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*Current Position:
Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University
*Areas of Interest: Biology
[Academic Achievements]
Writings (Originally in Japanese)
*"Labyrinth of Multi-cellular Organisms: Living with Death", Ars Vivendi 1:84-111, February 25, 2009
*The Nature and Human Life of Mizorogaike, Kyoto: Toward Ecosystem Management. Sunrise-shuppan, Hikone. pp.247 (Co-editors with Takemon,Y. Fujita,N., Tabata,H., Ogura,J., Murakami,O. & Kawanabe,H.)
*"Deleuzian/Guattarian Animals: Plateau Expediation of Ritornello", Koizumi, Yoshiyuki et al.(eds.) The Current Status of Deleuze/Guattari:328-361pp. Heibonsha, January 10, 2008
*Rethinking for the Conservation of Bio-communities through Modern Discourses about Biodiversity- Beyond The Idea of Biodiversity: the Philosophy of Paradise by D. Takacs. The Japanese Journal of History of Biology, No.79: 29-56.
*Historical Changes of the Epistemology on the Insects in Nature: The Great Impacts after the Translation of J.H. Fabre's Souvenirs entomologique in Japan, and Some Comments on the Anti-evolutionary Thinking. In Learning with Fabre (Eds. Yahiro,K. and Masunaga,K.): pp.99-104. Committee for Japan-France Joint Exhibition; 100th Year Anniversary since the Publication of Fabre's Souvenirs entomologique. Sapporo, Tokyo, Kita-kyushu, Kusatsu (Shiga), & Sanda (Hyogo).
*Complex Interactions among the Spider-wasps, Orb-weaving Spiders, and Parasite Flies. In Learning with Fabre (Eds. Yahiro,K. and Masunaga,K. ): pp.22-25. Committee for Japan-France Joint Exhibition; 100th Year Anniversary since the Publication of Fabre's Souvenirs entomologique. Sapporo, Tokyo, Kita-kyushu, Kusatsu (Shiga), & Sanda (Hyogo). (with Endo,T.)
*Selfish Gene's "Drive" and the Consequences: a Perspective of Burt & Trivers (2006) Genes in Conflict. In Historical, Social, and Ethical Researches of the Problems about Publicity and the Advantages of People in Life Science and Technology. (Ed. Matsubara,Y.) :pp.12-26. Report of JCSA Grant (B) in 2007.
*"Closet in Modern Speech and its Annotation", Bunmei to Gengo Kenkyuhan (eds.) Naniwadora: Pines (Collection of Collaborative Research of Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University):46-49pp.
Issued by Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
*Deleuzo-Guattarian Animals: An Exploration to a Plateau of la ritournelle. In Gille Deleuze et/ou Felix Guattari (Eds. Koizumi,Y., Suzuki,I., et Higaki,T.): pp.325-358. Heibon-sha, Tokyo.
*Historical and Epistemological Research on the Discourses and Concepts of Bio-Diversity: From Natural History to Modern Ecology. A Report of Ritsumeikan University Grant in 2005. pp.86.
*Notes on the Concept of Environment by R. Lewontin: under the Perspective for Understanding Ecological Complexity, Particularly Niche Construction Theory. In New Responsible Approaches for Theory, Ethics, and Science-Sociology to Recent Developments of Life Science and Technology. (Ed. Koizumi,Y.): pp.70-79, Annual Report of JCSA Grant (B) in 2005
*A Sympathy to the Perspective of Ecological Psychology with Some Anxieties: Book Review of Dawinian Method by Sasaki,M. d/SIGN No.11: 48-49. Ota-shuppan, Tokyo. 2006.3
*Competition and Co-existence in Ecology: Community as Interactions. In The Science and Technology of Organisms (Eds. Kubo,K. & Yoshida,M.) :pp.122-132, pp.138-168, Baifukan,Tokyo.
*Notion of Grand Design of "Ecological Transition" In The Boundary of Life. (Eds. Matsubara,Y. & Koizumi,Y.): pp.159-179. Jinbun-shoin, Kyoto.
*Recent Problems of Environments and Ecology. In The Boundary of Life. (Eds. Matsubara,Y. & Koizumi,Y.): pp.180-226. Jinbun-shoin, Kyoto.
*(Dawkins,R.) The Blind Watchmaker. Hayakawa Shobou, Tokyo. pp.521+8. (Translation with Hidaka,T., Nakajima,Y., Endo,T., & Hikida,T.)
*An Idea of the Ecological Succession as Grand Design: the Ecology and Genetics before and after 1900. d/SIGN, No,8: 128-134, Ota-shuppan, Tokyo.
