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地球が静止する日 <2枚組特別編>〔初回生産限定〕 [DVD]

¥1,500 税込
ポイント: 30pt  (2%)  詳細はこちら
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DVD 初回限定生産
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フォーマット 色, 吹き替え, 字幕付き, 限定版, ドルビー
コントリビュータ キアヌ・リーブス, スコット・デリクソン, ジェイデン・スミス, ジェニファー・コネリー, キャシー・ベイツ
言語 英語, 日本語
ディスク枚数 2
メーカー Happinet


対象商品: 地球が静止する日 <2枚組特別編>〔初回生産限定〕 [DVD]
最短で3月9日 日曜日のお届け予定です
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●字幕翻訳:林完治 ●吹替翻訳:松崎広幸



  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語, 日本語
  • 梱包サイズ ‏ : ‎ 19 x 13.6 x 1.4 cm; 127 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4988142738929
  • 監督 ‏ : ‎ スコット・デリクソン
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ 色, 吹き替え, 字幕付き, 限定版, ドルビー
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2009/5/2
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ キアヌ・リーブス, ジェニファー・コネリー, ジェイデン・スミス, キャシー・ベイツ
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 日本語, 英語
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ Happinet
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B001FSKF4M
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 2










"設定やガジェットは地味だけど、シナリオの工夫で違和感のない雰囲気を創り出しています。人類と文明を消滅させるための最終兵器が群体ロボットというのがユニークですね。惜しむらくは、クラトゥが ”人間愛” 知る過程がチープなことです。もうひとひねりして欲しかった。" もっと読む

"宇宙人の演技が上手いキアヌを見る映画かな。下手な役者が多くて集中力が削がれた" もっと読む

"単純に面白かった。もう一度観たい❗️" もっと読む

"如何に人類が身勝手で強欲で破壊者なのかよくわかる作品 それはいいんだが強引な展開、強引な心理描写で強引にストーリーは進んでいく 40年前で何もわからず、ワーワー言いながら見るなら面白いかもしれんが この時代多種多様な作品があふれてる中ではB級なのは否めない..." もっと読む



"...あまりに唐突で「これでいいのか!」とツッコみたくなる。ただし「何が起こった」かは、一度見れば誰でも分かるだろう。 子供の性格が悪すぎる。観客が共感できないのはまずい。これではオチにうまくつながらない。同じ時期に作られた「宇宙戦争」によく似ている。..." もっと読む

"なかなか良かったですよ" もっと読む

"...大作の雰囲気だけ 当時は気づかなかったけど、子役はウィル・スミスの子供だったんですね。生意気なキャラ設定でウザさが目立ちました。普通は愛情もって接してもらえればいくら継母でもあそこまで反抗的な態度にはならないでしょう..." もっと読む

"...クールな主人公と凛々しいヒロインに、生意気で愚かで苛々させながらも、最後には「人類は変われるかもしれない」という可能性を体現した子役、皆良かった。個人的には、知的な深みを見せたジョン・クリーズの教授役登場が最大の、そして予想外の喜びであった。" もっと読む



"...たいしたことをやってないが、背が高いから立っているだけで様になっている。 あえて単純なストーリーにしたところがよい。宇宙人が、環境破壊で潰れそうになっている地球を救うため、地球人を滅ぼそうとする。ところがある母と子の互いを思う愛を見て、彼の心が変わる。..." もっと読む

"簡単に言えば、面白くない。没入感無い。意味が分からん。" もっと読む

"...(冒頭とOP後のキアヌは同一人物なのか、球体とは何なのか、キアヌはどこから来たのか、その他諸々)が劇中では全く掘り下げられないので、覚えるべき用語などが全く無く、何かの作業をやりながら見る分には丁度いい。私はソーシャルゲームのイベント消化の傍ら見てましたが十分内容分かる程度の映画でした" もっと読む

"人物像も状況の描写も物語の背景も矛盾だらけで雑すぎて何も感情移入できない。 こんな作品つくるくらいなら、環境問題が深刻な場所にキアヌさんつれてってドキュメンタリーとったほうが全然いいと思った。" もっと読む



"一応通して見たが内容が薄っぺらい印象でした 元が小説ということで小説をあらかじめ読んでいたらもっと意味を見出せるんだろうか・・? 無駄に出演者はかなり豪華でなんか肩透かし喰らった感。。" もっと読む

