149 posts tagged with rescue.
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How three WA boaters developed a lifesaving device that’s used worldwide
Three Seattle-area sailors were rocked by these losses, and the circumstances behind them: In both cases, it was not physically possible for the woman left aboard to lift her husband from the water. And, in fact, all overboard sailing rescues pose the herculean challenge of hoisting someone several feet onto a boat.
As leaders in The Sailing Foundation, the three established its Safety at Sea Committee to research and test crew overboard techniques to help prevent similar cases. And for the next three decades, they volunteered their free time to the development and distribution of a revolutionary device — the Lifesling. ( archive, although with non-working slideshow ) [more inside]
“In the 1950s, you had this mid-century hubris - tech could conquer all"
“In the 1950s, you had this mid-century hubris—technology could conquer all”
“The history of the West is one of struggle of mankind against nature,” says Sarah Keyes, a historian at the University of Nevada, Reno. “In the post-World War II world, [that] these elite folks can still be trapped for days in the mountains is terrifying—and a continuation of a cultural legacy.” from When a Deadly Winter Storm Trapped a Luxury Passenger Train Near the Donner Pass for Three Days [Smithsonian]
📚 Under the fold: A Lot of Books 📚
In addition to Small Press Distribution's shutdown (previously), in November of 2024 independent distributor National Book Network announced that it will also shut down in 2025, offering clients a chance to move to Simon & Schuster Distribution Services and a lot more notice than SPD. Independent Publishers Group still exists, and small distributors Asterism and Itasca have bridged some of the gap. Many presses have incurred higher costs than usual—but the amazing and challenging work of small presses soldier on, producing books that are too loud, too transgressive, or too weird for the Big 5 (previously). [more inside]
30 days lost in the North Cascades
Robert Schock, 39, was last seen hiking on the North Cascade's Chilliwack River Trail with his dog on July 31. On August 3, his dog was found on the trail by a forest ranger. Three searches of the 17-mile trail were conducted, but he wasn't found. (archive) One month later, a trail crew with the Pacific Northwest Trail Association was working in the field when they heard his barely discernible calls over the sound of the Chilliwack River. (archive) Jeff Kish, the PTNA director gave details on his rescue, saying, "I hope more of this story eventually gets out, but I don't think it's my story to tell." Now, Robert Schock recounts his 30-day disappearance and how he survived. (archive)
Save the Dog
Trapping Jughead
She spent a month trying to help stray dog whose head was stuck in a jug [CW: happy ending]
Britain's Loneliest Sheep
Two years ago, a kayaker saw a sheep on a beach at the bottom of cliffs on the north-east coast of Scotland. Jillian Turner said "She saw us coming and was calling to us along the length of the beach following our progress until she could go no further". Turner kayaked the route again recently, saw the sheep again and went to the media for help. The sheep has been rescued by a group of farmers, including The Hoof GP and TheSheepGame. They posted a video about it.
Since then, the sheep (Fiona), has been moved to a secret location after activists protested. [more inside]
From Unwanted To Sniffing For The Future
Out in the hinterlands of Montana, the nonprofit Working Dogs For Conservation takes dogs from several walks of life - rescues, abandoned at shelters, former law enforcement sniffers - and train them to put their snouts to work in supporting a number of conservation efforts.
She just sort of appeared, in a beam of clarity.
Here's what we know. We're alone. We're in a small boat. We're far from shore. The nearest land to us is Logan Airport. And that's when it begins to dawn on me. If we have to jump off this boat and swim to the closest land, we would be army crawling up the banks of a government-controlled airspace. The true story of nine people, eight life jackets, and a wooden boat built for… even fewer. Ike Sriskandarajah lived to tell the tale. Pirates of the Cari-BEAN-TOWN. [more inside]
Yeah, no problem man!
My guy on the tooth picks:
"I was skiing a zone with a partner when I passed by a snowboarder upsidedown and buried in a tree well. I only caught a glimpse of his board but it was enough to get my attention." [more inside]
Rescue beaver makes Christmas dam in house
Brave the Cave, Face the Grave
Man in Cave - Internet Historian [YT] A man (Floyd Collins) gets stuck in a cave. Events spiral out of control quickly. [more inside]
Another little life saved
Rescued baby echidna in Sydney grows healthy under vet's care. – A rescued echidna puggle has been nursed back to health under the care of a vet who has taken up the role as its "mother," a Sydney zoo says. Five-month-old echidna Weja was rescued in October, and nurse Liz McConnell had been taking care of it at her home non-stop until earlier this month when the baby spent its first night in the hospital, a milestone in the rehabilitation process., AFP News Agency, Feb 11, 2022.
