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Walaber Releases Wii Game – For PC

Tuesday, January 9th, 2007 by Matthew in News

Tim FitzRandolph, aka Walaber, has released a Beta version of Wiisticks, a wiimote-powered PC game. The game uses two wiimotes–or one wiimote with nunchuck–to control a set of devil sticks. I haven’t checked it out yet, myself, but I will sometime this week. It looks difficult, but that’s to be expected if you’ve ever tried to play with devil sticks in real life. They’re squirrely little bitches.

All you need is the Wii equipment and a Windows PC with Bluetooth (most laptops will have Bluetooth support). Walaber’s using the cWiiMote library to make this happen.

You can download the beta release on Walaber’s Wiisticks page. Post your impressions in comments if you give it a try!

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45 Responses to 'Walaber Releases Wii Game – For PC'

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  1. Wogger said,

    on January 9th, 2007 at 2:34 pm

    I’ve been watching this site for long and i think it’s awesome.
    But the thing why i posted here, is because i know where to download realmatter. Go to http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/events/EG06/program-gamescompetition.php
    and scroll down until you see Real Matter. You should be able to download a zip package.

  2. ToonyMan said,

    on January 9th, 2007 at 3:45 pm

    Yeah….. Xbox 360 and PS3 are afwul. The Wii is the best.

  3. BreenedandScrooned said,

    on January 9th, 2007 at 4:36 pm

    Ben Clark, games are meant to be played, not watched. If you really care about graphics that much, go watch a fucking movie.

  4. Danny Martinez said,

    on January 9th, 2007 at 4:46 pm


  5. c--b said,

    on January 9th, 2007 at 6:21 pm

    I’d have trouble believing that Ben Clark is over 12-14 years of age.

    Now that that’s out of the way, it’s a shame the wiimotes are limited to a single axis, having full control would be much better. Unfortunately there’s no sensor bar on a PC, and thus no reference point for the wiimotes. With full axis control and without a sensor bar things would get very confusing I imagine.

  6. Matthew said,

    on January 9th, 2007 at 6:44 pm

    Everyone cool down–it’s the Internet, lighten up. Also, watch the language Ben. No need to get personal with any of this.

    God, I can’t believe I’m playing referee on Fun-Motion. Next time someone explodes they lose posting privileges!

  7. Zcool31 said,

    on January 9th, 2007 at 7:17 pm

    Great idea, this game is. I longtime fan of fun-motion, download many games on this site. Toribash and Armadillo Run two of most favorites.
    Anyway, Ben, since you know so much about knowing so much, plz tell me whether it is worth buy xbox360, since microsoft plan to release new version with 60nm processor and big HD sometime this year. considering i don’t care about hdmi, and HD is very cheap, should I wait or should I buy?

  8. Zcool31 said,

    on January 9th, 2007 at 7:19 pm

    By the way, on the posts, “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” overlaps “ON JANUARY 9TH /*whatever time it is*/”. Only way to see what it says is to select one, then move mouse up or down until it selects other. Please fix.

  9. BreenedandScrooned said,

    on January 10th, 2007 at 12:29 am

    Oh, and Ben, if the Wii had good graphics, the sales wouldn’t skyrocket, because part of the reason it’s selling so well now is because it’s inexpensive. If they put in a bunch of beefy hardware, they’d have to charge more for it. Look at the PS3, it’s 600$, and it’s selling the least (although I do like the PS3, I’m just saying). Oh, and I’m only 13 too.

  10. Dennis said,

    on January 10th, 2007 at 9:23 am


    Here we are, 1 year of Fun-Motion, 6months since i first found Fun-Motion =P

    I hope that in this year we have many more reviews!! I’m on the wait for the review of Crazy Machines!

  11. ToonyMan said,

    on January 10th, 2007 at 12:56 pm


    I think.

  12. Jokker said,

    on January 10th, 2007 at 1:18 pm

    Bappy Hirthday FM!

    Told you I’d post here on this day. =P

    Oh, and someone clear this up for me, the Wiimotes can only detect up/down when connected to a computer? If so, I’d better not buy one. :@

  13. Andrew said,

    on January 10th, 2007 at 1:25 pm

    Happy Birthday Fun-Motion, it’s been a really good year and I’m always intrested to see what’s going around in this site. I’ll be checking around ;D

  14. BreenedandScrooned said,

    on January 10th, 2007 at 4:50 pm

    Zcool, if you have the money you should buy a gaming PC, you’ll get almost every exclusive game the Xbox 360 has, plus good PC exclusives. But make sure you don’t buy it from Dell or Alienware, you can usually make a better one yourself for less money (unless you don’t know how to build a computer).

  15. SgtBob said,

    on January 10th, 2007 at 8:24 pm

    Happy Birthday Fun-Motion!

