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Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton team up as hotel bellhops. Some interesting props, including a horse-drawn elevator. Decent gags, culminating with a classic chase scene. The movie is not a classic, but it's typical Arbuckle and Keaton and a good illustration of the kind of comedy they did together. The IMDb entry is at
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May 9, 2018 Subject:
Great stunts
Took a star off because there it seems that they just pointed the camera at the best scene - the Keaton/St. John acrobatics during the fight with the burglars.
Otherwise, this is excellent slapstick. The extras pull off good stunts, too, including a "Speed"-style step-off from a motorbike into a 'speeding' trolley car. As another reviewer noted, it's good to see Joe and Buster doing a routine; too bad their vaudeville act was never filmed.
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August 20, 2009 Subject:
not so great but okay.
This is the first Fatty-Buster film I saw. In addition to seeing the cute young Buster laughing and smiling, it was nice to discover Fatty, this great
comedian! In general, the film is not the greatest, but there are several cool scenes. My favorite one is when Buster is moping the floor and a visitor is passing by - awesome slapstick! :D Other highlight is their horse-driven elevator & what happens when something goes wrong with the horse; the bank scene and the final chase are also notable. There's no soundtrack here - I personally played old ragtimes which match the film perfectly. May I also add, I love the way the indoors scenes are tinted - adds some cool vintage feeling ;)
Reviewer:Cat Lady
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July 14, 2008 Subject:
Pretty good!
Buster Keaton, Al St. John, and Fatty Arbuckle, with a cameo by Joe Keaton to reprise one of the stage skits with Buster. Not bad! The props include a
moose's head at the Elks Head Hotel. The heroine is Ms. Cutie Cuticle, who puts Buster down because his hands are dirty. Just everything about this is funny. There are also some nicely coordinated stunts done by Al and Buster, and some very athletic work by each of them in the bank scene. St. John's routine with the horse is even funnier than Buster's similar work in "Cops." It's also surprising to see how lithe Fatty was, in spite of his girth; this shows especially in the bank and chase scenes. Oh, and Buster is smiling and laughing in this one, only to get knocked on his keester. He did maintain the straight face in the scene with his dad, but the days of the "Great Stone Face" must have come a little later than this short. The only thing missing here is a sound track. Wish I could write one -- that would make this a perfect little comedy.