Archive-name: biz-config-faq
X-Maintainer: Ed Hew <> X-Frequency: bi-monthly X-Version: 1.09f X-Original: Wed Jun 30 22:54:05 EDT 1993 X-Revised: Fri May 25 19:45:08 EDT 2001 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge The "biz" FAQ This "biz" FAQ posting is periodically repeated for the benefit of new readers, providing an introduction to the biz.* newsgroups and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the "biz" hierarchy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Request: Please advise the FAQ maintainer of any other FAQs periodically posted anywhere within the biz hierarchy so that this information may be included or referenced in this meta-FAQ. ------------------------------ Subject: Table of Contents: Subject: Changes to valid biz newsgroup list since 1995. Subject: What is the biz hierarchy? Subject: Who created biz? Subject: Where can I find the official biz newsgroup list? Subject: How can I receive a feed of the biz groups? Subject: Are all biz newsgroups moderated? Subject: What is the group creation process on biz? Subject: Template for biz newsgroup proposal Subject: Template for newgroup cmsg request to the "biz authority" Subject: What are the biz newsgroup charters? Subject: The official biz newsgroups moderators list. Subject: Is "biz" the right place for a specific newsgroup? Subject: What types of groups would be more suitable for biz? Subject: What is considered good net.etiquette on biz.*? Subject: What is the biz "ad" and "SPAM" cancellation policy? Subject: Where is the Biz Hierarchy Administrator's authority derived from? Subject: Are the biz groups archived anywhere? Subject: Are the biz groups available via mailing lists? Subject: What about gopher, wais, mosaic (and the like) servers for biz? Subject: Contributions to the biz FAQ. ------------------------------ Changes to valid biz newsgroup list since 1995: Newsgroup(s) status change: biz.books.technical (Jun 7/99) status changed to moderated biz.marketplace.computers.pc-clone (Jun 7/99) status changed to moderated (Nov 8/98) status changed to moderated biz.marketplace.computers.mac (Nov 8/98) status changed to moderated biz.marketplace.computers.other (Oct 27/98) status changed to moderated biz.marketplace.computers.workstation (May 14/98) status changed to moderated biz.marketplace.non-computer (May 14/98) status changed to moderated (Mar 31/98) status changed to moderated biz.comp.accounting (Oct 28/97) status changed to moderated biz.marketplace.computers.discussion (Sep 21/97) status changed to moderated biz.marketplace.discussion (Sep 21/97) status changed to moderated (Sep 21/97) status changed to moderated (Aug 5/97) status changed to moderated (Aug 5/97) status changed to moderated biz.stolen (Aug 5/97) status changed to moderated biz.general (Dec 1/96) status changed to moderated biz.clarinet (Dec 1/95) status changed to moderated biz.clarinet.sample (Dec 1/95) status changed to moderated Newsgroup(s) created: biz.ecommerce (Jul 3/00) (Moderated) biz.caucus (Jul 5/99) (Moderated) (Dec 8/98) (Moderated) biz.marketplace.real-estate (Dec 5/98) (Moderated) biz.marketplace.web-design (Dec 5/98) (Moderated) biz.marketplace.investors (Aug 12/98) (Moderated) (Aug 30/96) (Moderated) (Aug 30/96) (Moderated) biz.clarinet.webnews.sports (Aug 30/96) (Moderated) biz.clarinet.webnews.techwire (Aug 30/96) (Moderated) (Aug 30/96) (Moderated) biz.clarinet.webnews.usa (Aug 30/96) (Moderated) (Aug 30/96) (Moderated) biz.clarinet.web.sample (Aug 13/96) (Moderated) biz.clarinet.web.xcache.small (Aug 13/96) (Moderated) biz.clarinet.web.xcache.large (Aug 13/96) (Moderated) Newsgroup(s) removed: (Dec 5/97) obsolete and orphaned (Aug 5/97) obsoleted by mainstream *.jobs biz.univel.misc (Sep 25/96) replaced by comp.unix.unixware.misc biz.zeos.announce (Dec 25/96) obsolete and orphaned biz.zeos.general (Dec 25/96) obsolete and orphaned biz.tess (Nov 12/96) bogus, improper creation procedure biz.univel.misc (Sep 25/96) replaced by comp.unix.unixware.* biz.mlm (Apr 4/96) bogus, improper creation procedure biz.americast (Jan 2/96) removal requested by Americast biz.americast.sample (Jan 2/96) removal requested by Americast biz.macmillan.announce(Dec 1/95) bogus, improper creation procedure biz.tpm (Oct 26/95) bogus, improper creation procedure biz.dec (Apr 1/95) replaced by (Apr 1/95) replaced by biz.marketplace.* biz.comp.hardware (Apr 1/95) replaced by biz.marketplace.* (Apr 1/95) replaced by biz.marketplace.* biz.misc (Apr 1/95) replaced by biz.general biz.sco.announce (June 3/95) replaced by comp.unix.sco.announce biz.sco.binaries (June 3/95) obsoleted by archive sites biz.sco.general (June 3/95) replaced by comp.unix.sco.misc biz.sco.magazine (June 3/95) replaced by comp.unix.sco.misc biz.sco.opendesktop (June 3/95) replaced by comp.unix.sco.misc biz.sco.sources (June 3/95) obsoleted by archive sites biz.sco.vtcl (June 3/95) replaced by comp.unix.sco.programmer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: What is the biz hierarchy? "biz" is a hierarchy of newsgroups carried and propagated by sites interested in the world of business products and services around them -- in particular, computer products and services. This includes product announcements, announcements of fixes and enhancements, product reviews, postings of demo software, and the resulting discussions. While not supporting the electronic equivalent of a newspaper ad, the "biz" hierarchy is specifically intended to carry traffic of a commercial, factual, and often technical nature. Thus, some sites operating under restrictions against carrying such traffic were historically unable to carry the hierarchy. ------------------------------ Subject: Who created biz? Karl Denninger (karl@MCS.COM) formed biz in the late '80s in response to a rather large net.discussion over the proper place (if indeed there was any at the time) for people to post things that were blatantly commercial. To quote Karl, "I believe it was 87 or 88, but I don't have an exact date". The result was the creation of biz.