Archive-name: vision-faq/part1
Posting-Frequency: monthly Version: $Id: faq-part1.txt,v 1.29 1996/03/13 00:40:28 grants Exp grants $ See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge +============================================================================+ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION: Vision and EyeCare Part 1/5 (Copyright(C), Grant Sayer) ( +============================================================================+ Updates: - Added WWW locations of interest relative to each section of the FAQ - Made the Refractive surgery section one part and place other information into Section 6 ============================================================================== Section 0: Introduction and Table of Contents ============================================================================== DOCUMENT: Frequently-Asked-Questions for REVISION: $Date: 1996/03/13 00:40:28 $, $Revision: 1.29 $ AUTHOR: Grant Sayer BOptomBSc CONTRIBUTORS: Barbara La Scala, Scott Fitz, Ronald Jones, David Nelson M.D, Nathan Schwade PhD, Alex Eulenberg, Darren Berar, W.Lee Wan M.D, Robert Sekuler COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C), 1995 Grant Sayer Permission to copy all or part of this work is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for resale (except a nominal copy fee may be charged), and provided that the AUTHOR, COPYRIGHT and NO WARRANTY sections are retained verbatim and are displayed as is. If anyone needs other permissions that aren't covered by the above please contact the author. NO WARRANTY: THIS WORK IS PROVIDED ON AN AS IS BASIS. THE AUTHOR PROVIDES NO WARRANTY AND PROVIDES THE INFORMATION TO ASSIST UNDERSTANDING OF HUMAN VISION AND EYECARE. THIS INFORMATION DOES NOT REPLACE PERSONAL EXAMINATION BY AN EYECARE PROFESSIONAL AND THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS DO NOT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. IF ANY READER HAS CONCERNS ABOUT THEIR VISION OR HEALTH OF THEIR EYES EXAMINATION BY AN EYECARE PROFESSIONAL IS THE ONLY RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTION. AVAILABILITY: This FAQ is available from: (WWW) URL (WWW) URL: (Gopher) gopher:// (Ascii) email - '' ARCHIVES: articles are currently being archived by Grant Sayer. A summary of topics will be placed on a listserver as time permits :-) IMAGES: Some basic images (TIFF/BMP/GIF) of anatomy of the eye, diagrams of refractive problems, common eye diseases are maintained by the author. Please email for further information. SEE ALSO: ============================================================================== SubSection 0A: Table of Contents ============================================================================== =========== POSTING# 1================ Section 0: Introduction and Table of Contents Subsection 0A: Table of Contents Subsection 0B: Nomenclature and Common Abbreviations =========== POSTING# 2================ Section 1: Optics of the Eye and General Information 1.1: What is Myopia ? 1.2: What is Hyperopia ? 1.3: What is Emmetropia ? 1.4: What is Astigmatism ? 1.5: What is Presbyopia ? 1.6: How is Visual Acuity Measured ? Section 2: Spectacles 2.1: How to read a glasses prescription 2.2: Why the difference in prescription writing between Optometrists and Ophthalmologists 2.3: How to convert between the two forms of prescriptions. 2.4: Spectacle Lens materials 2.5: Types of Spectacle Lenses 2.6: Ultra Violet absorption and Lenses 2.7: Standards Requirements for Spectacle Lenses 2.8: Cost of frames 2.9: Cost of lenses 2.10: Minimising edge thickness Section 3: Contact Lenses 3.1: Difference between soft and hard/rigid contact lenses 3.2: How to read a Contact Lens Prescription 3.3: Types of Soft Contact Lenses 3.3.1: Spherical 3.3.2: Toric 3.3.3: Disposable 3.3.4: Extended Wear 3.3.5: Bifocal Lenses 3.4: Types of Rigid Contact Lenses 3.4.1: PMMA 3.4.2: RGP 3.5: Costs of Contact Lenses 3.6: Solutions required for CL maintenance 3.7: Common CL Wearer Questions 3.7.1: Why do I have to clean my Contact Lenses ? 3.7.2: Why is there a limit to the length of wearing time ? 3.7.3: Can I lose the lens behind my eye ? 3.7.4: How do I tell if I've lost the lens from my eye? 3.7.5: How can I tell if I've put them in the wrong eye ? 3.7.6: How to tell if the lenses are inside out ? 3.7.7: How do I know when to dispose of my disposable lenses ? 3.7.8: Can I store my lenses in tap water ? 3.7.9. Can I store my lenses dry ? 3.7.10. How long does it take to adapt to new lenses ? 3.7.11. Why do I have to use protein cleaner ? 3.7.12. Can I use eyedrops with my contact lenses ? 3.7.13. How do I get around dryness with contact lenses ? 3.8. Risks and Benefits of Contact Lenses 3.9. Mail order contact lenses 3.10. Making your own saline - risks =========== POSTING# 3================ Section 4: Diseases of the Eye (Anterior Eye Disease) 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Conjunctivitis 4.3 Dry Eye 4.4 Eyelid Problems 4.5 Keratoconus 4.6 Herpes Zoster 4.7 Effects of Radiation on the Eye 4.7.1 General Effects of Radiation on the Eye 4.7.2 Visual Displays and Radiation 4.8 Iridology Section 5: Diseases of the Eye (Posterior Eye Disease) 5.1 Floaters 5.2 Macular Degeneration 5.3 Retinal Detachment 5.4 Diabetes and the Retina 5.5 Retinitis Pigmentosa 5.6 Glaucoma 5.7 Cataract 5.8 Uveitis 5.9 Ocular Migraines 5.9.1 Introduction 5.9.2 Classification of Migraines 5.10 Choroiditis Section 6: Binocular Vision Problems 6.1: Strabismus (Turned Eye) 6.2: Amblyopia ("Lazy Eye") 6.3: Problem(s) When Wearing Glasses 6.4: Vision Therapy 6.4.1: Introduction 6.4.2: Bates Method Section 7: Colour Vision Problems 7.1: Defective Colour Vision 7.2 Classification of Congenital Colour Vision Defects 7.3 Acquired Colour Vision Defects =========== POSTING# 4================ Section 8: Refractive Surgery & Refractive Corrections (PRK, RK, ALK, LASIK, OrthoK) 8.1: Types of Refractive Surgery 8.2: Description of the Procedures 8.3: Comparisons of the Procedures 8.4: Complications of the Procedures 8.5: Criteria for suitability of Procedures 8.6: Personal Experiences of Refractive Surgery 8.7: Costs of Surgery 8.8: Further information on Procedures 8.9: Location of Places performing procedure 8.10: OrthoKeratology =========== POSTING# 5================= Section 9: Ocular Emergencies 9.0: Eye Injuries and Emergencies 9.1: What to do in an emergency Section 10: Internet Resources and References for Vision/Eyecare 10.0: Internet Vision/Health Resources 10.1: Guide to On-Line Medical Resources 10.2: Images of Eye Conditions/Diseases Section 11: Vision/Eyecare Mailing List 11.3: Mailing Lists 11.1: RPList 11.2: CVNet 11.3: ColorCat 11.4: HMatrix 11.5: BlindFam 11.6: BlindNews 11.7: MedNet 11.8: EyeMove 11.9: LiveEye 11.10: PupilNet 11.11 Sjogren's Syndrome List 11.12 Ophthalmic Photography & Imaging Mailing List 11.13 OphGen Section 12 World Wide Web (WWW ) Section 13 Email for Optoms/Ophthals Section 14: References Section 15: Contributors -- Grant Sayer EMAIL: PHONE: +61-2-805-2937 SNAIL: Canon Information Systems Research Australia 1 Thomas Holt Drive, North Ryde, Australia 2113 |
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