Reality documentary crew records a young couple during their second pregnancy, after the first miscarried, but complications set in ...
OK, it's mockumentary (of a documentary) plus FF - so some will dismiss it anyway. It is well made and a good story that sticks to the rules of the genre. Well acted too, and it avoids the crew-ego that spoils so many films like this.
The problem I had is they decided to use camera/mic interference to convey the presence of the threat, and never made it literal. There was knocking at the door, but that was about it. So you end up with something that's really a tale of a decline into mental illness, and in my view that means it's not horror. You have to see a manifestation on screen, and glitches in the picture and audio shrieking are not enough.
Otherwise the sound did create an effect, especially with the constant dog barking and the confused voices in the last scene (which came close to being ruined by the camera effects). But in the end it is a shocker.
Overall, well worth watching but should have been spookier. Better than Paranormal Entity, but not a patch on the PA series at its best.