"実に薄っぺらいプロットに大物俳優使って、CF頑張ってみましたって感じ。 エイリアンのやることなすこと中途半端で計画性も低い。 最初からセントラルパークに降りた意味が不明、仲間から報告受けてただ「処置」を実行すればよかった。..." もっと読む

"中身が薄い。単純すぎる結末。" もっと読む

"星1つもつけたくない。時間返して欲しい。内容薄すぎ。何の盛り上がりもなくだらだらと同じような映像が流れるだけ。" もっと読む



"原作はとりあえず無視して今作だけを評価するとすんごいあっさーい物語。 地球の危機に対する人間の危機感の無さ、人間の傲慢さ、そしてそれを変える必要性を伝えたいんだろうけど、浅すぎて全然伝わらない。 宇宙人も何したいのかわからんし、発展した文明なはずなのに何もかもが稚拙。..." もっと読む

"半ば強引な展開が目を引くけどとても良い映画だった。" もっと読む

"...女や子供を馬鹿で迷惑な存在と描くこととか、ホラー臭とか、強引なハッピーエンドとか、ハリウッドの悪い癖が何かと顔をだす。" もっと読む

"...あのワクワク感と恐怖が皆無。そこから最後までグダグダ感が続く。キアヌのファンなので☆2つ。" もっと読む

上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

  • 2025年2月22日に日本でレビュー済み
  • 2024年9月26日に日本でレビュー済み
  • 2024年7月2日に日本でレビュー済み
    設定やガジェットは地味だけど、シナリオの工夫で違和感のない雰囲気を創り出しています。人類と文明を消滅させるための最終兵器が群体ロボットというのがユニークですね。惜しむらくは、クラトゥが ”人間愛” 知る過程がチープなことです。もうひとひねりして欲しかった。
  • 2024年10月1日に日本でレビュー済み
  • 2025年1月10日に日本でレビュー済み

    原作も知らないし、「The Day the Earth Stood Still」(地球が静止した日)を見たのは、ずいぶん昔なので、今はあまり覚えてない。

  • 2025年1月26日に日本でレビュー済み

  • 2024年12月21日に日本でレビュー済み




  • 2024年8月9日に日本でレビュー済み


  • andy
    5つ星のうち5.0 Good
    Good movie
  • Krümelmonster75
    5つ星のうち2.0 Nein, Danke
    Die Lieferung war zwar pünktlich, dafür fehlte die Film-Blu-ray, und nur die Digital Copy DVD war enthalten. Wenigstens gab es eine schnelle und unkomplizierte Rückerstattung.
  • Ozymandias Kane
    5つ星のうち5.0 Remake is superior in almost every way to the original
    The bluray copy itself is very well done, the 3 discs with sastisfying extras and out of the many covers populating the internet the one for this particular set is my favorite.

    As for the film itself, it's extremely difficult to counter momentum and 60 years of public impression, the original has to be counted as a classic, but in comparison to the 2008 film, it's difficult to see how this is so. When people continue to judge visual sci-fi as an inferior genre they can point to movies like the original and say: "if this is the best you've got..." Above all else, a "classic" must retain some resonance for audiences across time, where new interpretations can be made and the audience comes away with something (even if not originally intended). The basic story can probably never really date, no one wants nuclear war, and despite the reduction of the threat new nuclear states and thousands of warheads remain. But the 1951 movie goes further..our nuclear power will be harnessed for space travel and those weapons will threaten the galactic populace. I don't find any of it credible. Nuclear power was brand new in 1951, it was the "ultimate" power, but in the face of such obviously advanced nations in space, we'd be far behind, no threat.

    The new movie is seen by some as extolling the evils of technology, I find this simplistic...it's the responsibility of having such technology and what we are doing with it that is lacking. Yes, it suggests corporate greed, government mismanagement and most damningly, human nautre, but it does not suggest giving up on technology. Instead the new movie is more universal, it takes the dated threat of nuclear power, and make it something I thin any being on any planet might go through...the stage of wastefulness of society. It's a long history in human culture, and it goes beyond environment and into behavior. Klaatu states that planets with indigenous life are rare, so far this seems likely based on actual observational evidence, the classic Fermi Paradox (life should be plentiful, but we have no empirically solid data!!) It seems a lot more satisfying a reason for the aliens to be here..they have decades of data! They would want to preserve life. Another interesting theme in the remake: the idea that intelligent aliens have a different view of possession of land/planets. Humans are not seen as the "owners" of Earth, but part of the biosphere, one that can harm it. It is likely aliens with such views possibly do not even live on planets anymore, but in space habitats or spacecraft where their original planets are almost forgotten, but seen as important origination points for life.

