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faqs.org - Internet FAQ Archives Space FAQ 05/13 - References
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Archive-name: space/references
Last-modified: $Date: 96/09/17 15:40:32 $

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
    Compilation copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 by Jonathan P. Leech. This
    document may be redistributed in its complete and unmodified form. Other
    use requires written permission of the author.



    Astronomical Society of the Pacific
    1290 24th Avenue
    San Francisco, CA 94122

	More expensive but better organized slide sets.

    Cambridge University Press
    32 East 57th Street
    New York, NY 10022

    Crawford-Peters Aeronautica
    P.O. Box 152528
    San Diego, CA 92115
    (619) 287-3933

	An excellent source of all kinds of space publications. They publish
	a number of catalogs, including:
	    Aviation and Space, 1945-1962
	    Aviation and Space, 1962-1990
	    Space and Related Titles

    European Southern Observatory
    Information and Photographic Service
    Dr R.M. West
    Karl Scharzschild Strasse 2
    D-8046 Garching bei Munchen

	Slide sets, posters, photographs, conference proceedings.

    Finley Holiday Film Corporation
    12607 East Philadelphia Street
    Whittier, California 90601

	Wide selection of Apollo, Shuttle, Viking, and Voyager slides at ~50
	cents/slide. Call for a catalog.

    Hansen Planetarium Publications
    1845 South 300 West, # A
    Salt Lake City, Utah 84115-1804
    (801)-483-5400 / (800)-321-2369
    (801)-483-5484 (fax)

	Said to hold sales on old slide sets. Look in Sky & Telescope
	for contact info.

    Kluwer Academic Publishers

    Lunar and Planetary Institute
    also Univ. Space Research Assn. (USRA) Division of Educational Programs
    also USRA Division of Space Life Sciences
    Center for Advanced Space Studies
    3600 Bay Area Boulevard
    Houston TX 77058-1113

	LPI has a quarterly magazine, "The Lunar and Planetary Information
	Bulletin," edited by thompson@lpi.jsc.nasa.gov (P. Thompson). Also
	technical, geology-oriented slide sets, with supporting booklets.

    John Wiley & Sons
    605 Third Avenue
    New York, NY 10158-0012

    Suite #230
    2601 Airport Drive
    Torrance, CA 90505

    Newell Color Lab
    221 N. Westmoreland Avenue
    Los Angeles, CA 90004-4892
    (213)-739-6984 (FAX)

	Offers an extensive collection of Voyager, Viking, Magellan, Galileo
	and Hubble Space Telescope images in print (b/w and color) format,
	35mm slides, transparencies and Kodak Photo CDs.

    Sky Publishing Corporation
    PO Box 9111
    Belmont, MA 02178-9111

	Offers "Sky Catalogue 2000.0" on PC floppy with information
	(including parallax) for 45000 stars.

    Roger Wheate
    Geography Dept.
    University of Calgary, Alberta
    Canada T2N 1N4
    (403)-282-7298 (FAX)

	Offers a 40-slide set called "Mapping the Planets" illustrating
	recent work in planetary cartography, comes with a booklet and
	information on getting your own copies of the maps. $50 Canadian,
	shipping included.

    Superintendent of Documents
    US Government Printing Office
    Washington, DC 20402

    Univelt, Inc.
    P. O. Box 28130
    San Diego, Ca. 92128

	Publishers for the American Astronomical Society.

    US Naval Observatory
	202-653-1079 (USNO Bulletin Board via modem)
	202-653-1507 General

    P.O. Box 35025
    Richmond, Virginia 23235 USA
    (804)-320-7016 9-5 EST M-F


    In 1990 the Princeton Planetary Society published the first edition of
    "Space Jobs: The Guide to Careers in Space-Related Fields." The
    publication was enormously successful: we distributed 2000 copies to
    space enthusiasts across the country and even sent a few to people in
    Great Britain, Australia, and Ecuador. Due to the tremendous response to
    the first edition, PPS has published an expanded, up-to-date second
    edition of the guide.