*; "ddsw1", the forefather of the current MCSNet machines (with pieces and parts still in use) was the first "hub" of distribution. MCS maintained "free on request" access to anyone who would poll for a couple of years. A few people did, and the groups got picked up by a reasonably large percentage of the net. The current biz distribution hub is considered to be, however the hierarchy should be fairly broadly available today from most competent USENET news providers. Subsequent to it's inception, various biz sub-hierarchies have appeared where content is actually quite strictly regulated and which explicitly exclude commercial ads (as differentiated from informational postings). ------------------------------ Subject: Where can I find the official biz newsgroup list? A number of groups have been created under several sub-classifications. The original intention of the sub-classifications may have been to encourage creation of subgroups under (for instance)* and biz.comp.hardware.*. The second-level functional tag has since become more generalized, such as a "marketplace" or a specific manufacturer's name. The valid "biz" newsgroup list, as of July 3, 2000. biz.books.technical Technical Books - Offers & Requirements (Moderated) biz.caucus Business Related Political Discussions (Moderated) biz.clarinet Announcements about ClariNet. (Moderated) biz.clarinet.sample Samples of ClariNet newsgroups. (Moderated) biz.clarinet.web.sample Sample ClariNet news in HTML format. (Moderated) biz.clarinet.web.xcache.small Small images used in .web.sample. (Moderated) biz.clarinet.web.xcache.large Large images used in .web.sample. (Moderated) Business from the ClariNet e.News. (Moderated) Lifestyle and Entertainment. (Moderated) biz.clarinet.webnews.sports Sports from the ClariNet e.News. (Moderated) biz.clarinet.webnews.techwire Computers, Science, and Technology. (Moderated) Top News from the ClariNet e.News. (Moderated) biz.clarinet.webnews.usa News of the U.S.A. from the e.News. (Moderated) World News from the e.News. (Moderated) biz.comp.accounting Dialogue: Accounting Software & Procedures (Moderated) biz.comp.mcs Macro Computer Solutions, Inc. news and information (Moderated) biz.comp.telebit Support of the Telebit modem. biz.comp.telebit.netblazer The Telebit Netblazer. biz.config Biz Usenet hierarchy configuration and administration. biz.control Biz hierarchy control information and messages. biz.ecommerce Internet retailer forum (Moderated) biz.digex.announce Announcements from Digex. (Moderated) Digital Equipment Corp News & Announcements (Moderated) DEC Newsletter, Catalog, & Journal Articles (Moderated) biz.general Dialogue: business operations and offerings. (Moderated) Discussion for healthcare professionals (Moderated) biz.marketplace.computers.discussion Computer Market Forum (Moderated) biz.marketplace.computers.mac Macintosh Hardware and Software (Moderated) biz.marketplace.computers.pc-clone PC-Clone Hardware/Software (Moderated) biz.marketplace.computers.other Other computer Hardware/Software (Moderated) biz.marketplace.computers.workstation Workstation Hdw/Software (Moderated) biz.marketplace.discussion biz.marketplace Issues Forum (Moderated) Intl import-export. (Moderated) Intl import-export.d (Moderated) biz.marketplace.investors Investment and Stocks Forum (Moderated) biz.marketplace.non-computer Non-Computer Merchandising (Moderated) biz.marketplace.real-estate Real Estate Investment Forum (Moderated) Computer services postings (Moderated) Network Services Forum (Moderated) Services Offered/Wanted (Moderated) biz.marketplace.web-design Web Page Designer Forum (Moderated) biz.oreilly.announce New offerings from O'Reilly and Associates. (Moderated) biz.pagesat For discussion of the Pagesat Satellite Usenet Newsfeed Pagesat Satellite Weather Postings. biz.stolen Postings about stolen merchandise. (Moderated) biz.tadpole.sparcbook Discussions on the Sparcbook portable computer. biz.test Biz newsgroup test messages. ------------------------------ Subject: How can I receive a feed of the biz groups? NNTP feeds of "biz" may be obtained from, among others: <> (Dan Busarow) <> (Christopher Davis) <> (Karl Denninger) <> (Paul Fischer) <> (Kenneth Herron) <> (Lyn Fincham) <> (UUNET Customer Liaison) <> (Ed Hew) UUCP feeds of "biz" may be obtained from, among others: <> (Dan Busarow) <> (Tim Tyhurst) <> (Karl Denninger) <> (Evan Leibovitch) <> (Lyn Fincham) <> (UUNET Customer Liaison) <> (Ed Hew) Propagation of the hierarchy isn't quite as widespread as the mainstream USENET, but it continues to grow. The news admins listed