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Contents #1120
Documentary Box #20 (September 13, 2002) (SOLD OUT)
- Documentarists of Japan, #18: Kawaguchi Hajime
- Net Documentaries and Blockbusters in South Korea Kim So-young
- Probing a Void in Documentary Film History: The Rise and Fall of the Nippon Eigasha Jakarta Studio Okada Hidenori
- Docbox Books
Brian Winston, Lies, Damn Lies and Documentaries Kees Bakker
Garrett Stewart, Between Film and Screen: Modernism’s Photo Synthesis Jonathan M. Hall
Documentary Box #19 (April 25, 2002) (SOLD OUT)
- Documentarists of Japan, #17: Otsu Koshiro
- A Roundtable on Barbara Hammers Devotion
with Ann Hui, Sato Makoto and Abé Mark Nornes
- Towadrs a Theory of Ogawa Shinsukes Filmmaking
Ueno Koshi
- Covering Yamagata Docs Kingdom
- Docbox Books
Jane Roscoe and Craig Hight, Faking It Tochigi Akira
Patricia Rodden Zimmermann, State of Emergency: Documentaries, Wars, Democracies Wakai Makiko
Segawa Yuji, The Charm of Beauty: The Truth about Riefenstahl Okumura Masaru
Documentary Box #18 (October 3, 2001) (SOLD OUT)
- Documentarists of Japan, #16: Kuroki Kazuo
- Stefan Jarl, Environmental Filmmaker Jerry White
- A Camera without Johan van der Keuken Kees Bakker
- Docbox Books
Wu Wenguang, Document: Xianchang (Document: The Scene) Wong Ain-ling
Andy Masaki Bellows and Marina McDougall with Brigitte Berg, Science is Fiction: The Films of Jean Painlevé Hanna Rose Shell
Documentary Box #17 (June 25, 2001) (SOLD OUT)
- Interview with Helen van Dongen
- Documentarists of Japan, #15: Kubota Yukio
- The Japanese Women Filmmakers Conference Mizoguchi Akiko
- Docbox Books
François Niney, Lépreuve du réel à lécran. Essai sur le principe de réalité documentaire Bernard Eisenschitz
Sato Makoto, Dokyumentarii no chihei kitakoji Takashi
Documentary Box #16 (December 1, 2000) (SOLD OUT)
- Documentarists of Japan, #14: Kawase Naomi
- Interview with Kim Longinotto
- Three Arab Women Documentary Filmmakers Magda Wassef
- Docbox Books
Kees Bakker, ed. Joris Ivens and the Documentary Context Michael Chanan
Mori Tatsuya, A Diary of Filming A Richard A. Gardner
Jeffrey Ruoff & Kenneth Ruoff, The Emperors Naked Army Marches On Ishizaka Kenji
Documentary Box #15 (April 15, 2000) (SOLD OUT)
- Documentarists of Japan, #13: Tsuchiya Yutaka
- Documentary in the Age of Digital Reproduction
- From Small Screen to Big Screen Howie G. Severino
- The Sixteenth Jerusalem Film Festival Watabe Minoru
Documentary Box #14 (October 10, 1999) (SOLD OUT)
- A Way of Seeing Kees Bakker
- An Interview with Garin Nugroho
- Representations of Pacific Islanders in Film and Video Vilsoni Hereniko
- Documentary Film in South Asia Deepak Thapa
Documentary Box #13 (August 10, 1999) (SOLD OUT)
- Documentarists of Japan, #12: Koreeda Hirokazu
- ASIA TALKS Fujioka Asako
- Taiwan International Documentary Film Festival Report (Part1) Miyazawa Hiraku
- Taiwan International Documentary Film Festival Report (Part2) Kawaguchi Hajime
- Making Films about Social Welfare: Moving Forward and Back Again Yanagisawa Hisao
Documentary Box #12 (March 10, 1999) (SOLD OUT)
- A Discussion with Frederick Wiseman and Robert Kramer
- An Interview with Jon Jost
- Starting an Asian Cinema: Laos Past and Present Som Ock Southiponh
- 4th Sarajevo Film Festival Matsuyama Fumiko
Documentary Box #11 (January 31, 1998) (SOLD OUT)
- Transformations in Film as Reality (Part 6): On the Virtues and Limitations of Collage Paul Arthur
- Documentarists of Japan, #11: Oki Hiroyuki
- Chinese Documentary at Home in the World Chris Berry