    The 40-page publication boasts 69 listings for summer and full-time job
    opportunities as well as graduate school programs. The second edition of
    "Space Jobs" features strategies for entering the space field and
    describes positions at consulting and engineering firms, NASA, and
    non-profit organizations. The expanded special section on graduate
    schools highlights a myriad of programs ranging from space manufacturing
    to space policy. Additional sections include tips on becoming an
    astronaut and listings of NASA Space Grant Fellowships and Consortia, as
    well as NASA Centers for the Commercial Development of Space.

    To order send check or money order made payable to Princeton Planetary
    Society for $4 per copy, plus $1 per copy for shipping and handling
    (non-US customers send an International Money Order payable in US
    dollars) to:

    Princeton Planetary Society
    315 West College
    Princeton University
    Princeton, NJ  08544


    Dan Bruton (astro@tamu.edu) maintains a lengthy FAQ covering the
    spectacular impact of fragments of Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter
    in July, 1994. It can be obtained at


    The JPL Shoemaker-Levy home page has a large collection of images and
    the latest news on the impact; it's at



    BMDO SSRT (Single Stage Rocket Technology) project has funded a
    suborbital technology demonstrator called DC-X that flew successfully
    three times in August and September 1993.

    The SSRT program has been moved from BMDO to NASA. Plans are to upgrade
    the DC-X vehicle and continue flight tests, followed by a building more
    capable test vehicles (designated X-33 and X-34). With luck this would
    culminate in a SSTO demonstrator in 5-6 years. DC-X and the SSTO concept
    have attracted a great deal of interest on the net, and discussion

    An collection of pictures and files relating to DC-X is at


    A SSRT news mailing list, which echoes additions to this archive site,
    can be subscribed to by sending email to
    "listserv@zimbazi.cc.utexas.edu" with a first line containing "subscribe

    Contact Chris W. Johnson (chrisj@bongo.cc.utexas.edu).


    Official names are decided by committees of the International
    Astronomical Union, and are not for sale. There are purely commercial
    organizations which will, for a fee, send you pretty certificates and
    star maps describing where to find "your" star. These organizations have
    absolutely no standing in the astronomical community and the names they
    assign are not used by anyone else. It's also likely that you won't be
    able to see "your" star without binoculars or a telescope. See the back
    pages of Astronomy or other amateur astronomy publications for contact
    info; one such organization may be found at:

	International Star Registry
	34523 Wilson Road
	Ingleside, IL 60041

    This is not an endorsement of ISR.


    The LLNL "Great Exploration", a plan for an on-the-cheap space station,
    Lunar base, and Mars mission using inflatable space structures, excited
    a lot of interest on the net and still comes up from time to time. Some
    references cited during net discussion were:

	Avation Week Jan 22, 1990 for an article on the overall Great

	NASA Assessment of the LLNL Space Exploration Proposal and LLNL
	Responses by Dr. Lowell Wood LLNL Doc. No. SS 90-9. Their address
	is: PO Box 808 Livermore, CA 94550 (the NASA authors are unknown).

	Briefing slides of a presentation to the NRC last December may be
	available. Write LLNL and ask.

	Conceptual Design Study for Modular Inflatable Space Structures, a
	final report for purchase order B098747 by ILC Dover INC. I don't
	know how to get this except from LLNL or ILC Dover. I don't have an
	address for ILC.


