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"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)
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July 6, 2016
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Artist | Track | Album | Label | Year | Format | Approx. start time |
us steel cello ensemble | song of the steel cello | sounds of nothing | art supermarket records | 1976 | LP | 0:00:00 (Pop-up) |
joseph bertolozzi | evening harmonies | tower music | innova | 2016 | CD | 0:23:20 (Pop-up) |
claire m. singer | ceo | solas | touch | 2016 | CD | 0:26:49 (Pop-up) |
johnny cole & wg tyson | the rain | the sea/the rain: an album for lovwrs | ear records | LP | 0:33:04 (Pop-up) | |
andrew bernstein | black noise | the great outdoors | ehse | 2016 | LP | 0:44:18 (Pop-up) |
peter michael hamel | storm over asia and calm | aura | wergo | 1972/1981 | LP | 0:48:50 (Pop-up) |
ytamo | hamon | mi wo | someone good | 2016 | CD | 0:55:38 (Pop-up) |
peder mannerfelt | omande | the swedish congo record | archives interieures | 2015 | CD | 1:00:02 (Pop-up) |
jd emmanuel | 7 note trance | electronic minimal music | black sweat | CD | 1:09:48 (Pop-up) | |
carlos nino and friends | alice's chord (live) | flutes, echoes, it's all happening! | leaving | 2016 | CD | 1:18:17 (Pop-up) |
lucia hwong | the spell | house of sleeping beauties | private music | 1985 | LP | 1:23:12 (Pop-up) |
phil manzanera | bogota | primitive guitar | editions eg | 1982 | LP | 1:27:36 (Pop-up) |
steve hiett | by the pool / roll over, beethoven -out of the beach | down on the road by the beach | cbs/ sony | 1983 | LP | 1:32:43 (Pop-up) |
chuck johnson | everything at once | velvet arc | trouble in mind | 2016 | LP | 1:41:02 (Pop-up) |
steve kilby | a love letter from sydney | earthed | ryko | 1988 | LP | 1:44:53 (Pop-up) |
the moles | home for the hobos | tonight's music | fire | 2016 | CD | 1:46:55 (Pop-up) |
lee hazelwood | home (i'm home) | it's cause and cure | LITA | LP | 1:48:57 (Pop-up) | |
rhys chatham | whitechapel brass variations | pythagorean dream | foom | 2016 | CD | 1:58:01 (Pop-up) |
dead c | sky | harsh 70's reality | siltbreeze | 1992 | LP | 2:11:46 (Pop-up) |
kristin thora haraldsdottir | dropped | vdsq -solo acoustic vol. 14 | vdsq | 2016 | LP | 2:15:42 (Pop-up) |
chris weisman | walls of a house cat | play sharp to me | feeding tube | 2016 | LP | 2:18:33 (Pop-up) |
ben watt | lucky one / empty bottles | north marine drive | cherry red | 1983 | LP | 2:25:37 (Pop-up) |
william tyler | the great unwind | modern country | merge | 2016 | LP | 2:33:23 (Pop-up) |
the lavender flu | i know fear | heavy air | holy mountain | 2016 | LP | 2:41:20 (Pop-up) |
david nance | unamused | more than enough | ba da bing | 2016 | LP | 2:43:49 (Pop-up) |
robert kidney | blue collar | jackleg | exit stencil | 2016 | LP | 2:46:18 (Pop-up) |
david nance | side of hell | more than enough | badabing | 2016 | LP | 2:58:10 (Pop-up) |
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Listener comments!
George of Troy:
Mark R:
Sem Chumbo:
John Allen:
John Allen:
Sem Chumbo:
Or maybe I'm just projecting:-D
George of Troy:
Cooh John:
Sem Chumbo:
Thanks John, catch you next time, for more spins I've never heard before. This show is so very broadening. Later.
Lawrence Stevenson:
Marcel M:
Howard F:
John Allen:
John Allen:
Wild Neil:
Wild Neil:
John Allen:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Wild Neil:
AnAnonymousParty-yeah it was like crtl-U but it occurpied a split screen at the bottom. Just a random keyhit I guess...
Marcel M:
Morning Bob.
thanks john!
Cheri Pi:
John Allen: