I'm a fourth generation Floridian. I graduated from FSU with a degree in art education and taught creative writing in the public schools of Washington and Holmes counties for seven years. Then I decided to go back to FSU to learn metalworking and enameling (MS Contructive Design) in preparation for being a "real artist". I used techniques only slightly more modernized than jewelers a thousand years ago. I made my jewelry art and sold it at juried craft exhibitions, among them the Coconut Grove Art Show, The Philadelphia Museum Craft Show, the Smithsonian Craft Show, the Ann Arbor Street Art Show, and many others. I received an Apprentice Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, a Southern Arts Federation/NEA grant and two Florida Arts Council Individual Artist Grants.
After many years of reporting to my basement studio to work, I decided it was time for a change. I returned to my first love, teaching essay writing. I have been fortunate to be at Florida Gateway College for the past two years. The students, faculty and administration made the return to the classroom a joy.
I also work as a leading essay writer at Write My Essays. I cover art subjects especially those related to constructive design.
I believe that an understanding of essay writing can enrich our daily lives and help us understand other people and other cultures. The skills and critical thinking learned and practiced in writing can be transferred to many other areas of our lives. A comprehensive essay writing program integrates hands-on learning experiences, writing criticism, writing history and writing style. A quality essay writing education program provides students with experiences that are sequentailly planned, building on previous concepts. And finally, an up-to-date writing program includes information about book writing that provides the opportunity for hands-on application.
I look forward to working and learning with my colleagues and students during the new school year.