    Lunar Exploration Inc. (LEI) is a non-profit corporation working on a
    privately funded lunar polar orbiter. Lunar Prospector is designed to
    perform a geochemical survey and search for frozen volatiles at the
    poles. A set of reference files describing the project is in



    Grant H Heiken, David T Vaniman, and Bevan M French (editors), "Lunar
    Sourcebook, A User's Guide to the Moon", Cambridge University Press
    1991, ISBN 0-521-33444-6; hardcover; expensive. A one-volume
    encyclopedia of essentially everything known about the Moon, reviewing
    current knowledge in considerable depth, with copious references. Heavy
    emphasis on geology, but a lot more besides, including considerable
    discussion of past lunar missions and practical issues relevant to
    future mission design. *The* reference book for the Moon; all others are

    Wendell Mendell (ed), "Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st
    Century", $15. "Every serious student of lunar bases *must* have this
    book" - Bill Higgins. Available from:

	Lunar and Planetary Institute
	3303 NASA Road One
	Houston, TX 77058-4399
	If you want to order books, call (713)486-2172.

    Thomas A. Mutch, "Geology of the Moon: A Stratigraphic View", Princeton
    University Press, 1970. Information about the Lunar Orbiter missions,
    including maps of the coverage of the lunar nearside and farside by
    various Orbiters.


    Robert Zubrin and collaborators have developed several proposals for
    near-term, low cost manned missions to Mars and the Moon. These
    proposals center around the use of "indigenous propellants" to reduce
    the mass which must be launched from Earth - for example, sending a
    robotic "mining" vehicle to Mars before the astronauts arrive, which
    would extract methane from the atmosphere for use on the return trip.
    Some references are:

	Zubrin, R. and Baker, D., "Mars Direct: A Simple, Robust, and Cost
	Effective Architecture for the Space Exploration Initiative, AIAA
	paper 91-0326, 29th Aerospace Science Meeting, Reno, Nevada, Jan.
	7-10, 1991.

	Zubrin, R. and Baker, D., "Humans to Mars in 1999", Aerospace
	America, Aug. 1990, p. 30-32, 41.

	Walberg, G., "Ho Shall We Go to Mars? A Review of Mission
	Scenarios", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 30, No. 2,
	Mar.-Apr. 1993, p.129-139.


    A list of Earth orbiting satellites (that are still in orbit) is in



    References to plans, kits, building, and other information can be found
    in the Rec.Models.Rockets FAQ in the rec.models.rockets newsgroup.

    Greg Bollendonk (gregb@gemini.den.mmc.com) has provided a list of
    spacecraft models, current prices, mail order sources, and periodicals
    and literature in the field. This is available at


    Sven Knudson has lots more information about scale models and model
    rockets at



	George P. Sutton, "Rocket Propulsion Elements", 5th edn,
	Wiley-Interscience 1986, ISBN 0-471-80027-9. Pricey textbook. The
	best (nearly the only) modern introduction to the technical side of
	rocketry. A good place to start if you want to know the details. Not
	for the math-shy. Straight chemical rockets, essentially nothing on
	more advanced propulsion (although earlier editions reportedly had
	some coverage).

	Dieter K. Huzel and David H. Huang, "Modern Engineering for Design
	of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines", revised, updated, and enlarged
	by many others. Volume 147 in Progress in Astronautics and
	Aeronautics, AIAA 1992, ISBN 1-56347-013-6.

	Order through "Tasco", which sells books for the AIAA. They are
	reachable at 1-800-682-2422, 9 to 5 eastern time. Cost is $109.95.

	The updated version is well worth having. In spite of its title, it
	isn't strictly limited to engines but also deals with issues closely
	coupled to engine design, such as tank pressurization,
	engine-vehicle interfaces etc. It appears that the update is largely
	the work of the older generation of engineers at Rocketdyne, with
	the idea that "It is immensely important that the skills,
	experience, and know-how of this earlier generation be preserved and
	passed on to a younger generation - clearly, completely, and
	effectively" (W.F. Ezell, V.P. Engineering, Rocketdyne, in the
	book's preface). [review by Bruce Dunn]


	Brij N. Agrawal, "Design of Geosynchronous Spacecraft",
	Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-200114-4.

	James R. Wertz ed, "Spacecraft Attitude Determination and
	Control", Kluwer, ISBN 90-277-1204-2.

	P.R.K. Chetty, "Satellite Technology and its Applications",
	McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-8306-9688-1.

	"Spacecraft Systems Engineering", Peter Fortescue and John Stark
	(editors), John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-93451-8.

	    Henry Spencer: "I think I would rate this as better than
	    Wertz&Larson in a lot of ways. It doesn't go into the same depth
	    on some topics, especially the ones that are more mission
	    planning than hardware design. On the other hand, it goes into
	    noticeably more depth on many things, and it is generally more
	    interesting reading. For serious spacecraft engineering I'd want
	    both, but this is the one I'd recommend for someone who just
	    wanted to buy one book for a good technical overview."

	Wiley J. Larson and James R. Wertz (editors), "Space Mission
	Analysis and Design, 2nd edition", Kluwer Academic Publishers
	(Dordrecht/Boston), and Microcosm (Torrance, CA) 1992, ISBN
	1-881883-01-9 (paperback) or 0-7923-1998-2 (hardback)

	    This looks at system-level design of a spacecraft, rather than
	    detailed design. 23 chapters, 4 appendices, about 865 pages. It
	    leads the reader through the mission design and system-level
	    design of a fictitious earth-observation satellite, to
	    illustrate the principles that it tries to convey. Editors
	    indicate that the tables have been reviewed at length and any
	    errors corrected in this edition; further corrections may be
	    sent to Jim Wertz (jwertz@netcom.com).

	    Hardback may be ordered from Kluwer (see publisher addresses
	    above), paperback from Microcosm ($39.50)


    Dani Eder (eder@hsvaic.hv.boeing.com) maintains a "Canonical List of
    Space Transport Methods" describing dozens of concepts and providing
    some in-depth references to the technical literature. This is available


    A smaller set of references on some of these concepts follows.


	"Antiproton Annihilation Propulsion", Robert Forward
	    AFRPL TR-85-034 from the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory
	    (AFRPL/XRX, Stop 24, Edwards Air Force Base, CA 93523-5000).
	    NTIS AD-A160 734/0	   PC A10/MF A01
	    PC => Paper copy, A10 => $US57.90 -- or maybe Price Code?
	    MF => MicroFiche, A01 => $US13.90

	    Technical study on making, holding, and using antimatter for
	    near-term (30-50 years) propulsion systems. Excellent
	    bibliography. Forward is the best-known proponent
	    of antimatter.

	    This also may be available as UDR-TR-85-55 from the contractor,
	    the University of Dayton Research Institute, and DTIC AD-A160
	    from the Defense Technical Information Center, Defense Logistics
	    Agency, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22304-6145. And it's
	    also available from the NTIS, with yet another number.

	"Advanced Space Propulsion Study, Antiproton and Beamed Power
	    Propulsion", Robert Forward

	    AFAL TR-87-070 from the Air Force Astronautics Laboratory, DTIC
	    #AD-A189 218.
	    NTIS AD-A189 218/1	  PC A10/MF A01

	    Summarizes the previous paper, goes into detail on beamed power
	    systems including " 1) pellet, microwave, and laser beamed power
	    systems for intersteller transport; 2) a design for a
	    near-relativistic laser-pushed lightsail using near-term laser
	    technology; 3) a survey of laser thermal propulsion, tether
	    transportation systems, antiproton annihilation propulsion,
	    exotic applications of solar sails, and laser-pushed
	    interstellar lightsails; 4) the status of antiproton
	    annihilation propulsion as of 1986; and 5) the prospects for
	    obtaining antimatter ions heavier than antiprotons." Again,
	    there is an extensive bibliography.

