25 posts tagged with Pop and soda.
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Bonus take: hot dogs taste better cold

David took his first sip of warm, flat Pepsi about eight years ago at a Christmas party. As bored 12-years-olds are wont to do, he recalls “constantly fiddling around” with his Pepsi bottle the entire night, to the point that the soda lost all carbonation and turned into syrup-y sugar water. Still, he swigged away nonetheless. “I enjoyed the taste so much more, and the carbonation didn’t upset my stomach or burn my eyes and throat,” he says. The Absolute Masochists Who Love Drinking Flat Soda (Quinn Myers, MEL Magazine)
posted by Johnny Wallflower on May 24, 2020 - 96 comments

̶P̶e̶p̶s̶i̶ blue.

How Mountain Dew became the Internet’s signature drink. A definitive ranking of almost every flavor of Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew Doritos are here. Pepsi has created Doritos-flavored Mountain Dew. You can buy a candle that smells like Mountain Dew. Mountain dew cake exists. As do Mountain Dew apple dumplings. Mountain Dew is probably not good for your teeth. There's no easy way to dissolve a mouse in Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew does not kill sperm, contrary to popular myth. Mountain Dew Amp Game Fuel is terrible.
posted by Fizz on Apr 8, 2020 - 66 comments

Does it have any Nuka Cola?

Seattle's mystery vending machine.
posted by Literaryhero on Jul 13, 2018 - 43 comments

a cure for nervous disorders, dyspepsia, and impotence

how the south cornered the soda market
posted by and they trembled before her fury on Jun 29, 2016 - 14 comments

“Gimme an RC Cola and a Moon Pie...”

The Tragic History of RC Cola by Jeff Wells [Mental_Floss] [more inside]
posted by Fizz on Apr 16, 2016 - 50 comments

How one of the most obese countries on earth took on the soda giants

As debate rages about whether to introduce a sugar tax, this is the story of how Mexico defied its own powerful fizzy drinks industry to impose a tax on soda. [more inside]
posted by Blasdelb on Nov 4, 2015 - 12 comments

That Thing You Dew

How Mountain Dew Came to Perpetuate a Deep-Seated Appalachian Stereotype As Mountain Dew taps into tropes of corn-syrup-free authenticity and nostalgia for "backwoods" "renegades" and "rebels" with its throwback drink Dewshine, a daughter of Appalachia considers how the beverage reflects cultural stereotypes. [more inside]
posted by Miko on May 22, 2015 - 99 comments

Celery: from silver vases and glass bowls, to tonics, malts and soda

If you've browsed collections of glassware from decades and centuries past, you might scratch your head and wonder, what exactly was the use of this item? This reverse glossary of vintage and antique terms may help, or it might confuse you further. For instance, why were there fine glass celery dishes and celery vases of glass and silver? Take a look back, at home in the nineteenth century with celery at the dining table. Celery was once a status symbol, due to its high cost (Google books preview), and was included in tonics and sold in the 1897 Sears Roebuck & Co. Catalogue in a malt compound (Google books preview). Kalamazoo even boasted of being the Celery City in the late 1800s and for a few decades to follow. But the craze faded as celery cultivation became easier. One of the few remaining products from the celery craze is Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray soda, an acquired taste.
posted by filthy light thief on Jun 24, 2014 - 64 comments

Russian Soft Drinks

"Hi. Russia may well be associated with hard liquor like Водка, but in this video I will be talking about our traditional soft drinks and non-alcoholic beverages." Part 1 [mostly juices] and Part 2 [fizzy drinks]. [more inside]
posted by Deathalicious on May 6, 2012 - 32 comments

Soda > Slander & Lies

1980SLYT: Kim Mitchell* - "Go For a Soda" (1984). In whiche our protagonist experiences his favorite rock singer (1) step out of the television, (2) do a little dance on the table, and (3) join his band in the refrigerator. All while singing a Hard Rock Anthem about the joys of S-O-D-A. [ *wiki • via the voice of great antiquity's great blog post about being a contestant on Jeopardy. via jessamyn ]
posted by not_on_display on Apr 12, 2011 - 43 comments

Glass-bottled, cane-sugared, bubbly little gulps of happiness.

A short documentary on John Nese: Soda pop obsessive. His store Galco's in Los Angeles sells more than two-hundred kinds of soda pop, particularly favoring small-label, glass-bottled and cane-sweetened fare. Yay. [more inside]
posted by Bookhouse on Aug 28, 2009 - 47 comments

What do you get when you guzzle down sweets?

