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Debian Consultants

Debian is free software and offers free help through various mailing lists. Some people either don't have the time or have specialized needs and are willing to hire someone to either maintain or add additional functionality to their Debian system. We therefore offer a list of people, organization, and companies making at least part of their income from providing paid Debian support.

The list is sorted by country, names within each country are simply listed in the order received. If your country is missing, please check any neighboring countries, as some of the consultants will work internationally or remotely.

There are additional lists of consultants for specific uses of Debian:

Countries with Debian consultants:

435 Debian consultants listed in 56 countries worldwide.


Name: Ing. Javier Kohan
Company: Aptix Information Technology
Address: Pellegrini 391 PA (S2000BTD) Rosario, Argentina
Phone: +54-341-423-0011
Fax: +54-341-423-0022
Email: dcon {at} aptix {dot} com {dot} ar
URL: http://www.aptix.com.ar/

Name: Fernando SFEIR
Company: NiuX Servicios informáticos GNU/Linux en Neuquén
Address: Diag. Pedro Palacios 616, Área de infuencia Rio Negro - Neuquén, Patagonia, Argentina
Phone: +54 299 501 7292
Email: info@niux.com.ar
URL: https://www.niux.com.ar
Rates: Contáctenos para solicitar presupuesto.

Name: Luis Federico Bricker
Email: fbricker@dokkogroup.com.ar
Rates: Contact us for rates

Name: Diego Gomez
Address: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: +54 11 15-5-8149450
Email: diego@dgomez.com.ar
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Gonzalo Ariel Mendez
Company: IT-MORON
Address: Buenos Aires | Encarnacion, Argentina
Phone: +54 11 15 5318 2879
URL: https://www.it-moron.com.ar
URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gonzaloamendez/
Email: gmendez *at* it-moron *dot* com *dot* ar
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Oscar Renato Gonzalez
Company: IANUX IT & Security Solutions
Address: Coronel Suarez 75, Salta, Argentina
Phone: +54-387-154113043
Email: help@ianux.com.ar
Email: oscar.gonzalez@ianux.com.ar
URL: https://www.ianux.com/debian
URL: http://www.ianux.com.ar
Rates: Please contact me through the web or email to know the rates, it depends on your needs.

Name: Miguel Tolaba
Company: Fundación SaltaLUG
Address: Pje. Capitan Chanchorra 2025, Argentina
Phone: +54-3876154260
Email: miguel@saltalug.org.ar
URL: http://saltalug.org.ar/#servicios
Rates: Please contact via e-mail or phone.


Name: Dave Hall
Company: Dave Hall Consulting
Address: PO Box 106, Newstead VIC 3462, Australia
Phone: +61-410-47-42-55
Email: info@davehall.com.au
URL: https://davehall.com.au/
Rates: Available on request.

Name: Andrew Foster & David Kempe
Company: Sol1 Pty Ltd
Address: U1/L1, 18 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista NSW 2153, Australia
Phone: 1300 765 122
Email: info@sol1.com.au
URL: https://sol1.com.au/
Rates: $189 AUD/hour, including GST, bulk or negotiated rates available
Additional Information

Name: Andrew Preece
Company: AANDCP IT Solutions
Address: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Phone: +61-428-587-649
Email: andrew@aandcp.com
URL: https://www.aandcp.com/
Rates: Available upon request. Discounted for non-profit, education.

Name: Ron Fabre and Con Zymaris
Company: Cyber IT Solutions Pty Ltd
Address: Melbourne, Australia
Phone: +61-3-7019-4225
Email: info@cyber.com.au
URL: https://www.cyberitsolutions.com.au/
Rates: Please contact for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Shane Machon
Company: LinSec Consulting
Address: Northern Beaches, Sydney, Australia
Phone: +612 9007 9809
Fax: +612 9907 4922
Email: info@linsec.com.au
URL: https://www.mywebteam.com.au/
Rates: Available on request.

Name: Graham J Williams
Company: Togaware
Address: Canberra, Australia
Phone: +61-4-1228-2480
Email: graham.williams@togaware.com
URL: https://www.togaware.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Patrick Webster and Troy Rose
Company: OSI Security Pty Ltd
Address: PO Box 101, Concord NSW 2137, Sydney, Australia
Phone: 1300 953 324
Fax: 1300 956 840
Email: info@osisecurity.com.au
URL: https://www.osisecurity.com.au/services/installation-and-configuration
Rates: Call or email for pricing.

Name: Dmitry Smirnov
Company: Libre Consulting
Address: Sydney, NSW 2232, Australia
Phone: +61-2-9157-0376
Email: admin@libre-consulting.com
URL: https://libre-consulting.com/debian/
Rates: See web site for rates (work suitable for Debian may be entitled for discount).

Name: David Williams
Company: Keyspace
Address: Level 1, 16 McDougall Street, Milton QLD 4064, Australia
Phone: 07-3200-1986
Email: sales@keyspace.com.au
URL: https://www.keyspace.com.au/it-support/linux-unix-support/debian-gnulinux/
URL: https://www.keyspace.com.au/it-support/linux-unix-support/
URL: https://www.keyspace.com.au
Rates: Available upon request.

Name: Samantha Scafe
Company: Small Business Data Company Pty Ltd
Address: PO Box 1282, Cairns, Qld, 4870 Australia
Phone: +61-7-4220-9898
Fax: +61-7-4220-9858
Email: sbdc@sbd.net.au
URL: http://www.sbd.net.au
Rates: $88 AUD/hour (BH) and $154 AUD/hour (AH), including GST, bulk or negotiated rates available. Min charge: 15 mins BH, 30 mins AH, 2 hours on gazetted public holidays.
Additional Information

Name: David White
Company: White IT
Address: Brisbane, Australia
Phone: 0731026681
Email: help@whiteit.com.au
URL: https://www.whiteit.com.au/
Rates: Contact for rates.

Name: Guido Tapia
Company: Picnet Pty Ltd
Address: 120 Christie St, St Leonards NSW 2065, Australia
Phone: (02) 8437 7977
Email: picnet@picnet.com.au
URL: http://picnet.com.au/business-it-support/
Rates: Available on Request.

Name: Russell Coker
Address: Melbourne, Australia
Email: russell@coker.com.au
Additional Information

Name: Ayush Trivedi
Company: Audacix
Address: L28, 303 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
Phone: +61 3 7001 1430
Email: solutions@audacix.com
URL: https://www.audacix.com/p/debian-consultancy.html
Rates: Available when scoping project.

Name: Gabor Szathmari
Company: Arrow Networks
Address: Sydney, Australia
Phone: 1300 883 420
Email: contact@arnet.com.au
URL: https://www.arnet.com.au/services/linux-consulting/
Rates: Available upon request.

Address: 2 George st, Sydenham NSW 2044, Australia
Phone: 1300 06 06 01
Email: info+debian@cict.com.au
Rates: Please contact us.


Name: Peter-Paul Witta
Company: CUBiT IT Solutions GmbH
Address: 1080 Wien, Albertgasse 43, Austria
Phone: +43-1-7189880-0
Fax: +43-1-7189880-11
Email: office@cubit.at
URL: http://www.cubit.at/
Rates: Please contact us.
Additional Information

Company: iPodion GmbH
Address: Wichtelgasse 57-59, 1170 Wien, Austria
Phone: +43 1 216 32 98 5-00
Fax: +43 1 216 32 98 5-99
Email: office@iPodion.at
URL: https://www.ipodion.at
Rates: hourly rates: EUR 110,00
Additional Information

Name: Stefan Froehlich
Company: Stefan Froehlich, EDV-Dienstleistungen
Address: A-1230 Wien, Färbermühlgasse 4/2, Austria
Phone: +43-1-595-28-24
Email: debian@edv.froehli.ch
URL: http://froehli.ch/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Josef Bergmann
Company: Bergmann engineering & consulting GmbH
Address: Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43-699-37626523
Email: support@bec.at
URL: http://bec.at/
Rates: Please contact for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Ulrich Huber
Company: Heureka GesmbH
Address: Wiener Straße 101, 3032 Eichgraben, Austria
Phone: +43-1-9292815
Fax: +43-1-9292816
Email: wien@heureka.co.at
Email: ulrich.huber@heureka.co.at
URL: http://www.heureka.co.at
Rates: Different rates for remote and on-site interventions. Monthly support contracts available.
Additional Information

Name: Karl Deutsch
Company: IT-WORKS.CO.AT - Consulting & Solutions
Address: Am Waldrand 12, A-8380 Jennersdorf, Austria
Phone: +43-664-4939234
Email: public@it-works.co.at
URL: http://www.karl-deutsch.at

Name: Hans-Jürgen Schönig
Company: Cybertec Schönig & Schönig GmbH
Address: Gröhrmühlgasse 26, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Phone: +43-(0)2622-93022
Email: office@cybertec.at
URL: https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com/
Rates: Please ask for additional pricing information
Additional Information

Name: Christoph Jäger
Company: abaton EDV-Dienstleistungs GmbH
Address: Hans-Resel-Gasse 17, 8020 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43-316-817-896-0
Email: christoph *dot* jaeger *at* abaton *dot* at
URL: https://www.abaton.at/
Rates: Please contact us for rates - free initial consultation
Additional Information

Name: Hans-Christoph Steiner
Company: at.or.at
Address: 1030 Wien, Austria
Email: hans@at.or.at
URL: https://at.or.at
Rates: Please contact us, discounts for 100% free software projects.


Name: Russell John
Address: House # 55/A, Road # 4/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh
Phone: +88-0168-6010-880
Email: russell@ekushey.com
URL: https://russelljohn.net/
Rates: Negotiable

Name: Readul Hasan Chayan (Heemayl)
Company: Intrepid Inceptions
Email: me@heemayl.net
URL: https://heemayl.net/portfolio/
Rates: Based on project; please contact.


Name: Jens-Ingo Brodesser
Company: Moving Art Studio, all2all.org
Address: 51 rue de l'Instruction, 1070 Bruxelles, Belgium
Phone: +32-24118410
Fax: +32-25385581
Email: info@all2all.org
URL: http://www.all2all.org/
Rates: 75€/hour, non-profit discount.
Additional Information

Name: Peter Dens
Company: Kangaroot Linux Solutions
Address: Posthoflei 1 bus 3, 2600 Berchem, Belgium
Phone: +32-2-614-01-00
Email: info@kangaroot.net
Email: sales@kangaroot.net
URL: https://kangaroot.net/
Rates: Please contact our sales team for rates. Different rates for remote and on-site interventions. Monthly support contracts available.
Additional Information

Name: Jérôme Warnier
Company: BeezNest
Address: 136, av. de la Verrerie, B-1190 Brussels, Belgium
Email: info@beeznest.net
Rates: 600 €/day.
Additional Information

Company: Kinamo NV/SA
Address: Hessenstraatje 2, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
Phone: +32-32308582
Email: info@kinamo.be
URL: https://www.kinamo.be
Rates: Available on request.

Name: Claude RENARD
Address: Avenue Pont des Diap 24, BRAINE-L'ALLEUD, Belgium
Phone: +32 491 14 32 48
Email: technical@libobi.org
URL: https://libobi.org
Rates: Voir conditions générales sur le site.
Additional Information

Bosnia and Herzegovina:

Name: Amar Cosic
Company: Independent Consultant
Address: Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: +387-61-240095
Email: amar.cosic@gmail.com
Rates: negotiable


Name: Allan Garcia
Company: Independent Consultant
Address: Rua dos Amarantos, 186-A - Capim Macio - Natal/RN, Brazil
Phone: +55-84-9113-4241
Email: allan *dot* garcia *at* gmail *dot* com
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Diogo Dourado
Company: Brainatwork Serviços Interativos
Address: Rua JK, 103, Montes Claros, MG, Brazil
Phone: +55-38-3213-3795
Email: atendimento@brainatwork.com.br
URL: https://www.brainatwork.com.br/
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Reinaldo Gil Lima de Carvalho
Address: Belém, PA, Brazil
Phone: +55-91-98102-6966
Phone: +55-91-98802-8171
Email: reinaldoc@gmail.com
URL: https://reinaldoc.wordpress.com/about/debian-consultant/
Rates: Negotiable.
Additional Information

Name: André Carezia
Company: Carezia Consultoria
Address: Itu, SP - Brazil
Phone: +55-11-999440484
Email: andre@carezia.srv.br
URL: http://www.carezia.srv.br/
Rates: R$ 180,00 per hour.

Name: Anderson Carlos Daniel Sanches
Address: Tatuapé - São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Phone: +55-11-96705-4926
Email: andycds@gmail.com
URL: http://software.pro.br/
Rates: Negotiable, depends on project.
Additional Information

Name: Mauricio Maniga
Company: Alpha Quattro Informática Ltda.
Address: Rua Alencar Araripe, 504 - Sobreloja - São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Phone: +55-11-6215-3343
Email: mauricio@alphaquattro.com.br
URL: http://www.alphaquattro.com.br/
Rates: Contact us.

Name: Marcos Helbert de Almeida Fontana
Company: Desaes CO
Address: Rua Serjobes de Faria 149, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Phone: +55 31 93661011
Email: fontana.marcos@gmail.com
Rates: Call me.

Name: Marlon Nunes
Company: FOSS suporte
Address: Maceió-AL, Brazil
Phone: +55-82-8888-9322
Email: mcnunes@gmail.com
URL: https://bitsinfo.wordpress.com/
Rates: Negotiable

Name: George Mendes Marra
Address: Caldas Novas - GO, Brazil
Phone: +55-62-99976-0915
Email: george.mendes@gmail.com
Rates: Negotiable

Name: Marcelo Felipe Dompieri
Company: Dompieri Tecnologia
Address: Rua Jussara, 301 - CS 11, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Phone: 55-11-81068958
Email: marcelofelipe@dompieri.com.br
Rates: R$ 125,00 per/h only for government and enterprises.
Additional Information

Name: Ricardo Alexandre Germano de Assis
Address: Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Phone: +55-065-996231231
Email: segurancalinux@gmail.com
URL: http://segurancalinux.wixsite.com/ricardogermano

Name: Fabio Luiz Zorzeto
Address: Benjamin Ternury, 191A, Presidente Prudente, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Phone: +55 18 9733-6094 / +55 18 3909-4151
Email: fabiozorzeto@gmail.com
Rates: Please, contact for rates.

