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What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.
How to make pizza:
2.5 cups flour- all purpose, or sub in some whole wheat or even a bit of cornmeal for crunch.
0.5 teaspoon salt
0.75 cups warm water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of yeast in it
0.25 c olive oil, add to the water/yeast solution
Whatever else you want to throw in there for flavor. Herbs. Black pepper and regular old garlic powder are my secret ingredients.
Mix everything together until it forms a soft dough. Knead for 5ish minutes. Divide in two.
Roll each dough piece out thin between two pieces of parchment paper. Don't flour the bottom, you want that to stick to the paper. Flour the top just enough so it doesn't stick to the paper. The parchment paper lets you get it really thin without fussing with it too much.
Top as desired. Precook any toppings that have high moisture content, e.g. mushrooms. Keeps the pizza from getting soggy. Current favorite sauce: cilantro pesto. Maximize your pizza's potential by spreading the topping all the way out to the edge. If you overtop the pizza or let the toppings pile up in the middle, it'll get soggy. Less is more.
Bake: use the highest oven temperature possible without setting off the smoke alarm. At my house, this is 450˚F. Bake them right on the parchment. The crust will come loose from the paper as it bakes. I use a baking peel and a pizza stone, which is awesome. Ovens are variable, and each pizza is different. Just check once or twice and take it out when everything looks crispy and brown. perhaps 15 minutes.
For non-wheat crust, I use a crust from Free Range Cookies:
share and enjoy!
How to make pizza:
2.5 cups flour- all purpose, or sub in some whole wheat or even a bit of cornmeal for crunch.
0.5 teaspoon salt
0.75 cups warm water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of yeast in it
0.25 c olive oil, add to the water/yeast solution
Whatever else you want to throw in there for flavor. Herbs. Black pepper and regular old garlic powder are my secret ingredients.
Mix everything together until it forms a soft dough. Knead for 5ish minutes. Divide in two.
Roll each dough piece out thin between two pieces of parchment paper. Don't flour the bottom, you want that to stick to the paper. Flour the top just enough so it doesn't stick to the paper. The parchment paper lets you get it really thin without fussing with it too much.
Top as desired. Precook any toppings that have high moisture content, e.g. mushrooms. Keeps the pizza from getting soggy. Current favorite sauce: cilantro pesto. Maximize your pizza's potential by spreading the topping all the way out to the edge. If you overtop the pizza or let the toppings pile up in the middle, it'll get soggy. Less is more.
Bake: use the highest oven temperature possible without setting off the smoke alarm. At my house, this is 450˚F. Bake them right on the parchment. The crust will come loose from the paper as it bakes. I use a baking peel and a pizza stone, which is awesome. Ovens are variable, and each pizza is different. Just check once or twice and take it out when everything looks crispy and brown. perhaps 15 minutes.
For non-wheat crust, I use a crust from Free Range Cookies:
share and enjoy!