	    "Application of Antimatter - Electric Power to Interstellar
	    Propulsion", G. D. Nordley, JBIS Interstellar Studies issue of


	R. W. Bussard, "Galactic Matter and Interstellar Flight",
	Astronautica Acta 6 (1960): 179 - 194.

	G. L. Matloff and A. J. Fennelly, "Interstellar Applications and
	Limitations of Several Electrostatic/Electromagnetic Ion Collection
	Techniques", JBIS 30 (1977):213-222

	N. H. Langston, "The Erosion of Interstellar Drag Screens", JBIS 26
	(1973): 481-484

	C. Powell, "Flight Dynamics of the Ram-Augmented Interstellar
	Rocket", JBIS 28 (1975):553-562

	A. R. Martin, "The Effects of Drag on Relativistic Spacefight", JBIS
	25 (1972):643-652

	D.P. Whitmire, "Relativistic Spaceflight and the Catalytic Nuclear
	Ramjet", Acta Astronautica 2 (1975): 497 - 509.

	D.P. Whitmire and A.A. Jackson, "Laser Powered Interstellar Ramjet",
	JBIS 30 (1977):223 - 226.


	"A Laser Fusion Rocket for Interplanetary Propulsion", Roderick Hyde,
	LLNL report UCRL-88857. (Contact the Technical Information Dept. at

	    Fusion Pellet design: Fuel selection. Energy loss mechanisms.
	    Pellet compression metrics. Thrust Chamber: Magnetic nozzle.
	    Shielding. Tritium breeding. Thermal modeling. Fusion Driver
	    (lasers, particle beams, etc): Heat rejection. Vehicle Summary:
	    Mass estimates. Vehicle Performance: Interstellar travel
	    required exhaust velocities at the limit of fusion's capability.
	    Interplanetary missions are limited by power/weight ratio.
	    Trajectory modeling. Typical mission profiles. References,
	    including the 1978 report in JBIS, "Project Daedalus", and
	    several on ICF and driver technology.

	"Fusion as Electric Propulsion", Robert W. Bussard, Journal of
	Propulsion and Power, Vol. 6, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1990

	    Fusion rocket engines are analyzed as electric propulsion
	    systems, with propulsion thrust-power-input-power ratio (the
	    thrust-power "gain" G(t)) much greater than unity. Gain values
	    of conventional (solar, fission) electric propulsion systems are
	    always quite small (e.g., G(t)<0.8). With these, "high-thrust"
	    interplanetary flight is not possible, because system
	    acceleration (a(t)) capabilities are always less than the local
	    gravitational acceleration. In contrast, gain values 50-100
	    times higher are found for some fusion concepts, which offer
	    "high-thrust" flight capability. One performance example shows a
	    53.3 day (34.4 powered; 18.9 coast), one-way transit time with
	    19% payload for a single-stage Earth/Mars vehicle. Another shows
	    the potential for high acceleration (a(t)=0.55g(o)) flight in
	    Earth/moon space.

	"The QED Engine System: Direct Electric Fusion-Powered Systems for
	Aerospace Flight Propulsion" by Robert W. Bussard, EMC2-1190-03,
	available from Energy/Matter Conversion Corp., 9100 A. Center
	Street, Manassas, VA 22110.

	    [This is an introduction to the application of Bussard's version
	    of the Farnsworth/Hirsch electrostatic confinement fusion
	    technology to propulsion. 1500<Isp<5000 sec. Farnsworth/Hirsch
	    demonstrated a 10**10 neutron flux with their device back in
	    1969 but it was dropped when panic ensued over the surprising
	    stability of the Soviet Tokamak. Hirsch, responsible for the
	    panic, has recently recanted and is back working on QED. -- Jim

	"PLASMAKtm Star Power for Energy Intensive Space Applications", by
	Paul M. Koloc, Eight ANS Topical Meeting on Technology of Fusion
	Energy, special issue FUSION TECHNOLOGY, March 1989.

