◆December 4, 2007 "What Is Incurable Disease?" (Lecture)
Association of Social Welfare in Sakamoto School District, Meeting on Regional Care in Sakamoto School Disctrict
◆November 5, 2007 "Family of Patients with Incurable Disease" (Lecture)
Guest Speaker, Theory of Welfare for People with Disability, Hagoromo International University
◆September 29, 2007 "Presenattion of My Experince "Incurable Disease and I""
Study Meeting, Shiga Branch, Students' Association of Distance Learning, Bukkyo University
◆September 22, 2007 "Training Session for Fostering Home-care Workers for Such as Patients with Incurable Disease: Health/Medical Care/Welfare System of Incurable Disease" (Lecture)
Kachokai (Social Welfare Corporation), Kacho College for Social Welfare
◆July 14, 2007 "Training Session for Fostering Home-care Workers for Such as Patients with Incurable Diseases: Psychology of Patients with Incurable Diseases and Understanding of their Families" (Lecture)
Kachokai (Social Welfare Corporation), Kacho College for Social Welfare
◆May 20, 2007 "The Circumstances in Shiga Prefecture"
The 1st Study Group of Action Research Project of Assistance of Severely Disabled Persons
◆March 31, 2007 "On Relationship between the Environment of Medical Treatment of Patients with ALS and Announcement: Seeking a "New View on ALS"," Birth 1:113-118
◆March 6, 2007 "Looking at the Suffering of Incurable Diseases" (Lecture)
Meeting of Ex-chairperson of Otsu shi Minsei Jidoiin Kyogikai
◆January 14, 2007 "Training Session for Fostering Home-care Workers for Such as Patients with Incurable Diseases" (Lecture)
Kachokai (Social Welfare Corporation), Kacho College for Social Welfare
◆August 3, 2006 "Introduction of Liaison Council on Incurable Diseases in Shiga Prefecture," (Report) Society of Rheumatism Cabinet Meeting
◆June 10, 2006 "Social Security in Japan: In Case of ALS Patients," (Presentation) Branch Meeting of Otsu Mothers Conference
◆November 8, 2005 "In Case of an ALS Patient," (Lecture) Ritsumeikan University
◆October 22, 2005 "Citizens Meeting to Learn Human Rights in Otsu," (Presentation) Otsu City Ogoto Elementary School
◆August 15, 2005 "Human Rights of Patients with Incurable Diseases," (Article Contributions) Magazine Buraku in Shiga
◆June 28, 2005 "5-C Hospital Ward Study Group," (Report) Municipal Hospital Otsu Nurses Incurable Diseases Ward
◆June 23, 2005 "Taking Care of an ALS Patient," (Lecture) Care Welfare Department, SEITAN Kansai Gakken Iryou Fukushi Gakuin
◆May 21, 2005 "Taking Care of an ALS Patient," (Report) Research Group for Incurable Diseases, Shiga University of Medical Science
◆April 13, 2005 "Human Rights in Problems of Incurable Patients," (Lecture) Shiga-cho Board of Education
◆August 1, 2005 "Psychology of Incurable Patients and the Family's Understanding," (Lecture) Kachokai (Social Welfare Corporation), Kacho College for Social Welfare
◆March 8, 2005 "Incurable Disease: Voices of Patients and Family," (Article Contribution in Japanese) Shiga Medical Association Shiga Medical Care Vol. 27
◆October 17, 2004 "Incurable Disease: Voices of Patients and Family," (Panel Discussion) Shiga Medical Association Symposium
◆September 8, 2004 "Incurable Disease: Voices of Patients and Family," (Presentation) Physical Therapy Department, SEITAN Kansai Gakken Iryou Fukushi Gakuin