Name: Luis Teixeira
Company: Independent Consultant
Address: Ananindeua, PA, Brazil
Phone: +55 91 99253-2087
Email: luisteixeira25@gmail.com
Rates: Negotiable
Additional Information

Name: Thalysson Sarmento
Address: Brasilia, Brazil
Email: sarmento@bsd.com.br
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Diego Neves
Address: Minas Gerais, Brazil
Email: diego +at+ diegoneves +dot+ eti +dot+ br
URL: https://diegoneves.eti.br
Rates: To be verified per project.

Name: Rodrigo de Campos
Address: Joinville - SC - Brazil
Email: sprc86@gmail.com
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Angelito Monteiro Goulart
Company: AMG Labs
Address: Av. Cel Victor Villa Verde, 126/301, Brazil
Phone: +55 51 99764 6952
Email: contato@amglabs.net
URL: https://www.amglabs.net/
Rates: Negotiable
Additional Information

Name: Caique Cleto
Address: Av. Carolina de Abreu Paulino, 03 - Vila São Francisco - Itapevi/SP, Brazil
Phone: +55-11-95397-0517
Email: caique.cleto5@gmail.com
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Marcos Polidoro
Company: Policorp Tecnologia Ltda
Address: Rua XV de Novembro, 964 Curitiba-PR, Brazil
Phone: +55 (41) 98827 4853
Phone: +55 (41) 3500 7803
Email: contato@policorp.com.br
URL: https://www.policorp.com.br
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Aderbal Botelho Leite Neto
Company: ETX Tecnologia da informação
Address: SHIGS 715 Bloco H, Asa Sul, Brasilia - DF - CEP 70381708, Brazil
Phone: +55 61 982104404
Email: aderbal@educatux.com.br
URL: https://www.educatux.com.br/iso
Rates: Negotiable.
Additional Information

Name: Álvaro Garcia da Silva
Company: Serviços Linux Alvatech
Address: Av. Água Fria, 255 - Santana - São Paulo - Capital, Brazil
Phone: (11) 9 7675-4197
Email: ags8804@yahoo.com.br
URL: https://sites.google.com/view/servidorempresariallinux


Name: Shteryo Badalov
Company: Green Apple International Management Solutions Ltd.
Address: 47, Simeonovsko shose Blvd, Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: +359888271978
Email: sbadalov@gaims.net
Rates: In depends of the case


Name: Shahryar Ghazi
Company: Freelance Consultant
Address: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Phone: +1-647-764-6350
Email: shahryar.ghazi@gmail.com
URL: https://www.geeksww.com/
Rates: Vary according to service.
Additional Information

Name: Hans Deragon
Company: Deragon Informatique inc.
Email: hans@deragon.biz
URL: https://www.deragon.biz/
Rates: $125 CAD/hour.

Name: Murray Nesbitt
Company: Nesbitt & Associates
Address: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Contact: https://www.nesbitt.ca/contact.html
URL: https://www.nesbitt.ca/
Rates: Competitive and fair.

Name: Kevin Glendenning and Matthew Rice
Company: Starnix Inc.
Address: PO Box 57059, 101-5602 Tenth Line West, Mississauga, ON L5M 7L0, Canada
Phone: +1-647-722-5301
Fax: +1-855-FOSS-PRO
Email: kevin@starnix.com
Email: matt@starnix.com
URL: http://www.starnix.com
Rates: Rates vary according to service required.
Additional Information

Name: Russell Sutherland
Company: Quist Consulting
Address: Toronto, ON, Canada
Phone: +1-416-696-7600
Email: russ@quist.ca
URL: http://www.quist.ca/
Rates: $75 per hour.

Company: LinuxMagic (a division of Wizard Tower TechnoServices Ltd.)
Address: Suite#405-860 Homer Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Phone: +1-604-682-0022
Fax: +1-604-682-0065
Email: sales@linuxmagic.com
URL: http://www.linuxmagic.com/
Rates: Current Rates listed at http://www.linuxmagic.com/packages.html.
Additional Information

Name: Amir Al-Shourbaji
Company: Reality Information and Technology Services
Address: 42 Guy, Vaudreuil, Qc J7V 8B2, Canada
Phone: (514) 777-9453
Email: a.al-shourbaji@realitywebs.ca
URL: http://www.realitywebs.ca
Rates: 150$/hr

Name: Sujay D'Souza
Company: Win2ix Systems Inc.
Address: 35 Auriga Drive Suite 210, Ottawa, ON K2E-8B7, Canada
Phone: +1-613-369-5127
Fax: +1-613-369-5128
Email: contact.us@win2ix.ca
URL: http://www.win2ix.ca/
Rates: Please contact us.

Company: Crafty Penguins, division of Kerkhoff Technologies Inc
Address: 204 — 45389 Luckakuck Way, Chilliwack, BC, Canada
Phone: 604-824-2777
Email: support@craftypenguins.net
URL: https://www.craftypenguins.net
Rates: Hourly, fixed-price and monthly agreements
Additional Information

Company: Okanagan Technology Solutions
Address: Okanagan, British Columbia, Canada
Phone: 866 755 6689
Contact: https://okts.ca/contact.html
URL: https://okts.ca/
Rates: Competitive and fair.

Name: Michael
Company: Computer Problem
Address: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Phone: +1-905-428-3775
Email: debian -at- computerproblem -dot- ca
URL: http://www.computerproblem.ca
Rates: $80-180/h (rates vary according to service).
Additional Information

Name: Fabián Rodríguez
Company: Le Goût du Libre
Address: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Phone: 1-855-445-4273 / +1-514-880-6322
Contact: https://www.legoutdulibre.com/en/contact/
URL: https://legoutdulibre.com/en/gnulinux/
Rates: 140$/h, reduced rates for NPO, educational organizations and individuals. Free for teachers.
Additional Information

Company: Koumbit.org
Address: 1883, rue Atateken, Montréal (Québec) H2L 3L7, Canada
Phone: +1-514-907-9494
Contact: https://www.koumbit.org/contact
Email: info@koumbit.org
URL: https://www.koumbit.org/en/services/administrative-tools
Rates: 120$/hr, sliding scale for non-profits and community groups.

Company: Revenni Inc.
Address: 1 Yonge St. Suite 1801. Toronto, Ontario M5E1W7, Canada
Phone: 647-812-0131
Email: support@revenni.com
URL: https://revenni.com/linux-consulting/


Name: Francisco Diaz Caro
Company: Zisko.Dev
Address: Los Cipreses 144, San Pedro de la Paz, Chile
Phone: +569 73910414
Email: ziskodev@gmail.com
Email: ceo@zisko.dev

Name: Pablo Umanzor
Company: Redlibre SpA
Address: Santiago, Chile
Phone: +56 22 5854296
Email: info@redlibre.cl
URL: https://store.redlibre.cl/7-linux-app
Rates: TBD.
Additional Information

Name: Ricardo Frydman
Company: Eureka
Address: Chile
Phone: +56 9 6614 6452
Email: ricardo.eureka@gmail.com
Rates: According to the project. Please contact me via email to discuss further.


Name: Ondřej Surý
Address: Czechia
Email: ondrej@sury.org
Rates: Please contact for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Radek Šíma
Address: Czechia
Email: jupiter7777 [at] volny [dot] cz
URL: http://www.jupiter7777.cz
URL: http://www.jupiter7777.cz/pc.htm#instdeb
Rates: Variable. Negotiable. It is on my web pages or contact me. Lower prices during summer holidays.
Additional Information

Name: Peter Červenka
Address: Zlonická 703/2, 190 00 Praha, Czechia
Phone: +420774194938
Email: peter.cervenka@email.cz
Rates: Project-based. Free for non-profit and educational (subject to availability).

Costa Rica:

Name: David Astúa Mora
Address: San Jose, Costa Rica
Phone: (506) 89510675
Email: ddastuam@gmail.com
Rates: Please contact for rates

Name: Luis Diego Aguilar Ramirez
Company: Aguilar & Asociados
Address: Curridabat, San Jose, Costa Rica
Phone: +506 4001.6737
Email: debian@aguilarcr.net
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Esteban Monge
Address: 25 mts S de la escuela Sotero Gonzalez Barquero, San Juan de Dios de Desamparados, Costa Rica
Phone: (506) 8660-9111
Email: estebanmonge@riseup.net


Name: Josip Rodin
Address: Zagreb, Croatia
Email: joy@debcons.entuzijast.net
Rates: Based on service requirements.

Name: Davor Ocelic
Company: Spinlock Solutions
Address: Antona Mihica 6, HR-51410 Opatija, Croatia
Email: info@spinlocksolutions.com
URL: http://www.spinlocksolutions.com
Rates: Based on duration and location. Special rates available for educational and Free Software projects.

Name: Jerko Čilaš
Address: Zagreb, Croatia
Email: jerko -dot- cilas -at- hotmail -dot- com
URL: https://linuxrenaissance.com/consulting
Rates: Based on service requirements.


Name: Christian Iversen
Company: Iversen IT
Address: C.F. Møllers Allé 12, 7th, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
Email: ci@iversenit.dk
URL: http://www.iversenit.dk/
Rates: Please contact.

Name: Sikkerhed.org ApS
Company: Sikkerhed.org ApS
Address: Reersøgade 8 B, 4., 2100 København Ø, Denmark
Phone: (+45) 70 20 42 20
Fax: (+45) 70 20 42 29
Email: info@sikkerhed.org
URL: http://sikkerhed.org/
Rates: Please contact.

Company: Adora
Name: Thomas Damgaard
Address: Taarnvang 7, 4000, Roskilde, Denmark
Phone: (+45) 61 70 20 50
Email: info@adora.dk
URL: http://adora.dk/debian/

Dominican Republic:

Name: Valmis Di Carlo Hidalgo
Address: C/ Rosa Duarte #55, Gazcue, Distrito Nacional, Dominican Republic
Phone: +18094808224
Email: valmis@dicatech.net
Rates: By hour or project, please contact us for rates.
Additional Information


Name: César Silva
Address: Manuel Serrano y Teniente Homero Salas, Ecuador
Phone: +593 0958908123
Email: csilva@tecniserviciospro.com
URL: https://tecniserviciospro.com
Rates: Based on project and scope of work.
Additional Information


Name: Mulugeta Ayalew
Company: Dalet Consulting & Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. Co.
Address: Lideta Sub City, Kebelle 11, House No. 207, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Phone: +251921786037
Email: mulugeta.ayalew@daletplc.com
URL: http://www.daletplc.com
Rates: Please contact for rates.


Company: Inoi Oy
Address: Tykistokatu 4 D, Turku, Finland
Phone: +358-2-4788780
Fax: +358-2-4101710
Email: sales@inoi.fi
URL: https://www.inoi.fi/
Rates: Please contact us for further information.

Company: Seravo Oy
Address: Finlaysoninkuja 8, 33210 Tampere, Finland
Phone: +358 44 5662204
Email: seravo@seravo.fi
URL: https://seravo.fi/
Additional Information

Company: iQit
Address: Turku, Finland
Phone: +358-40-531-9301
Email: iqit@iqit.fi
URL: https://www.iqit.fi/
Rates: Rates on request

Name: Erno Rasanen
Company: Xetpoint Oy
Address: Maahisentie 5, FI-37560 Lempaala, Finland
Phone: +358-440-650653
Email: info@xetpoint.fi
URL: https://www.xetpoint.fi/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Company: Osuuskunta Satatuuli
Address: Teljänkatu 8 C, 28130 Pori, Finland
Phone: +358 2 641 4174
Email: Tapio.Lehtonen@satatuuli.fi
URL: https://satatuuli.fi/atk.shtml
Rates: EUR 38/hour or negotiable


Name: Tony OGER
Company: LibrA-LinuX
Address: BP11, 74420 Boege, France
Phone: +33-4-50-35-60-02
Email: info@libra-linux.com
URL: https://www.libra-linux.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Company: Nativ'Object
Address: 5, rue de la Tour de Guise, BP 91523, 37015 Tours Cedex 1, France
Email: contact@nativobject.com
Rates: Depends on task.

Name: Jean-Christophe Becquet
Company: APITUX
Address: BP 32, 04001 Digne-les-Bains Cedex, France
Phone: +33-6-25-86-07-92
Email: jcb@apitux.com
URL: http://www.apitux.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Fabrice Mur
Company: Tux-Logic
Address: 6 rue des Chartreux, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France
Phone: +33-9-53-77-84-36
Fax: +33-9-53-77-84-36
Email: contact@tux-logic.com
URL: http://www.tux-logic.com
Rates: Please call or email for rates.

Name: Michelle Konzack
Address: France
Phone: +33-6-61925193 (France Mobile)
Phone: +49-177-9351947 (Germany Mobile)
Email: support@itsystems.tamay-dogan.net
URL: http://consultants.debian.tamay-dogan.net/
Rates: Depends on country and task.
Additional Information

Company: Evolix
Address: Marseille, France
Phone: +33-4-91-05-92-54
Email: info@evolix.fr
URL: https://evolix.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates

Company: TT-Solutions SARL
Address: 41 rue Paul Vaillant Couturier 78260 Acheres, France
Phone: +33-1-39-22-17-03
Fax: +33-1-69-89-82-49
Email: info@tt-solutions.com
URL: http://www.tt-solutions.com/fr/services/unix/
Rates: See website, we donate 10% of free/open software-related contracts to their authors.

Company: Easter-eggs
Address: 44-46, rue de l'Ouest - 75014 Paris, France
Phone: +33-1-43-35-00-37
Email: info@easter-eggs.com
URL: https://www.easter-eggs.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Michel Verdier
Company: Thalix
Address: Rueil-Malmaison, France
Phone: +33-1-57-69-12-29
Email: contact@thalix.com
URL: http://www.thalix.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Sébastien Heitzmann
Company: 2LE
Address: 31 rue jean Monnet, 68200 Mulhouse, France
Phone: +33-389-333-889
Email: 2le@2le.net
URL: https://www.2le.net/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Rodolphe Quiedeville
Address: 7 rue Vert Soufflet, 62000 Arras, France
Phone: +33-6-13-79-63-41
Email: rodolphe@quiedeville.org
URL: http://rodolphe.quiedeville.org/
Rates: Please contact me.

Name: Roland Mas
Company: Gnurandal
Address: 6 rue de la Treille, 34430 Saint-Jean de Védas, France
Phone: +33-6-2249-9591
Email: roland@gnurandal.com
URL: http://www.gnurandal.com/
Rates: See website for rates.