    Great job with the site Matthew!

    I’ve been a fan for awhile now. (Dosou)

    I would try WiiSticks, but my computer doesn’t have bluetooth. :[

    Oh, and Ben Clark, try not to make so many posts please.

  16. Beakless said,

    on January 11th, 2007 at 9:43 am

    Hello, Sorry i missed out a bit on this one, i lost connection to the new server for a while, oh well, I’m glad someone found RealMatter for me, i got it a whil a god now Because i got in touch with Alec River himself!

    Cool, i Knew about walaber and his “Doings”

    Btw special thanks to Wogger for his link, Thanks man!

    Oh and P.S.


    Love Beakless

  17. Relys said,

    on January 11th, 2007 at 4:16 pm

    Week old news for me but very cool all the same!!

    To bad the stuff costs so freekin much!

  18. PauPau said,

    on January 11th, 2007 at 5:40 pm

    Happy birthday to FM! (A little late, I know. but shh.) Keep on fighting the good fight!

    I wiish I had a Wii (Not least so I could try the devil sticks doodad out.) But I’ve just got a 360, and it’s not helping my university work, I’ll tell you that much for free.

  19. Kurrus said,

    on January 12th, 2007 at 12:39 pm

    Awww crap. I missed F-M’s birthday. Well, happy birthday.

    I have a Wii, and it’s by far the best console I’ve ever seen. It may not have outstanding hardware but it innovates a lot, is cheap, functional and catches both casual and hardcore gamers. Where I live there are not NORMAL people other than my family, and they don’t like videogames. But when we tried Wii Sports, ohmygodimsohooked. I’ve got Rayman Raving Rabbids recently and I’m glad to say OGM IST DA MOST FUNNEY GAEM OF HISTOYR.

  20. levi said,

    on January 12th, 2007 at 12:59 pm

    tru dat

  21. levi said,

    on January 12th, 2007 at 1:00 pm

    wii rocks

  22. Beakless said,

    on January 12th, 2007 at 1:10 pm

    Anyone seen anything new while we wait for the next F-M Update?

  23. SgtBob said,

    on January 12th, 2007 at 7:16 pm

    Ben Clark, I’m just saying, because you’ve made 10 out of 33 comments on the same post.

  24. UPNPAD said,

    on January 12th, 2007 at 9:13 pm

    ski stunt sim and xtreme and tying in the voting system >.

  25. Wrestler#1 said,

    on January 13th, 2007 at 12:28 am

    For everyone who thinks ” OMG! No new updates! ”

    I’d like to remember that there is a donating option. Please use it! :)

    I’d like to donate but i am not old enogh. ^^

  26. Invertin said,

    on January 13th, 2007 at 1:24 am

    I would donate but I N33D M4H M0N3H2!!!11one
    Wii sticks looks like fun.
    *Snigger* wii sticks, wee sticks…

  27. Shorty said,

    on January 13th, 2007 at 11:16 pm

    “BEN CLARK said,

    on January 9th, 2007 at 7:11 pm

    sorry people im annoying u with all of these posts but this is my last one..” plz stop posting so much

  28. BreenedandScrooned said,

    on January 14th, 2007 at 12:52 am

    “(buts theres no point in getting a ps3)”

    Unless you like games. Oh, and happy birthday F-M!

  29. Corey said,

    on January 14th, 2007 at 8:39 am

    Uh Matthew, where’s our Ben filter? This is ridiculous. Rather, can we all send him to english as a second language class and perhaps some “A Post a Day Please” etiquette lessons?

  30. Dclone2 said,

    on January 14th, 2007 at 8:52 am

    BEN, just shut up. If you don’t want to shut up, then go talk to your mom or dad or sister or brother or something. Jesus you’re annoying.

    Anyways, I wanted to thank Wogger for that link. I can’t believe I’ve never seen that before! It’s great! :D (http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/events/EG06/program-gamescompetition.php)

  31. Dennis said,

    on January 14th, 2007 at 4:39 pm

    BEN CLARK, SHUT UP PLEASE!!! We don’t wanna know your family problems ok??

    And Matthew, We want new reviews!! And i know another game you can Review (It uses AGEIA Physx Engine, the same used on some XBOX360 games), it’s called Auto Assault, and it’s a MMORPG with Cars!! http://www.autoassault.com

  32. on January 14th, 2007 at 7:25 pm

    Natural motion does look pretty cool. Can’t wait to play Indiana Jones (hopefully it comes out on the 360 or something?)


  33. Walaber said,

    on January 15th, 2007 at 1:59 am

    oh man, and here I thought there were 50 comments about WiiSticks :P

    by the way my name is “Tim” not “Time” as the post says. It was mispelled like that on a few other blog as well, I’m not sure why :)

    an upcoming update to WiiSticks will allow you to turn the sticks left and right as well by tilting the wiimote!

