Clare Dixon


Clare Dixon Here is my new webpage as I have moved to Department of Computer Science at the University of Manchester. Until June 2020 I was Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool.


My research interests include verification of robot and autonomous systems, specification and verification of systems, theorem-proving for temporal and modal and agent logics. I am a member of the Robotics and Autonomous Systems research group. I was the group leader from 2015-2017. I am a member of the Verification research group.

Here are details of projects I am or have been associated with. Current projects are listed below.

I am a member of the the Autonomy and Verification Laboratory and the Centre for Autonomous Systems Technology.

PhD Students

I have supervised (and examined) several PhD students who have now completed their studies.


Present activities include the following and past activities are also available.


Contact Details

  Clare Dixon
  Department of Computer Science, 
  The Ashton Building,
  The University of Liverpool,
  Liverpool, L69 3BX,
  United Kingdom

email CLDixon [at] liv [dot] ac [dot] uk