Company: Les Développements Durables
Address: 2 bis rue visitandines - 64100 Bayonne, France
Phone: +33-(0)9-50-52-42-42
Email: contact@ldd.fr
URL: https://www.ldd.fr/tags/debian-47
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Company: LOGILAB
Phone: +33-1-45-32-03-12
Email: commercial@logilab.fr
URL: https://www.logilab.fr/
Rates: Please contact us for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Thomas CARTER
Company: Cergy Internet
Address: 1 bd de l'Oise, 95030 Cergy-Pontoise CXedex, France
Phone: +33-0603511510
Email: thomas.carter@cergy-internet.fr
URL: http://www.cergy-internet.net/
Rates: 600 - 1000 euros/day +VAT.
Additional Information

Name: Raphaël Hertzog
Company: Freexian
Address: 7B rue de la Montat, 42290 Sorbiers, France
Phone: +33-6-88-21-35-47
Email: sales@freexian.com
URL: https://www.freexian.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Cyril Bouthors
Company: ISVTEC
Address: 14 avenue de l'Opéra, 75001 Paris, France
Phone: +33(0)1-84-16-16-17
Email: contact@isvtec.com
URL: https://www.isvtec.com/
Rates: 55€/h
Additional Information

Name: Grégory Duchatelet
Address: Annecy, France
Phone: +336 23 86 10 48
Email: gregory@duchatelet.net
Additional Information

Name: Carl Chenet
Company: MyTux
Address: 4 rue Auguste Perret, 75013 Paris, France
Phone: +33-6-10-45-59-80
Email: carl.chenet@mytux.fr
URL: http://carlchenet.com/about/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Julien Danjou
Company: Julien Danjou
Address: France
Email: julien@danjou.info
URL: https://julien.danjou.info/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Arnaud Patard
Company: hupstream
Address: 23 rue d'Anjou, 75008 PARIS, France
Phone: +33-9-72-37-71-64
Email: mailbox@hupstream.com
URL: https://hupstream.com/
Rates: Please contact us for rates.

Name: Jason Armstrong
Company: Riverdrums
Address: 2 Place Frédéric Mistral, 34120 Pézenas, France
Phone: +33-609-639-709
Email: ja@riverdrums.com
URL: https://riverdrums.com/jason/
Rates: On request.

Name: Denis CARDON
Address: Les Espaces Jules Verne - Bât A, 12 avenue Jules Verne, 44230 Saint Sébastien sur Loire, France
Phone: +33(0)240-975-755
Email: commercial@tranquil-it-systems.fr
URL: https://www.tranquil.it/
Rates: Depends on project and client.

Name: Cyril Brulebois
Company: DEBAMAX
Address: Dijon, France
Phone: +33 6 35 93 35 96
Email: contact@debamax.com
URL: https://debamax.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Company: Sysnove
Address: 1, avenue de la Gare - 40100 DAX, France
Phone: +33-5-64-11-50-52
Email: contact@sysnove.fr
URL: https://www.sysnove.fr/
Rates: Please contact us for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Samuel MARTIN MORO
Address: 94270, Kremlin-Bicetre, France
Phone: +33-630520179
Email: faust64 *at* gmail *dot* com
Rates: from 25$/hour.

Company: hypra
Address: 14 rue des Chantiers, 78000 Versailles, France
Phone: +33 1 84 73 06 61
Email: contact (at) hypra (dot) fr
URL: https://www.hypra.fr
Rates: 80E per hour.
Additional Information

Name: Patrice Le Guyader
Company: UXWARE
Address: 42 Avenue de la perrière, 56100 Lorient, France
Phone: Office: (+33) 02 90 38 04 42
Phone: Cellphone: (+33) 06 67 33 65 10
Email: contact@uxware.bzh
URL: https://www.uxware.bzh
Rates: Please contact us for rates. Or have a look on our web site.
Additional Information

Company: 6clones
Address: 6B rue Georges Clémenceau, 14130 Pont-l'Évêque, France
Phone: +33 9 72 60 88 39
Email: contact@6clones.fr
URL: https://www.6clones.fr/
Rates: Please contact us for rates.

Company: Mathias BOCQUET
Address: Métropole Lilloise, France
Phone: +33 6 29 90 95 21
Email: debian@sekoya.org
URL: https://sekoya.org/debian-consultant
Rates: Please contact for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Joris Le Blansch
Company: Apio systems
Address: 26 Chemin du Moulin d'Eau, 13105 Mimet, France
Contact: https://apio.systems/contact
Email: ping@apio.systems
URL: https://apio.systems
Rates: Upon request

Company: callpaul.eu
Address: Aphrodite village, 11370 Leucate, France
Phone: 06 06 44 00 06
Email: paul@callpaul.eu
URL: https://www.callpaul.eu
Rates: Please contact for rates.
Additional Information

Company: SiliVal
Address: 10 rue de la Paix 75002 Paris, France
Email: contact@silival.com
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Company: SIGMAZ Consilium
Address: Gironde, France
Phone: +33.535.545.085
Email: contact-web [at] sigmaz-consilium [dot] fr
URL: https://sigmaz-consilium.fr/debian/

Name: Bastien Ronsart
Company: Tremplin Numérique
Phone: +33688719594
Email: contact@tremplin-numerique.org
URL: https://www.tremplin-numerique.org/formations/

Address: 41 rue Boissy d'Anglas - 75008 Paris, France
Phone: +33-1-84-19-29-61
Contact: https://www.alenatec.com/#contact
Rates: Please contact for rates.


Name: Stefan Bauer
Company: Cubewerk GmbH
Address: Herzog-Otto-Str. 32, 83308 Trostberg, Germany
Phone: +49(0)8621-9960237
Phone: +49(0)179-1194767
Email: stefan.bauer@cubewerk.de
URL: https://www.cubewerk.de/
Rates: 80 EUR/h.

Name: Torsten Cimala
Company: edv2go GmbH
Address: Henriettenstr. 18, 42719 Solingen, Germany
Phone: +49-212-38081270
Fax: +49-212-38081279
Email: torsten *dot* cimala *at* edv2go *dot* de
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Andreas Godzina
Company: axxeo GmbH
Address: Gustav-Adolf-Straße 8, D-30167 Hannover, Germany
Phone: +49-511-4753706
Fax: +49-511-4753716
Email: debian@axxeo.de
URL: https://www.axxeo.de/
Rates: Please contact us for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Johannes Franken
Address: Staufenbergring 26, 35396 Gießen, Germany
Phone: +49-176-24673327
Fax: +49-641-98429077
Email: jfranken@jfranken.de
URL: https://www.jfranken.de/en/
Rates: By the hour or project/offer-based, please ask for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Khalid Shukri
Company: IT-Dienstleistungen Khalid Shukri
Address: Liebigstr. 151, 50823 Köln, Germany
Phone: +49(0)178-5295227
Email: khalid.shukri@web.de
Rates: Please contact me.

Name: Frank Neps
Company: EDV-Beratung Neps
Address: Meisenweg 13, D-72631 Aichtal, Germany
Phone: +49-7127-953201
Fax: +49-7127-8114628
Email: info@neps.de
URL: https://www.neps.de/cms/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=110&Itemid=114
URL: https://www.neps.de/
Rates: Negotiable, depends on problem/project size

Name: Richard Rafalski
Company: R. Rafalski IT-Beratung
Address: Bismarckstraße 44, 70197 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +49-711-6203983
Fax: +49-711-6203984
Email: contact@richard-rafalski.de
Rates: 80-160 Euro per hour depending on the task

Name: Dipl.-Ing. Ansgar H. Licher
Name: Dipl.-Ing. Martin Werthmoeller
Company: LWsystems GmbH & Co. KG - Systemübergreifende IT-Beratung und Service
Address: Tegelerweg 11, D-49186 Bad Iburg, Germany
Phone: +49-5403-5556
Fax: +49-5403-7958997
Email: info@lw-systems.de
Rates: Depends on the problem, please call or mail us for rates.

Company: Richardson & Büren GbR
Address: Römerstr. 45 - 47, 53111 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49(0)228-92982012
Email: information *at* kivitendo-premium *dot* de
Rates: 90 Euro/h

Name: Heiko Schlittermann
Company: schlittermann -- internet & unix support
Address: Dresden, Germany
Phone: +49-351-8029981
Fax: +49-351-8029983
Email: hs@schlittermann.de
URL: https://www.schlittermann.de/
Rates: Depends on the customer (average 120 € per hour). Quick help for free.

Company: LiHAS - LinuxHaus Stuttgart, Adrian Reyer
Address: Hessenwiesenstr. 10, 70565 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +49-711-78285090
Fax: +49-711-78285091
Email: lihas@lihas.de
URL: https://www.lihas.de/
Rates: Call for rates.

Company: Intevation GmbH
Address: Osnabrück, Germany
Phone: +49(0)541-33508-30
Email: intevation@intevation.de
URL: https://osnabrueck.intevation.de/services/ucs.de.html
Rates: Depends on the problem. Call or email us.

Name: Alfred Schroeder
Company: GONICUS GmbH
Address: Möhnestrasse 55, 59755 Arnsberg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2932 / 916-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2932 / 916-230
Email: info@gonicus.de
URL: https://www.gonicus.de/
Rates: Please contact us for a detailed proposal

Name: Michael Meskes
Company: credativ GmbH
Address: Trompeterallee 108, 41189 Mönchengladbach, Germany
Phone: +49-2166-9901-0
Fax: +49-2166-9901-100
Email: info@credativ.de
URL: https://credativ.de
Rates: Call for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Karsten Müller
Address: Hamburg, Germany
Email: kmue@me.com
URL: https://www.xing.com/profile/Karsten_Mueller
Rates: Please mail me for rates.

Company: Linux Information Systems AG
Address: Munich, Germany
Phone: +49(0)89-993412-0
Fax: +49(0)89-993412-99
Email: info@linux-ag.com
URL: https://www.linux-ag.com/
Rates: Call for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Thomas Wien
Company: thwien.de
Address: Düsseldorf, Germany
Email: info@thwien.de
URL: https://www.thwien.de

Name: Oliver Poths
Company: LinSoft GmbH
Address: Feldstraße 20, 65326 Aarbergen, Germany
Phone: +49(0)6120-972330
Fax: +49(0)6120-972368
Email: info@linsoft.de
URL: https://www.linsoft.de/
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Toni Mueller
Company: oeko.net
Address: Hauptstraße 95, D-53721 Siegburg, Germany
Phone: +49-2241-1488440
Fax: +49-2241-1488441
Email: vertrieb@oeko.net
URL: http://www.oeko.net/de/leistungen/debian
URL: http://www.oeko.net/de/
Rates: Negotiable, depending on task, country, time etc.
Additional Information

Name: Joerg Henner
Company: JH-Networks / Telebistro
Address: Postfach 800521, 70505 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +49-32121-435020
Email: jhe@jh-networks.de
Rates: Ask for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Thomas Drillich
Company: IT-Service Drillich
Address: Heugasse 4, D-55116 Mainz, Germany
Phone: +49-6131-57026-21
Email: th@drillich.com
Rates: Depends on country and task.
Additional Information

Name: Markus Welters
Company: Welters Datentechnik
Address: Winternam 132, 47647 Kerken, Germany
Phone: +49(0)2831-9779560
Fax: +49(0)2831-9779561
Email: datentechnik@welters.de
URL: https://www.welters.de/
Rates: 120 EUR/hour.
Additional Information

Name: Stefan-Michael Guenther
Company: in-put GbR - Das Linux-Systemhaus
Address: Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: +49(0)721-68032880
Fax: +49(0)721-68032883
Email: service@in-put.de
URL: http://www.in-put.de/
Rates: Call or email for rates, depends on project size.

Name: Martin Bork
Company: EDV-Service con.victo UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Address: Rheinfelser Straße 1b, 35398 Gießen, Germany
Phone: +49(0)6403-504-6-999
Fax: +49(0)69-254-965-02
Email: info@con-victo.de
URL: https://www.con-victo.de/
Rates: Depends on problem - from free to 80,- EUR per hour.

Company: tribe29 GmbH
Address: Kellerstraße 29, 81667 München, Germany
Phone: +49(0)89 9982 097-00
Email: info@tribe29.com
URL: https://tribe29.com/
Rates: Depends on location, duration and kind of work.
Additional Information

Name: Christoph Scheeder
Company: Scheeder & Partner GmbH
Address: Ludwigsplatz 2, 75180 Pforzheim, Germany
Phone: +49-7231-977030
Fax: +49-7231-977031
Email: christoph.scheeder@scheeder.de
URL: http://www.scheeder.de/
Rates: Our normal rate ist 84,- Euro/hour + Vat.
Additional Information

Name: Uwe Steinmann
Company: MMK GmbH
Address: Fleyer Str. 196, 58097 Hagen, Germany
Phone: +49-2331-840446
Fax: +49-2331-843920
Email: uwe.steinmann@mmk-hagen.de
URL: http://www.mmk-hagen.de/
Rates: 600 EUR/day.

Name: Jan Tegtmeier
Company: Tegtmeier Internet Solutions e.K.
Address: Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49(0)40-76500390
Fax: +49(0)321-21220302
Email: debian {at} tegtmeier {dot} de
URL: http://www.tegtmeier.de/
Rates: 150 EUR/h, varies on task and project size.
Additional Information

Name: Dieter Jäger
Company: Magnum Opus GmbH
Address: Eichendorffstr. 19a, 85276 Pfaffenhofen, Germany
Phone: +49(0)8441-7978107
Fax: +49(0)8441-7977114
Email: dieter.jaeger@magnum-opus.de
URL: http://www.magnum-opus.de/
Rates: Multiple rates.

Name: Michael Mende
Company: Michael Mende, Linux Cluster Consulting
Address: Herderstrasse 29, 22085 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49(0)40-41346412
Email: m.mende@failover.de
URL: https://www.failover.de/
Rates: Please contact for rates. Free help for simple questions, discount or free for open-source and non-profit projects.

Name: Florian Lihl
Company: INGATE GmbH
Address: Puccinistr. 7, 86199 Augsburg, Germany
Phone: +49-821-9983546
Fax: +49-821-9983548
Email: info@ingate.de
URL: https://www.ingate.de/dienstleistungen.html
Rates: Please contact us for rates.

Name: Alexander Hosfeld
Company: Alexander Hosfeld Netzwerkadministration
Address: Lindenstrasse 67, 33415 Verl, Germany
Phone: +49(0)5246-934797
Email: info@hosfeld.de
URL: https://www.hosfeld.de
Rates: 65 EUR/h.