	    Aneutronic energy (fusion with little or negligible neutron
	    flux) requires plasma pressures and stable confinement times
	    larger than can be delivered by current approaches. If plasma
	    pressures appropriate to burn times on the order of milliseconds
	    could be achieved in aneutronic fuels, then high power densities
	    and very compact, realtively clean burning engines for space and
	    other special applications would be at hand. The PLASMAKtm
	    innovation will make this possible; its unique pressure
	    efficient structure, exceptional stability, fluid-mechanically
	    compressible Mantle and direct inductive MHD electric power
	    conversion advantages are described. Peak burn densities of tens
	    of megawats per cc give it compactness even in the
	    multi-gigawatt electric output size. Engineering advantages
	    indicate a rapid development schedule at very modest cost. [I
	    strongly recommend that people take this guy seriously. Bob
	    Hirsch, the primary proponent of the Tokamak, has recently
	    declared Koloc's PLASMAKtm precursor, the spheromak, to be one
	    of 3 promising fusion technologies that should be pursued rather
	    than Tokamak. Aside from the preceeding appeal to authority, the
	    PLASMAKtm looks like it finally models ball-lightning with solid
	    MHD physics. -- Jim Bowery]


	There's a good article (replete with pictures) in the August 10,
	1992 issue of Aviation Week entitled "World's Largest Light Gas Gun
	Nears Completion at Livermore." In addition, that article refers to
	another article on the same subject in their July 23, 1990 issue.


	"Battle of the Big Shots" Frank Kuznik, _Air_&_Space_,
	    August/September, 1993, pp. 54-61.

	    Discusses all the current gun-launch-to-space concepts as well
	    as the concept's checkered history (G.V. Bull).


	NASA Spacelink carries material covering many aspects of ion drives
	and describing the SERT I and II missions, which flight-tested
	cesium ion thrusters in the 1960s and 70s. There are numerous



	IEEE Transactions on Magnetics contain the proceedings of the
	Symposium on Electromagnetic Launcher Technology, including hundreds
	of papers on the subject. It's a good look at the state of the art,
	though perhaps not a good tutorial for beginners. Anybody know some
	good review papers?

	    Vol MAG-18, No. 1, Jan 82 (EML 1)
	    Vol MAG-20, No. 2, Mar 84 (EML 2)
	    Vol MAG-22, No. 6, Nov 86 (EML 3)
	    Vol 25, No. 1, Jan 89 (EML 4)
	    Vol 27, No. 1, Jan 91 (EML 5)
	    Vol 29, No. 1, Jan 93 (EML 6)


	"Technical Notes on Nuclear Rockets", by Bruce W. Knight and Donald
	Kingsbury, unpublished. May be available from: Donald Kingsbury,
	Math Dept., McGill University, PO Box 6070, Station A, Montreal,
	Quebec M3C 3G1 Canada.

	"An Historical Perspective of the NERVA Nuclear Rocket Engine
	Technology Program", W. H. Robbins and H. B. Finger, US Government
	Document #NAS 1.26:187154. Written in 1990-91 as a summary when
	consideration to restarting the nuclear rocket program was being


	"The Ram Accelerator:  A New Chemical Method of Accelerating
	Projectiles to Ultrahigh Velocities" A. Hertzberg, A.P. Bruckner,
	and D.W. Bogdanoff, _AIAA_Journal_, Vol. 26, No. 2, February, 1988.

	    The seminal reference.

	"The Ram Accelerator: A Chemically Driven Mass Launcher" P. Kaloupis
	and A.P. Bruckner, AIAA Paper 88-2968, AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE 24th Joint
	Propulsion Conference, July 11-13, 1988, Boston, MA.

	    Applications to surface-to-orbit launching.

	"Ram Accelerator Demonstrates Potential for Hypervelocity Research,
	Light Launch," Breck W. Henderson,
	_Aviation_Week_&_Space_Technology_, September 30, 1991, pp. 50-51.

	"Beyond Rockets: the Scramaccelerator" J.W. Humphreys and T.H.
	Sobota, _Aerospace_America_, Vol. 29, June, 1991, pp. 18-21.

