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Yasutaka Ichinokawa

Japanese Page

*Specialities: Sociology
*Graduate School of Sociology, the University of Tokyo and after that Faculty at Meiji Gakuin University until March 1998
*Faculty at the University of Tokyo since April 1998
*Japan Society for Disability Studies
*Approves anti-legislation of euthanasia and death with dignity(2005) (in Japanese)

1.Books and Edited Books
1) October 26, 2006 Society
Iwanami Shoten, Frontier of Thoughts, 237p. 1600 ISBN:4000270060

2) January 21, 2000 Body/life
Iwanami Shoten, Frontier of Thoughts, 129p. 1200 ISBN:4000264265

2. Papers and so on
1) Feburuary 1, 2008 "Hippocrates and Modern Medical Care"
Gendai Shiso36-2(2008-2):204-218 (Special Topic:Fall of Medical Care: Economy over Life)

2) November 1, 2004 "Social Things and Medical Care"
Gendai Shiso32-14(2004-11):098-125

3) February 3, 2003 "Renee C. Fox and Genealogy of Medical Sociology"
Fox[2003:175-214]*Fox, Renee C. February 2, 2003 The Sociology of Medicine: A Participant Observer's View, Translated by Makiko Nakano, Misuzu Shobo, 220p. 2400

4) Yoshiyuki Hirono, Yasutaka Ichinokawa & Mari Hayashi (eds.) October 20, 2002 Modern History of Life Science, Keiso Shobo, 375+18p. ISBN: 4-326-15366-0 3570

5) "The Past and Present of Forceful Sterilization Operation: Germany, Sweden and Japan"
Yukiko Saito (ed.)[2002:061-075]*Yukiko Saito (ed.) September 10, 2002 Mother's Body Protection Law and we People: Systems and Society over Abortion, Decreasing Number of Multiple Birth and Sterilization Operation (Japanese)
Akashi Shoten, 271p. 2000yen+Tax

6) Yasutaka Ichinokawa (ed.) August 22, 2002 What Is Bioethics?
Heibonsha, 202p. 2400

7) August 22, 2002 "Trajectory and Challenges of Bioethics", Ichinokawa (ed.)[2002:008-020]

8) August 22, 2002 "Medical Profession", Ichinokawa (ed.)[2002:022-029]

9) August 22, 2002 "QOL", Ichinokawa (ed.)[2002:044-049]

10) April 25, 2001 "Breaking of Thoughts concerning Discrimination against Disabled People: From Experiences as Assistants", Hideto Tsuboi (ed.)[2001:229-242]
Hideto Tsuboi (ed.) April 25, 2001 Look of Prejudice: Sensitivities of Modern Japan (Japanese) Seikyusha, 242p. 1600

11) November 30, 2000 "Equipment of Medical Care: W. Griesinger's Psychiatric Medicine"
* Akira Kurihara, Yoichi Komori, Manabu Sato & Toshiya Yoshimi (ed.) November 30, 2000 Equipment: Destroying and Establishing (Intelligence that Crosses the Border No.4) The University of Tokyo Press, 317p. 2600
Kurihara, Komori, Sato and Yoshimi (eds.)[20001130:129-163]

12) Speech, Public Speech "Crossing the Century of Eugenic Society: Hansen's Disease, Civil-rights Violation and Lost 90 Years"

13) July 20, 2000 "Germany: Is Eugenics Nazism?" Yonemoto, Matsubara, Nudeshima & Ichinokawa[2000:051-106]

14) July 20, 2000 "Nothern Europe: Welfare State and Eugenics" Yonemoto, Matsubara, Nudeshima & Ichinokawa[2000:107-140]

15) April 5, 2000 "Is Welfare Society Good?" Masachi Osawa (ed.)[2000:112-117]

16) April 5, 2000 "Why do People Follow Others?" Masachi Osawa (ed.)[2000:118-123]

17) April 5, 2000 "What Is Life for the Society?" Masachi Osawa (ed.)[2000:124-129]
* Masachi Osawa (ed.) April 5, 2000 Intelligence of Sociology No.33 (Japanese), Shinshokan, 246p. 2000

18) March 25, 2000 "Book Guide The Third Empire and Euthanasia" Kikan Fukushi Rodo(Japanese) 86

19) March 1, 2000 "Over Socialization of Care" (Interview)
Gendai Shiso(Japanese)28-04(2000-03):114-125 (Special Topic: Care: Future of Welfare States)

20) January 21, 2000 Body/life
Iwanami Shoten, Frontier of Thoughts, 129p. 1200

21) October 30, 1999 "Medical Ethics" Yozo Shindo & Koichiro Kuroda (eds.) For those who Learn Medical Sociology (Japanese), Chapter 9 Sekai Shishosha, 2200yen+Tax

22) September 5, 1999 "Modern Medical Science and Medicalization of Death"

23) February 5, 2000 "Concept and Life of Social Things: Welfare State and Eugenics" Shiso (Japanese) 908(2000-02):034-064

24) August 5, 1999 "Modern Medical Science and Medicalization of Death"

25) June 25, 1999 "20th Century as the Age of Eugenics: Germany, Nothern Europe and Japan" (Special Report: Sterilization Law in Sweden and Eugenic Policy No.5) Kikan Fukushi Rodo (Japanese)83

26) May 1, 1999 "Eugenics in Welfare States: Forceful Sterilization Operation in Sweden and Japan" (Japanese) Sekai Issue of May 1999 (pp.167-176) http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ls9r-situ/ichinokawa/fukushi.html

27) March 31, 1999 "Genealogy of Eugenic Thoughts"
Jun Ishikawa & Osamu Nagase (ed.) Invitation to Disability Studies: Society, Culture and Disability (Japanese) Akashi Shoten, Chapter 2

28) August 15, 1998 "People who Had Disgrace"


*May 20, 1988 ""Medical Care Revolution" Movement in Germany in 1848" Gengo Kenkyukai, 16p.