    The original falters on other levels: having an alien in exact human form walk among the populace is interesting in a quiet, introspective way, but he basically does it in a few days and in one American state! In 1951 Hollywood it was better to talk about Lincoln and be truly "American" rather than universal in theme. The 2008 remake does better...Klaatu us obviously the product of previous observation on Earth, they have multiple agents on Earth. They are not humanoids at ALL, and must create a human copy to facilitate communication. This is more biologically correct, as it is unlikely aliens will look anything like us when originating in another biosphere.

    On the level of moviemaking, the original also seems out of date. The 50s trappings, the stilted dialogue, lack of cross-section of American life (not to mention the world), the moderately good FX. We can't judge classics SOLEY on how they were perceived in their time, as I mentioned a lot of those things should seem almost timeless. The original does not. Obviously the 2008 movies has better production design, better FX, and so on. Michael Rennie is ok in the role, somewhat stiff, I simply found Reeves' Klaatu more believable on several levels and his performance suited it. Jennifer Connelly also is a welcome addition and I prefer her in her role as a scientist and mom as opposed to Patricia Neal's boarding house worker.

    Technologically, Spheres have always been the most logical shape for a spacecraft in 360 degree space. I can't fault the original too much here, saucers aren't a horrible spacecraft shape either. Gort was a fascinating, almost "seamless" design, impossible to actually produce convincingly with the technology of the time. Here is where it gets good...nanotechnology is an up-and-coming but already major developmental business, especially in materials science. It deals with the ability to manufacture items from a nanoscale upwards, making products more durable, as well as a range of items never seen before. To construct such objects would require what we see in the remake: "assemblers", or in this case "nano-cloud" assemblers. While the original suggested Gort might shoot ray beams to destroy a planet. Or stomp around knocking building down, the remake uses a very quick efficient "gray goo" scenerio: reducing objects to molecular components. The goal is different too...Klaatu leaves a threat in the original, and that's it, off he goes. It's almost anti-climatic. In the remake, the nano-cloud does destroy part of the US, the threat is real. It is designed to do a job, reducing technological destruction from humans so the planet may live...and of course, in the end, the power doesnt go off for an hour it goes off until human beings can make a cleaner or more efficient way to live a technological life, or that is the assumption. In the original, well they just want to destroy us so we can't be destructive to their Pax Romana. Which brings me to another criticism...

    How many of us want to live in a police state, peace through fear of giant robots? The remake's aliens appeared to be for lack of a better term, more Zen-like..something like a Federation from Star Trek but perhaps looser. They are not machine-like or indifferent, they really seem to care about life!

    In case you thought I hadn't noticed it, yes I did say the remake did not want to make us non-technological. Yes that is what we are left with at the end of the movie...but again, I don't think that is meant to be our state, we are not wanted as a caveman throwback, we are desired as an advanced partner in the eventual union with other advanced life, this requires technology.

    All this is not to say the 2008 remake is perfect, it's not...it starts at the beginning of the movie in fact, when they gather together an elite team...to do what...be at the center of a direct hit from what they think of as an asteroid hitting NY?? There is no need for exobiologists, or mineralogists if the thing lands on their head, or if they have no idea there are aliens aboard. The child actor is somewhat more annoying than the whiney kid from the original. Aren't there supposed to be ANY average kids in movies anymore? Are they all the results of divorced families, or single parents, etc and malcontents at that? Still a movie that has John Cleese deliver a wonderful quote about us only changing at the precipice of danger (often true)with an alien that changes it's mind on Earthly destruction based on human interaction and our worthiness to continue on is worth positive mention in my book, and in a climate where post-apocalypse is the desired tale. I think eventually the movie will get a fair shake but not yet, despite a good (nearly an 8.0 ) rating on IMDB, this movie is still seen as a failure. Sad really. I consider this to be a better film than Avatar.
  • S. Farley
    5つ星のうち5.0 The Day The Earth Stood Still (DVD) (2008)
    This is a very exciting updated version of the old 1951 film, The Day The Earth Stood Still, originally starring Michael Rennie and Patricia Neal.
    In this 2008 re-make, the alien Klaatu is played by Keanu Reeves and the girl is played by Jennifer Connelly.
    In this more modern version they have gone for some amazing Special Effects, which make the story very exciting. Jennifer Connelly and her young stepson find themselves the World's only hope to prevent the Earth from being annihilated.
    It is a very good modern film, though in some ways it has lost some of the atmosphere of the original, but it is certainly an exciting watch on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
  • B. Herbert
    5つ星のうち4.0 Best movie of an intelligent alien 'invasion'! why are we often at our best when 'on the brink'?
    There are countless alien invasion movies, and this isn't Keanu's first! But this one is done in a really interesting way. Keanu (the PR rep for the aliens) talks about there being a very limited number of habitable planets in the known universe and that is why Earth is too important to allow humans to screw things up.
    It also comes out how his own race almost destroyed life on their planet before fixing the situation.

