/ ˈmɪstɪ /
- consisting of or resembling mist
- obscured by or as if by mist
- indistinct; blurred
the misty past
Derived Forms
- ˈmistiness, noun
- ˈmistily, adverb
Other Words From
- misti·ly adverb
- misti·ness noun
Word History and Origins
Example Sentences
Murky and misty streets, coughing townsfolk, and the distant toll of a plague doctor's bell all feature in Hogne's most-watched video, which has racked up 53 million views.
Coffee, phone calls and Word Cookies I like to wake up in the morning and sit with my cup of coffee and enjoy the misty air that comes in off of Santa Monica.
The cool, humid, misty, foggy early morning marine layer in Santa Monica.
On a misty and mild winter's day, the platform loomed up beneath a giant red and white crane, boasting a gleaming aluminium helipad and a bright orange lifeboat.
In the spring of 1977, President Jimmy Carter, the former peanut farmer who had just taken office, was offered a big gift — if you can call it that — from the misty Northern California coast.