*Japanese Translators and Various Readers of J.H.Fabre's Souvenir entomologiques: A Renaissance of Insect-philia, the Present and Future. In Dragonflies and the Views of Nature (Ed. Ueda,T.): pp.425-461. Kyoto University Press
*The Representations and Discourses on the Insects (mushi) in Edo Era: From the Aesthetic of Autumn Flowers to the Parody of Insects. In Dragonflies and the Views of Nature (Ed. Ueda,T.): pp.408-424. Kyoto University Press.
*The Wasps and Bees Visiting the Flowering Plants in the Sandy Field of the River Kizugawa. In General Reseaches of the River Kizugawa: Kyo-tanabe Area. (Ed. Kizugawa Research Group ): pp.455-468. The Center of River Front, Tokyo.
*Rare Species of Wasps and Bees. In Kyoto Pref. Red Data Book (General Version). Sunrise-shuppan, Hikone. (Partial work)
*Hymenoptera. In Kyoto Pref. Red Data List (Ed. Committee for Kyoto Red Data) Kyoto Prefecture, Department of Environmental Design.
*Insects/Hymenoptera. In Kyoto Pref. Red Data Book (Animal Part)(Ed. Committee for Kyoto Red Data) Kyoto Prefecture, Department of Environmental Design. (Partial Work)
*Stopping the Time? Essay 5 In The Garden of Column. JT Institute of History of Life, HP:
*An Illusion of Ammophila. Essay 4 In The Garden of Column. JT Institute of History of Life, HP:
*On Hyper-cycle: Being Cyclic Period around Tool. Essay 3 In The Garden of Column. JT Institute of History of Life, HP:
*Repeated "Surprised Box", or Paul Valéry for Thinking. Essay 2 In The Garden of Column. JT Institute of History of Life, HP:
*Mimicry or Communication: Curious Relationship between Wasps and Orchid Flowers in Far-southern Foreign Land. Essay 1 In The Garden of Column. JT Institute of History of Life, HP:
*September 21, 2008 Bricollage as a Principle of Morphogenesis. (Forthcoming) New Talk on Biological World 6. NHK C.C.Kyoto
*August 31, 2008 Exploration to Bio-Morph Land: CP Simulation to Evolution. New Talk on Biological World 5. NHK C.C.Kyoto
*July 27, 2008 Gavotte of Chromosomes: What Is Sexuality? New Talk on Biological World 4. NHK C.C.Kyoto
*July 21, 2008 Japanese Culture around Mushi (Insects or Worms): Loving Visible and/or Invisible Mushi in Detail within/without Human Body. In International Symposium on Jean-Henri Fabre (Japan-France Joint Exhibition for 100th Year Anniversary since the Publication of Fabre's Souvenir entomologique) Lake Biwa Museum, Kusatsu
*June 15, 2008 Disappearing Like a Cheshire Cat' Smile: Origins of Eukaryotic Cell. New Talk on Biological World 3. NHK C.C.Kyoto
*May 15, 2008 The World of Dawkinsian Animals. New Talk on Biological World 2. NHK C.C.Kyoto
*April 20, 2008 Earthworms as Some Metaphors in Biology. New Talk on Biological World 1. NHK C.C.Kyoto
*March 9, 2008 Re-departure of Don-Quixote: Ecological Version. Biological Story on Cultural History 6. NHK C.C. Kyoto
*February 17, 2008 Pursuing the Hip of Hippo. Biological Story on Cultural History 5. NHK C.C. Kyoto
*January 20, 2008 Method of Flying Birds. Biological Story on Cultural History 4. NHK C.C. Kyoto
*December 16, 2007 Various Tools of Insects. Biological Story on Cultural History 3. NHK C.C. Kyoto
*November 18, 2007 Changing Whales Returning to the Sea. Biological Story on Cultural History 2. NHK C.C. Kyoto
*October 21, 2007 Move away Our Usual Eye-position: Space of Edo's Natural History and the Fauna of Jaku-chu Ito. Biological Story on Cultural History 1. NHK C.C. Kyoto
*September 30, 2007 Birth of Natural History. Reading the Cultures through the Relation between Animals and Human Beings 6.NHK C.C. Kyoto.
*September 2, 2007 How do We Explain "Instinct"? Beyond Anti-evolutionary Thought of J.H.Fabre. In Symposium of Learning with Fabre at Hokkaido University Museum.
*August 19, 2007 Tree of Life and the Renaissance's Monsters. Reading the Cultures through the Relation between Animals and Human Beings 5.NHK C.C. Kyoto.