Name: Bjoern Hahnefeld
Company: bjoern hahnefeld IT
Address: Amberger Strasse 60, 93057 Regensburg Germany
Phone: +49(0)800-424633353 (free-call)
Fax: +49(0)700-424633353
Email: info@hahnefeld.de
URL: https://www.hahnefeld.de/internet-services_server.html
URL: https://www.hahnefeld.de/
Rates: Negotiable, dependent on project/question.

Company: B1 Systems GmbH
Address: Osterfeldstr. 7, 85088 Vohburg, Germany
Phone: +49-8457-931096
Fax: +49-8457-931097
Email: info@b1-systems.de
URL: https://www.b1-systems.de/consulting/schwerpunkte/
URL: https://www.b1-systems.de/
Rates: Depends on order (location, complexity, duration, profit-/non-profit organization etc.).
Additional Information

Name: Victor-Philipp Busch
Company: Sybuca GmbH
Address: Herrengraben 26, 20459 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49(0)40-27863190
Fax: +49(0)40-27863189
Email: kontakt@sybuca.de
URL: http://www.sybuca.de
Rates: Please contact us for rates.

Name: Werner Detter
Company: Werner Detter - IT-Consulting, IT-Services
Address: Lilienstr. 4, 81669 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49(0)89-89064727
Email: info@detter.biz
URL: https://www.we-are-digital.com
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Patrick Matthäi
Company: LEONEX Internet GmbH
Address: Technologiepark 20, 33100 Paderborn, Germany
Phone: +49(0)5251-14807-20
Fax: +49(0)5251-14807-30
Email: technik@leonex.de
Rates: 80,00 EUR/hour / project based price

Name: Jan Gornowicz
Address: Guntherweg 1, 23562 Lübeck, Germany
Phone: 0174-1951692
Email: J.Gornowicz@gmail.com
Rates: 40-80 EUR/h. Depends on location, duration and kind of work.

Company: UWS Software Service Ltd.
Name: Herr Kunst
Address: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Phone: +49(0)69-5780-4996
Email: info +at+ uws +dot+ ie
URL: https://uws-software-service.com/en/services/software-development/overview.html
URL: https://uws-software-service.com/en/home.html
Rates: Negiotable.
Additional Information

Name: Heiko Scherpinski
Address: Köpenicker Straße 60, 10179 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +493043077661 / +493043077660 / +4933439151496
Fax: +4933439151495
Email: debian.consulting@satis-information.com
Rates: Please contact us for rates.

Name: Frank Sell
Company: Xpile Software Entwicklung
Address: Sebastianstr. 29, 52066 Aachen, Germany
Phone: +49(0)163-825-26-17
Contact: https://www.xpile.de/kontact.php
Email: fsell@xpile.de
URL: https://www.xpile.de/
Rates: Please contact for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Volker D. Pallas
Company: pall.as Internetwork GmbH
Address: Ipfweg 1, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany
Phone: +49(0)711-21-72-44-111
Fax: +49(0)711-21-72-44-119
Email: support@pall.as
Rates: depending on request, tbd.

Company: IT-Schulungen.com
Address: Thurn-und-Taxis-Straße 10, 90411 Nürnberg, Germany
Phone: +49(0)911-6500830
Email: m.giglhuber@it-schulungen.com
URL: https://www.it-schulungen.com/seminare/serversysteme/debian/index.html
Rates: Depends on service.

Name: Jonas Jacek
Address: Efeuweg 8, 22299 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49(0)160-6808800
URL: https://jonas.me/
Rates: Project and duration dependent. Quick help is always free.

Name: Robert Tulke
Company: mirrle labs
Address: Freiligrathstr. 106, 15732 Schulzendorf, Germany
Phone: +49(0)33762940288
Email: rt@mirrle.com
Rates: Abhängig von Problem und Projektgröße.
Additional Information

Name: Marian Amza
Company: Linux Security Group
Address: Germany
Phone: +49(0)152-0575-3485
Email: tex@unixteacher.org
URL: https://www.unixteacher.org/
Contact: https://www.unixteacher.org/contact/
Rates: Based on project. Free for educational, academic, scientific and open source projects.

Name: Christoph Martin
Company: Martin EDV-Beratung
Address: Am Fort Gonsenheim 30, 55122 Mainz, Germany
Phone: +49(0)-6131-963074
Email: martin@m1234.de

Company: medienreich Training GmbH
Address: Hermannstraße 3, 33602 Bielefeld, Germany
Phone: +49(0)521-9687740
Email: info@medienreich.com
URL: https://www.medienreich.de/training/debian-administration
Rates: Depends on service.

Company: Faster IT GmbH
Address: Bahnstraße 67, 52355 Düren, Germany
Phone: +49-2421-3884-686
Email: website-inquiry@faster-it.de
URL: https://www.faster-it.com

Name: Mike Gabriel
Company: Fre(i)e Software GmbH
Address: Herweg 7, 24357 Fleckeby; Germany
Phone: +49(0)4354-9965707
Phone: +49(0)1520-1976148
Fax: +49(0)4354-9965709
Email: mike.gabriel@freiesoftware.gmbh
URL: https://freiesoftware.gmbh
Rates: 110,-EUR - 175,-EUR

Name: Günter Dörfler
Company: SMLan Software & Management Training
Address: Kastanienallee 53, D-10119 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30 449 25 45
Fax: +49(0)30 437 35 759
Email: info@smlan.de
URL: https://www.smlan.de
URL: https://www.smlan.de/seminarthemen/alle/implementing-community-supported-open-source-linux-on-power-systems
Rates: Depends on service.

Company: one by one EDV-GmbH
Name: Richard Wahlen
Address: Zimmerstrasse 79, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30 20450323
Email: info@one-by-one.de
URL: https://one-by-one.de/
URL: https://one-by-one.de/schulungen/linux-server-schulung-debian-gnu-administration/
Rates: Please contact us for rates.

Name: Christian Storch
Company: InfraNet AG
Address: Hermann-Lingg-Str. 2, 80336 München, Germany
Phone: +49(0)89 743523-55
Fax: +49(0)89 743523-23
Email: info@infra.net
URL: https://www.infra.net
Rates: Please contact us for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Mathias Behrle
Company: MBSolutions
Address: Gilgenmatten 10 A, 79114 Freiburg, Germany
Phone: +49(0)761-471023
Fax: +49(0)761-4770816
Email: info@m9s.biz
URL: http://www.m9s.biz/de-de/article/debian
Rates: Negotiable, depends on problem/project size.

Name: Dietrich Clauß
Company: Clauss IT
Address: Rückenhain Nr. 11, 01768 Glashütte, Germany
Phone: +49-35053-311868
Email: dietrich@clauss-it.com
URL: http://www.clauss-IT.com

Name: Nail Zorlu
Company: WissensPiloten GmbH
Address: Plaßstr. 73e, 33602 Bielefeld, Germany
Phone: +49 521 999973 60
Fax: +49 521 999973 99
Email: info@wissens-piloten.de
URL: https://www.wissens-piloten.de
Rates: Depends on duration, location, and kind of work, begins from 45,00 EUR/hour - special project offers possible. Project and Maintenance Plan rates available.
Additional Information

Name: Jana Miller
Company: cmt GmbH
Address: Hansastr. 32, 80686 Munich (München), Germany
Phone: +49 800 71 20000
Fax: +49 89 6808973-33
Email: jana@cmt.de
URL: http://www.cmt.de
Rates: Please contact us for a detailed proposal.
Additional Information

Address: Erkrather Str. 401, D-40231 Düsseldorf, Germany
Phone: +49 211 542 480 40
Email: info@hco.de
URL: https://www.hco.de/beratung-coaching-workshop-training/linux
Rates: Depends on service. Please contact us for rates.

Company: WBK IT Service & Consulting GmbH
Address: Pfingstwiese 2, DE-06493 Ballenstedt, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 39483 5776 0
Email: opensource@wbk-it.de

Name: Alexander Hu
Company: osc - open source company
Address: Gutenbergstrasse 2, D - 88677 Markdorf, Germany
Phone: +49-7544-9049855
Email: kontakt +at+ open-source-company +dot+ de
URL: https://www.open-source-company.de/professioneller-support-und-services/
Rates: Depend on location, complexity, duration, profit-/non-profit organization etc.

Company: Blunix GmbH
Address: Glogauer Straße 21, 10999 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 629 318 76
Email: info@blunix.com
URL: https://www.blunix.com
Rates: From 100 € (daytime, workdays) to 200 € (nighttime, weekends) per hour. Individual pricing for SLA customers.
Additional Information

Name: Noel Altinci
Company: IT-Seminare.de / New Elements GmbH
Address: Thurn-und-Taxis-Straße 10, 90411 Nürnberg, Germany
Phone: +49 911 650083-0
Fax: +49 911 650083-99
Email: n.altinci@it-seminare.de
URL: https://www.it-seminare.de
Rates: Please contact us for rates

Name: Johannes Eiglsperger
Company: Johannes Eiglsperger - DevOps Consulting
Address: Munich (München), Germany
Phone: +49 8102 874 3663
Email: hello@eigsys.de
URL: https://www.eigsys.de
Rates: Please contact for rates


Name: Spiros Gatzounas
Company: Verve Internet & OSS
Address: Menegaton 13, 28100 Argostoli, Greece
Phone: +30-211-8007440
Phone: +30-697-6197830
Email: info@verve.gr
URL: http://www.verve.gr/
Rates: Approx. €50/hr depending on the project.

Name: Stelios Asmargianakis
Company: Guru-host
Address: Stavrakia, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Phone: +30 6946140777
Email: admin@guru-host.eu
URL: https://guru-host.eu/Linux-Consultant.html
Rates: Per project, please contact us.
Additional Information

Name: Stin Priza
Company: Stin Priza Tech Collective
Address: Nileos 36, 11851, Athens, Greece
Phone: +30-211-7802500
Email: eimaste@stinpriza.org
URL: http://stinpriza.org/debian-consultants
Rates: Please contact for rates.
Additional Information


Name: Greg DeFreitas
Address: Top Woburn, St. George, Grenada
Phone: +1-473-415-0042 (Mobile)
Phone: +1-473-538-0007 (Mobile)
Email: unixgreg@gmail.com
Rates: 100% Negotiable.
Additional Information


Name: Jorge Luis Andrade Escobar
Company: ITM
Address: Guatemala
Phone: +502-5526-4101
Phone: +502-5203-6891
Email: jandrade@i-t-m.com
URL: https://www.i-t-m.com/
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Marlon Enrique Sapon Méndez
Company: Multiservicios MAYHA
Address: 10a calle 8-23 Zona 1., San Marcos.,Guatemala
Phone: 5794-5263
Fax: 5794-5263
Email: Foreigner0@gmail.com
Rates: Negotiable.


Name: Miklós Quartus
Company: Miklos Consulting
Address: Erdőkertes, Hungary
Phone: +36-21-252-6700
Email: inbox@miklos.info
URL: http://www.miklos.info/konzultacio.php
Rates: Negotiable, starting from 82000 HUF / day.
Additional Information


Name: Mitul Limbani
Company: Enterux Solutions
Address: D/704, Crystal Plaza, Andheri Link Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400053, India
Phone: +91-22-26740850
Phone: +91-98203-32422
Phone: +91-98673-33566
Phone: +1-302-691-0104
Fax: Available on request.
Email: info@enterux.com
Rates: $15/hr.
Additional Information

Name: Sundar Saravanan
Company: credativ software (India) pvt. ltd.
Address: No. 149, 3rd Floor, 1st Block, Karnataka, Bangalore 560034 India
Email: info@credativ.in
Rates: Call for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Tirveni Yadav
Company: Udyansh
Address: New Delhi, India
Phone: +91.9810732926
Email: info {at} udyansh {dot} org
URL: http://udyansh.org/foss_debian.shtml
Rates: 30 US $ / hour.
Additional Information

Name: Faheem Mitha
Company: freelance consultant
Address: Nhava House, 2nd Floor, 65 Maharshi Karve Rd., Mumbai 400002, India
Phone: +91-22-22019466
Email: faheem@faheem.info
Rates: Negotiable.
Additional Information

Name: V.Kiran Babu
Address: Hyderabad, India
Email: kiranvakkapatla -at- yahoo -dot- com
Rates: Please contact by e-mail.
Additional Information

Name: Dennis Makadiya
Company: Merlin TecSol Pvt. Ltd.
Address: 208/207 Silver Chambers, Tagore Road, Rajkot, Gujarat 360002, India
Phone: +91-281-2290303
Email: info@merlintecsol.com
URL: https://www.merlintecsol.com
Rates: Ask for rates.

Name: Aravind Kumar Pillai
Company: Aravind Infovays
Address: Madurai, Tamilnadu, India
Phone: +914524981510
Phone: +919487009911
Email: aicaf@aravind.global
URL: https://aravind.global/aicaf
Rates: Based On Project.
Additional Information

Name: Moorthy R
Company: Vortex Engineering Pvt Ltd.
Address: No 6B, 6th Floor, IIT Madras Research Park, No.1 Kanagam Road, Tharamani, Chennai 600 113, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: +91 44 66 33 9700
Phone: +91 9500001142
Email: info@vortexindia.co.in
URL: https://www.vortexindia.co.in/vortex-debian-consultant
Rates: Please contact by e-mail.
Additional Information


Name: Khokho Sumanto
Address: Indonesia
Phone: (+62)81279036094
Email: saiyans.kakarott@gmail.com
URL: https://konsultan-debian.blogspot.com
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Randy Mukti
Company: Freelance Consultant
Address: Jl. Anggrek Cendrawasih II Blok J No. 14a, RT 4 / RW 3 Slipi-Palmerah, Jakarta Barat 11480, Indonesia
Phone: +6289665779466 -or- via Skype: randy.mukti
Email: randymukti@gmail.com
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Arif Wahyudi
Company: Synaptic OpenSource UII
Address: Jl. Kaliurang KM 13 Sleman Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +62-85752354970 -or- via facebook: arief.wahyudi.10899
Email: arifwahyudidt@gmail.com
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Agus Prasetiyo
Company: ANT Net
Address: Sukolilo Park Regency, Indonesia
Phone: +62-82334937490
Contact: https://www.fb.me/aoktox
Email: agus@antnet.id
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Hugo Irwanto
Company: Stembase Computer Club / Freelance Consultant
Address: Jl. Simpang lima Semarang, 50243, Indonesia
Phone: (+62) 89-679-398-468
Email: hugoirwanto@gmail.com
URL: https://katahugo.wordpress.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Robertus Halomoan Hutagalung
Company: PT. Ontel Studio
Address: Gebang XIX RT 05 RW 45 No.36 Sleman, Kab. Sleman, D.I Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +6285751777392
Email: say@obet.us
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Bintang Pratama
Company: Persada Nusantara Telekomunikasi
Address: Jl. Raya Jati Makmur 16 Pd. Gede, Bekasi, 17413, Indonesia
Phone: +6281317959550
Contact: https://t.me/Bintangprtm7
Email: bp070798@gmail.com
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Ahmad Saufi Maulana
Address: Jl.Golf Komplek Wella Mandiri Blok B4 No. 229, Banjarbaru 70724, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia
Address: Jl. Anggrek Cendrawasih II Blok J No. 14a, RT 4 / RW 3 Slipi-Palmerah, Jakarta Barat 11480, Indonesia
Phone: +6282148115692
Email: ahmadsaufimaulana@gmail.com
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Samsul Ma'arif
Address: Jl. Gajayana II No.675b, Dinoyo, Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Phone: +62-8574752684(enam)
Contact: https://fb.me/samsul.web.id
Email: mail@samsul.web.id
URL: https://blog.samsul.web.id
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Rabil Nugraha
Company: PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta
Address: Lampung, Indonesia
Phone: +6281367587433 or via Telegram @rabilnugraha
Email: rabilnugraha@gmail.com
Rates: Negotiable or contact me for asking.

