■Current Position:
◆Part-time Lecturer at Ritsumeikan University
■Areas of Interests
◆Ethics, Issues of People with Disabilities
■Research Theme
◆Establishment of Philosophy of "Unconditional Life Affirmation"
■Academic Achievements
◆March 15, 2015
Exceeding the Society People Fall Togther: Toward Unconditional Life Affirmation!,Chikuma Shobo, 240p. ISBN-10: 448001618X ISBN-13: 978-4480016188 1500+
[kinokuniya] ※
◆GONDO Mayumi & NOZAKI Yasunobu (Eds.) March 31, 2012
Together with Medical Devices --In Order to Live Outside of Institutions, Symposium Report "How Did You Survive the Disaster and Power Outages?: Inviting People with Intractable Diseases / People with Ventilators Living at Home in Fukushima, Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.18, 192p.※
◆June 30, 2011
Toward the Ethics of Life Affirmation: From a Perspective of Disability Studies, Hakutakusha, 216p. ISBN-10: 4768479391 ISBN-13: 978-4768479391 2310
[kinokuniya] ※
◆October 11, 2009
"Considering Disabilities Deeply and Widely" Contributing to this Website
ITO Kayoko,
KAWASHIMA Koichiro & NOZAKI Yasunobu September 27, 2009 "ALS: Affirmation of Ars Vivendi that Precedes People's Acceptance" (
Abstract in Japanese)
The 6th Annual Convention of Japan Society of Disability Studies, Ritsumeikan University
ARIYOSHI Reiko & NOZAKI Yasunobu June 6, 2009 Summary:
"Transformation of the Geriatic Healthcare Policy after the 1990s: From "Reduction of the Duration of Hospitalization" to "Earlier Hospital Discharge"" (Japanese)
The Seventh Annual Conferrence of Japan Welfare Sociology Association, Nihon Fukushi University: File:
(MS Word) (Power Point)
NAKAGUCHI Michiko & NOZAKI Yasunobu June 6, 2009 Summary:
"Geriatic Medicine and Dialysis Treatment from the 1970s to the 1990s" (Japanese)
The Seventh Annual Conferrence of Japan Welfare Sociology Association, Nihon Fukushi University File:
(MS Word)
◆February 25, 2009 "Ethical Analysis of Services and Supports for Persons with Disabilities Act",
Ars Vivendi 1:362-372
◆November 2008 "How should Ethcis Question the Norm?: Criticism of Justification of the Norm"
Kansai Ethical Studies, Kyoto University
◆July 31, 2008 "Review: Morioka Masahiro
Life Studies Approaches to Bioethics: A New Perspective on Brain Death, Feminism, and Disability",
Disability Studies Quarterly Vol.28 No.3 (2008 Summer)
Disability Studies Quarterly (
◆July 16, 2008 Report "Toward the Soceity in which Young People with Disabilities Do not Have to Get Angry"
"Considering Movements by People with Disabilities, Independent Life and Media together with Staffs of the Movie "Konkchikusho"", Ritsumeikan University
◆June 28, 2008 Report,
"Current Disability Studies in UK", Ritsumeikan University
◆June 25, 2008 Voices of Graduate Students
Homepage of Graduate School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University
ITO Michiko & NOZAKI Yasunobu June 8, 2008
"Statements of "Bedfast Old People" in Magazines on Rehabilitation in 1980s" (Japanese)
The 6th Annual Convention for Japan Welfare Sociology Association, Sophia University
◆June 7, 2008
"On Ethics/Politics and Economics over Different Bodies" (Japanese)
The 6th Annual Convention for Japan Welfare Sociology Association, Sophia University
◆April 19, 2008
"Ethics/Politics and Economics over Derrida's Thoughts and Different Bodies" (Japanese)
Study Group, Tokyo
◆January 18, 2008
"Basic Income/Welfare/I will Work/I will not Work" (Japanese)
Study Group, Doshisha University
◆December 26, 2007
"What are "Ethical Questions"?: Focusing on Necessary Distribution to Body with Disability/Aging/Disease" (Japanese)
(Study Group of Ethical Issues of the Super Aging Society "Scientific Research of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Research on Grand Design concerning Promotion of Longevity Science" Research Group of Bioethics and Ethics, Nippon Medical School
◆November 28, 2007 "Thoughts and Life Studies of Morioka, Masahiro: Viewpoints from Disability Studies"
Study Group, Osaka Prefecture University
◆November 17, 2007 "Book Review:Kato, Shuichi
Life Theory Starting from Individuals"
Tosho Shinbun 2846
http://www.nozakiy.org/ronbun/200711a.html (Japanese)
◆November 11, 2007 "Ethical Fraud and Bioethcis: Is Justification of Selection Ethical?"