    Turns out Keanu's peeps have had 'spies' on earth for at least a human lifetime- he meets an older asian man at a restaurant to get a sit rep from him- and the man mentions how life on earth and humans have grown on him over his lifetime and he considers it home and wants to finish his life here on Earth. The whole surveillance aspect of an intelligent alien race already knowing just about everything about us by the time we 'engage' with them is thought provoking.

    Cathy Bates plays a hawkish defense secretary and her and her staff assume the aliens don't know our capabilities and haven't exhaustively surveilled our assets. The aliens have been reconnoitering us for decades and already have effective countermeasures at the ready for any of our strike capabilities, but at first they strictly act in a self-defense mode, only taking out assets that fire on them. They are seeing if we'll engage in a straight-up, collaborative dialogue with them, but we don't try to open a dialogue through official channels.
    Bates and the government try to detain and interrogate Keanu as well as to seize and attempt to reverse engineer their military hardware. They take the stance that the only possible reason for the alien presence is preparation for an attack on us, so we should act pre-emptively and with extreme prejudice!

    Jennifer Connoly plays a scientist who was brought in by the government to evaluate the situation early on. Her and her stepson end up developing an awkward friendship with Keanu, the alien. Keanu and the aliens had been here as kind of a final assessment on whether to spare humans on earth and give us a chance to fix our looming existential challenges on Earth, or to carry out a 'hostile takeover' of our assets and wipe human civilization off the face of the Earth. Connoly and her stepson, through fits and starts, end up developing a bond with Keanu which prompts him to spare the human race at the last moment.

    I found the nature of the relationships in the film were thought provoking. Bates' character is a proxy for a government that has lost any interest or ability to have a dialogue on equal footing with other parties- whether those parties are representatives of a sovereign foreign or alien nation or its own citizens. Its approach is solely based on power and force- if the government wants something from another party it simply forces the party to comply, and if another party wants something from our government unless they can force us to comply they ignore it. While those situations always exist, they rob one or both parties of dignity.

    While its true the aliens had annihilation of humans as their BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement in 'negotiations-speak!'), they were leading with an attempt at dialogue and collaboration- an approach that respects the dignity of each party. In the movie, our government had lost the need for and abilities in collaborative dialogue. It had spent so long as the super power that didn't need to be civil to other parties , even its own citizens, that when the need came to shift the social dynamics and deal respectfully and honestly with another party, our top officials couldn't even correctly assess the type of dialogue the situation required.

    This movie's depiction of the shift in the dynamics of dialogue between parties, whether government to government or government to citizens, is powerful for our world today. I believe there are a lot of collateral benefits to using a collaborative approach first even when a power approach would likely work. The bigger, complex issues are never solved by ramming through a power approach, this movie made that point well.

    The other thinking point from this movie was the quote I put in the headline (and probably got the wording wrong but the message is there!). Why do we often have to be at the cliff edge, on the precipice, before we make the best use of all our abilities and solve the difficult stuff? I know personally I sometimes need that intense deadline pressure to absolutely focus my abilities. Some call it procrastination but there is more to it than that! there's something about reaching that critical perception of pressure that focuses thought processes and makes actions efficient with little room for waste. This movie's commentary was about humans' ability to pull together in the 11th hour to stop and reverse some of our potentially existential problems like pollution, resource depletion, overpopulation, climate change, disenfranchised populations, yada, yada. No person is spared the fear from the potential wreckage from these problems- if not for themselves then for their children or children's children, and there is nothing like fear to focus productivity. we have to hope our finest hour is still to come, but soon.