Name: Ananda Putra Syafa'at
Company: ICUBE (PT Inovasi Informasi Indonesia)
Address: Jl. Kusen 1 No 26, RT 007 / RW 002, Kayu Putih, Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Phone: +6285282790979
Email: me@elasyaf.com
Rates: Please contact by e-mail


Name: Martina Ferrari
Company: tina.pm
Email: tina@tina.pm
URL: https://tina.pm/
Additional Information

Name: Leonardo Damasceno
Address: Coill Mhuire, Santry avenue, Dublin, Ireland
Phone: +353-899814145
Email: damasceno.lnx@gmail.com
URL: http://leodamasceno.blogspot.com
Rates: Negotiable.


Name: Yehuda Korotkin
Company: Korotkin
Address: P.O. Box 3551, 81523 Yavne, Israel
Phone: +972(50)414-6444
Fax: +972(8)943-9547
Email: info@korotkin.co.il
Contact: https://www.alefbt.com/contact-us
URL: https://www.alefbt.com/debian-consulting-services/
URL: https://www.alefbt.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates. Fair price. 5% to Debian. Big discounts to OpenSource projects. Support for companies and individuals.


Name: Giuliano Natali (diaolin)
Company: Open IT
Address: viale Dante, 78 - Pergine Valsugana (TN), Italy
Phone: +39-0461-504800
Phone: +39-0461-538443
Fax: +39-349-6684215
Email: diaolin@diaolin.com
Email: diaolin@openit.it
URL: http://www.openit.it
Rates: variable from 40€ to 75 €
Additional Information

Name: Enrico Rossi
Company: Tecno Brain
Address: via Marcovigi, 2 - Bologna, Italy
Phone: +39-338-9064702
Email: e.rossi@tecnobrain.com
Rates: 75e/h - 500e/day - Job based or Monthly/Annual based contract available.

Name: Claudio Brazzale, Roberto Giuliari
Company: Liberobit.net Srl
Address: viale Verona, 47 - 36100 Vicenza, Italy
Phone: +39-0444-568438
Fax: +39-0444-1830954
Email: info@liberobit.net
URL: http://www.liberobit.net
Rates: From 50 to 150 Euro/hour- depends on work.
Additional Information

Company: Truelite srl
Address: Firenze, Italy
Phone: +39-055-7879597
Email: info@truelite.it
URL: https://www.truelite.it/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Gianfranco Panico, PhD
Company: Linuz.it
Address: Strada Revigliasco, 72/3, 10024 Moncalieri (TO), Italy
Phone: +39-011-23414703
Email: info -at- linuz -dot- it
Additional Information

Name: Simone Giustetti
Company: Studio Simone Giustetti
Address: via Gaggianego 33A I-16036 Recco (GE), Italy
Phone: +39-340-3425647
Email: studiosg@giustetti.net
URL: http://www.giustetti.net/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
URL: http://www.giustetti.net/
Rates: Please contact for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Giovanni Bechis
Company: SNB s.r.l.
Address: Jesi (AN), Italy
Email: g.bechis@snb.it
URL: https://www.snb.it/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Massimo Martini
Company: GuruNetwork di Massimo Martini
Address: Vicenza, Italy
Phone: +39-0444-1496522
Phone: +39-3384956355 (mobile)
Fax: +39-0444-1491327
Email: info@gurunetwork.it
URL: http://www.gurunetwork.it/node/4
Rates: 50EUR/hour, 500EUR/Day; negotiable for non-profit, edu, etc. Monthly/annual support contracts available.
Additional Information

Company: Ethical Software Soc. Coop.
Address: Piazza Mazzini 50-56, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
Phone: +39 0471 068170
Email: info@ethicalsoftware.it
URL: http://www.ethicalsoftware.it/en/partners-en/debian
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Mirco Piccin
Company: FabLab Castelfranco Veneto
Address: Via degli Olivi 2, Castelfranco Veneto (TV), Italy
Phone: +39-0423-1999943
Email: mirco.piccin@fablabcfv.org
URL: http://www.fablabcfv.org/
Rates: Feel free to contact us for a free quotation.

Name: Andrea Scarso
Address: Vicenza, Italy
Email: andrea.scarso@gmail.com
Rates: Project-based.
Additional Information

Name: Eugenio Ghiglia
Company: Zenworks
Address: Varallo (VC), Italy
Phone: +393398395526
Email: info@zenworks.it
URL: https://zenworks.it/
Rates: free to contact me and ask for consulting

Name: Gabriele Vivinetto
Company: RVM S.r.l.
Address: Via Giovanni XXIII, 8 - 22060 - Arosio (CO) - Italy
Contact: http://www.ict.rvmgroup.it/contattaci/
Phone: +39-031-758241
Phone: +39-335-225346
Fax: +39-031-764171
URL: http://www.ict.rvmgroup.it/attivita/area-opensource-linux/
Rates: available upon request
Additional Information

Company: Lixper S.r.L.
Address: Corso Orbassano 336, Torino, Italy
Phone: +39-0112178739
Email: info@lixper.it
URL: http://www.lixper.it/egroupware/sitemgr/sitemgr-site/?category_id=40
Rates: Depending on projects.

Company: Lindo Nepi
Address: Ascoli Piceno (AP), Italy
Email: lindo@lindonepi.com
URL: https://www.lindonepi.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Company: Marco Urban
Address: Via Giorgio Gaber, 19 20873 Cavenago di Brianza (MB), Italy
Phone: +39-347-77-44-333
Email: info@marcourban.net
URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcourb
Rates: Variable depending on the location, duration and type of work.

Name: Garofano Matteo
Company: Sicurezzarete
Address: Via G. di Vittorio 22a, 16018 Mignanego (GE), Italy
Phone: +39.3387683188
Fax: +39.01042069192
Email: info@sicurezzarete.com
URL: https://www.sicurezzarete.com/
Rates: Depends on projects, please contact us.
Additional Information

Name: Matteo Temporini
Company: Layer3 S.r.l.
Address: Pavia di Udine (UD), Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Italy
Phone: +39 328-0185272
Fax: +39.0432-1638183
Email: info@layertre.it
URL: https://www.layertre.it/
Rates: Please contacts for rates.

Name: Alessio Ligabue
Company: Independent consultant
Address: Reggio Emilia, Italy
Phone: +39-0522-1606427
Email: info@alessioligabue.it
URL: https://www.alessioligabue.it/servizi/assistenza-linux

Name: Gabriele Cicala
Company: Opsso.it
Address: Via Trieste, 14 - 87067 - Corigliano-Rossano (CS), Italy
Phone: +39.3392975485
Fax: +39.0983516049
Email: gabriele.cicala@gabcicala.it
URL: https://opsso.it
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Christian Perego
Company: Krisoft S.r.l.
Address: Centro direzionale Colleoni, Via Paracelso 26, Agrate Brianza, Italy
Phone: +39 3491496804
Email: christian [dot] perego [at] krisoft [dot] it
Rates: Call for rates.

Name: Paride Legovini, Debian & Ubuntu Developer
Address: Padua, Italy. Used to worldwide remote work.
Email: paride@legovini.net
URL: https://paride.legovini.net/
Rates: Please email. 10% donated to Debian.

Name: Faustin LAMMLER
Company: FALARED
Address: Venice, Italy
Email: faustin@fala.red
Additional Information

Name: Pigliacelli Francesco
Company: System Byte s.r.l.
Address: via bagni roana snc, Ferentino (FR), Italy
Email: f.pigliacelli@systembyte.it
Phone: 3939004709
Phone: 0775.223413
URL: https://www.systembyte.it/i-nostri-servizi/linux/
Rates: 65e/h - 400e/day - Job based or Monthly/Annual based contract available.

Name: Berengan Loris, Gavasso Davide
Company: Italian Business Tools S.r.l.
Address: via Cavour, 26/1 - 36034 Malo (VI), Italy
Phone: +39-0445-1925785
Fax: +39-0445-1925795
Email: debian@itbt.it
URL: https://www.itbt.it/serizi.html
Rates: From 70 Euro/h or turnkey solution.
Additional Information


Name: Brian Clemens
Company: Tiuxo
Address: Tokyo, Japan
Email: debian@tiuxo.com
URL: https://tiuxo.com/about
Rates: On request.

South Korea:

Name: Hunter Shin (Hyunchul Shin)
Company: WYHIL
Address: Botanic Park Tower 1 - 8F 802, MagokJoungAng-Ro 161-17, Gangseo-Gu, Seoul, South Korea
Phone: +82 2 2658 2990
Email: contact@wyhil.com
Rates: Please contact. Depends on Service / Project.

Name: Arijit Pal
Company: DeltaX
Address: 590, 5F (Sindorim-dong, Ajou Building), Gyeongin-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Phone: +82 010 7320 3666
Email: arijit {at} deltax {dot} ai
Email: arijitpal (dot) jit (at) gmail (dot) com
Rates: Depends on service/project.
Additional Information


Name: Peter Beck / Robert Gstoehl
Company: foo.li - Systeme und Software
Address: Hampflaender 64, FL-9496 Balzers, Liechtenstein
Phone: +41(0)78-629-10-38
Email: info@foo.li
URL: https://www.foo.li/?page_id=77
URL: https://www.foo.li
Rates: Depends on service/project.


Name: Yeu Sian Lee
Company: Naurasis Technology
Address: WDT No 111, 88901 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Phone: +60-19-8108002
Fax: +60-88-421316
Email: ys.lee@naurasis.com
Rates: Project-based. Free for non-profit and educational (subject to availability).

Name: Dr. Mohamed Sulaiman Sultan Suhaibuddeen
Company: Mesiniaga Berhad
Address: Menara Mesiniaga, Jalan SS 16/1, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Phone: +60356287867
Fax: +60356355486
Email: mohamedsulaiman@gmail.com
Additional Information


Name: Werner Ernesto Goedecke Rodriguez
Company: Wer.MX
Address: Calle Maestro Antonio Caso No 119 Int 30, Col San Rafael, Cuahutemoc, Ciudad de México, 06470, Mexico
Phone: +52 55 420 Wer.MX (93769)
Phone: +52 55 4742 8000
Phone: +52 55 1915 1012 (Celular)
Email: wg@wer.mx
Email: goedecke@gmail.com
URL: https://www.wer.mx

Company: Coral Digital
Address: Xochimilco, CDMX, Mexico
Email: contacto@coraldigital.mx
Email: galprasmarco@gmail.com
URL: https://coraldigital.mx
Rates: Please ask, depends on the project and needs, negotiable.


Name: Abadi Samir
Address: Rue 12 El Bassatine, Meknès, Morocco
Phone: +212 (0) 3550090
Email: abadisamir@hotmail.com
Rates: 1100 Mad/Heure
Additional Information


Name: Hodonou SOUNTON
Company: Reysh Tech
Address: 07 BP 0637 Cotonou, Benin, Nigeria
Phone: (229) 95 30 24 24
Email: hodonou@sounton.me
Rates: $50 per hour


Name: Gijs M. Key
Company: BITKey
Address: Netherlands
Phone: +31-642243152
Email: gijs.key@bit-key.nl
Rates: Call for rates.

Name: Paul van der Vlis
Company: Firma van der Vlis
Address: J.W. Frisostraat 24, 9717 EP Groningen, Netherlands
Phone: +31-050-3131178
Email: paul@vandervlis.nl
URL: https://www.vandervlis.nl/
Rates: Please ask (inexpensive).

Name: Rudolph Froger
Company: Estrate
Address: Oostsingel 57B, 2612HD Delft, Netherlands
Phone: +31-6-45-23-34-06
Email: info@estrate.nl
URL: http://www.estrate.nl
Rates: Please contact us for rates

Name: M.J. Roelofs
Company: Murphy Software BV
Address: P.O. Box 285, 7500 AG Enschede, Netherlands
Phone: +31-53-4320055
Email: office@murphy.nl
URL: http://www.murphy.nl/
Rates: Depends on type of work and location.
Additional Information

Name: Sim IJskes
Company: QCG
Address: Leiderdorp, Netherlands
Phone: +31-71-5890970
Fax: +31-71-5894810
Email: info@qcg.nl
URL: http://linux.qcg.nl/
Rates: Please refer to web page.

Company: VirtualConcepts B.V.
Address: Tilburg, Netherlands
Phone: +31-13-7079940
Email: support@virtualconcepts.nl
URL: http://www.virtualconcepts.nl
Rates: 75 euro per hour, but depends on type of project.

Name: Renato Cavallari
Address: Camperstraat 44-I, 1091AH, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Phone: +31(0)20 331 85 27
Email: renasboy@gmail.com
Rates: on request

Name: Jelle de Jong and Barry de Graaff
Company: PowerCraft Technology
Address: IJmeerstraat 117, 2652JP Berkel en Rodenrijs, Netherlands
Phone: +31107079913
Email: service@powercraft.nl
URL: https://www.powercraft.nl/producten/
Rates: Please contact us for our flexible rates.

Name: Joost van Baal-Ilić
Company: ad 1810
Address: Tilburg, Netherlands
Phone: +31(0)6-26831629
Email: info@ad1810.com
URL: http://ad1810.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Bob Rosbag
Address: Utrecht, Netherlands
Email: debian@bobrosbag.nl
Rates: Negotiable, support for personal, educational and scientific projects.