	"Ramming Speed" Gregory T. Pope, _Discover_, March 1994, pp. 50-55.

	    Non-technical articles on the status of ram accelerator


	Starsailing. Solar Sails and Interstellar Travel. Louis Friedman,
	Wiley, New York, 1988, 146 pp., paper $9.95. (Not very technical,
	but an adequate overview.)

	"Roundtrip Interstellar Travel Using Laser-Pushed Lightsails
	(Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 21, pp. 187-95, Jan.-Feb.


	_Tethers and Asteroids for Artificial Gravity Assist in the Solar
	System,_ by P.A. Penzo and H.L. Mayer., _Journal of Spacecraft
	and Rockets_ for Jan-Feb 1986.

	    Details how a spacecraft with a kevlar tether of the same mass
	    can change its velocity by up to slightly less than 1 km/sec. if
	    it is travelling under that velocity wrt a suitable asteroid.

	"Tethers in Space Handbook, 2nd Edition", Paul A Penzo & Paul W
	Ammann. NASA Office of Advanced Program Development, 1989.
	    NTIS N92-19248/3	  PC A12/MF A03

	    It may be possible to obtain this handbook from:
		NASA Office of Advanced Program Development
		Washington, DC 20546

	NASA Conference Publication 2422
	Applications of Tethers in Space
	Workshop Proceedings Vols 1 and 2.
	[Proceedings of a workshop held in Venice, Italy, Octover 15-17, 1985]


	"Alternate Propulsion Energy Sources", Robert Forward
	    AFPRL TR-83-067.
	    NTIS AD-B088 771/1	  PC A07/MF A01   Dec 83 138p

	    Keywords: Propulsion energy, metastable helium, free-radical
	    hydrogen, solar pumped (sic) plasmas, antiproton annihiliation,
	    ionospheric lasers, solar sails, perforated sails, microwave
	    sails, quantum fluctuations, antimatter rockets... It's a wide,
	    if not deep, look at exotic energy sources which might be useful
	    for space propulsion. It also considers various kinds of laser
	    propulsion, metallic hydrogen, tethers, and unconventional
	    nuclear propulsion. The bibliographic information, pointing to
	    the research on all this stuff, belongs on every daydreamer's

	Indistinguishable From Magic, Dr. Robert L. Forward, Baen, 1995.

	    Nontechnical discussion of tethers, antimatter, gravity control,
	    space drives, etc.

	The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide To Interstellar Travel.
	Eugene F. Mallove and Gregory L. Matloff, Wiley, 1989. ISBN

	    Probably the best semi-technical introduction to interstellar


    Solar Power Satellite. Peter Glaser, Frank Davidson and Katinka Csigi,
    John Wiley & Sons, 1993. ISBN 0-471-95428-4.

	A comprehensive review of SPSs as an option for meeting future
	energy requirements in an environmentally friendly way.


    *Deep Black*, by William Burrows;
	"best modern general book for spysats." Now in paperback.

    1) A Base For Debate: The US Satellite Station at Nurrungar, Des Ball,
    Allen and Unwin Australia, 1987 ISBN 0 04 355027 4 [ covers DSP early
    warning satellites]

    2) Pine Gap: Australia and the US Geostationary Signals intelligence
    satellite program, Des Ball, Allen and Unwin Australia, 1988 ISBN 0 04
    363002 5. [covers RHYOLITE/AQUACADE, CHALET/VORTEX, and MAGNUM signals
    intelligence satellites; out of print?]

    3) Guardians: Strategic Reconnaissance Satellites, Curtis Peebles, 1987,
    Ian Allan, ISBN 0 7110 17654 [ good on MOL, military Salyut and Soviet
    satellites, less so on others. Tends to believe what he's told so flaws
    in discussion of DSP, RHYOLITE et al..]