  34. iWinTies said,

    on January 15th, 2007 at 8:40 am

    Ben, you’re American? You can’t even spell “American”.

  35. theinvisi... said,

    on January 15th, 2007 at 9:09 am

    hey if you look the the site http://www.gamehippo.com , it has a quick look referece guide to show if it is a multiplayer, any age restrictions etc. maybe you should maybe implement a systam a bit like thi? i think it would be a big help. anyone agree?

  36. PauPau said,

    on January 15th, 2007 at 6:24 pm

    While I agree that the Euphoria engine LOOKS good, and in principle it’s very promising, it’s probably best not to get too hyped about it yet. If the new Indy game comes out and it’s even a little bit wonky (Or possibly even if it’s a solid enough game when it comes out but doesn’t quite meet your expectations, as happened with at least a few people I know with, for example, Half-Life 2/The Steam engine, and I certainly personally found the Havok engine a bit of a let-down with all the hype it received at the time.), you’ll end up only being disproportionately disappointed. I expect that unless they Engine and programming are enormously successful, the characters’ movement (Particularly running, on previous evidence.) may well look somewhere between awkward and holding in (Or not.) a bowel movement.

    I left a LOT of this post in Parenthesis. Whoops.

  37. PauPau said,

    on January 16th, 2007 at 2:34 pm

    I have used Endorphin, and I found it interesting, and it would definitely be useful in the right applications, I’m not saying it’s gonna be terrible or anything, I’m just saying I’ve been disappointed in the past by similar things, so it might be wise not to get too worked up about it.

    “You have no idea what the euphoria engene is going to look like but i do know.” How do you know? This isn’t an attack or anything, just curious, George.

  38. Flameo said,

    on January 16th, 2007 at 11:55 pm

    1. The Wii rocks =D
    2. Walaber makes great games!
    My favorite ones are Stunt playground and the Trampoline game
    Yet i cant get past the stage when it asks you to do
    Back flip > Barani > Back flip
    When i do it it does not say i done it. T_T

  39. iWinTies said,

    on January 17th, 2007 at 12:44 am

    @Ben Clark, “the euphoria engene is going to look like but i do know”… You stated you knew. Do yourself a favor and stop posting.

  40. Jokker said,

    on January 17th, 2007 at 12:54 am

    “dude sorry man no offence but you have no idea what the euphoria engene is going to look like but i do know (but i don’t know everything) first thing is that running and walking is most likely and actully is willl be animation.”

    Take the paranthesis out.

    “dude sorry man no offence but you have no idea what the euphoria engene is going to look like but i do know first thing is that running and walking is most likely and actully is willl be animation.”

    He doesn’t mean that he knows what it’s going to look like, he knows that running and walking is most likely to be animation.

    So, please, iWinTies, do YOURSELF a favor and stop posting.

    @BEN CLARK: Think before you make a post so you don’t double/triple/quad post…

    Now, RealMatter, I’ve seen it…pretty good I might add.

    Also, I’ve seen Walaber intends to add left-right motion to the Wiimote Sticks. Seems it’s going to be cool…

  41. Robminder said,

    on January 17th, 2007 at 4:57 am

    Hey, that Wiisticks thing looks pretty cool! Too bad I don’t have wii :(. Oh and Ben Clark: I’ve gotten endorphin LE before, it’s SO fun. I never thought there was anything like it. But it takes a while just to figure out how to change the camera angle, (or maybe its just me), so I don’t know how this new Indiana Jones thing is gonna be.

  42. Jokker said,

    on January 17th, 2007 at 10:32 am

    Just one last thing, Matthew, you should know that the “Digg it” link on the front page/article pages…always is about the “Line Rider comes to Nintendo Wii link”…not about FM…

    *thinks about getting a Wii*

    Though I’d have to wiat a month or more because we’re only on the waiting list of Nintendo…Wii’s are sold out here…

  43. Dennis said,

    on January 17th, 2007 at 3:43 pm

    HEY!!!!! Matthew, were are the Reviews?? Is the site dead?? No! I visit this site everyday waiting for a new _FREEWARE_ Physics Game and nothing…

  44. Beakless said,

    on January 18th, 2007 at 9:56 am

    Give it time, he’s cooking something up…I hope

  45. Jokker said,

    on January 18th, 2007 at 11:25 am

    You try and do reviews. Yeah, not so easy, am I right?

    Don’t go charging in and yelling at people wanting new reviews…it can’t be rushed, ken?

    Kayz, now…the Wii would cost almost double from taxes and stuff…. *sigh*

    Gotta wait almost a year now…Meh…

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