Name: Jerome BENOIT
Address: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Email: calculus@rezozer.net
Rates: Negotiable, depends on the requirements -- support for educational, academic and scientific projects (worldwide).

Name: Theo Purmer
Company: Deployment Team BV
Address: Beatrijsweg 24. 4791EC, Klundert, Netherlands
Phone: +31646014225
Email: theo@deployment-team.nl
URL: https://www.deployment-team.nl
Rates: Euro 100 per hour.


Name: Renzo Portocarrero Miranda
Address: Av. José Glavez Barrenechea 1275, Lima, Peru
Phone: +51-1-226-5058
Fax: +51-1-226-5058
Email: rportocarrero@gmail.com
Rates: Please contact for rates

Name: Daniel Alejandro Yucra Sotomayor
Company: GUSL - SomosLibres.org
Address: Av. Santa Cruz 130, Of. 901, Lima, Peru
Phone: +51+1+6509281
Fax: +51+1+6509281
Email: daniel@somoslibres.org
URL: http://www.somoslibres.org/
Rates: Negotiable


Name: Raymund John Ang
Company: Blue Drive IT Solutions
Address: Bacolod City, Philippines
Phone: (+63)939-5985706
Email: contact@bluedriveph.com
URL: http://bluedriveph.com/solutions.html
Rates: Available on request; project based


Name: Wojciech Tylek
Company: FHU WAT
Address: Cracow, Poland
Phone: +48-607-510-510
Email: wat@wat.net.pl
Rates: Depends on the problem - negotiated individually.

Name: Marcin Engelmann
Company: IMAGIN
Address: Wroclaw, Poland
Phone: +48-71-723-01-20
Email: debian -at- imagin -dot- pl
URL: https://imagin.pl/
Rates: 40-80EUR/h, negotiable according to the type, length and complexity of the project, support contracts available.
Additional Information

Name: Konrad Matyas
Company: Revolit
Address: Kraków, Poland
Phone: +48-601-446-007
Email: info@revolit.com
URL: http://www.pl.revolit.com/administracja/administracja-serwerami.html
URL: https://www.revolit.com/
Rates: Negotiated individually.

Name: Jarosław Prochal
Company: Aboo Technology
Address: Krakowskie Przedmieście 242, 32-087, Poland
Phone: +48 791274780
Email: aboo@aboo.pl
Rates: Depending on requirements - please contact us.
Additional Information

Company: Informatyka Boguslawski sp. z o.o. sp.k.
Address: Poznan, Poland
Phone: +48 61 671 08 72
Email: info@ib.pl
URL: http://www.ib.pl/
Rates: Upon request, please contact us for details.
Additional Information

Name: Adam Ziaja
Company: adamziaja.com
Address: Poland
Email: adam@adamziaja.com
URL: http://adamziaja.com
Rates: Negotiable.
Additional Information

Name: Tytus Kurek
Address: Krakow, Poland
Phone: +48-513-106-743
Email: tkurek7@gmail.com
URL: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/tytus-kurek/15/a85/6ab
Rates: ~ 20 - 40 $ / h, negotiable.
Additional Information

Name: Przemyslaw Nowakowski
Company: Linuxlabs
Address: Krakow, Poland
Phone: (+48)697 721 158
Email: info@linuxlabs.pl
URL: https://linuxlabs.pl/
Rates: 25-40EUR/h.
Additional Information

Name: Patryk Gorczyca
Company: NetFS
Address: Szczecin / Slupsk, Poland
Phone: (+48)600-076-192
Email: a@netfs.pl
URL: https://netfs.pl
Rates: Depending on requirements, please contact us for details.
Additional Information

Name: Dariusz Puchalak
Address: Opole, Poland
Phone: +48-602769970
Email: debian-consultant-2015 +at+ puchalak +dot+ net
Rates: Depending on requirements - please contact me.
Additional Information

Name: Miłosz Oller
Company: Sys-Com Miłosz Oller
Address: Cegielniana 8, 89-500 Tuchola, Poland
Phone: +48-603-030-347
Email: it@sys-com.pl
URL: https://sys-com.pl
Rates: 100 PLN/h.

Name: Jaroslaw Wencel
Address: Poland
Email: jaroslaw@wencel.org

Name: Marcin Affelski
Company: Kamee sp. z o.o.
Address: Na blonie 15, 30-147 Krakow, Poland
Phone: 0048 668 863 291
Fax: 0048 123 071 913
Email: contact@kamee-software.com
URL: https://kamee-software.com/
Rates: 25 - 40 EUR/ h.
Additional Information


Name: Luís Pedro Algarvio
Address: Lisbon, Portugal
Email: lp -dot- algarvio -at- gmail -dot- com
URL: https://lp.algarvio.org
Rates: Depending on project. Please contact for negotiation. Will provide lower rates for non-profit/government organizations.

Name: Fábio Santos
Address: Leiria, Portugal
Phone: (*+351) 935838461
Email: ffsantos92@gmail.com
Rates: Please contact via e-mail for rates.

Name: European Citizens Group
Company: ECG, CRL
Address: Rua do Raio, Edifício Rechicho, 301, 2.º, Sl 2/3, 4710-923 Braga, Portugal
Phone: +351 253086210 | +351 938394948
Email: manuel.moura@ecgcoop.org
URL: https://www.ecgcoop.org/
Rates: Because we are a non-profit organization we collect a small annual membership fee that includes, among other services, the I.T. support to our members.

Name: Rui Figueiredo
Address: Sintra, Portugal
Email: rui *dot* figueiredo *at* gmail *dot* com
URL: http://about.me/ruifigueiredo


Name: Ioana Leonte
Company: Evozon Systems S.R.L.
Address: Calea Turzii 110, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, 400193, Romania
Email: sales@evozon.com
URL: https://www.evozon.com/what-we-do/technical-support-and-system-administration
URL: https://www.evozon.com
Rates: We offer free email consultancy. Project rates depend on project complexity, timeline, and size.

Name: Arthur Alves
Address: Iaşi, Romania
Phone: +4075 365 79 36
Email: arthuralves.p@gmail.com
Rates: 15 EURO/hour.
Additional Information

Name: Sorin Pop
Company: CertCore
Address: Calea Dorobantilor 6, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
Phone: +40-723-782673
Email: sales@certcore.com
URL: https://www.certcore.com/
Rates: Available upon request. Discounted for non-profit, education or open-source projects. Free help available on IM.
Additional Information

Name: Zoltán Máthé
Company: Swapon Group SRL
Address: Kossuth Lajos 32, Csikszereda, Hargita, Romania
Phone: +40 725827144
Email: zmathe@swapon-group.com
URL: https://swapon-group.com
Rates: 'Meet Linux' Package: 0 € (Linux Basics for New Linux users), Server Configuration 30 €/H.
Additional Information

Russian Federation:

Name: Mikhail Lukyanchenko
Address: Rostov-na-Donu, Russian Federation
Phone: +7-903-402-0613
Email: ml@akabos.com
Rates: $25-$30, negotiable for non-commerce.

Name: Vladimir Ipatov
Company: Intellect-Service
Address: Rossiyskiy pr. 3/1, 193231 Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Phone: +7(812)9182032
URL: https://www.it-ic.ru/
Rates: $15-$30 per hour.

Name: Prokoshin Sergey
Address: Toljiatti, Russian Federation
Phone: +7-(848)-262-39-77
Email: admin@flfm.ru
Rates: $10-$15 per hour.

Company: Initlab
Address: 350000, Krasnodar, Starokubanskaya 114, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 800 222-26-73
Email: sales@initlab.ru
URL: https://initlab.ru
Rates: Available upon request. Variable according service. Contact us.
Additional Information

Name: Nail Khakimov
Address: Kazan, Russian Federation
Phone: +7-903-388-81-28
Email: nail.khakimov@gmail.com
Rates: $20-$30


Name: Mr. Clark
Company: Science Resource Asia
Address: Singapore
Phone: +65
Email: info@sciresource.com

Additional Information


Name: Andrew Shadura
Address: Bratislava, Slovakia
Email: consultancy@shadura.me


Company: Serverflow consulting, d.o.o.
Address: Mali Lipoglav 22, 1293 Smarje Sap, Slovenia
Email: matija@serverflow.si
URL: http://www.serverflow.com/server.html
Rates: $40/hr, negotiable for bigger projects
Additional Information

Name: Jan Prunk
Address: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Email: janprunk@gmail.com
URL: http://janprunk.com
Rates: 50 EUR per hour, discounted for non-profit organizations.
Additional Information

South Africa:

Name: Kyle Robbertze
Company: Bitcast
Address: Cape Town, South Africa
Email: debian@bitcast.co.za
URL: https://bitcast.co.za


Name: Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy
Company: Centrologic Computational Logistic Center
Address: Calle Aguacate 36/48, 29738 Rincón de la Victoria, Spain
Phone: +34-610-37-01-65
Email: info@centrologic.com
URL: http://www.centrologic.com/
Rates: 55-185 euros/hour (all Europe).
Additional Information

Name: Rubén da Silva
Company: Ozono Multimedia s.l.l.
Address: Rúa das Hedras 4 - planta 2 - local N, O Milladoiro (Ames) - 15895 - A Coruña, Galicia, Spain
Phone: +34-981580679
Email: ozono@ozonomultimedia.com
Rates: Available upon request. Variable according service. Contact us.
Additional Information

Name: Carlos Parra Camargo
Company: Emergya
Address: Avd. Luis de Morales, 32. Sevilla, Spain
Phone: +34-954-51-75-77
Fax: +34-954-51-64-73
Email: debian@emergya.com
URL: https://www.emergya.com/es/
Additional Information

Name: Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta
Address: c/ Golondrinas, 2. 28470 Cercedilla, Spain
Phone: +34-639-688-119
Email: agi@inittab.org
URL: https://inittab.org/
Rates: Depends on task and project length
Additional Information

Company: Tecno Servicio
Address: Aribau 162. Barcelona, Spain
Phone: +34-652669294
Fax: +34-931824040
Email: info@tecno-servicio.com
URL: http://www.tecno-servicio.com
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Jaume Teixi
Address: Barcelona, Spain
Email: jaume@teixi.net
Rates: Upon request.
Additional Information

Name: José Luis Martin
Company: Freelance
Address: C/ Caballa 5 (La Barrosa), Chiclana de la Frontera 11130, Cádiz, Spain
Phone: +34-627-552-741
Email: jlm@joseluismartin.info
URL: http://www.joseluismartin.info
Rates: Upon request.

Company: Igalia
Address: C/Bugallal Marchesi, 22, 1º. 15008 A Coruña, Spain
Phone: +34-981-913991
Fax: +34-981-913949
Email: info@igalia.com
URL: https://www.igalia.com/
Rates: Upon request.

Name: Eduardo Díaz Comellas
Company: Ultreia Comunicaciones S.L.
Address: C. Cial. Cidade Universitaria, local A4, 36310 - Vigo, Spain
Phone: +34-986243324
Fax: +34-986123899
Email: ediaz@ultreia.es
URL: https://www.ultreia.es/
Rates: Please contact.
Additional Information

Name: Eduardo García-Mádico
Company: Eurogaran Informática S.L
Address: Las Guillerías, 3 - 08320 El Masnou Barcelona, Spain
Phone: +34-935-554-000
Fax: +34-93-540-33-87
Email: informatica@eurogaran.com
URL: http://www.eurogaran.com/index.php/es/servicios-tic/administracion-de-redes-y-sistemas-linux
URL: http://www.eurogaran.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Gonzalo Pérez de Olaguer Córdoba
Address: C/ Joventut, 106 - 4, 08904 Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Email: salo@gpoc.es
URL: http://www.gpoc.es
Rates: A negociar (200€/día máx).

Name: Juan Sierra Pons
Address: Alicante, Spain
Phone: +34 651045771
Email: juan@elsotanillo.net
URL: http://www.elsotanillo.net
Rates: Available upon request. Variable according service.

Company: Librebit
Address: Uruguay 8, Planta 5, Ofic. 8, 36201 Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain
Phone: +34 886 122 307
Email: info@librebit.com
URL: https://www.librebit.com/
Rates: Upon request.

Name: Daniel Cialdella
Address: Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34 69-34-16244
Email: dcialdella@gmail.com
URL: http://es.linkedin.com/in/dcialdella
Rates: Available upon request. Variable according service. Contact us.
Additional Information

Name: Francisco Manuel García Claramonte
Company: garciac.es
Contact: http://www.garciac.es/contacto
Address: Spain
Email: francisco@garciac.es
URL: http://www.garciac.es/debian

Name: Manuel Rubio
Company: Altenwald Solutions, S.L.
Address: Calle La Fragua, 2, 14100 La Carlota, Cordoba, Spain
Phone: +34.651108590
Email: manuel@altenwald.com
Rates: Usually we charge 40 €/month per server, but depending on project and volume we can change it.

Name: Juanmi Taboada
Address: Calle Niño del museo, 8. 5ºD. 29003. Málaga, Spain
Phone: +34-610-37-01-65
Email: juanmi@juanmitaboada.com
Rates: 75-185 euros/hour (all Europe).
Additional Information

Company: Sagaru Sistemas
Address: C/ Lago bañolas 150, Parla, Spain
Phone: +34 644 34 34 19
Email: info@sagaru.info


Name: Marcus Rejås
Company: Rejås Datakonsult AB
Address: Vårgatan 2, 761 63 Norrtälje, Sweden
Phone: +46-176-250100
Fax: +46-176-250130
Email: info@rejas.se
URL: http://www.rejas.se/
Rates: Negotiable.
Additional Information

Name: Håkan Anjou
Address: Göteborg, Sweden
Phone: +4670-7747049
Email: kh_anjou@hotmail.com
Rates: Negotiable in relation to project.

Name: Ola Lundqvist
Company: Inguza Technology AB
Address: Annebergsslingan 37, 65465 Karlstad, Sweden
Phone: +46-703-32-1551
Email: info@inguza.com
URL: http://inguza.com/
Rates: 750 SEK/h or fixed price offers.

Company: Stickybit
Address: Gustav Adolfs torg 10A Malmö, Sweden
Phone: +46-40-631-15-00
Email: info@stickybit.se
Rates: Please contact us for information.