*July 15, 2007 Chaos and Natural History of Rome. Reading the Cultures through the Relation between Animals and Human Beings 4.NHK C.C. Kyoto.
*June 17, 2007 Greek Views on Nature and Aristotle's Historia Animalum. Reading the Cultures through the Relation between Animals and Human Beings 3.NHK C.C. Kyoto.
*May 20, 2007 Egyptian Animals in the Hieroglyph. Reading the Cultures through the Relation between Animals and Human Beings 2.NHK C.C. Kyoto.
*April 15, 2007 Lascaux and la pansé de savouge. Reading the Cultures through the Relation between Animals and Human Beings 1.NHK C.C. Kyoto.
*March 5, 2007 Understanding the Ecological Complexity. Reading the Cultures through the Relation between Animals and Human Beings: Some Question from Modern Biology and Ecology 6. NHK Culture Center, Kyoto.
*February 5, 2007 New Wave of Evolutionary Biology. Reading the Cultures through the Relation between Animals and Human Beings: Some Question from Modern Biology and Ecology 5. NHK Culture Center, Kyoto.
*January 15, 2007 The Construction of Phylogenetic Tree. Reading the Cultures through the Relation between Animals and Human Beings: Some Question from Modern Biology and Ecology 4. NHK Culture Center, Kyoto.
*December 18, 2006 The Origin of Life. Reading the Cultures through the Relation between Animals and Human Beings: Some Question from Modern Biology and Ecology 3. NHK Culture Center, Kyoto.
*November 20, 2006 The Concept of Gene. Reading the Cultures through the Relation between Animals and Human Beings: Some Question from Modern Biology and Ecology 2. NHK Culture Center, Kyoto.
*October 16, 2006 The Space and Time of Evolution. Reading the Cultures through the Relation between Animals and Human Beings: Some Question from Modern Biology and Ecology 1. NHK Culture Center, Kyoto.
*October 5, 2006 Phenology on Flowering Plants and the Visiting Insects in River Field of the River Kizugawa. Kizugawa Research Group Meeting, Osaka
*September 18, 2006 A Perspective of J.H. Fabre's Souvenir entomologique : The Mean of His Anti-evolutionary Attitude. Entomological Society of Japan, 45th Meeting, Symposium on Modern Entomology after Fabre, Kagosima
*March 24, 2006 Possibility of Sexual Selection via Aesthetic Play of Bowerbirds in Highland of New Guinea: or an Exploration to D/G la ritournelle. D/G Research Meeting, Kyoto
*2004 Comments from Modern Ecology. Research Meeting of K.Watanabe Group by JSCA Grant. Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto.
*December 2004 Problems of Discourse in Modern Ecology. Research Meeting of Y. Koizumi Group by JSCA Grant, Tokyo.
*November 4, 2004 Insects Visiting Flowering Plants in River Field of the River Kizugawa. Meeting of Kizugawa Research Group. Osaka.
*October 23, 2004 Phylogenic Discourse and the Logic of Researches on Behavior: Comparative Analysis and the Genealogy of Species Biology (How to Talk about Wasps II ). Research Meeting of Civirization and Language, Kyoto University.
*June 2004 The World of Birds: Albatross in the Isle Tori-shima (Flower, Bird, Wind, and Moon in 21th Century 2th Meeting). Kyoto Asny, [Creative Citizen No.81: 10-17, Kyoto City, June 2004 ] (Talk Session with Hasegawa,H. and Yokoyama,T.)
*June 14, 2003 An Excursion to Umwelten of J. Uexküll: From Streifzüge durch die Umwelten von Tieren und Menschen to Bedeutungslehre: Dialogue to Nature and to Write down Her "Score". Research Meeting of Civirization and Language, Kyoto University.
*March 20, 2003 Seasonal Phenology of the Insects Visiting Flowers in the Sand Dune, Hakoishi Beach, Kyoto. Ecological Society of Japan, 50th Meeting. [in Abstract] (with Endo,T. et al.)
*February 4, 2003 The meaning of body color: from the viewpoint of / from others and in contrast to the background. Research meeting of the Color at the Institute of Dressing Culture (by A.Fukai).
*February 1, 2003 What Is Adaptive Evolution of Organism?: An Idea of Reverse Engineering. Meeting of Chemistry Association of Kinki.
UP:July 3, 2008 REV:September 25, 2008/September 26, 2008/October 2, 2008/October 9, 2008/November 17, 2008/August 10, 2009/January 11, 2012