Krishna Jagannathan
Department of Electrical Engineering
IIT Madras
Phone: +914422574469
Email: krishnaj (at) ee (dot) iitm (dot) ac (dot) in
Bio: Krishna Jagannathan
obtained his B. Tech. in Electrical Engineering from IIT Madras in 2004, and
the S.M. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2006 and 2010 respectively.
During 2010-2011, he was a visiting post-doctoral scholar in Computing and
Mathematical Sciences at Caltech, and an off-campus post-doctoral fellow at
MIT. Since November 2011, he has been with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, IIT Madras, where he is currently a professor. His research
interests lie in the stochastic modeling and analysis of communication
networks, information theory, and queuing theory.
Probability Foundations – NPTEL
video course This is a postgraduate level course on probability theory
recorded during July – November 2014 The
video lectures can be found here. LaTeX notes for the course can be found here. |
Stochastic Modelling and the
Theory of Queues – NPTEL video course This is a postgraduate level course on discrete stochastic
processes – mainly covering Poisson processes, Renewal processes &
Renewal reward theory, Markov processes and queuing theory. Recorded lectures
to a live class January – March 2020 (before the world shut down) and
completed November 2020 – February 2021 talking to a lone camera in a very
cold studio. The
video lectures can be found here. Handwritten class notes can be found here.
My graduate students belong to the Networks
and Stochastic Systems lab, ESB 218.
Graduate Students:
Ph.D.: Jaswanthi Mandalapu, Tejaram Sangadi, Bharati K, Alekhya
Kunchakara; Amrita P (Interdisciplinary Research Program, co-guided with Prof.
Prabhu Rajagopal)
Former Students: Aseem Sharma (MS 2016), Peruru Subrahmanya Swamy
(PhD 2018), Ravi Kolla (PhD 2019), Gopal Krishna Kamath
(PhD 2019), Debayani Ghosh (PhD 2019), Ravina Gelda (MS 2019), Pawan Poojary
(MS 2019), Sneha Konnur (MS 2021), Neema Davis (PhD 2020); Sushmitha Shree (PhD
2024); Amit Anand Jha, Pallavi Varma P K (external) (MS 2024).
· Best Paper Award,
WiOpt 2013, Tsukuba, Japan, for this
· Young Faculty
Recognition Award for excellence in teaching and research, IIT Madras 2014.
Professional Activities:
· Workshop co-chair, ACM
MobiHoc 2025, Houston TX (with Gauri Joshi and Jian Li)
· Associate Editor, IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory (from July 2024)
· General co-chair, 30th
National Conference on Communications
2024, IIT Madras (with Uday Khankhoje)
· Editor, IEEE/ACM
Transactions on Networking (2017 –2021)
· Editor, Performance
Evaluation (2017 – 2022)
· Member of the Steering
Committee, WiOpt series of conferences
· TPC co-chair, COMSNETS 2021 (with Aruna Balasubramanian,
Stony Brook, and Salil Kanhere, UNSW)
· TPC co-chair, SPCOM 2020 (with Nikhil
Karamchandani, IITB and Prasanta Ghosh, IISc)
· Local Arrangements
Chiar, MobiHoc 2017, IIT
· Workshop co-chair
(with Gaurav Raina), Intelligent
Transportation Systems Workshop, Bangalore, January 2016.
· TPC co-chair, WiOpt 2015 (Mumbai), with Francois Baccelli (UT
Austin) and Atilla Eryilmaz (Ohio State University)
· Workshop co-chair
(with Gaurav Raina), Intelligent
Transportation Systems Workshop, Bangalore, January 2015.
· Technical program
committees (TPC) and reviewer of international conferences: Often serve and
review for AISTATS, NeurIPS, IFIP Performance, MOBIHOC, COMSNETS, WiOpt NCC,
SPCOM etc.
· Workshop Chair for
MobiHoc 2013 (Bangalore), along with Aditya Gopalan.
· Publications chair for
WiOpt 2014 (Tunisia)
· Routinely review for
several IEEE journals such as Transactions on Networking, Information Theory,
Wireless Communications, Automatic Control, Wireless communication letters,
signal processing letters, etc.
· IEEE Member, ACM
Making an effective technical presentation: slides.
(Contains some borrowed ideas from Dimitri Bertsekas, Benam Aazhang, Uday