Name: Helio Loureiro
Address: Sweden
Phone: +55-11-98270-4106
Email: helio [at] loureiro [dot] eng [dot] br
URL: http://helio.loureiro.eng.br/index.php/debian/294-debian-consultant.html
Rates: Free for non-profit organizations.
Additional Information

Name: Patrik Gullstrand
Company: Örestad Linux AB
Address: Beijerskajen 12A, 21119 Malmö, Sweden
Phone: 040-122015
Email: info@orestad-linux.se
URL: https://orestad-linux.se/
Rates: Depending on the project, please contact us for quote.

Name: Andreas Henriksson
Company: Endian Technologies AB
Address: Flöjelbergsgatan 11, 43137 Mölndal, Sweden
Phone: +46-31-706 06 00
Email: andreas.henriksson@endian.se
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Colin 't Hart
Address: Fjällglimten 17, 832 46 Frösön, Sweden
Phone: +46 73 023 62 26
Email: info@sharpheart.org
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Paolo Lulli
Company: Kevwe Technology AB
Address: Lärargatan 9, 52151 Floby, Sweden
Phone: +46 76544 97 48
Email: paolo@lulli.net
URL: https://kevwe.com/service/debian
Rates: 1000 SEK/h or fixed price.

Name: Guilhem Moulin
Company: Guilhem Datakonsult
Address: Älvsborgsvägen 40, Jokkmokk, Sweden
Phone: +46 703 703 916
Email: info@guilhem.se
URL: https://guilhem.se
Rates: Depending on the project. Please contact us for a quote.


Name: Stevan Nestorović
Address: Belgrade, Serbia
Email: nestorovicstevan@keemail.me
Rates: Depends on project.

Name: Darko Blazev
Company: Stereo-Kernel Labs
Address: Subotica, Serbia
Phone: +381611560070
Email: root.lazarus@protonmal.ch
Rates: Negotiable


Name: Marcus Holthaus
Company: Logintas
Address: Sonnhaldenstrasse 87, CH 6331 Hünenberg, Switzerland
Phone: +41-41-783-21-21
Email: marcus.holthaus@logintas.ch
URL: https://logintas.ch/
Rates: Quick support for free, support for private users for low charges, but depending on capacity. Professional service with current local market rates according to staff certification levels.

Name: Josef Ender
Company: ender informatics gmbh
Address: Rietlistrasse 1, CH-6345 Neuheim (Zug), Switzerland
Phone: +41-41-755-00-88
Fax: +41-41-755-34-88
Email: info@ender-informatics.ch
URL: https://www.ender-informatics.ch/
Rates: CHF 155/h
Additional Information

Name: Gilbert Robert
Company: ProLibre
Address: 18, rue des Moraines CH-1227 Genève, Switzerland
Phone: +41-22-301-5383
Fax: +41-22-301-538
Email: info@prolibre.com
URL: https://www.prolibre.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Marc SCHAEFER, ing. inf. dip. EPF
Company: CRIL
Address: Epervier 15, 2053 Cernier, Switzerland
Phone: +41-32-841-40-14
Email: info@cril.ch
URL: http://www.cril.ch/
Rates: 160 CHF/hour, or project-based rate.

Name: Reto Galante
Company: Fensterkitt Computer Support
Address: CH-2500 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
Phone: +41-79-77-23-557
Email: info@fensterkitt.ch
URL: http://fensterkitt.ch/
Rates: From CHF 75 to 100 per hour, simple requests for free.
Additional Information

Name: Tomas Pospisek
Company: Sourcepole AG
Address: Weberstrasse 5, 8004 Zürich, Switzerland
Phone: +41-44-440-77-11
Email: info -at- sourcepole -dot- ch
URL: http://sourcepole.ch/
Rates: 145 CHF/h; negotiable; non-profit and similar get specials.

Name: Félix Hauri
Company: Félix Hauri — Informaticien consultant
Address: 7, rue Centrale, 1450 Ste-Croix, Switzerland
Phone: +41 24 454 54 04
Fax: +41 24 454 54 00
Email: hauri@f-hauri.ch
URL: https://www.f-hauri.ch/root/offres.html
Rates: 158 CHF/hour, or offer-based.

Name: Arne Wichmann
Address: Beckenstrasse 6, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
Phone: +49-162-4752939
Email: aw@linux.de
Rates: 40 EUR/h for interesting free-software only projects, typical rates 70 EUR/h.

Name: Luca Capello
Address: Genève, Switzerland
Phone: +41-79-321-76-13
Email: luca@pca.it
URL: https://luca.pca.it/working/
Rates: Project and duration dependent, quick help for free. 10% of profit will be donated to Debian.

Name: Gaudenz Steinlin, Benedikt Trefzer
Address: Theaterplatz 2, 3011 Bern, Switzerland
Email: support@cirrax.com
URL: https://www.cirrax.com
Rates: Project and duration dependent, please contact for offer.

Name: Rene Petry
Company: SocialMediaPush
Address: 32 Hegnaustrasse, CH-8602 Wangen, Switzerland
Phone: +41-44-558-3733
Email: info@socialmediapush.ch
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Patrick Vavrina
Company: TuxJob
Address: 117B, route de Soral; 1233 Bernex; Geneva, Switzerland
Phone: +41-79-789-19-69
Email: patrick.vavrina@tuxjob.ch
Rates: From 60 CHF per hour (10% for Debian).
Additional Information

Name: Alex Myczko
Company: wedonthaveaprivacyproblem
Address: Switzerland
Phone: +41764367200
Email: us@wedonthaveaprivacyproblem.com
URL: https://wedonthaveaprivacyproblem.com

Name: Palazzini Francesco
Company: Palazzini Francesco
Address: Tobelhof 11, Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +39 347 95 42 452
Email: palazzini.francesco@gmail.com
URL: https://palazzinifrancesco.com
Rates: Variable depending on the location, duration and type of work.
Additional Information


Name: Murat Demirten
Company: Yeni Hayat Bilişim Teknolojileri A.Ş
Address: Dünya İş Hanı, No: 15/A Setüstü, Kabataş / İstanbul, Türkiye
Phone: +90-212-292-04-46
Fax: +90-212-292-04-93
Email: mdemirten@yh.com.tr
URL: http://www.yh.com.tr/
Rates: Negotiable for non-profit; 10% of fees will be donated to Software in the Public Interest.
Additional Information

Name: Caglar Ulkuderner
Company: Profelis Bilisim Danismanlik Ltd. Sti.
Address: Profelis, Cinnah Cad. 11/3 06680 Kavaklidere Cankaya, Ankara, Türkiye
Phone: +90 312 482 8012
Fax: +90 312 482 8040
Email: bilgi@profelis.com.tr
URL: http://www.profelis.com.tr
Additional Information

Name: Giray Pultar
Company: Parkyeri
Address: Ömer Avni Mah. İnebolu Sok. No:9/4 Setüstü Kabataş Beyoğlu 34427, Istanbul, Türkiye
Phone: +90 212 2969509
Email: danismanlik@parkyeri.com
URL: https://www.parkyeri.com/portfolio/consulting/
Rates: Contact us for quotation.

Name: Can Kavaklıoğlu
Address: Bağatur Sokak No 22 Zeytindalı Sitesi A Blok No 7, Bahçelievler Üsküdar, İstanbul, Türkiye
Phone: +90-5322542110
Email: eposta@cankavaklioglu.name.tr
URL: http://ck.name.tr/debian.html
Rates: Free for personal/non-profit if time permits, 80 TL/hour for professionals. 25% donated to Debian project.

Name: Doruk Fişek
Company: Ozgur Yazilim AS
Address: Nisbetiye Mah, Baslik Sok 2/5, Levent-Besiktas-Istanbul; Konur Sok 28/11, Kizilay-Ankara, Türkiye
Phone: +90-212-2799150, +90-312-4240133
Fax: +90-212-2799155, +90-312-4240134
Email: bilgi@ozguryazilim.com.tr
URL: https://ozguryazilim.com.tr
Additional Information

Company: INVENTRON Electronics & Information Technologies
Address: Dudullu OSB Mah. Des-2 Cad. Teknopark Binası No:8/61, Ümraniye/İstanbu, Türkiye
Email: info {at} inventron {dot} com {dot} tr
URL: http://inventron.com.tr
Rates: Negotiable. Contact us for special projects running Debian on ARM based systems.


Company: Alet
Address: Prospect Kirova 25, TC Vialaki, 3-floor, 95000 Simferopol, Ukraine
Phone: +380-99-628-15-00
Phone: +380-652-700-661
Email: sales@alet.crimea.ua
URL: https://crm-bpm.ru/
Rates: 20$ per hour.

Name: Sergey Kovalets
Address: Sarny, Ukraine
Phone: +380-63-33-55-005
Email: s@kss.pp.ua
URL: https://kss.pp.ua/
Rates: 20$ per hour. Varies.

Name: Stanislav Semenov
Company: Ainstainer Software Development Teams
Address: Bakulina 4a, Kharkov, Ukraine
Phone: +44 208 819-62-52
Email: info@ainstainer.com
URL: http://www.ainstainer.com/what-we-do/software-applications-development
URL: http://www.ainstainer.com
Rates: All our rates are custom, so please contact us to get more details.
Additional Information

United Kingdom:

Name: Mark Taylor
Company: Sirius Corporation
Address: Rivermead House, Hamm Moor Lane, Weybridge, Surrey, KT15 2SF, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-0870-608-0063
Fax: +44-01932-841-488
Email: info@siriusit.co.uk
URL: https://www.siriusopensource.com/
Rates: Varies.
Additional Information

Name: Matthew King
Company: Dagilev Consulting Ltd.
Address: Fleet, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 20 7099-8832
Email: info@dagilev.co.uk
Rates: Negotiable at 500 GBP / day (75 GBP / hour)

Name: Sam Bashton
Company: Bashton Ltd
Address: Manchester, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-161-424-9600
Email: sales@bashton.com
URL: https://www.bashton.com/

Name: Philip Hands
Company: hands.com ltd.
Address: London, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-20-85309560
Email: info@hands.com
URL: http://hands.com
Rates: 1075.00 UKP (about 1700.00 US) +VAT +expenses per day. Annual support contracts also available.
Additional Information

Name: David Goodenough
Company: David Goodenough & Associates
Address: The Old Stable, Kencot, GLOS, GL7 3QT, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-7788 140074
Email: david.goodenough@dga.co.uk
Rates: Vary according to the job.
Additional Information

Name: Ben Bell
Address: Gatwick, London, United Kingdom
Phone: 07733-113039
Email: debian -at- tyriantech -dot- com
URL: http://www.tyriantech.com/debian.html
Rates: 640 UKP / day + expenses
Additional Information

Name: Dr. Richard Mills
Company: The Linux Academy Ltd
Address: Dorset, United Kingdom
Email: rmills@the-linux-academy.co.uk
URL: http://the-linux-academy.co.uk/
Rates: £400 / day + expenses.

Name: James Penn-Dunnett
Company: Dynnocht Computer Services
Address: 83 Ben Venue Road, Cumbernauld, SCOTLAND, G68 9JE, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-1236-728490
Email: info@dynnocht.co.uk
URL: http://www.dynnocht.co.uk/
Rates: On request.

Name: Keith Edmunds
Company: Tiger Computing Ltd.
Address: Wyastone Business Park, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-1600-483-484
Email: kae@tiger-computing.co.uk
URL: https://www.tiger-computing.co.uk
Rates: Support: dependent upon package; consultancy: by agreement.
Additional Information

Name: Steve Nice
Company: Reconnix Limited
Address: Innovation House, Beacon Hill Office Park, Newark, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-1636-881200
Fax: +44-1636-703910
Email: sales@reconnix.com
URL: https://www.reconnix.com/
Rates: From £85 per hour
Additional Information

Name: Tomasz J. Kotarba
Company: SYSTEM7, University of Cambridge
Address: Cambridge, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 7588 587 617
Email: tomasz@kotarba.net
URL: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kotarba
Rates: £650/day + expenses (discounts for universities and non-profit). Long-term projects negotiable.
Additional Information

Name: Peter G. Smith
Company: Linuxbox
Address: Middlesbrough, United Kingdom
Phone: (+44) 7890 592198
Email: pete@linuxbox.co.uk
URL: https://linuxbox.co.uk/areas.php
URL: https://linuxbox.co.uk/
Rates: varies, around 30-40 GBP per hour
Additional Information

Name: Norbert Laposa
Company: Laposa Ltd
Address: 58 Howard Street, Belfast, BT1 6PJ, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 2890 328 988
Email: info@laposa.co.uk
URL: https://norbertlaposa.com
Rates: Bespoke work from £400 per day. Debian based server ongoing management from £200 per year.

Name: Adam Sweet / Adam James / Simon Bowring
Company: Transitiv Technologies Ltd
Address: Creative Industries Centre, Wolverhampton Science Park, Wolverhampton, WV10 9TG, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 203 384 7207
Email: sales@transitiv.co.uk
URL: https://www.transitiv.co.uk/services/consultancy/debian
URL: https://www.transitiv.co.uk/
Rates: Rates dependant on quantity of work and location, please enquire

Name: James Cort
Company: Bediwin Information Services
Address: Somerset, United Kingdom
Email: info@bediwin.co.uk
URL: http://www.bediwin.co.uk/services/linux-consultancy/
Rates: Agreed on a per-project basis.

Name: Reza Snowdon
Company: Vixre
Address: 1 Slingsby Gardens, Romanby, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-1609-617-887
Email: reza@vixre.co.uk
URL: https://www.vixre.co.uk/
Rates: £45 per hour.

Company: Collabora
Address: The Platinum Building, St John's Innovation Park. Cambridge, CB4 0DS, United Kingdom
Phone: +44(0)1223-362967
Fax: +44(0)1223-351966
Email: contact@collabora.com
URL: http://www.collabora.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Adam Palmer
Company: IO Digital Sec
Address: United Kingdom
Phone: +44(0)208-123-9497
Email: adam@adampalmer.me
Contact: https://www.adampalmer.me/iodigitalsec/contact-us/
URL: https://www.adampalmer.me/iodigitalsec/linux-consultant/
Rates: From £85 + VAT per hour.
Additional Information

Name: Peter Walaszczyk
Company: Albaniaot
Address: London, United Kingdom
Email: peter.walaszczyk@albaniaot.com
Rates: 40 GBP per hour.

Name: Peter Michael Green
Address: United Kingdom
Email: plugwash-consultancy -at- p10link -dot- net
Rates: approx £500 per day.

Name: Chris Lamb
Address: United Kingdom
Email: chris@chris-lamb.co.uk
URL: https://chris-lamb.co.uk/
Rates: Negotiable. Special rates available for Free Software and educational projects.