above have and continue to make a concerted effort to enhance global biz propagation and to reduce its geographic fragmentation. An inquiry to the appropriate news admin is suggested, as feed availability may vary from time to time and from host to host. Note that commercial service providers and others may charge a fee for service and|or connectivity -- again, ask. Those having difficulty getting biz feeds, especially outside of North America, are encouraged to write to either the undersigned or the contacts listed above, so that we can help you get a feed. Those willing and in a position to *offer* feeds are encouraged to write to the biz FAQ maintainer providing the appropriate information. Additions (and corrections) to this biz provider list are most welcome. ------------------------------ Subject: Are all biz newsgroups moderated? Discussion in biz.config over 1.5 years resulted in the consensus that only proposals for moderated biz newsgroups are accepted as of Apr 4/99. Most previously unmoderated newsgroups have been converted to moderated status, and we anticipate the remaining few unmoderated newsgroups will be similarly converted as moderators are found for them. Anyone wishing to assume the task of moderating one of the older pre-existing unmoderated biz newsgroups is encouraged to propose conversion of that newsgroup to moderated status, in biz.config. ------------------------------ Subject: What is the group creation process on biz? The group creation process on biz is somewhat different than in the "standard" hierarchies. To some extent this reflects that fact that biz is an ongoing and maturing experiment-in-process. [ response to the question...] >Uh, I don't pretend to be a USENET know-it-all, but don't you need to >make this an RFD, then hold a CFV, then a final ACK, then do the >newgroup? Or is the biz. hierarchy like alt. in that anyone can >create a new newsgroup? Neither. The biz hierarchy has its own peculiar set of rules, which have evolved from necessity and common sense over the years. In theory, anyone can issue a newgroup message on a whim. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that it will be widely honored, or that the new newsgroup will actually be propagated to any useful degree. In practice, creation of new 'biz' newsgroups is normally handled as follows: 0. Is someone else already in charge of your desired discussion area? Some biz sub-hierarchies are historically managed. Creation of new newsgroups within them requires the agreement and support of the respective responsible party (eg,*, biz.clarinet.*, or the old biz.sco.* sub-hierarchy). If your prospective newsgroup should fall under a managed biz sub-hierarchy, check the FAQ for the sub-hierarchy, locate and contact the authoritative individual, and ask them to follow the biz creation process on your behalf. - otherwise - 1. Demonstrate its viability: Ongoing dialogue in existing newsgroups and private discussion between interested parties to the resolution that the new newsgroup has a likelihood of success may suggest it's creation. Where no existing newsgroup appears appropriate for initial discussions of a new "biz" topic, postings should be directed to biz.general, a moderated biz newsgroup specifically chartered for this purpose. "biz.general provides a moderated newsgroup for general dialogue of, or related to, business operations and offerings. Commercial ads are prohibited. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter." Over a reasonable period of time, sometimes as long as several months, it will be fairly evident from the volume of existing topical discussion whether a new newsgroup is warranted (or not). 2. Only proposals for moderated biz newsgroups will be considered. Select a competent moderator for your proposed new biz newsgroup. If you reasonably anticipate significant volume, consider establishing a team of competent moderators. Ensure that the moderator(s) have the time and all the necessary tools and connectivity required for the moderation task so that they can start their duties immediately once the newsgroup is created. Consider the relative benefits of traditional moderation vrs "retro-moderation" and stipulate which method will apply to the proposed newsgroup. Include the name(s) and email address(es) of the moderator(s) in your RFD. 3. When participants agree that longevity, intensity, and sheer volume of existing dialogue suggests consideration of biz.<whatever>, barring strenuous or widespread objections, the proponent should post a formal proposal to biz.config including the following: - Name of the proposed new newsgroup, - Charter, - Canonical newsgroups file entry, - Status (moderated or retro-moderated) (provide the name and email address of the moderator), - Background, justification and supporting information, - Invitation to discussion of at least two weeks duration, - Date the newgroup control message request will be requested. Include the information you feel important in influencing others to agree that your proposal is sound! Post the biz newsgroup proposal, a "Request for Discussion" (aka: RFD) to biz.config. [refer to the "Template for biz newsgroup proposal"] You may optionally choose to cross-post your proposal to the USENET group news.groups and perhaps other groups relevant