*July 15,1988 "Medical Care as Politics: Genealogy of Medical Care in Germany" Shuronken = Gengo Kenkyukai, 14p.

*February 16, 1989 "Mr. Shoichi Ota's Comment on "Modern Phase of "Health": Health, Family and Clinic"" 3p.

*July 6, 1989 "Phase of Death in Modern Society[TAKE 2]" Yoshida's Seminar, 21p.

*1990 "Phase of Death in Modern Society: Toward Sociological Discussion on Death", Master's Thesis at Graduate School of Sociology, The University of Tokyo, 162p.

*1990 "Phase of Death in Modern Society: Toward Sociological Discussion on Death",
Abstract of Master's Thesis 14p.

*June 6, 1990 "Studies on Eugenics #1"
BS Study Group, 8p. (Introduction of Literature, Unpublished)

*January 30, 1991 "Introduction of Literature"
BS Study Group, 6p.

*February 14, 1991 "Preface of Sociology of Death: Tentative Assumption on "Passing away"" (Second Draft) 16p.

*May 10, 1991 "Phase of Death: Is Religion Superior to Medical Care?", Tamihito Yoshida (ed.)[1991:114-132]
Modern Mechanism Solved by Theories of Sociology
Shinyosha, 325p. ISBN:4788503921 2884

*November 3, 1991 "The Past and Present of Eugenics: With Emphasis on Germany" The 64th General Assembly of Japan Sociological Society

*June 5, 1991 "Probelms of Death in the Present Day" Nenpo Shakaigaku Ronshu4:81-9

*July 20, 1991 "Preface of Sociology of Death: Tentative Assumption on "Passing away"" Sociorogosu (Japanese) 15:152-168

*June 1992 "Translator's Commentary on how Germany Made Singers Silent" Misuzu375:49-58

*July 1, 1992 "Vividness: Phase of Authority" Sociorogosu (Japanese) 16:120-134

*1993 "Reconsideration of Nuremberg Code: its Present Significance" Kato & Iida(eds.)[1993:308-323]

*1993 "Vividness: Criticism of Theory of Authority: From the History of Germany's Medical Care Policies" Gendai Shiso21-12:163-179

*April 1, 1994 "Freedom toward Death?: Criticism of Medical Critism" Gendai Shiso22-4:308-329

*October 15, 1994 "Responses of Austria and Switzerland concerning Reproductive Technology: Comparative Sociology of the Policy Process" Studies Seimei, Ningen and Shakai2:55-115

*February 15, 1996 "Sex that Falls off "Seeds": Freud and Eugenics" Imago7-3:216-232

*March 8, 1996 "Historical and Sociological Discussion of Medical Ethics" Inoue and Others (eds.)[1996:1-26]
Shun Inoue, Chizuko Ueno, Masachi Osawa, Sosuke Mita & Toshiya Yoshimi (eds.) March 8, 1996 Sociology of Disease and Medical Care (Iwanami Koza Gendai Shakaigaku No.14) (Japanese)
Iwanami Shoten, 238p. 2100yen

*March 1996 "Freud's Significance in Human Science: With Emphasis on the Relationship of the Concept of "Alteration"" Meijigakuin Ronshu575 (Shakaigaku, Shakai Fukushigaku Kenkyu 99):217-242

*May 25, 1996 "Politics of Safety: Authority and Freedom in Modern Society" Osawa (ed.)[1996:89-119]

*September 1, 1996 "How should We "Understand" Euthanasia of Nazism?: Critical Comment to Mr. Waichiro Omata" Imago7-10:145-159

*September 20, 1996 "Politics over Sex and Reproduction: A Modern History of Germany" Ehara (ed.)[1996:163-217]
*Yumiko Ehara(ed.) September 20, 1996 Reproduction Technology and Gender: Feminism's Insistence No.3 (Japanese) Keiso Shobo, 409+20p. 3708

*September 20, 1996 "Supplement: Recent Movement over "the Protection Law of Eugenics"" (Adumi Tsuge, Yasutaka Ichinokawa & Shuichi Kato) Ehara (ed.)[1996:375-409] November 15, 1996 Yoshihiko Komatsu& Yasutaka Ichinokawa "Over "Seld-determination Right of Death"" (Conversation) Shukan Dokushonin2160(1996-11-15):1-3

*December 1, 1996 Waichiro Omata & Yasutaka Ichinokawa
"Modern Medical Care and Nazism: Ideology, Self-determination and Psychopathology" (Conversation) Imago7-10:145-159

*December 1997"Book Review: On Private Property" (Japanese) Shukan Dokushonin English Version

*February 1, 1998 Yasutaka Ichinokawa & Shinya Tateiwa "What We can See from Movements by People with Disabilities" (Conversation) Gendai Shiso26-2(1998-2):258-285 Included in Tateiwa[2000]

*August 15, 1998 "People who Had Disgrace" Misuzu40-8(449):014-022,033

*Dorner, Klaus 1988=September 1, 1996 Translated by Yasutaka Ichinokawa, "Seishin Byoin no Nichijyo to Nachizumuki no Anrakushi" Imago7-10:216-232

REV:July 31, 2009/August 1, 2009
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