Algebraic DOA Estimation and Tracking using ULV Decomposition
C.M. Coviello, L.H. Sibul, and P.A. Yoon (USA)
Blind source separation, blind beamforming, ULV decom
position, subspace tracking, direction-of-arrival estimation
Blind beamforming is an important technique that is used
to determine signal sources from the original signals mixed
with additive noise and to estimate their direction of ar
rival (DOA). Before recovering the DOA information, it is
necessary to preprocess the data matrix to decorrelate and
normalize the mixed sources before applying nonlinear al
gorithms for the signal separation. A popular choice for the
preprocessor has been based on the singular value decom
position (SVD). In this paper we propose an alternative pre
processor based on the ULV decomposition (ULVD). We
compare both in an algebraic beamformer in terms of per
formance and accuracy.
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