to the proposal. Since other newsgroups aren't necessarily monitored by those you most wish to influence, please set the "Followup-To:" header line to biz.config _only_. On occasion, objections are made that should be taken under advisement, generally for naming reasons (i.e. consistency with existing groups either in biz or USENET), unnecessary duplication with other groups, or perhaps that the preceding criteria haven't been met. Advice may often be offered by those who have supported the biz hierarchy for years and know something about it, or by the biz news admins who actually pay the cost of moving biz articles between the far corners of the planet. Such advice is honorably offered and should be heeded. It is good practice to enlist, via biz.config, the support of the key news admins who handle the vast majority of biz propagation, particularly those who control the NNTP links that bring disparate chunks of geographic biz propagation together. This will ensure that your proposed newsgroup will be indeed be propagated. Convert those who post opposition to a position of tacit agreement at minimum; if you can't do that, consider going back to step 1. 4. Wait the balance of your announced discussion period. If there is no (further) substantiated objection, the newsgroup has successfully passed the tests for inclusion in the biz hierarchy. If the newsgroup will be within a sub-hierarchy under the auspices of a given individual, ask the party responsible to ask the "biz authority" to issue the newgroup control message. Otherwise, place the request directly. In either case, outline the justification for it's creation according to the guidelines, to be presented to the biz newsadmins who would propagate the new newsgroup. The "biz authority" maintains the valid "biz" newsgroups list and biz hierarchy checkgroups cmsg, and issues the newgroup control messages for the biz hierarchy so that the new newsgroup is honored and propagated by the biz backbone news admins. Currently, these duties reside with Ed Hew <>, who at this time also maintains this FAQ. A valid newgroup control message, including a request that the biz backbone news admins support your newsgroup with their own newgroup control messages, will usually be issued within 7 days. The request must include: - Name of the proposed new newsgroup, - Justification for creation - Charter, - Canonical newsgroups file entry, - Status: moderated [if auto or retro-moderated, advise accordingly] - Supporting information and justification for creation, This will typically be culled from the publicly accepted proposal. [Refer to the 'Template for newgroup cmsg request to the "biz authority"'] 5. Send email to the maintainer of this FAQ to ensure that your new biz newsgroup is listed! (The FAQ maintainer may not always be the same person as the biz authority.) ------------------------------ Subject: Template for biz newsgroup proposal Newsgroup: biz.config [optionally followed by comma-separated list of other newsgroups - remember, no spaces between newsgroup names!] Subject: proposal to create biz.<subhierarchy>.<name> (Moderated) Followup-To: biz.config NAME: biz.newsgroup-name (or biz.<subhierarchy>.<name>) STATUS: Moderated CHARTER: Specify the full text of the proposed newsgroup charter here. This must properly describe the purpose of the newsgroup and specify any restrictions such as exclusion of ads, SPAM, UBE, etc. Ongoing operation of the newsgroup is strictly subject to the charter as finally agreed prior to newsgroup creation. It is advisable to include a statement granting moderator authority. CANONICAL CHARTER (for your newsgroups file):<tab>Single-line description, must fit into 80 columns (Moderated) [This is the canonical description derived from the full newsgroup charter.] MODERATOR: Moderator Name <name@sub.domain> [proposed moderator(s) names and personal contact address(es)] SUBMISSIONS: newsgroup-submit@sub.domain [where article submissions should be mailed] BACKGROUND: Justify creation of the newsgroup as per the procedure outlined in the section: "What is the group creation process on biz?". Provide whatever additional useful background information you would like newsadmins evaluating your proposal to consider. Discussion period: Until <date> [debate will continue until this date] Discussion forum: biz.config; please direct all followups there. [this field should be reproduced intact.] Proposed creation date: <proposed creation date> Given a sufficient level of support and barring significant and substantive insurmountable objections, a request for the cmsg to create <newsgroup-name> (Moderated), on or about <proposed creation date>. ------------------------------ Subject: Template for newgroup cmsg request to the "biz authority" As per discussion and agreement in biz.config, please create: (Moderated) Justification: ** Why the newsgroup should be created. ** (Do NOT include the asterix "*" characters.) The Charter, as culled from the proposal in biz.config: Charter: ** Insert the final agreed-on charter from biz.config. ** Please spell-check it! ** Use as many lines as needed. Note the indentation. For your newsgroups file:<tab>Single-line description, must fit into 80 columns (Moderated) (This is the canonical description derived from the full newsgroup charter.) Moderators: ** moderator name and address in the form First-name Surname <your-personal-address@your.fqdn> Moderator address: <you-or-your-alias@your.fqdn> ------------------------------ Subject: What are the biz newsgroup charters? (Incomplete) Request: This section is incomplete. Some biz newsgroup charters have been lost in antiquity. Anyone having a copy of a missing charter as agreed on when the biz newsgroup was created is encouraged to email them to the undersigned for inclusion in this FAQ. Authoritative corrections are of course also welcome. Please refer to the canonical charters list in the section entitled "What groups already exist on biz?" for those biz newsgroups with full charters not yet available. biz.books.technical Technical Books - Offers & Requirements (Moderated) Charter: biz.books.technical provides a forum for topics pertinent to educational or technical reference materials. They may be in electronic form. Articles on the availability and requirements for tech reference materials are acceptable. Multi-Level Marketing and quick money are specifically off-topic. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.caucus Business Related Political Discussions (Moderated) CHARTER: biz.caucus provides a moderated forum for topics pertinent to global political affairs as they effect economies and business enterprises, including but not limited to discussions with and about candidates for office, pending legislation, enforcement policies, and educating the work force. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.comp.accounting Dialogue: Accounting Software & Procedures (Moderated) Charter: biz.comp.accounting provides a forum for discussion of topics pertinent to general accounting procedures, accounting software problems and solutions, accounting software issues related to newer hardware, new OS environments, and features such as electronic commerce. Bonafide new product press releases relevant to accounting, and occasional new job postings, are permitted. Commercial advertising is prohibited. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.config Biz Usenet hierarchy configuration and administration. Charter: biz.config is the controlling newsgroup for discussion of new biz groups, connectivity, propagation, policy, and the like. Status: Retro-moderated by the biz hierarchy administrator biz.control Biz hierarchy control information and messages Charter: biz.control exists solely for posting of biz control messages and related information by the biz hierarchy authority and administrator. No other postings are permitted. Status: Retro-moderated by the biz hierarchy administrator biz.ecommerce Internet retailer forum (Moderated) Charter: Biz.ecommerce is for the discussion of topics concerning Internet retailers. Blatant ads are not allowed. The recommending of a product or service within a current topic is allowed by anyone as long as it contributes to the thread. Cross-posted messages will not be accepted by the moderator. It is the moderator's sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.general Dialogue: business operations and offerings. (Moderated) Charter: biz.general provides a moderated newsgroup for general dialogue of, or related to, business operations and offerings. Commercial ads are prohibited. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: Discussion for healthcare professionals (Moderated) Charter: provides a forum for healthcare professionals to discuss administration and operation of healthcare facilities. This forum shall include topics for accountants, nursing staff, administrators, social workers, dietary workers, therapists, and all other employees of healthcare facilities. No advertisements will be accepted. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.marketplace.computers.discussion Computer Market Forum (Moderated) Charter: biz.marketplace.computers.discussion provides a forum for discussion of topics pertinent to all biz.marketplace.computers groups. This forum shall encourage discussion of pricing issues, recommendations about advertisers in other groups, ways of consummating computer transactions, and other topics which specifically pertain to computers. Commercial advertising is prohibited. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.marketplace.computers.mac Macintosh Hardware and Software (Moderated) Charter: biz.marketplace.computers.mac is a forum for profit-motivated users to offer and request hardware and software for Macintosh-architecture systems. This forum shall permit advertisements of components and systems which are commonly used in Macintosh computers. Articles should be tailored to reflect the Mac-specific nature of this forum. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.marketplace.computers.other Other computer Hardware/Software (Moderated) Charter: biz.marketplace.computers.other provides a forum for profit- motivated users to offer hardware and software for all types of systems not covered by the terms 'workstation', 'PC', or 'Macintosh'. This forum shall permit advertisements of all other components and systems, including obsolete or proprietary architectures, minicomputers, and mainframes. This forum shall also permit advertisements of other computer-approximating items such as high-powered calculators or robotics controlled processing equipment. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.marketplace.computers.pc-clone Clone Hardware/Software (Moderated) Charter: biz.marketplace.computers.pc-clone provides a forum for profit- motivated users to offer hardware and software for all 80-x86 PC architecture systems. This forum shall permit advertisements and discussion of all components and systems which are commonly used in PC systems, including high-performance systems which function as workstations. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.marketplace.computers.workstation Workstation Hdw/Software (Moderated) Charter: biz.marketplace.computers.workstation provides a forum for profit motivated users to offer hardware and software for high-power computers and workstations. This forum shall permit advertising for all components and systems which are exclusive enough to be considered only for use in heavy computing applications and beyond those of a typical business office. Personal computer hardware available in retail stores should use other newsgroups. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.marketplace.discussion Dialogue: biz.marketplace Issues Forum (Moderated) Charter: biz.marketplace.discussion provides a forum for discussions about issues related to the biz.marketplace hierarchy. This forum may include topics related to the appropriateness of certain posts, the intricacies and netiquette of posting advertisements, and questions about the UseNet marketplace. Commercial advertising is prohibited. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: Intl import-export opportunities (Moderated) Charter: focuses on meeting the needs of international traders by providing a forum for exchange of trade offers, requirements, and discussions. Advertising not directly related to importing and exporting is prohibited. It is the moderators sole unquestioned responsibility and authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: Intl import-export (Moderated) Charter: focuses on meeting the needs of international traders by providing a forum for traders to discuss international trade issues and other related topics which effect the way they conduct business in an ever-changing global economy. Commercial advertising is prohibited. It is the moderators sole unquestioned responsibility and authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.marketplace.investors Investment and Stocks Forum (Moderated) Charter: biz.marketplace.investors provides a forum for discussion of topics pertinent to stocks, bonds, futures, monetary exchange and other high tech investments. Some limited advertising is allowed but primarily as informative articles containing data of use to investors. Any stock recommendations should come from registered brokers. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.marketplace.non-computer Non-Computer Merchandising (Moderated) Charter: biz.marketplace.non-computer provides a forum for profit motivated users to offer to buy and sell merchandise which is not computer related. This forum shall permit advertisements for products which provide a value of exceptional interest to the readership. Posts specifically off-topic include MLM recruiting, pyramids, bulk E-Mail, and any messages that do not provide a valid reply address. Services and Web Page vendors should post their offerings on service oriented biz.marketplace.* groups. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.marketplace.real-estate Real Estate Investment Forum (Moderated) Charter: biz.marketplace.real-estate provides a forum for discussion of topics pertinent to marketing business property or real estate which would be considered high value investments. Some real estate offers and requirements are allowed but primarily those which will promote discussions. Single residential units would not normally be considered a high value investment. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: Computer services postings (Moderated) Charter: provides a forum for profit- motivated users to offer services which are primarily centered around all aspects of computing. This forum shall include services offered by network access providers, freelance programmers, computer-specific shopping services, non-profit organizations seeking donations of computers, computer recyclers and repair, and other services which reflect the computer-specific atmosphere of this group. It is the moderators sole unquestioned responsibility and authority to ensure articles adhere to the Charter. Status: Moderated: Network Services Forum (Moderated) Charter: provides a platform for discussions related to the design and implementation of on-line services over networks, via modem, or other topics related to the sub-hierarchy. Advertising and Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) issues should not be posted to the group. It is the moderators sole unquestioned responsibility and authority to ensure articles adhere to the Charter. Status: Moderated: Services Offered/Wanted (Moderated) Charter: provides a forum for profit-motivated users to offer services which are not computer oriented. This forum shall include services offered by merchandisers, marketing services, genealogy tracers, freelance photographers/writers, web page promotions, and other services that are not centered around computer hardware or specific products. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: biz.marketplace.web-design Web Page Designer Forum (Moderated) Charter: biz.marketplace.web-design provides a forum for discussion of topics pertinent to designing, installing, and promoting web pages on the World Wide Web (www). The emphasis will be on appearance (Graphics/Layout), HTML techniques, and marketing. Scripting is better served on other forums. Some limited advertising may be allowed but primarily web pages, services, and software which will promote discussions. Any content not suitable for family viewing will be rejected. It is the moderators sole responsibility and unquestioned authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. biz.stolen Dialogue: Discussion of Fraud and Theft Issues (Moderated) Charter: biz.stolen provides a moderated newsgroup for general dialogue of, or related to, tracing stolen goods, theft protection, and fraudulent or unethical business practices. Commercial ads are prohibited. It is the moderators sole unquestioned responsibility and authority to ensure that articles adhere to the charter. Status: Moderated: ------------------------------ Subject: The official biz newsgroups moderators list. Information on posting to a moderated newsgroup is periodically posted to news.lists,news.groups,news.answers, entitled: "List of Moderators for Usenet". The archive name is: "moderator-list/part1". ------------------------------------------------------------------ NewsGroup Submissions ------------------------------------------------------------------ biz.books.technical biz.caucus biz.clarinet biz.clarinet.sample biz.clarinet.web.sample biz.clarinet.web.xcache.large biz.clarinet.web.xcache.small biz.clarinet.webnews.sports biz.clarinet.webnews.techwire biz.clarinet.webnews.usa biz.comp.accounting biz.comp.mcs biz.digex.announce biz.ecommerce biz.general biz.marketplace.computers.discussion biz.marketplace.computers.mac biz.marketplace.computers.other biz.marketplace.computers.pc-clone biz.marketplace.computers.workstation biz.marketplace.discussion biz.marketplace.investors biz.marketplace.non-computer biz.marketplace.real-estate biz.marketplace.web-design biz.oreilly.announce biz.stolen ------------------------------ Subject: Is "biz" the right place for a specific newsgroup? Not if it only deals with local concerns! Subjects that would be of interest to relatively restricted portions of the planet are always better served in a newsgroup under a more local or regional hierarchy. For example, if you're going to discuss "business activities in the Kitchener-Waterloo area", it definitely doesn't belong under "biz", but perhaps may be a candidate for an appropriately chartered regional or local newsgroup, something like "". Follow the newsgroup creation policies for that hierarchy if your search indicates it does not already exist. Never consider inflicting a newsgroup on the global readership for postings restricted to a geographic area most of the readers have never even heard of. Topics of global interest may already be well served in existing biz newsgroups. Familiarize yourself with the charters and monitor their content before proposing a possibly redundant newsgroup. Expand your search beyond the "biz" hierarchy. Your topic may already be properly and adequately subsumed in one or more newsgroups under other hierarchies within the "Big 7" (now "Big 8") or under "alt" or "ads". If the nature of your intended newsgroup is more appropriate under another hierarchy then it should be proposed there instead. Do your homework. ------------------------------ Subject: What types of groups would be more suitable for biz? Any group that intends to include specifically commercial announcements to the global community from businesses concerning their main products or focus would more properly fit the charter of the biz newsgroups. Examples are the biz.*.announce newsgroups, often with related discussion newsgroups. Expert technical content from a specific vendor's staff is also most appropriate within biz, noting that some in the "mainstream USENET" frown upon anything that might be considered tainted by vendor participation even for the informational aspect provided. This has proven to free many who have the knowledge, to post valuable insight into the products they develop and work with. Reorganization of the most commercial part of the "biz" hierarchy in early 1995 into "biz.marketplace.*" provides a home for certain forms of charter-specific advertising. Read their FAQs and check their charters for more specific information. ------------------------------ Subject: What is considered good net.etiquette on biz.