Name: Dr. Phil Brooke
Company: Green Pike Ltd.
Address: Guisborough, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-7927-661556
Email: phil-debian@green-pike.co.uk
URL: https://www.green-pike.co.uk/
URL: https://www.green-pike.co.uk/areas.html#debian
Rates: Vary according to work, discounts may be offered to charities.

Name: Gordan Bobic
Company: Shattered Silicon
Address: Camberley, Surrey, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 7740 195136
Email: gordan.bobic@shatteredsilicon.net
URL: https://shatteredsilicon.net/linux-consulting/
Rates: Negotiable

Name: James Lawrie
Company: Silvermouse Ltd
Address: Manchester, United Kingdom
Email: debian-consulting@silvermouse.net
URL: https://silvermou.se/
Rates: Please contact for rates. From 400GBP per half day.
Additional Information

Name: Adam McCarthy
Address: London, United Kingdom
Email: consulting@adammccarthy.co.uk
URL: https://www.adammccarthy.co.uk/consulting

Name: Colin Watson
Company: Columbiform Ltd.
Address: Ely, United Kingdom
Email: info@columbiform.co.uk
URL: https://www.columbiform.co.uk/
Rates: Negotiable.
Additional Information

Name: Sebastian Crane
Address: North Devon, United Kingdom
Email: debian-consulting@seabass.systems
Rates: £500 per day; fixed-rate contracts negotiable.

United States:

Name: Robert Oliver
Company: OCS Solutions, Inc.
Address: PO Box 3355, Florence, AL 35630, United States
Phone: +1-256-764-4035
Fax: +1-480-247-5307
Email: sales@ocstech.com
URL: https://www.ocssolutions.com/debian-consulting/
Rates: Depending on project, call or e-mail for quotes.

Name: Mark Deason
Company: Visionary Networks
Address: 16505A SE First Street PMB 120, Vancouver, WA 98684, United States
Email: debian@visionary-networks.com
URL: https://www.visionary-networks.com/
Rates: Negotiable.

Name: Alex Adriaanse
Company: Innova Computing, L.L.C.
Address: Oklahoma City, OK, United States
Phone: +1-405-751-0270
Fax: +1-405-751-2119
Email: info@innovacomputing.com
URL: https://innovacomputing.com/services.shtml
Rates: Project-based or hourly.
Additional Information

Name: Dave Goel
Address: Atlanta, Georgia (GA) 30030, United States
Email: deego3@gmail.com
Rates: Depends on the job.

Name: Stuart Sheldon
Company: ACT USA
Address: 3533 Old Conejo Rd. Suite 103, Newbury Park, CA. 91320, United States
Phone: +1-805-370-8001
Email: sales@actusa.net
URL: https://www.actusa.net/technologies/linux
Rates: Varies based on project and location.

Name: Christoph Lameter
Company: Graphe Networks
Address: POB 478, LaGrange, IL 60525, United States
Phone: +12025965598
Email: christoph@lameter.com
Rates: $250/hr first time. Negotiable later.

Name: CJ Fearnley
Company: LinuxForce Inc.
Address: Upper Darby, PA, United States
Phone: +1-610-734-1900
Email: sales@linuxforce.net
URL: https://www.LinuxForce.net/
Rates: Job dependent.

Name: Shannon Dealy
Company: DeaTech Research Inc.
Address: Philomath, OR, United States
Phone: +1-800-467-5820
Phone: +1-541-929-4089
Email: dealy@deatech.com
URL: http://www.deatech.com/
Rates: Fixed Price or Hourly (substantial discount for open source)
Additional Information

Name: Jeremy C. Reed
Company: Puget Sound Technology
Address: Marysville, WA, United States
Phone: +1-360-658-5676
Email: info@pugetsoundtechnology.com
URL: http://www.pugetsoundtechnology.com/
Rates: Hourly-based: $80-$95/hour; incident-based: $55-$80/each (US).
Additional Information

Name: Robert Coffman
Company: Info From Data Corporation
Address: 1804 Brown Street, Akron, Ohio 44301, United States
Phone: +1-330-724-9000
Email: bcoffman@infofromdata.com
Rates: Call for current rates.

Name: Jeremy T. Bouse
Company: UnderGrid Network Services
Address: Atlanta, GA, United States
Phone: +1-678-348-0867
Email: jeremy.bouse@undergrid.net
URL: https://undergrid.net/
Rates: Negotiable depending on project.

Name: Philip Carinhas
Company: Fortuitous Technologies
Address: Austin.Tx.US, United States
Phone: +1-512-351-7783
Email: support@fortuitous.com
URL: https://fortuitous.com/
Rates: $135-190 depending on volume and retainer.
Additional Information

Company: LinuxCertified, Inc.
Address: 349 Cobalt Way, Suite #304, CA 94085, United States
Phone: +1-408-314-6700
Fax: +1-425-732-7143
Email: info@linuxcertified.com
Rates: Vary depending on the project size.
Additional Information

Name: Daniel A. Hoffman
Company: Afinitech
Address: 55 9th St, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States
Phone: 650-336-0630
Email: dh +at+ afinitech +dot+ net
Rates: Call.

Name: E. Margarete Ziemer
Company: Sine Nomine Associates
Address: 19375 Cypress Ridge Terr, Unit 714, Leesburg, VA 20176, United States
Phone: +1-703-723-6673
Fax: +1-703-729-9516
Email: leads@sinenomine.net
URL: https://www.sinenomine.net/
Rates: T&M or flat rate by project.
Additional Information

Name: Alexander Perry
Company: PAMurray
Address: PO Box 7042, Santa Monica, CA 90406-7042, United States
Email: alex.perry@ieee.org
URL: http://www.pamurray.com/
Rates: Multiple rates

Company: HermeTek Network Solutions
Address: P.O. Box 2264, Pflugerville, TX, 78691, United States
Phone: +1-866-235-1288
Email: sales@hermetek.com
URL: https://www.hermetek.com
Rates: Varies: hourly, bulk blocks, and contracts available.

Name: Dan Ouellet
Company: Ouellet Consulting, Inc
Address: 7996 Grant Court, Tallahassee, Florida, 32309, United States
Phone: (M) +1(850)510-6162, (B) +1(850)907-9757
Email: dan@danosoft.com
URL: http://sirius.danosoft.com/oci
Rates: $100 per hour - No minimum - Negotiable depending on size of contract.
Additional Information

Name: Wayne Guhan Iyer
Company: shark7llc
Address: United States
Phone: 859-4-shark7
Email: guhan.iyer@shark7.com
Rates: $75 to $150 per hour.
Additional Information

Name: Dr. Tim Lynch
Company: Psychsoft
Address: P.O. Box 232 North Quincy, MA 02171, United States
Phone: 617-471-8733
Fax: 866-420-1030
Email: sales@psychsoftek.com
URL: http://www.psychsoftek.com
Rates: $65 per hour
Additional Information

Name: Robert Treat
Company: credativ LLC
Address: 5305 Village Center Dr, Suite #254, Columbia, MD 21044, United States
Phone: +1 888-GOPGSQL
Email: info@credativ.us
URL: https://www.credativ.com
Rates: Call for rates.
Additional Information

Name: Keith Herron
Address: Boston, MA, United States
Phone: 646-543-7766
Email: keithjherron@gmail.com
URL: https://backdrift.org/aboutme
Rates: Hourly, project and monthly rates available. Please contact me for a free consultation and quote.
Additional Information

Name: Michael Compton
Company: Compton Networks Organization / Compton's Computer Services
Address: PO Box 148, Kettle Falls, Washington 99141, United States
Phone: 509-675-0417
Email: support@compton-networks.org
URL: http://www.compton-networks.org
Rates: $75/hr. Negotiable rates availible for non-profits & low income parties such as seniors and those with disabilities.
Additional Information

Name: David Retz
Company: Comware International, Inc.
Address: P.O.Box 410, Solvang, CA 93464, United States
Phone: (805) 686-1262
Email: dretz@comware.us
URL: http://comware.us/Content/linuxconsulting
Rates: US$225/hour unless otherwise by contract/project.
Additional Information

Name: Ted Jordan
Company: JordanTeam Learning LLC
Address: 23715 Mercantile Road, Ste 215, Beachwood, OH 44122, United States
Phone: 216-378-9035 (mobile)
Fax: 216-378-9476
Email: ted@jordanteam.com
URL: http://www.jordanteam.com
Rates: $2000 a week for Linux Certification Class.
Additional Information

Company: Pantek, Inc.
Address: 4401 Rockside Rd #205, Independence, OH 44131, United States
Phone: +1-216-344-1614 -or- 877-LINUXFIX
Email: support@pantek.com
URL: https://www.pantek.com/support.php
Rates: $199/hour -or- $1750 for 10 hours -or- $7500 for 50 Hours. Monthly server administration and management programs also available, please check our website for pricing.

Name: Acu Ilie Dorin Ph.D.
Company: Acu Corporation
Address: 15 east Palatine Road Ste 112, Prospect Heights, IL, United States
Phone: (507)-3582929
Email: acu@acucorporation.com
URL: http://www.acucorporation.com
Rates: $45/hour to $200/hour, depends on the project length.
Additional Information

Company: Aikidev, LLC
Address: Portland, OR, United States
Email: debian-consulting@aikidev.net
URL: https://www.aikidev.net/consulting
Additional Information

Name: John Michael Rulnick, Ph.D.
Company: Rulnick Engineering
Address: Boston MA, United States
Email: debian (at) rulnick (dot) com
URL: https://rulnick.com/
Rates: Free initial consultation; discounts for small businesses, non-profits, and educational institutions; please see rulnick.com.

Company: ScratchSpace Inc.
Address: 101 Cooper Street, Suite 218, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, United States
Phone: 831-621-7928
Email: sales@scratchspace.com
URL: https://www.scratchspace.com
Rates: Hourly, Project, and Maintenance plans available.
Additional Information

Name: Michael Bilow
Company: Bilow Computer Science, Inc.
Address: Providence, RI/Boston, MA, United States
Phone: +1-888-883-6784
Email: info@bilow.com
Rates: Hourly, with standard 40% discount for monthly retainer agreements. Discounts to bona fide, non-profits negotiable.
Additional Information

Company: Visidon, LLC
Address: P.O. Box 42100, Cleveland, OH 44142, United States
Phone: +1-216-800-4555 -or- toll free 855-LINUX-4U
Email: support +at+ visidon +dot+ com
URL: http://www.visidon.com/
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Company: RoseHosting.com
Address: 2977 Hwy K, STE 252 O'Fallon, MO 63368, United States
Email: info {at} rosehosting {dot} com
URL: https://www.rosehosting.com/debian-vps.html
Rates: *Managed Debian VPS with free 24/7 support starts from $21.95/mo * *Additional information*: Contact us if you have any questions. We are available 24/7.

Name: Chris Angulo-Bertram
Company: Angbert Enterprises LLC
Address: 9716 Orizaba Ave, Downey CA 90240, United States
Phone: (949)371-9672
Fax: (413)487-8357
Email: info@angbertenterprises.com
URL: http://www.angbertenterprises.com/IT.html
Rates: Based on project and scope.
Additional Information

Name: Nick Reiner
Company: THR Support
Email: nickreiner *at* thishosting *dot* rocks
URL: https://thishosting.rocks/support/
Rates: Please contact us to request a quote.

Company: A-Team Systems
Phone: 1-877-883-1394
Contact: https://www.ateamsystems.com/contact
Rates: $165/hour, discount for more than 5 hours.  Monthly maintenance and monitoring plans with and without 24x7 support available!

Name: Alex Morgan
Email: alex@alexwebhosting.com
Rates: Based on project and scope of work.

Company: BWH Support
Name: Alex Tew
Address: United States
Email: info@best-web-hosting.org
URL: https://best-web-hosting.org
Rates: Please contact us to request a quote.

Name: Jairo A. Garcia H
Company: THE EAGLE LABS International
Address: 6355 NW 36th St #407 Virginia Gardens, FL 33166, United States
Phone: +1 786 6050017
Email: jairo (dot) garcia (at) theeaglelabs (dot) com
URL: https://www.theeaglelabs.com/en/services.html#ethicalhacking
URL: https://github.com/chacka0101/Repository_CHackA0101/blob/master/About_Me.md
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Alex Dulub
Company: PixelPlex
Address: 520 West 28th St., Suite 31, New York, NY 10001, United States
Phone: +1-646-490-0772
Email: info@pixelplex.io
Rates: Please contact for rates.

Name: Matthew Tanner
Company: Tanner & Associates LLC
Address: United States
Email: matthew@tldus.us

Name: Anthony Ettinger
Company: Profullstack.com
Address: 16375 Bonnie Lane, Los Gatos, CA 95032, United States
Phone: 408-656-2473
Email: anthony@profullstack.com
URL: https://profullstack.com
Rates: Negotiable: $85-115/hour.
Additional Information

Name: Ozzie Love
Company: The Ozz Microsystems
Address: 2537 Texoma Dr, Oklahoma City. OK 73119, United States
Phone: +1 602-394-2416
Email: ozzie-love@outlook.com
Rates: $60.00/hour USD

Company: Linux Stans
Address: 3840 Argonne Street, Newark, DE, 19711, United States
Contact: https://linuxstans.com/contact-us
Email: contact [at] linuxstans [dot] com
URL: https://linuxstans.com/support/
Rates: Depending on the tasks. Both monthly and hourly rates are available.

Company: Linux Pro
Address: 1998 Commerce St #25, Yorktown Hts, NY 10598, United States
Email: debian@linux.pro
URL: https://linux.pro/support/tech/debian
Rates: Hourly or monthly subscriptions available.

Name: Josh Anders
Address: Charleston, SC, United States
Phone: +1-804-916-9666
Fax: +1-508-373-7223
Email: consulting@joshanders.com
URL: https://www.joshanders.com/consulting
Rates: Typically $85/hour, with discounts available to non-profits, open source projects, and other worthy causes.


Name: Anderson Guzman
Company: Pendulo Software
Address: 4ta Av. Campo Claro, Quinta Los Ríos, Venezuela
Phone: +58.212.625.07.08
Email: pendulosoftware@gmail.com
Rates: Please contact via e-mail or phone.

Company: Servicios Navasoft c.a
Name: Alexander Nava
Address: Baruta Miranda, Venezuela
Phone: +58 04124710772
Email: contacto@navasoft.com.ve
URL: https://www.navasoft.com.ve/
Rates: Please contact via e-mail or phone.

Policy for Debian's consultants page

Please see the page with information for consultants for our policy of adding or updating a listing.