The 19th Annual Convention of the Japan Association for Bioethics, Section Meeting: Self-determination, Taisho University
http://www.nozakiy.org/gakkai/200711b.html (Japanese)
◆November 3, 2007 "For Normative Theory of Abortion: How does "Unconditional Affirmation of Life" Consider Abortion?"
The 60th Annual Convention of Kansai Society for Ethics, Kyoto Women's University
http://www.nozakiy.org/gakkai/200711a.html (Japanese)
◆October 13, 2007 "Unconditional Affirmation of Life and "Theory of Justice of Boundary""
The 58th Annual Convention of the Japanese Society for Ethics, Niigata University
http://www.nozakiy.org/gakkai/200710.html (Japanese)
◆September 26, 2007 "Comment & Development on "Place of Socks" Written by Sakai, Takashi" (
Gendai Shiso July 2007 Issue)
Study Group, Osaka Prefecture University
◆September 16, 2007
"Value Judgement and Policies: Dialogue of Ethics and Economy" (Japanese)
The 4th Annual Conference of Japan Society for Disability Studies (Japanese) Symposium "Disabilities and Distributive Justice: Is Basic Income the Answer?"
◆September 16, 2007
"Toward the Solution of Dilemma: From Ethical Viewpoints" (Japanese)
The 4th Annual Conference of Japan Society for Disability Studies, Ritsumeikan University
ITO Michiko, NOZAKI Yasunobu &
TAJIMA Akiko September 16 & 17, 2007
""Statements of "Bedfast Old People" and Systems in Rehabilitation Magazines in 1970s" (Japanese)
The 4th Annual Conference of Japan Society for Disability Studies, Ritsumeikan University
◆August 15, 2007 "How should Ethics Be Questioned?"
Kora (Japanese) Numuber 2 Series (The Present State of Ethics) No.2
http://sakura.canvas.ne.jp/spr/lunakb/rinri-2.html (Japanese)
◆July 13, 2007 "On "Deciding" what "We do not Know": Considering Euthanasia and Death with Dignity from the Position of Cons"
Oda High School (Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture), Special Lecture on "Human Science"
http://www.nozakiy.org/essay/200707.html (Japanese)
◆June 23, 2007 "Who should Bear Assistance as Goods: From the Context of Assistance of People with Disabilities"
http://www.nozakiy.org/gakkai/200706.html (Japanese)
The 5th Annual Convention of Japan Welfare Sociology Association (Japanese), Tokyo Gakugei University
◆June 10, 2007
"Welfare Benefits and Basic Income" (Japanese)
Furitazu Furi (Japanese) vol.01, 282-292, Jinbun Shoin cf.
Social Policy
◆March 2007 "A Philosophical Perspective of "Unconditional Affirmation of Life": In Conformity with Disability People's Life and Survival", A Doctoral Dissertation at Osaka Prefectural University(Ph.D).
◆March 2004 "Theories of Justice and Assistance of Disabled People", A Master's Thesis at Osaka Prefectural University.
UP:July 2, 2008 REV:August 22, 2008/September 2, 2008/November 21, 2008/December 16, 2008/August 11, 2009/October 15, 2009/April 28, 2010/July 6, 2010/September 28, 2011/July 9, 2012/October 9, 2012/June 16, 2015