    4) America's Secret Eyes In Space: The Keyhole Spy Satellite Program,
    Jeffrey Richelson, 1990, Harper and Row, ISBN 0 88730 285 8 [ in a class
    of its own, *the* historical reference on the KEYHOLE satellites]

    5) Secret Sentries in Space, Philip J Klass, 1971.
	"long out of print but well worth a look"

    Some recently declassified spy satellite images are at



    Ross Finlayson (finlayson@eng.sun.com) has put together a list of
    locations of space capsules of the Mercury/Gemini/Apollo type, in



    A FAQ on the shuttle General Purpose Computers, maintained by Ken Jenks
    (kjenks@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov), is at:


    Some printed references:

    %J Communications of the ACM
    %V 27
    %N 9
    %D September 1984
    %K Special issue on space [shuttle] computers

    %A Myron Kayton
    %T Avionics for Manned Spacecraft
    %J IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
    %V 25
    %N 6
    %D November 1989
    %P 786-827

    Other various AIAA and IEEE publications.

    Computers in Spaceflight: The NASA Experience,
    James E. Tomayko, Wichita State University,
    NASA Contractor Report CP-182505,
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
    Scientific and Technical Information Division,
    1988, 417 pages.

    Understanding Computers: Space,
    by the Editors of Time-Life Books,
    part of the multiple volume series "Understanding Computers",
    Time-Life Books, Alexandria, Virginia,
    1993, 128 pages, ISBN 0-8094-7590-1,
    US $14.95.

    Space Shuttle Avionics System
    John F. Hanaway and Robert W. Moorehead
    NASA SP-504
    Available via:
	Superintendent of Documents
	U.S. Government Printing Office
	Washington, DC 20402
	Document #NAS 1.21:504.

    This is an easily readable 62 page book that contains a wealth of
    information including history, rationale, alternate designs considered,
    design tradeoffs and descriptions of the Shuttle data processing system
    (DPS) and its' associated Redundancy Management (RM) system and
    philosophy. One of the authors is the former head of the NASA division
    which developed the Shuttle DPS design.


    %A D. K. Cullers
    %A Ivan R. Linscott
    %A Bernard M. Oliver
    %T Signal Processing in SETI
    %J Communications of the ACM
    %V 28
    %N 11
    %D November 1984
    %P 1151-1163
    %K CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.4.1 [Operating Systems]:
    Process Management - concurrency; I.5.4 [Pattern Recognition]:
    Applications - signal processing; J.2 [Phsyical Sciences and Engineering]:
    General Terms: Design
    Additional Key Words and Phrases: digital Fourier transforms,
    finite impulse-response filters, interstellar communications,
    Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence, signal detection,
    spectrum analysis


    A writeup on receiving and interpreting weather satellite photos is in


    The American Radio Relay League publication service offers the following
    references (also see the section on AMSAT in the space groups segment of
    the FAQ):

	ARRL Satellite Experimenters Handbook,		#3185, $20
	ARRL Weather Satellite Handbook,		#3193, $20
	IBM-PC software for Weather Satellite Handbook, #3290, $10

	AMSAT NA 5th Space Symposium,			#0739, $12
	AMSAT NA 6th Space Symposium,			#2219, $12

	Shipping is extra.

    The American Radio Relay League
    Publications Department
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111


    Srinivas Bettadpur contributed a writeup on tides, in


    It covers the following areas:

	- 2-D Example of Tidal Deformation
	- Treatment of Tidal Fields in Practice
	- Long term evolution of the Earth-Moon system under tides

    The writeup refers to the following texts:

	"Geophysical Geodesy" by K. Lambeck
	"Tides of the planet Earth" by P. Melchior


    A listing of astronomical mnemonics is in


NOTE: the remaining FAQ sections do not appear in sci.astro, as they cover
    material of relevance only to sci.space.

NEXT: FAQ #6/13 - Contacting NASA, ESA, and other space agencies/companies
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM