEP Discussion Paper, No.161, NISTEP, 2018/10
2018/07 元橋一之, "AIにおけるサイエンスとイノベーションの共起化:米国における論文・特許データベースを用いた分析", NISTEP Discussion Paper, No.160, NISTEP, 2018/07
2018/07 Kazuyuki Motohashi, "The Regional Innovation System in China: Regional comparison of technology, venture financing, and human capital focusing on Shenzhen", RIETI Policy Discussion Paper, 18-P-012, RIETI, 2018/07
2018/07 松本久仁子、元橋一之, "技術占有度と集積の外部性に関する実証研究", RIETI Discussion Paper, 18-J-022, RIETI, 2018/07
2018/06 Masayo Kani, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Technology Sourcing in New Product Development Projects: When and how to use external resources? ", RIETI Discussion Paper, 18-E-042, RIETI, 2018/06
2018/05 元橋一之, "中国の地域イノベーションシステム:深センを中心とした技術、資金、人材の現状", RIETI Policy Discussion Paper, 18-P-011, RIETI, 2018/05
2018/03 Deyun Yin, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Inventor Name Disambiguation with Gradient Boosting Decision Tree and Inventor Mobility in China (1985-2016)", RIETI Discussion Paper, 18-E-018, RIETI, 2018/03
2017/09 Suchit Pongnumkul, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "A bipartite fitness model for online music streaming services", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 490, 2018, Pages 1125-1137, 2017/09
2017/08 Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Survey of Big Data Use and Innovation in Japanese Manufacturing Firms", RIETI Policy Discussion Paper, 17-P-027, RIETI, 2017/08
2017/06 Kenta Ikeuchi, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Ryuichi Tamura, Naotoshi Tsukada "The ‘scientification’ of industry: New indicators of science intensity ", VOX CEPR's Policy Portal, 2017/06/28
2017/05 Masayo Kani, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Determinants of demand for technology in relationships with complementary assets among Japanese firms", China Economic Journal, Vol. 10, 2017-Iss. 2, pp244–262, 2017/05
2017/03 Kenta Ikeuchi, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Ryuichi Tamura, Naotoshi Tsukada "Measuring Science Intensity of Industry using Linked Dataset of Science, Technology and Industry ", RIETI Discussion Paper, 17-E-056, RIETI, 2017/03
2017/03 Kenta Ikeuchi, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "Creative Destruction in the Era of Open Innovation: Empirical investigation into the relationship between patenting and survival of Japanese firms ", RIETI Discussion Paper, 17-E-055, RIETI, 2017/03
2017/02 Seokbeom Kwon, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "How institutional arrangements in the National Innovation System affect industrial competitiveness: A study of Japan and the U.S. with multiagent simulation",Technological Forecasting and Social Change,Volume 115, February 2017 , pp221–235, 2017/02