What's a soda lover to do when Passover Coke has, well, passed over? Find other cane sugar sodas, of course! [more inside]
posted by Saydur on Apr 8, 2009 - 32 comments

TaB browsing

TaB history, photo galleries, and Generation TaB: The Motion Picture. [more inside]
posted by dersins on Nov 2, 2007 - 26 comments

My favorite part is when the "reporter" breaks out the whiteboard.

[SeinfeldPlotSingleLinkVideoFilter]: Michigan wants its $50 million back.
posted by beaucoupkevin on Sep 28, 2007 - 45 comments

"I'd like a coke." "What kind?" "Huh?" "Dr Pepper, Coke or Sprite." "I'll take Dr Pepper Coke"

Pop Vs Soda
posted by Stynxno on Feb 16, 2007 - 52 comments

Dead Sodas

Pepsi Blue, et al. Dead soda visited by X-Entertainment, purveyors of much 80s-90s nostalgia. Previously.
posted by luftmensch on Feb 7, 2007 - 107 comments

pop vs. soda

pop vs. soda
what might the "other" terms be? you are from the far north of minnesota or south central new mexico - what do they call "pop" or "soda" in your neck of the woods?
posted by specialk420 on May 27, 2004 - 73 comments

Soda Caps: A study in retro design

Old soda caps sold by "the bottle cap man" provide a great web gallery of retro design. I wish I knew the histories of these obscure drinks. Warning: hundreds of thumbnail-sized pictures.
posted by pinto on Aug 8, 2003 - 10 comments

Soda. Pop. Whatever - just don't call it Coke.

The Best Soda You Never Had: Inspired by Miguel's thread, I went in search of some links about exotic beverages - specifically, the carbonated ones - and many of my leads ended up back at this one place. Cel-ray, Jones' Bubble Gum, Stewarts' Orange Cream - all there, and plenty more... It always seemed to me that Mexican sodas tended to be far far more diverse than the standard cola / diet cola / lemon-lime / orange / root-beer selection you typically see anywhere in America. Unfortunately, they fail to mention my absolute favorite, which is Cuban, and is called Materva (scroll down about a third of the way).
posted by wanderingmind on Feb 13, 2003 - 55 comments

forget cola wars. this is a cola jihad.

`Papa, I agree not to drink Coke, but you have to give me something.'
so what do you do when the populace calls for a tall glass of fizzy sugar water, but the primary suppliers are bonified infidels? you make your own...

and you call it Mecca-Cola.
posted by grabbingsand on Dec 31, 2002 - 29 comments

The new national divide...

The new national divide... In my high school town of Davis CA. it was "Coke". In the rest of California it seemed to be "Soda". Until I moved to the Northwest I always had an extreme hick-ish image of folks who say "Pop" and to a certain extent still do.

Where do you live and what do you say?
posted by aaronscool on Sep 12, 2002 - 317 comments

<Jaws theme> Legislating a sin tax on soda </Jaws theme>

<Jaws theme> Legislating a sin tax on soda </Jaws theme> California state Senate Bill 1520 would impose an excise tax on sweetened beverages sold to retail dealers after July 1, 2003. Sen. Deborah V. Ortiz, the bill’s author, anticipates that pop distributors would pass the cost along to consumers. Just let me keep buying Entenmann's crumb cake, ok?
posted by NortonDC on Apr 15, 2002 - 31 comments

The Great Pop vs. Soda Controversy: An Interactive Study

The Great Pop vs. Soda Controversy: An Interactive Study Since the development of carbonated beverage in 1886, one of linguistic geography's most important and least investigated phenomena has been the sharp regional divisions in the use of the terms "pop" and "soda."
posted by lagado on Apr 18, 2001 - 68 comments

Attention trial lawyers! Miss out on your chance to get rich off a piece of Big Tobacco? All your buddies already sliced up the potential Firestone pie? Well, have we got a cutting-edge trend for you: Aim for Big Soda! Johns Hopkins claims soft drink companies use caffiene to addict consumers.
posted by aaron on Aug 14, 2000 - 15 comments

First there was Jolt and now this.

First there was Jolt and now this. I refuse to speculate whether this is a spoof. If it is, it's a well-done one. (Is "Hemp Seed Oil" legal to possess in Arizona?)
posted by Steven Den Beste on Jul 23, 2000 - 9 comments

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