Air Rescue: Sausage Links
Perhaps you would like to start your weekend with a feel good story of community cooperation, dangling sausages and a rescued pup. (single link to CNN) [more inside]
Google Maps is pretty sure you wanted Suicide Road
Wingwalker to the rescue
Al, momentarily concerned by the dead motor, suddenly brightened. ‘Go on in and land her, Jerry. I’ll hold that wheel on with my foot.’
Santa Monica, 1926: Pilot F. Gerald Phillips takes off in a Curtiss biplane and realizes he’s missing a wheel on his landing gear.
And his bio sounds like the worst dog in the world!
suburban retrofitting
The People the Suburbs Were Built for Are Gone. Shayla Love @ Vice.com interviews architecture professors June Williamson and Ellen Dunham-Jones on their new book, Case Studies in Retrofitting Suburbia: Urban Design Strategies for Urgent Challenges. "Since the 1990s, Williamson and Dunham-Jones have been watching the suburbs evolve. They have found that much of the suburban sprawl of the 20th century was built to serve a very different population than the one that exists now, and so preserving what the suburbs once were doesn't make sense." [more inside]
Feed your moths and hide your trousers
From an article in The Guardian by Hannah Marriott: There is a rip in the armpit of Orsola de Castro’s jumper. She raises her hand high in the air so I can see it: a slash of pale skin peeks from tomato-red wool. This “memory hole”, as De Castro describes it, tells the story of the jumper’s long life. It was owned by her cousin, then her daughter. “It is very old Benetton, from when Benetton was still made in Italy. You can’t see it on Zoom, but this is really nice wool,” she says, arm still aloft. [more inside]
A Sick Swan Is Saved
Ariel Cordova-Rojas had planned to spend last Thursday afternoon immersed in nature. It was the day before her 30th birthday, and her intention was to ride her bike to Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, watch birds fly overhead and hike amid the vibrant fall foliage.A Sick Swan Is Saved After a 23-Mile Odyssey by Foot, Car and Subway
Ms. Cordova-Rojas had been trained to spot a bird in distress...
So when the swan did not move or make a sound when she approached, she knew something was not right.
An Intense Day on Crib Goch
An Intense Day on Crib Goch Brave Dave is a Youtuber and Mountain Leader who spends a lot of time in Snowdonia in North Wales. In March 2020 he & a friend were climbing the Crib Goch ridge in poor conditions. On the descent they bumped into another pair of climbers Tony & Ed. As they made their way down a steep, slippery slope Ed lost his footing and slid down the mountainside. The video shows what happened next. (Contains swearing and injury). [more inside]
Pets given a second chance
Bored Panda is running monthly articles featuring photographs of rescued pets.
January (example)
February (example)
March (example)
April (example)
January (example)
February (example)
March (example)
April (example)
"It's not yucky!"
PawsOfOz is a NW Arkansas rescue organization. In 2018, the owners adopted Marcelo, a young boy who was terrified of dogs. Fortunately for everyone, Mini the senior Chihuahua stepped up to welcome Marcelo to the family.
What rescue dogs can teach us about vulnerability
Since I got Daisy in May, she’s given me all the things I hoped to find in a dog: love, companionship, a friend to go on long walks with during the day and snuggle with on the couch at night. […] At the same time, as a rescue dog who needs a fair bit of emotional support herself, she’s made me more cognizant of the everyday presence of fear, trauma, and stress—and the importance of accepting the dark and needy parts of ourselves rather than trying to deny them. Which is to say that she’s given me a lesson in how to be vulnerable, and how to see vulnerability in others in a new way.
These ones go to eleven
Dance Of The Sugarplum Good Boys
From the people who brought you the viral sensation Dancers & Dogs comes an even more heartwarming project, this one based around helping homeless pets get adopted. Aptly titled “The Muttcracker,” the yearly endeavor from Kelly Pratt and Ian Kreidich features animals from Stray Rescue of St. Louis and teams them up with the St. Louis Ballet — longtime collaborators with the duo who perform "The Nutcracker" each winter.
Portrait of an Inessential Government Worker
Michael Lewis profiles federal government worker Art Allen: “I’ve only thought about one problem in my life,” said Art, with an odd little laugh, which sounded half like a chuckle and half like an apology for speaking up. “Which is how to improve Coast Guard search and rescue.” [more inside]
Everyday Carry
SAR dogs at ground zero.
Clays & Birds twitter thread: "Every year as we move away from the events of 9/11, I find the images of the towers falling don’t impact the way they use to. I now try to focus on individual stories from that day to help remind me of the emotions I felt. This year I want to focus on the dogs of 9/11."
Not the cheapest way to get a helicopter ride
Recently, David Lesh (owner of the Virtika sportswear company) purchased a 1979 Beechcraft Bonanza. Yesterday, August 20, he crashed it in to Half Moon Bay, California. He and his passenger were unharmed, and Coast Guard SAR picked them up about 45 minutes after the accident.
Here he is talking with Aviation YouTuber Matt Guthmiller about the crash, including video of the crash itself. [more inside]
Frida, a rescue dog in the Mexican Navy (SEMAR), hung up her goggles today after nine years of service. She is celebrated and beloved for her contributions to rescue operations in Mexico, Haiti, Ecuador and Guatemala, and will help train future rescue dogs. Here is a clip from her retirement ceremony. Gracias Frida, you are truly a 15/10.
Hiker missing for 17 days in Maui forest found
In a remarkable turn of events Friday, a 35-year-old hiker whose disappearance more than two weeks ago in a Maui nature preserve triggered a massive search and garnered national headlines was found alive and in relatively good health
TW: one photo of injuries
The Heroes of the Thai Cave Rescue
Into the dark: The inside story of an improbable team of divers, a near-impossible plan and the rescue of 12 boys from a Thai cave. [Previously, previouslier]
Katharina Groene had phoned friends to apologize for dying
In October 2018, in northern Washington Sate, Pacific Crest Trail thru-hiker Katharina Groene met Nancy Abell, a local day hiker, on the PCT. Despite warnings from Nancy that she wasn't equipped to handle the final 125 miles of the PCT to the Canadian border in possible snowy conditions, Katharina continued her trek. A few days later, when weather turned bad, a concerned Nancy called called Snohomish County Search and Rescue. She was found and survived. Read the story as it unfolded in the nwhikers.net forum, "The last northbound PCT thru hiker"
"oh, hello."
"She stared at a single set of footprints in the snow ahead of her. She fixated on the tracks and realized they had been made by a pair of sneakers. She silently scolded the absent hiker who had violated normal safety rules and walked on."
Christmas cheer
Hercules, the dog, was rescued from a certain death in Buenos Aires. When picked up, he was in truly bad shape (Warning!) but he recovered nicely.
Kittens to the left, kittens to the right, every friggin' night!
A lesbian metal song about kittens? Yes please. For something a bit more holiday-themed: Krampus Bitch. (From L.A.'s Sapphic Musk)
A tiny good thing
About 50,000 Australian marsupials orphaned by automobiles are rescued from their dead mother's pouches, rehabilitated and released by volunteer wildlife carers every year. Here we have a joey being rescued. (May squick the squickable.) [more inside]
I’m glad they didn’t film the part where the cat ate the puppy
This cat saved a puppy stuck in a ditch 😭😭 Twitter | non-Twitter. Comic Cerrome Russell added a voiceover (Twitter).
German police save man from baby squirrel terror
142 Acre Dog Sanctuary...
Land of the Strays is a short documentary about Lya Battle and her dog sanctuary in Costa Rica. (Previously)
Youth Thai Soccer Team Found Alive!
Missing Thai Youth Soccer Team Found Alive in Flooded Cave 9 Days After They Went Missing. After a desperate 9 days of searching, rescue operations finally reached the boys and their coach inside the cave. But their ordeal is not yet over - they still need to be removed from the cave. Dive teams are working around the clock, including the Thai Navy SEALs and experts from the US, China, Australia and the UK.
In Which Peter Parker is Actually an Immigrant From Mali
In Paris, amazing video of a man rescuing a child who is dangling from a balcony. The rescuer is an immigrant from Mali. French President Macron offers him citizenship.
The Life Cycle of a Dog Toy
This project began out of frustration. Every cute toy I brought home for my dogs ended in a mangled mess destined for the landfill. I decided to photograph the toys in their pristine shape, then again months later, observing this savage demolition with the scrutiny of an anthropologist. [more inside]
Where some rescue dogs come from
Rescue groups are increasingly buying animals at auction A deep look at how rescue groups fundraise and then use those funds to buy animals at auction, fundamentally changing the nature of the business for breeders (slWaPo)
Thanks, buddy/Later, gator
Rescued octopuses have been known to thank their benefactors. But stuck gophers and drowned prairie dogs just scamper away.
He's like "Your decisions in life are horrible"
Baby disorders and untoward misfortunes
On the eve of the Civil War, a nightmare at sea turned into one of the greatest rescues in maritime history. More than a century later, a rookie treasure hunter went looking for the lost ship—and found a different kind of ruin.The Wreck of the Connaught, by David Wolman.