*? Here are some etiquette reminders that will help us all to make the hierarchy an ever-friendlier place: -- Please, before posting, ensure that you've read the basic USENET etiquette guide in news.announce.newusers. Ensure that you are also familiar with the newsgroup charter and acceptable content. -- Is your posting so blatantly an advertisement that it goes beyond the bounds of being "informational", and hence may cause many users or sites to restrict their participation in "biz"? If so, tone it down! Keep it factual. Edit out the hype. Product and service announcements are welcome within specific biz "announce" newsgroups. Check the newsgroup charter, and the availability of an appropriate "announce" newsgroup before posting. -- "So, where do I place my blatant commercial ads?" From time to time, an "ads" hierarchy has been proposed. If you need such, create it! Certain biz newsgroups may tolerate private or public ads to some extent - monitor them, check and respect their charters. Ads are specifically permitted in some of the biz.marketplace newsgroups. Don't post ads to newsgroups that don't tolerate them. Never blindly crosspost to every biz newsgroup in sight or you will certainly draw the ire of many net folks upon yourself. -- Remember that biz isn't the mainstream USENET. The rules of the comp|humanities|misc|news|rec|sci|soc|talk hierarchies do not necessarily apply here. However, those guidelines that are mostly net.common.sense should always be taken to heart. -- Remember that biz is a volunteer network. All the code, maintenance, and question-answering are maintained by folks who freely give their time to help the net. Please consider this and treat them accordingly. Be as precise as possible so that overworked knowledgeable people will not waste time trying to solve the wrong problem when trying to help you. ------------------------------ Subject: What is the biz "ad" and "SPAM" cancellation policy? Commercial ads may be permitted in specific newsgroups. Ensure that the newsgroup(s) you select for posting will tolerate the ad and its specific type and content before you post. Due to the nature of news software, articles crossposted to inappropriate newsgroups will defacto be removed from all crossposted newsgroups when canceled. Posters should be very careful not to crosspost to a newsgroup which might result in cancellation of the article throughout USENET. Ads posted to inappropriate biz newsgroups may be canceled by the retro-moderator (or their delegates) responsible for administering that newsgroup. The accepted "cyberspam" conventions should be followed as well as the specific biz "adcancel" convention. The party issuing the cancel cmsg must be properly identified. Excessively Multi-Posted articles (aka SPAM), regardless of content, may be canceled by the appropriate USENET authorities holding that responsibility. ------------------------------ Subject: Where is the Biz Hierarchy Administrator's authority derived from? Extensive discussions were held in biz.config during 1993-1994, where the biz newsadmins responsible for propagation of the biz hierarchy agreed on the set of regulations for the biz newsgroup hierarchy. This set, as amended by discussion and agreement in biz.config from time to time, is reflected in this FAQ, and is to be enforced by the current Biz Hierarchy Administrator, often referred to as the "Biz Authority", or "Biz Newsgroup Authority". Questions and suggestions on biz hierarchy administration and policy should be discussed in biz.config. Before doing so, please check the biz.config archives to ensure the issue has not already been dealt with. If appropriate, queries may be addressed privately to the current Biz Authority. The "Biz Authority" position is currently delegated to Ed Hew <>, who has gone on record as hoping that another responsible, respected, knowledgeable and qualified individual will come along to assume this position in future. Transfer of authority would require the consent of the biz newsadmins, who granted it in the first place. ------------------------------ Subject: Are the biz groups archived anywhere? Selective biz newsgroup archives are maintained at various publicly accessible archive sites, not necessarily limited to: <> (Evan Liebovitch) <> (Ed Hew) <> (Stuart Lynn) ------------------------------ Subject: Are the biz groups available via mailing lists? Selectively, perhaps. Check current FAQs in respective biz newsgroups. ** note: biz.sco.* was replaced by comp.unix.sco.*, check the FAQ there for information on their current mailing lists. ------------------------------ Subject: What about gopher, wais, mosaic (and the like) servers for biz newsgroup archives? A number of servers are under construction and will be listed as they become operational. They respectively archive specific portions of the biz hierarchy. Currently operational: WWW (NCSA Mosaic) URL: (biz.sco,biz.config) ** note: while biz.sco.* was replaced by comp.unix.sco.* in Apr/95, the old (and new) archives are still in place. ------------------------------ Subject: Contributions to the biz FAQ. Many thanks to the following for their contributions over the years: Mark Linimon <> Karl Denninger <> Kenneth Herron <> David C Lawrence <> Murray S. Kucherawy <> Catherine E. Stanton <> Tim Tyhurst <> Randy Bush <> Chris Gunn <> This posting, like much of, is maintained on a purely volunteer basis. I welcome reactions, additions, and corrections, via email. Public discussions on biz hierarchy policy, procedures, and newsgroup proposals should be posted in biz.config, crossposted to a minimal list of other possibly affected newsgroups, with "Followup-To:" set to biz.config only. -- Ed. A. Hew <> biz FAQ maintainer, biz newsgroup authority, various other hats
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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